Secure Electronic Health Record System Based on Online/Offline
KP-ABE in the Cloud
Kun Liu
School of Mathematics and Information Science, Guangzhou University, 230 Guangzhou University City Outer Ring Road,
Guangzhou, P.R. China
Electronic Health Record, Online/Offline Key-policy Attribute-based Encryption, Cloud Computing.
Online electronic health record(EHR) enables patients to centrally manage the own medical records, which
greatly facilitates the storage, access and sharing of personal health data. With the emergence of cloud com-
puting, it has succeeded in attracting attention and transferring their EHR applications to an efficient system
for storing and accessing data. However, due to lose physically control of personal data in a cloud computing
circumstance, it brings about a serious privacy problem for the data owner. Therefore, cryptography schemes
offering a more suitable solution for enforcing access policies based on user attributes are needed. We have
proposed a framework with fine-grained access control mechanism that protects electronic health data in va-
rieties of devices, including smart mobile device. We make EHR security through designing online/offline
key policy attribute-based encryption scheme which is an extension of identify-based encryption (IBE). This
scheme can provide fine-grain access policy and efficiency for users’ data. Especially, it’s greatly reducing
complexity and computational of encryption and key generation.
Alone with progressively advanced of technology de-
velopment, it brings more convenient to the whole so-
ciety. At present, people is available to use majority
kinds of portable equipment, which equip full acces-
sing control performance, to administer their body’s
medical and health information. Everyone is avai-
lable to observe themselves health records to great
understand body situations bypassing their common
action and exercise training, conveniently catching
whether health maintains good conditions or not at
any time. Technically, a personal health device has
to necessitate the interaction of health records, as the
data results are cared about by user with analyzing
in the storage center. Consequently, those services
permit a person to generate, manage and manipulate
health records through the Internet anywhere and at
any time. The feedback of analyzing reports plays the
friend and benefit role in the process between users
and data analysis center. At the same time, users can
have overall control over their health records and be
able to effectively compare their health data with ot-
her health care providers, not just their families and
friends. In this way, physicians can take advantage of
different physiological parameters to make diagnosis
more accurate and efficient, while reducing the pa-
tient’s medical expenses.
However, the EHR system must have charge of
the burden of storage, computing and communica-
tion pressures from a growing number of user. There-
fore, its services must have powerful computing abi-
lity. Nowadays, a new computing paradigm called the
cloud has possession of the dynamic extension ability,
which flexibly connects to the network by obtaining
computing resources and services. For the reason of
its virtually unlimited and flexible storage and com-
puting ability (Fan et al., 2015), the cloud computing
has attracted much concern to research and apply in
academic and industry. It is obvious that the cloud
holds gigantic saved space and application ability to
turn into preferred data processing rather than running
in the specialized data center. Thus, the EHR system
is imperative to outsource its data and computations to
cloud for storage and calculation. In addition, it also
can heavily reduce the consumption of EHR opera-
tion. Likewise, an increasing number of patients and
physician have transformed their habits to visit EHR
system in smart mobile equipment, which is easier
access and operation than traditional methods. We
can take some applications of smart devices as an
example, such as MediTouch EHR Software, Office
Liu, K.
Secure Electronic Health Record System Based on Online/Offline KP-ABE in the Cloud.
DOI: 10.5220/0006350101100116
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), pages 110-116
ISBN: 978-989-758-245-5
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Practicum from mobile application providers.
Although we enjoy utilizing the convenience and
intellect from EHR service in the cloud, our privacy
is undergoing unprecedented menace in the process
of information processing and communication. The
EHR system and storage service have possessed a
lot of sensitive information about user privacy, which
is greatly anxious in data providers. That is to say,
the user’s sensitive data is in potentially dangerous
circumstance which they don’t know whether EHR
would be leakage in the EMR system. These are tre-
mendous security concerns that users have no way to
trust its service and fully rely on the EMR system.
That is to say, when the data is reserved in the cloud
server, the most major anxiety of users is about the
secret key management and authority issues because
they have no idea who can be authorized to visit the
data in the EHR system. At the same time, ever since
the patients uploaded and outsourced their record into
the cloud server, they have lost actual control about
their medical and health data in physical. Just be-
cause of this, those important information could have
no longer to be safely guaranteed full privacy assure.
