Enterprise Systems: The Quality of System Outputs and their
Perceived Business Value
Ahed Abugabah
Institute College of Technological Innovation, Zayed University, Department of Information Technology,
Khaleifah City Street, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Keywords: Enterprise Systems, Business Value, System Characteristics, System Quality.
Abstract: Organizations are exploring the opportunities offered by information technology to reduce cost and improve
overall performance and gain more efficiency. Enterprise Resource Planning Systems are viewed as powerful
solutions that help improve productivity, performance and overall quality. However, effective use and
beneficial outcomes from such systems are nether guaranteed nor recognized. This study aimed at evaluating
the business value of ERP systems and perceived benefits at the user level. This short paper briefly presenting
some empirical results related enterprise system impacts and benefits. The reported results in this paper are a
part of a larger project investigating business value of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPs). The
focus of this paper is on technical system factors including system features, system quality, information
quality and their impacts on business value of ERPs perceived by system users on particular aspects such as
efficiency, creativity and effectiveness.
Organizations are exploring the opportunities offered
by information technology to reduce cost and
improve overall performance and gain more
efficiency. ERP systems are viewed as powerful
solutions that help improve productivity,
performance and overall quality. However, effective
use and beneficial outcomes from ERP systems are
not guaranteed nor recognized by many
organizations. Existing research investigating ERP
investments and business value reported mixed
results. Huge performance differences have been
observed across ERP adopters, even for organizations
in the same industry that adopted the same ERP
systems from the same software vendors. This could
be for many reasons, despite the fact that prior ERP
productivity studies had their analytical rigor, they
did not include user’s factors and/or user evaluation
of productivity impacts of ERPs. They are at best
focused on firm and business environmental factors,
thereby over- looking the impact of firm-specific
features. This led to lack of research at he user level
in this area where the actual benefits are valued,
and/or ignorance of user evaluations of the ERP’s
impacts and benefits. Current research generally
considers system usage only as the dependent factor
of system impacts without considering the perceived
benefits recognized by individual users. Therefore,
this paper is an attempt to broadly understand the user
viewpoints about ERP systems and how these provide
payback at the user level.
Prior research considered organizational benefits
and impacts as a main business value of information
systems, including financial, economic and market
indicators that are usually measured at the
organizational level. However, we conjecture that the
central tool that creates and perceives the value and
benefits from ERPs is the user. Unfortunately, user
aspects such as user perception, evaluation and
requirements in general did not receive enough
attention from researchers. Furthermore, the history
of ERP systems failures was partially attributed to the
lack of fit between the systems and user needs and
task requirements. For example, previous studies
indicated that many large ERP projects fail due to the
mismatch with user requirements and the inability to
realize expected benefits and outcomes at the user
level (Ahmad and Cuenda, 2013; Abugabah et al.,
As a consequence, researchers and practitioners
have a strong desire to investigate the causes and
factors that lead to operational benefits of ERP
Abugabah, A.
Enterprise Systems: The Quality of System Outputs and their Perceived Business Value.
DOI: 10.5220/0006351203380342
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 338-342
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
systems. Thus, studying perceived business value and
benefits at the user level in ERP system environments
will help clarify the complexity of the relationship
between ERP systems and payoff of such system,
with the assumption that ERP users are the ones who
should be able to evaluate the systems and judge their
values (Addo-Tenkorang and Helo, 2011; Matende
and Ogao, 2013; Baykasoglu and Golcuk, 2017).
Accordingly, this study used perceived user
evaluation of system characteristics and system
quality as a tool to evaluate ERP systems’ business
value in enterprises.
Research on IT payoff and productivity impacts
of IT reported mixed results and in most cases these
results were anecdotal and/or equivocal (Abdul Kadir
et al., 2015; Hustad et al.2016; Parhizkar and
Comuzzi, 2017; Abugabah and Alfarraj, 2015). A
noteworthy of the main characteristics of previous
studies clear dependence on particular environment
and organizational measures and ignoring impacts
resulted on other essential aspects at the either
organizational unit levels or individual levels, such as
IT on effectiveness, quality and customer
satisfactions among others (Ahmed and Haddara,
2012; Alfarraj and Abugabah, 2017).
In the ERP context, the business value and impact
of such systems deemed to be an important research
topic that drawn a great amount of attention by both
researchers and practitioners with a strong desire to
identify the main contributions and benefits to these
systems to organizations (Bokovec et al., 2015; Ala et
al., 2010; Nwankpa, 2015).