On the one hand, due to misbehave from the cloud in-
ner servers, the patients’ private data may leak to the
outside. Such error behavior may also lead to reveal
the worthy information in personal data, including te-
lephone numbers and medical records. For instance,
The malicious adversary can utilize those personal in-
formation to recommend special medicine for seeking
illegitimate interests. On the other hand, cloud ser-
vers are more vulnerable suffering malicious attacks
from outside, which is decided by its unique features
that cloud servers calculus and store data on the open
To address the potential risks of privacy exposu-
res, EHR system needs to construct a kind of access
control mechanism that permit patients to adminis-
ter the entire control to do the selectively share their
own EHR information rather than making the cloud
encrypted the patients’ data. In this respect, the
access control of EHR should be provided in tradi-
tional way, apart from secured by the server (Benaloh
et al., 2009). Generally, any decryption key should
be generated by corresponding patient, which is avai-
lable to be distributed for authorized users. There-
fore, data owner should be granted permission to visit
and revoke their record which possesses crucial effect
to guarding data owner’s privilege to their sensitive
information while preserving their privacy (Mandl
et al., 2001). To resolve the fine-grained access cont-
rol and sharing issues, Sahai and Waters put forward
a notion of attribute-based encryption (ABE), derived
from a type of application Fuzzy-IBE scheme (Sa-
hai and Waters, 2005). ABE targets to offer fine-
grained and extensible access control to encrypt plain-
text, which is according to a kind of one to multiple
public key encryption schema attracting lots of atten-
tion to research. However, it is a significant drawback
that the computational complexity of access control
rule and account of attributes directly make a diffe-
rence of efficiency of the encryption and the key ge-
neration phases. In protecting privacy of EHR system,
these issues bring obstacles to preserving the privacy
of EMR system, which leads to increase consumption
in plaintext encryption phase and user key generation
phase (Hohenberger and Waters, 2014).
This paper aims to eliminate this security and pri-
vacy problem through constructing online/offline key-
policy attribute-based encryption scheme (OO-KP-
ABE). By comparing with the previous KP-ABE, we
split the encryption into different phases, online en-
cryption and offline encryption, which enable to de-
crease the complexity and computation of encryption
and key generation for data owner.
The remainder of this paper is arranged as follows.
We recall the related work in section 2, including the
development of EHR and OO-KP-ABE scheme. Furt-
hermore, section 3 illustrates some preliminary nation
about bilinear group, access control structure and on-
line/offline key-policy attribute. In section 4, we pre-
sent our main framework of EHR cloud system inclu-
ding security requirement and analysis. Finally, this
paper is summarized in section 5.
In order to improve patients care, safety and costs sa-
ving, health record system is undertaking to achieve
modernization for greater efficiency with advance
side by side (Buck, 2007; Kim et al., 2008; Lohr,
2009; Tripathi et al., 2009; Health et al., 2008). Com-
monly, an EHR system contains a digital record about
patients’ fundamental medical and health data that is
available to provide for authorized clinicians and staff
to create, concentrate, manage and view. In general,
Hospitals or research institutions usually have pos-
session and store only one aspect of the patient’s re-
cord. Patients and doctors are able to exert repeatedly
checking and incurring unnecessary costs in EHR sy-
We have implemented IBE scheme to encrypt data
of a single user in EHR system, after which data ow-
ner must know the user’s identity until send the en-
crypted data to the user. Previously, We constructed
an IBE scheme for individual users to encrypt data.
In other words, before data owner dispatches his en-
Secure Electronic Health Record System Based on Online/Offline KP-ABE in the Cloud
crypted personal data to user, he must know and con-
firm the identity (Boneh and Franklin, 2001). Actu-
ally, this IBE operation would not take effect when
the sending part didn’t verify the definite the user’s
identity. To solve the problem above, ABE is avai-
lable to adapt to the one to many encryption scena-
rios. Especially, there has a tremendous tendency to
use ABE for personal health record (PHR). Conse-
quently, PHR system must satisfy fine-grained access
control strategy and make efficient revocation possi-
ble, while KP-ABE can be achieve those requirements
(Yan et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2016; Li
et al., 2015). But the ciphertext length linearly incre-
ase the account of users, which also brings a heavy
burden on the computational complexity and compu-
tation of the server.
The conception of attribute-based encryption was
derived from fuzzy IBE by Sahai and Waters in (Sahai
and Waters, 2005), which was coped with by Goyal
et al at first. Then, ABE are available to allow data
owner to transmit ciphertext to users based on cer-
tainly specified access policies. Simultaneously, there
are categorized into two kinds of ABE scheme, key-
policy attribute-based encryption (KP-ABE) (Goyal
et al., 2006) and ciphertext-policy attribute-based en-
cryption (CP-ABE) (Bethencourt et al., 2007). When
correspondent ciphertext is satisfied the access cont-
rol policy connected with a specific set of attribute,
the private key can be generated accordingly. Na-
mely, the secret key is connected to access control
structure. The user can perform the decryption algo-
rithm to obtain the plaintext through a corresponding
private key whose attribute set is exclusively authori-
zed a set of the private key?s access control structure.
KP-ABE is a cryptography system based on bilinear
map and Linear Secret Sharing Schemes (LSSS). On
the other hand, the ciphertext relates the access cont-
rol policy (Bethencourt et al., 2007) in CP-ABE.
Although ABE has possession of powerful
function, there is a concern about efficiency drawback
to confine it practical application. In most ABE sy-
stem, the encryption and decryption costs grow with
the account of attributes and the complexity of access
structure. In particular, mobile devices must run en-
cryption and decryption algorithms to protect their
real-time data. The required time to run and cache
may give rise to sustain problems for limiting battery
power supply. In 2014, for sake of alleviating the cus-
tom of mobile instruments, Hohenberger et al. (Rou-
selakis and Waters, 2013) has proposed methods for
online/offline encryption in ABE setting.
3.1 Bilinear Mapping
Definition 1 (Bilinear mapping (Boneh et al.,
2004)) Let P
, P
be two multiplicative cyclic groups
of prime order p. Let g be the generator of P
. Define
a bilinear map e : P
× P
. It has the following
Bilinear: e(g
, g
) = e(g
, g
for all a, b Z
and g
, g
Non-degenerate: e(g, g) 6= 1.
If the group operation in P
and the bilinear map e are
both computable, the multiplicative cyclic group P
a bilinear group. It is a remarkable fact that the map e
is symmetric since e(g
, g
) = e(g
, g
= e(g
, g
3.2 Access Structure
Definition 2 (Access Structure (Beimel, 1996)) Let
U = {U
, U
, ··· , U
} be a set of parties. A col-
lection A 2
is monotone if B, C, if
B A and B C denote C A. An access structure
is a monotone collection A of non-empty subsets of
, U
, ··· , U
} (that is A 2
\ φ). The
sets in A are called the authorized sets, and the sets
not in A are called the unauthorized sets.
The access structure A plays a vital role in authori-
zing sets of attribute in our context. We constrict it as
monotone access structures, formally.
3.3 Online/Offline KP-ABE Scheme
We illustrate the KP-ABE schema with online/offline
encryption (Hohenberger and Waters, 2014) by the
following five polynomial algorithms.
Setup(λ, U ): A security parameter λ and a uni-
verse U of attributes take account into the setup
algorithm. We choose a bilinear group P of prime
order p Θ(2
).It needs stochastically choosing
generators g, h, u, w P and picking a random ex-
ponent α Z
. Then, it sets up the keys as:
PK = (P, p, g, h, u, w, e(g, g)
), MK = (PK, α).
Firstly, we suppose that the university of attributes
can be encoded as elements in Z
Extract(MK, (M, ρ)): The extract algorithm takes
the master secret key MK and a Linear Serect
Sharing Scheme access structure (M, ρ) from a
user as an input. The trusted key generation cen-
ter provides a corresponding private key SK
to give the user by working extract algorithm.
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Offline Encryption(PK): The offline encryption
algorithm just needs the encrypter to take the
public parameters PK as input. The encrypter
will engender and store an intermediate ciphertext
pool IT .
Online Encryption(PK, IT, S): During the online
encryption phase, the encrypter is available to out-
put a ciphertext CT and produce a session key key
which is kept to itself before inputting the public
parameters PK , an intermediate ciphertext pool
IT , and a set of attributes S.
Decryption(PK, CT, SK
): A user utilizes the
public parameters PK , its private key SK
access structure (M, ρ) and a ciphertext CT asso-
ciated with an attribute set S as input. It is decap-
sulated CT to recover a session key key or inputs
the distinguished symbol .
The correctness condition as well as the model for
defining the adaptive security for online/offline KP-
ABE is provided in (Hohenberger and Waters, 2014).
3.4 Security Model of OO-AB-Key
Encapsulation Mechanism
Based on hading a symmetric session key, the
key encapsulation mechanism (KEM), which is able
to use in the online/offline KP-ABE, can be uti-
lized for encrypting data with arbitrary length at
the symmetrical encryption scheme. The follo-
wing selective-set model for online/offline KP-ABE
scheme was given by Hohenberger et al. (Ho-
henberger and Waters, 2014), which illustrates the
game as follows. Initiatorily, we define that Π =
(Setup, Extract, O f f .Enc, On.Enc, Decryption) is an
AB KEM (Rouselakis and Waters, 2013) for access
structure space P, and consider the below game for
parameter λ, attribute universe U and an adversary A .
Setup: The public parameter PK is generated in
the process of a challenger running the setup al-
gorithm. Then he sends it to the adversary.
Step 1: It is necessary to initialize an empty table
T , an empty set D and an integer counter j = 0,
which is performed by the challenger. Adaptively,
the adversary is able to arbitrarily perform the fol-
lowing inquiry:
1. Create (I
): The challenger, who require to
run the key generation algorithm on I
setting j := j + 1, acquires the secret key SK
and stores the entry ( j, I
, SK) in the table T .
It is worthy noted that Create(·) operation could
be inquired again and again with the same in-
2. Corrupt (i): If there consists of an i
in table T , after that the challenger is able to
acquire the entry ( j, I
, SK) and sets D := D
and I
. It is the next to return the private key
of adversary SK. Then, it would return , if no
such entry exists.
3. Decrypt (i, CT ): When table T has an i
try in existence, the challenger could obtain the
entry the entry ( j, I
, SK). Accordingly, he
can return to the adversary the output of the de-
cryption algorithm on input (SK, CT ). Then, it
would return , if no such entry exists.
4. Challenge: In order to make all I
f (I
, I
) 6= 1, the provides a challenge value
firstly. The challenger acquires (I
, I
bypass running the algorithm Online.Encrypt
(PK, O f f line.Encrypt(PK), I
). After that,
it chooses a bit b at random. If b = 1, it se-
lects a random session key R in the session key
space and returns (R, CT
). If b = 0, it returns
, CT
) to the adversary.
Step 2: Step 1 is associated with the constrictions
that the adversary aren’t able to trivially acquire a
private key for the challenge ciphertext. Namely,
it satisfies f (I
, I
) = 1 being added to D. And
it cannot also send a decryption query about the
challenge ciphertext CT
Guess: While the adversary outputs a guess b
b, the output of the experiment is 1 if and only if
b = b
Definition 3 (Online/Offline AB-KEM Security)
For all probabilistic polynomial-time adversaries
A, there is attribute universe U if under chosen-
ciphertext attack (CPA) for the semantic security,
there exists a negligible function negl such that:
(λ, U) = 1] 6
+ negl(λ)
CPA Security. If we take away the Decrypt oracle in
both step 1 and 2, we view that a system satisfies CPA-
secure (or secure against chosen-plaintext attacks).
4.1 EHR System Illustration
The interaction between participants and EHR cloud
system is precisely illustrated through the figure 1. It
is included the health data producer, the data user and
the trusted key generation key center and the cloud
Secure Electronic Health Record System Based on Online/Offline KP-ABE in the Cloud
EMR Cloud
Send request with attribute
Data Owner
EMR User
Trusted Center
Public Key
Public Key
Master Key
3. Private Key (if pass)
Policy Decision
2. Encryption
Figure 1: System CP-ABE and workflow.
service. The framework illustrates how the data ow-
ners store their personal data.
EHR system setup: EHR system running the se-
tup algorithm requires that the trusted private key
generation center chooses a security parameter λ
to product public key PK and master secret key
MK by a random oracle model. Then, the trus-
ted center is able to transmit the public key PK to
the data owner. Consequently, the trusted center
holds the master key MK to itself.
Encryption: The traditional encryption phase is
divided into two sessions. On the offline encryp-
tion phase, the data owner runs the offline encryp-
tion algorithm to generate intermediate ciphertext
IT . Especially, IT must be store securely by the
user in the local side. On the online encryption
phase, the data owner has to run the online encryp-
tion algorithm through taking as the message M,
the public parameter PK, the assess control struc-
ture (M, ρ) and the set of attribute U into input.
After that, the user is able to outsource their cip-
hertext into the cloud.
The request: The authorized request is sent to the
trusted center by the data user, who takes as his
attributes into input. If the request would be veri-
fied into the truth, the trusted center could give a
?pass? answer to the data user. If answers were
negative, the trusted center would refuse this re-
quest from the data user.
Key Extract: If the attribute of user satisfies the
access control assess control structure (M, ρ), the
trusted center would be obtained a ”pass” ans-
wers. As a consequence, the trusted center will
run Extract algorithm of OO-KP-ABE schema to
gain the private SK. Then, it sends SK to the user
to decrypt the ciphertext CT .
Decryption phase: When the data user obtains the
positive answer, the trusted center immediately
transforms the private key to him. With taking as
privacy key and the ciphertext CT from the cloud
into input, the data user is available to compute
the message through running the decryption algo-
rithm of online/offline KP-ABE.
The data user sends an authorized request which
the mobile device data producer and medical institu-
tion, for the beginning, the trusted center utilize the
Extract algorithm to generate a privacy key SK, which
takes parameter key PK and master key MK as input.
4.2 Security Requirements
In the following, We introduce four characteristics of
the main security requirements in the EHR cloud sy-
Data Confidentiality: When electronic health re-
cord of data owner stores in the cloud, it couldn’t
be arbitrarily consulted if someone doesn’t own
private key and possess patients’ authorization.
Thus, the EHR has to be encrypted before uplo-
ading to the cloud server. Owing to encrypt data
though patients’ attribute, only someone obtains
the private key who have been authorized.
Authenticity: Data owner reserves their informa-
tion in the EHR system, which implements varie-
ties of operation in the third cloud platform. Pa-
tients don’t permit their valuable and sensitive re-
cord to be compromised and distorted by mali-
cious attackers. Hence, The cloud server has to
guarantee the authenticity of data for data provi-
der. Similarity, we can ensure the authenticity of
data for verifying the information and improving
access control in especial scheme, such as (Meng
et al., 2016; Yan et al., 2016), respectively. For
another approach, the user accesses data used to
study or treat other patients. If the patient’s EHR
is not reliable, this will be a big hidden dangers.
Privacy protection for patients: The number of
access control population should be confined by
the purpose of the visitor. According to the user’s
attribute differences, he has different access per-
missions. For instance, doctor, nurse and resear-
cher, they have possession of authority to access
data based on their usage purpose in the EHR sy-
Revocation: If a user want to revoke his attribute,
after that immediately the user will not be avai-
lable to access EHR using that attribute, known
as attribute revocation. There is another situation
users can no longer use corresponding private key
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
when the data owner makes a time limit for his
one of access control.
In this paper, we construct a scheme for uncertain
users and a fine-grained access control of EHR system
by attribute policy in the cloud. Traditional public
key encryption system is unsuitable to encrypt mul-
tiple to one or multiple to multiple situation. Previ-
ously, access control is aimed to a single known user
who only delegates a known identity. Nowadays, pe-
ople are available to record their health data in EHR
system by moving electronic devices. This function
isn’t limited by time and place, which only needs de-
vice having sufficient power and communication In-
ternet. Consequently, a semi-trusted third cloud plat-
form provides these service in our schema. Moreover,
the patient must have complete control power over
their own data, such as specifying a particular person
viewing the data set, and those who do not match the
attribute policy do not have access to the data set.
As above, the OO-KP-ABE scheme is that the pro-
mising technology should speed up the utilization of
EHR cloud platform in other related works in an elec-
tronic health field.
This work was supported by National Natural Science
Foundation of China (No. 61472091), Natural
Science Foundation of Guangdong Province for Dis-
tinguished Young Scholars (2014A030306020) and
Science and Technology Planning Project of Guang-
dong Province, China (2015B010129015).
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IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security