2.1 Research Model
The current study utilized a quantitative research
approach and collected data from ERP users in the
mean of survey questionnaires in healthcare industry.
This study focuses on two main aspects of ERP
system features including information quality and
system quality and characteristics and how these
aspects contribute to unrecognized business value
from a user perspective. The study is a part of a larger
study, which was conducted in healthcare
organizations utilizing Enterprise Resource Planning
Systems (ERP) with the aim of testing the impacts
played by above mentioned factors and subsequent
measures on user evaluation of the business value of
ERPs implemented (Besik, 2006). Apart of the factors
that were investigated in the whole project are
illustrated in the figure below, representing one stage
only of the study. The study factors and their
proposed relationships in this stage are illustrated in
figure 1.
2.2 Demographics of the Sample
As shown in Table 1, a total of 387 questionnaires
were useable and were analysed for this study. The
gender distribution was different to the general
population, with 21.1% of the study sample being
male, while 72.9% were female.
Figure 1: The study model.
Enterprise Systems: The Quality of System Outputs and their Perceived Business Value
Table 1: Demographics of the sample (N=387).
Factor Classification Freq %
Usage type
Once a week
Several times a
Once a day
Regular use
with ERP
1-3 years
4-6 years
7-9 years
> 9 years
Most of the study participants were regular users
of ERP systems, using the systems on a daily basis
(77% of the study sample), while 4.4% of the
participants used the systems once a day, 12.1% of
the users used the systems several times a week and
6.5% of the users used the systems once a week. In
addition, 38.2% of the users had from 1 to 3 years’
experience with the systems, 26.9% of the users had
from 4 to 6 years’ experience with ERP systems,
26.4% of the users had from 7 to 9 years’ experience
with the systems, while only 8.5% had more than 9
years’ experience with ERP systems. This indicates
that most participants of the study have an appropriate
level of knowledge and usage of the system to
evaluate the main benefits of reflect the real business
value of these systems.
2.3 Validity and Reliability
Factor analysis was also conducted to measure scale
validity and reliability. SQ measures including
reliability, correctness, response time and integration.
As shown in Table 2, all items have high loading with
their respective factors. Thus, all items will be
included in the analysis. Reliability was measured
using Cronbach's alpha was found that all factors
have high reliability. The alpha value was reported in
brackets for each factor.
Factor analysis was conducted for information
quality measures including accessibility,
completeness and timeliness, but accuracy and
relevancy were not included in the analysis as they
were measured by two items only. The analysis was
conducted with these two items and the results
showed that these items were highly correlated, hence
they were retained. As shown in table 3, most items
have high loadings on their corresponding factors.
Two items were dropped from any further analysis as
they did not have high loadings with their respective
factors. The results indicated a high degree of validity
for items used to measure information quality and
ERP outputs.
Table 2: Results of factor analyses of SQ.
*/Factors loading ( = .78)
Integ Rel Res Corr
Integ2 .782 .198 .155 .154
Integ1 .768 .030 .167 .198
Integ3 .581 .140 .247 .257
Relia2 .143 .832 .185 .227
Relia1 .111 .669 .262 .173
Res2 .311 .321 .749 .215
Res1 .222 .245 .733 .241
Corr1 .285 .229 .210 .754
Corr2 .278 .272 .246 .596
*1. Integration, 2. Reliability, 3. Response time, 4.
Table 3: Factor analyses of IQ ( = .81).
Factors loading
( = .81)
Complet Tim
Access2 .827 .268 .228
Access1 .711 .283 .332
Complet1 .400 .500 .302
Complet2 .409 .416 .164
Tim2 .247 .253 .691
Tim1 .336 .407 .453
Similarly, factor analysis was performed for
perceived business value measures including
efficiency, effectiveness and creativity
(innovativeness). As shown in Table 4, all measures
loaded highly on their respective factors indicating a
high level of validity of the scale measures.
Table 4: Factor analysis for ERP business value.
Factors loading ( = .83)
Effici Effec Crea
Effici1 .810 .229 .253
Effici6 .785 .459 .202
Effici2 .767 .213 .363
Effici4 .765 .470 .165
Effici3 .765 .339 .241
Effici7 .745 .558 .233
Effici8 .692 .567 .276
Effici5 .655 .267 .337
Effec1 .412 .715 .434
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 4: Factor analysis for ERP business value (cont.).
Factors loading ( = .83)
Effici Effec Crea
Effec2 .449 .609 .407
Effec3 .547 .599 .383
Crea1 .256 .234 .914
Crea1 .244 .256 .833
2.4 Analysis and Findings
Regression analysis was used to assess the impacts of
system features and characteristics measures on
perceived business value of ERP recognized by users.
As shown in the 5, ERP system factors affect business
value of ERP systems significantly and positively (β
= .697, P < .01). The analysis revealed a regression
function (R = .643). ERP users indicated that system
features are critical factors that contribute to business
impacts of ERP systems. The results indicated a
significant relationship between system features and
characteristics and business value of ERP systems as
shown in table 6, confirming what DeLone and
McLean (2003) proposed in their original model
related to system impacts, and signifying the
importance of ERP technical characteristics for users
when evaluating such a system. By utilizing these
advantageous features ERP users indicated that their
task can be done easier and faster and the y are able
to provide solutions to daily routine problems more
efficiently in addition to improving their ability in
providing more creative ideas to complicated
situations as the system provides complete and full
information in timely manner.
Table 5: Results of regression analysis.
Factors* B S.E β R R
F Sig
697 .643 .586 516.4
.590 .678 .437 218
In relation to the impacts of information quality
and ERP outputs on perceived business value of ERP
systems the relationship was found significant as the
whole model was significant (F = 198, R = .678, P <
.01; R2 =. 437, β = .580), as shown in the table 5.
System outputs play a critical role in helping users
perform their job and task efficiently. The format of
the outputs, and the completeness of the information
make their performance more effective. ERP system
stratifies a firm wide information needs and
requirements and ensure that all needed information
is available to those who need it when they need it.
This becomes true as users indicated that accessibility
of the information saves time and enhances task
accomplishment. Furthermore, users also indicated
that their performance efficiency and effectiveness
have been significantly improved as a result of
information completeness and updated in a timely
The findings demonstrated that ERP systems have
significant benefits and impacts recognized by users.
The results of the analysis showed that all factors
contribute to perceived values of ERPs by users.
Previous studies indicated that SQ and IQ are very
important factors that affect benefits of use (Ifinedo
and Nahar 2006).
ERP users reported significant improvement in
process and task performed and experienced thereby
increased efficiency of their work. Furthermore,
system features contribute in enhancing quality and
efficiency and help users being creative and able to
solve problems and generate new ideas related to their
work. The results provided a satisfactory level of fit
between ERP systems and user requirements and
work needs taking into account sophisticated
characteristics of the systems. System compatibility
and integration were fount to essential for users and
help improve the impacts of the system in a
remarkable way. Therefore, system vendors and
designers should always consider such characteristics
when developing and designing the system package
in different industries to fit exactly the business
process, user needs and task requirements as well as
different types of users.
Prior research highlighted the importance of the
fact that organizations are willing to continue
implementing ERP systems, if perceived benefits
surpass perceived risks and costs. Therefore, these
organizations must look into benefits gained at the
user level and mining ERP users’ perceived benefits,
in order to evaluate the actual ERP project and their
payoff. As such, this study offers a useful approach
towards understanding the business value and
benefits of ERP systems and the payoff of system
usage at the user level by covering relatively different
factors to evaluate the actual individual impacts
received by different types of ERP users.
Enterprise Systems: The Quality of System Outputs and their Perceived Business Value
This study highlights some more clarifications
and about the potential benefits of the ERP’s outputs
for users in business organizations. This is becoming
important as organizations are spending huge
amounts and countless hours in adopting and
installing ERPs. The study is deemed to be useful in
explaining how users perceive information systems
value and draw practitioners and researchers’
attention to consider other factors such as users
beliefs, evaluation and values recognized by users
when evaluating IT implementations and projects
payoff, not only financial, economic and marketing
measures and how business values can be obtain from
ERP systems.
Like other studies, this study has some limitations.
Firstly, factors included in this study deemed to be
important. However, other factors not covered in this
study might be also important and contribute
significantly to system value and impacts such as
usage types, user jobs and managerial levels.
Notwithstanding of the relationships between ERP
systems’ factors and business value and user
evaluation, such relationships may not apply to other
environments. Therefore, it would be useful to
determine if these relationships will work in the same
way in different industries with different types of
users. Lastly, the results reported in this study and the
factors included in the study model represent only a
part of a larger undergoing project investigating the
value of ERP systems in health care organizations.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems