A Preliminary Systematic Review of Computer Science Literature on
Cloud Computing Research using Open Source Simulation Platforms
Theo Lynn
, Anna Gourinovitch
, James Byrne
, P. J. Byrne
, Sergej Svorobej
Konstaninos Giannoutakis
, David Kenny
and John Morrison
Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce, DCU, Dublin, Ireland
The Centre for Research and Technology, Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece
Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce, UCC, Cork, Ireland
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Open Source, Simulation, Simulator, Research Survey, Literature Review.
Abstract: Research and experimentation on live hyperscale clouds is limited by their scale, complexity, value and and
issues of commercial sensitivity. As a result, there has been an increase in the development, adaptation and
extension of cloud simulation platforms for cloud computing to enable enterprises, application developers
and researchers to undertake both testing and experimentation. While there have been numerous surveys of
cloud simulation platforms and their features, few surveys examine how these cloud simulation platforms
are being used for research purposes. This paper provides a preliminary systematic review of literature on
this topic covering 256 papers from 2009 to 2016. The paper aims to provide insights into the current status
of cloud computing research using open source cloud simulation platforms. Our two-level analysis scheme
includes a descriptive and synthetic analysis against a highly cited taxonomy of cloud computing. The
analysis uncovers some imbalances in research and the need for a more granular and refined taxonomy
against which to classify cloud computing research using simulators. The paper can be used to guide
literature reviews in the area and identifies potential research opportunities for cloud computing and
simulation researchers, complementing extant surveys on cloud simulation platforms.
Cloud computing is increasingly a mainstream
technology for consumers and enterprises alike.
While the market is larger and growing, the public
cloud is dominated by a small number of extremely
large cloud service providers, most notably Amazon
Web Services, Microsoft and Google (Gartner,
2016). The scale, complexity, value and
commercially sensitive nature of the technology
these hyperscale cloud providers and the datacenters
that these providers operate means that enterprises
and researchers cannot easily undertake
experimental research on these platforms. Even if
access was provided, application developers would
be stimied by their inability to contol and process the
network environment and predict and control
network conditions (Tian et al. 2015).
Thus in tandem with the rise of and interest in
cloud computing, there has been a similar increase in
cloud simulators and analysis tools. Whereas there
has been numerous survey papers on simulators and
their features, there are few papers that explore what
researchers are using these simulators for. This
paper focuses on open source cloud simulation
platforms, toolkits and extensions to those platforms.
We make a preliminary attempt to understand the
type and focus of research on and using open source
cloud simulation platforms using both descriptive
and synthetic analysis. In our synthetic analysis, we
assess the efficacy of using Rimal, Choi and Lumb’s
(2009) taxonomy of cloud computing to classify
research undertaken using cloud simulation
platforms. Finally, we seek to identify trends and
potential gaps in research in this field, and contribute
to better quality research.
Simulation of cloud computing remains an emerging
topic. Its evolution is impacted by both
Lynn, T., Gourinovitch, A., Byrne, J., Byr ne, P., Svorobej, S., Giannoutakis, K., Kenny, D. and Morrison, J.
A Preliminary Systematic Review of Computer Science Literature on Cloud Computing Research using Open Source Simulation Platforms.
DOI: 10.5220/0006351805650573
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), pages 537-545
ISBN: 978-989-758-243-1
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
developments in cloud computing technologies and
simulation technologies and techniques. As such,
extant surveys are prone to be outdated regularly.
Furthermore, extant literature surveys tend to focus
exclusively on the features and performance of
simulators, and typically those to support discrete
event simulation, and not necessarily research gaps
in the cloud computing literature. With this in mind,
this preliminary systematic literature review to
describe the current state of computer science
research on the use of simulation for cloud
computing is appropriate at this time. And while
atheoretical, such literature reviews will assist in the
transfer and assimilation of related knowledge and
understanding on the topic (Rowe, 2014).
While Rowe (2014) suggests authors aim for
complete coverage, such coverage is neither possible
nor appropriate for a conference paper. Thus, we
limit this preliminary analysis to the computer
science discipline only and only publication outlets
featured in the IEEE Xplore digital library.
Furthermore, we focus our survey only on open
source simulation platforms or toolkits for cloud
computing identified systematically from the
literature. Using a variety of terms, we identified
281 articles in relation to the topic. After further
scrutiny, the final list was reduced to 256 (Lynn et
al. 2017). Papers were omitted on the grounds that
their main focus was not specifically cloud
computing, were errata, notices, keynotes or other
documents, or were not open source. The full
reference list for these papers and associated data are
available as an online dataset at
imulation-platforms/ and is referenced herein at
Lynn et al. (2017). In line with Rowe (2014), we
present a descriptive analysis in Section 3 and a
synthetic analysis in Section 4.
In this section, we present a descriptive analysis of
literature on cloud computing simulation research in
the IEEE Xplore Digital Library between 2009 and
2016 through three key lenses: (1) year of
publication, (2) publication outlets and (3) simulator
platform or toolkit. These lenses provide insights
into the trajectory of computer science research on
this topic as well as insights into platform selection.
The first publication on cloud computing
simulation research using open source platforms
appears in 2009 with Buyya, Ranjan and Calheiros’
introduction of the CloudSim toolkit. From 2009
onwards, publications on the topic increase
consistently, largely driven by papers relating to
CloudSim or the introduction of new cloud
simulation platforms. By 2015, cloud simulation
papers using open source platforms is a regular topic
in computer science publications having grown from
2 in 2009 to 78 in 2014 (See Figure 1). This reflects
the interest in cloud computing generally and the
growth of cloud computing adoption (Markets and
Markets, 2015).
Figure 1: Cloud simulation research using open source
platforms by publication outlet and year.
Figure 1 presents a descriptive analysis from a
publication outlet perspective. This analysis shows
that the overwhelming majority of papers on the
topic in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library are
conference papers (93%). Only 18 (7%) of papers
are published in BIAI and IEEE journals or
magazines and these are relatively recent; the
earliest being 2013. This is not unsurprising given
the nascent stage of cloud computing, open source
simulation platforms and toolkits, and simulation
research on cloud computing generally.
As cloud computing is a relatively new field,
high ranking outlets dealing specifically with the
topic are scarce and those that do exist may not be
affiliated with IEEE or may require longer
turnaround times for acceptance. Given the high
number of conference papers since 2013, one would
expect a greater number of journal articles in the
coming years.
Finally, we look at publications by simulation
platform, extension or toolkit. For the purpose of
this analysis, we remove five papers that survey the
field, provide an overview, or compare one or more
simulation platforms. Of the remaining 256, 85%
(218) relate to CloudSim, extensions or derivative
simulators. Given the seminal nature of Buyya et
al.’s work on CloudSim, this is unsurprising. While
the sample features 25 simulation platforms,
extensions and toolkits, 12 are derivatives or
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 1: Total publications by open source platform, toolkit or extension by year.
Simulator, Toolkit or Extension (Base
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
CACTOS (Palladio, SimuLizar,
CDOSim (CloudSim) 1 1
CEPSim (CloudSim) 1 1
Cloud2Sim (CloudSim, AEF) 1 1
CloudAnalyst (CloudSim) 1 1 4 3 6 3 18
CloudNetSim++ 1 1
CloudReports (CloudSim) 1 1
CloudSched 1 1
CloudSim 1 1 7 9 29 43 61 37 188
CloudSimDisk (CloudSim) 1 1
CloudSimSDN (CloudSim) 1 1
CMCloudSimulator (CloudSim) 1 1
DartCSim (CloudSim) 1 1 2
DCSim(1) 1 2 4
DCSim(2) 1 1
GDCSim (Blue Tool) 1 1
GreenCloud 1 1 3 2 1 4 12
GroudSim/DISSECT-CF 1 1
iCanCloud (SimCan) 1 1 2
MDCSim (CSIM) 1 1
MR-CloudSim (CloudSim) 1 1
NetworkCloudSim (CloudSim) 1 1
SimGrid 1 2 4 7
SimIC (SimJava) 3 1 1 5
SPECI (SimKit) 1 1
WorkflowSim (CloudSim) 1 1
Total 2 4 10 19 44 53 78 46 256
extensions of CloudSim (See Table 3). Other
platforms and toolkits are introduced; however, few
have gained the traction of CloudSim; Green Cloud
lags significantly in publications with 12.
CloudSim’s dominance may be interpreted in a
variety ways. It may reflect ease of use, platform
stability, feature quality, the size of the user
community or a publication bias. It certainly
indicates CloudSim as the leading open source
platform for cloud modelling and simulation if not
the de facto standard. Of these 256, 45 papers relate
to the design, development and extension of
simulation platforms (see Table 3). The complete
reference list for these papers and associated data is
available at Lynn et al. (2017). Three platforms do
not feature in this sample (Groudsim/DISSECT-CF,
SPECI and CloudReports). The design papers for
these projects may feature in other digital libraries. It
should be noted that the overwhelming majority of
these platforms support discrete event simulations
and not continuous or real-time simulations although
Malik et al. (2014) and Aguero et al. (2015) suggest
that CloudNetSim++ and CloudSim respectively can
be used for near real-time simulations of
The remaining 211 papers in the sample relate to
the use of the platforms for research (See Lynn et al.
(2017) for complete reference list and associated
data). Again, the overwhelming majority are
undertaking research using CloudSim or derivatives
and extensions to CloudSim (92%). The increasing
use of CloudAnalyst can be explained by its utility
in providing a GUI for CloudSim.
To review the status and research trends in the
existing computer science literature on cloud
computing research using open source simulation
A Preliminary Systematic Review of Computer Science Literature on Cloud Computing Research using Open Source Simulation Platforms
Table 2: Research papers undertaking research using an open source simulation platform.
Simulator 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
1 4 2 6 3 16
1 1
1 6 9 27 43 60 32 178
3 2 4 9
1 1
2 2
2 1 3
1 1
2 6 10 36 47 70 40 211
Table 3: Research papers on the design and development of open source simulation platforms by simulator type.
Simulator Papers References
CACTOS 2 Ostberg et al. (2014); Wesner et al. (2014)
CDOSim* 1 Fittkau et al. (2012)
CEPSim* 1 Higashino et al. (2015)
Cloud2Sim* 1 Kathiravelu and Veiga (2014)
CloudAnalyst* 2 Wickremashinge et al. (2010); Mahajan and Dahiya (2014)
CloudNetSim++ 1 Malik et al. (2014)
CloudSched 1 Tian et al. (2015)
CloudSim* 10 Buyya et al. (2009); Werner et al. (2011); Long et al. (2013); Suciu et al. (2013);
Nagamani et al. (2016); Kouba et al. (2016); Pittl et al. (2016a); Pittl et al. (2016b);
Aguero et al. (2015); Chavan et al. (2016)
CloudSimDisk* 1 Louis et al. (2015)
CloudSimSDN* 1 Son et al. (2015)
CMCloudSimulator* 1 Alves et al. (2016)
DartCSim* 2 Li et al. (2012); Li et al. (2013)
DCSim* 3 Tighe et al. (2012); Tighe et al. (2013); Keller et al. (2013)
DCSim** 1 Chen et al. (2012)
GDCSim 1 Gupta et al. (2011)
GreenCloud 3 Kliazovich et al. (2010); Kilazovich et al (2012); Sharkh et al. (2015)
iCanCloud 2 Nunez et al. (2011); Castane et al. (2012)
MDCSim 1 Lim et al. (2009)
MR-CloudSim* 1 Jung and Kim (2012)
NetworkCloudSim* 1 Garg and Buyya (2011)
SimGrid 5 Bobelin et al. (2012); Hirofuchi and Lebre (2013a) Hirofuchi et al. (2013b); Lebre et
al. (2015); Hirofuchi et a. (2015)
SimIC 2 Sotiriadis et al. (2013); Sotiriadis et al. (2014)
WorkflowSim* 1 Chen and Deelman (2012)
*denotes a simulator based on CloudSim. **Two simulators called DCSim were launched in 2012 independently of each
platforms, we employ the taxonomy of cloud
computing systems proposed by Rimal et al. (2009)
to classify the 211 papers dealing with the utilisation
of simulation platforms rather than the platforms per
se. For reference purposes, the classified data is
available at http://cloudlightning.eu/dissemination/
publications/simulation-platforms/ (Lynn et al.
The taxonomic analysis undertaken in this
review includes six key elements identified by Rimal
et al (2009):
Architecture – includes private cloud, public
cloud, hybrid cloud and federated clouds.
Virtualisation management – includes any
activity related to the abstraction of logical
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
resources away from their underlying physical
Services – includes Infrastructure-as-a-Service
(IaaS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and other
servitised software.
Fault tolerance - includes simulations of
Security – includes attack simulation and
methods for enhanced security or trust.
Other – includes load balancing,
interoperability, and data storage.
The primary focus of the papers analysed was
hyperscale data center performance and typically are
indiscriminate on whether the data center is an
enterprise (private cloud) or hyperscale. It can be
reasonably assumed that the primary architectural
focus is public cloud. A small number of papers
specify explicitly the cloud architecture they are
seeking to address e.g. Canedo et al. (2012), Simao
and Veiga (2013) and Sujan and Devi (2015) have
private clouds as a specific focus and Sqalli et al.
(2012) focus on hybrid clouds. Sotiriadis et al.
address the issue of inter-cloud simulation in a series
of papers using the SimIC simulation toolkit
(Sotiriadis et al. 2013a, 2013b, and 2015) and
similarly Hamze et al. (2014) and Aazam and Huh
(2014) seek to simulate inter-cloud scenarios using
CloudSim. A further five papers address related
federated cloud simulation scenarios (Patel and
Sarje, 2012; Aazam and Huh, 2014; Aral and
Ovatman, 2015; Wen et al. 2016; Pacini et al. 2016).
The vast majority of papers in our review dealt with
some aspect of virtualisation/resource management.
For classifying papers, we employ Singh and
Chana’s high level taxonomy of resource
management (Singh and Chana, 2016).
Classifying simulation papers by resource
management is difficult due to overlapping between
various resource management concerns. Resource
scheduling is particularly prevalent; it is not
surprising that a significant number of papers seek to
address this issue as it is considered as hard as a
Nondeterministic Polynomial (NP) optimization
problem (Zhan et al. 2015). In contrast, studies using
open source simulation platforms to explore
monitoring for resource management are relatively
recent and few. An additional catch-all category was
added to capture papers simulating multiple
virtualisation stages and processes in different
contexts e.g. mobile (Li and Li, 2013; Artail et al.
2015), IOT (Shaoling et al., 2015) and
manufacturing (Dong and Jianling, 2013).
Classification of the cloud simulation literature
identified in this paper by service type does not
provide any substantial insights. Due to the nature of
the simulation platforms and toolkits available and
reviewed, the focus is primarily data centers and the
IaaS layer. Indeed, only 14 papers specifically
identify IaaS. None specify the PaaS layer, and only
two specifically identify the SaaS layer other than in
the wider layered sense of cloud computing. Two
papers, Nuaimi et al. (2013) and Zhihua (2013)
address Data-as-a-Service and Network-as-a-Service
There are few papers on fault tolerance as a
discrete topic of study within the papers reviewed.
Six papers identify fault tolerance as a focus of
study. Four (Wang et al. 2015; Goutam et al. 2014;
and Bosilca et al. 2014; Abderrahim and Choukair,
2015) have fault tolerance and fault tolerance
mechanisms as a primary focus whereas two papers
refer to improved fault tolerance as an outcome of
their architecture and algorithms respectively
(Pardesi et al. 2014; Yadav and Kushwaha; 2014).
Despite the wider focus on security in cloud
computing as a major barrier to adoption and
concern to enterprises, the general public and
policymakers, the papers reviewed did not feature a
significant number of papers on security. The seven
papers identified can be classified into five
categories: security as a system requirement (Wen et
al. 2016), attack simulations (Karthik and Shah;
2014), malicious virtual machines (Bazm et al.
2015), novel methods for secure data management
(Hani and Dichter, 2016; Xu et al. 2016; Zardari et
al. 2014; Boomija, 2016) and security education (Shi
et al. 2016).
43 papers addressed the issue of load balancing.
In cloud computing, load balancing occurs in three
stages - data center selection, virtual machine
scheduling, and task scheduling at a selected data
Figure 2: Taxonomy of Resource Management in Cloud Computing (Singh and Chana, 2016).
A Preliminary Systematic Review of Computer Science Literature on Cloud Computing Research using Open Source Simulation Platforms
Table 4: Classification of papers using open source simulators by Singh and Chana’s (2016) Taxonomy of Resource
Category Topics Papers References
Architecture Public* NA NA
Architecture Private 3 Canedo et al. (2012), Simao and Veiga (2013); Sujan and Devi (2015)
Architecture Hybrid 1 Sqalli et al. (2012)
Architecture Other 10
Patel and Sarje (2012); Sotiriadis et al. (2013a) Sotiriadis et al. (2013b); Aazam and Huh
(2014); Hamze et al. (2014); Aazam and Huh (2014); Sotiriadis et al. (2015); Aral and
Ovatman (2015); Wen et al. (2016); Pacini et al.(2016)
Service IaaS 13
Kim et al. (2011); Achar and Thilagam (2014); Abar et al. (2014); Rodriguez and Buyya
(2014); Hamze et al. (2014); Karthik and Shah (2014) Tian et al. (2015); Luo et al. (2015);
Sotiriadis et al. (2015); Pittl et al. (2015); Chowdhury et al. (2015); C. Sequin et al. (2015);
Pittl et al. (2016)
Service PaaS - -
Service SaaS 3 Achar et al. (2012); Huang et al. (2012); Zotkiewicz et al. (2016)
Sriram and Cliff (2010); Shi et al. (2011); Bose et al. (2011); Canedo et al. (2012) Patel and
Sarje (2012); Huang et al. (2012); Cao and Zhu (2013); Patel et al. (2013); Sotiriadis et al.
(2013), Tao and Dong (2013); Kord and Haghighi (2013); Masoumzadeh and Hlavacs
(2013); Achar and Thilagam (2014); Sahal and Omara (2014); Udeze et al. (2014); Lo et al.
(2014); Abar et al. (2014); Rodriguez and Buyya (2014); Cao et al. (2014); Azzam and
Huh (2015a); Aazam and Huh (2015b); Garala and Dobariya (2015); Sotiriadis et al.
(2015); Xavier et al. (2015); Fakhfakh et al. (2015a); Fakhfakh et al. (2015b); Thaman and
Singh (2015); Monil and Rahman (2015); Chowdhury et al. (2015); Rekik et al. (2015);
Alhiyari and El-Mousa (2015); Sharma and Mahrishi (2015); Chen et al. (2015); Li et al.
(2015); Xue et al. (2016); Vedova et al. (2016); Pacini et al. (2016); Ranjana et al. (2016);
Selim et al. (2016); Shidik et al. (2016); Xavier et al. (2016);
Jeyarani et al. (2010); Li et al. (2011); Taheri and Zamanifar (2011); Achar et al. (2012);
Simao and Veiga (2013); Pacini et al. (2013); Sotiriadis et al. (2013); Domanal and Reddy
(2013); Kilazovich et al. (2013); Dubey et al. (2013); Yu et al. (2013); Yun (2013);
Takouna et al. (2013); Tawfeek et al. (2013); Guerout and Alaya (2013); Jung et al. (2013);
Vijayalakshmi and Prathibha (2013); Perret et al. (2013); Hu and Yu (2013); Li et al.
(2013); Chen et al. (2013a); Chen et al. (2013b); Ru and Keung (2013); Royaee and.
Mohammadi (2013); Ming et al. (2014); Limrattanasilp and Gertpho (2014); Li et al.
(2014); Garg and Krishna (2014); Haidiri et al. (2014); Gupta et al. (2014); Rodriguez and
Buyya (2014); Yadav and Kushwaha (2014); Bagwaiya and Raghuwanshi (2014); Mathew
et al. (2014); Saxena and Chouhan (2014); Faria et al. (2014); Sharma and Bharti (2014);
Komarasamy and Muthuswamy (2014); Sahal and Omara (2014); Lou et al. (2014); Tsai et
al. (2014); Luo and Yi (2014); Malekloo and Nara (2014); Indira and KavithaDevi (2014);
Ashwin et al. (2014); Chen et al. (2015); Zhu et al. (2015); Sujan and Devi (2015);
Domanal and Reddy (2015); Tian et al. (2015); Wang et al. (2015); Sotiriadis et al. (2015);
Whittington et al. (2015); Alahmadi et al. (2015); Khedher and Jarraya (2015);
Komarasamy and Muthuswamy (2015); Rajeshwari and Dakshayini (2015); Garala and
Dobariya (2015); Bhutani et al. (2015); Saxena and Saxena (2015a); Mennour et al. (2015);
Khalili and Babamir (2015); Kumari et al. (2015); Ali and Hamad (2015); Saxena and
Saxena (2015b); Adrian and Heryawan (2015); Al-Olimat et al. (2015); Alhiyari and El-
Mousa (2015); Bruneo et al. (2015); Khanna and Sarishma (2015); Fareh et al. (2015);
Asemi et al. (2015); Tareghian and Bornaee (2015); Thanh et al. (2015); Santra and Mali
(2015); Elhady and Tawfeek (2015); Ali and Ozkasap (2016a); Ali and Ozkasap (2016b);
Zotkiewicz et al. (2016); Pacini et al. (2016); Simao and Veiga (2016); Vedova et al.
(2016); Atiewi et al. (2016); Qiu and Hwang (2016); Gupta et al. (2016); Kimpan and
Kruekaew (2016); Ettikyala and Latha (2016); Hguyen et al. (2016); Wang et al. (2016);
Nehru et al. (2016); Aslanpour and Dashti (2016)
Koushal and Johri (2013); Monil et al. (2014); Quwaider and Jararweh (2014); Abar et al.
(2014); Sotiriadis et al. (2014); Lu et al. (2015); Wang et al. (2015); Rekik et al. (2015);
Monil and Rahman (2015); Chen et al. (2015); Rajeshwari and Dakshayini (2015); Aazam
et al. (2016)
VM Placement 14
Bose et al. (2011); Guerout and Alaya (2013); Kord and Haghighi (2013); Varalakshmi and
Maheshwari (2013); Zhang et al. (2014); Malekloo and Kara (2014); Aral and Ovatman
(2015); Chowdhury et al. (2015a); Chowdhury et al. (2015b); Chavan and Kaveri (2015);
Benali et al. (2016); Ranjana et al. (2016); Alharbi and Yang (2016); Malekzai et al. (2016)
VM Migration 12
Takouna et al. (2012); Takouna et al. (2013); Masoumzadeh and Hlavacs (2013); Razali et
al. (2014); Monil et al. (2014); Yakhchi et al. (2015); Ghafari et al. (2015); Chowdhury et
al. (2015); Monil and Rahman (2015); Alhiyari and El-Mousa (2015); Selim et al. (2016);
Shidik et al. (2016); Maio et al. (2016)
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 4: Classification of papers using open source simulators by Singh and Chana’s (2016) Taxonomy of Resource
Management (cont.).
Other 20
Chen et al. (2011); Sallam and Li (2012); Shiraz et al. (2012); Dong and Jianling (2013);
Shiraz et al. (2012)); Guzek et al. (2013); Li and Li (2013); Householder et al. (2014);
Moreno et al. (2014); Chavan and Kaveri (2014); Hussein et al. (2014); Nguyen et al.
(2015); Li et al. (2015); Artail et al. (2015); Shaoling et al. (2015); Bonacquisto et al.
(2015);Yusof et al. (2015); Tsai et al. (2015); Akbari et al. (2016); Rawat et al. (2016);
Fang et al. (2016)
Fault Tolerance
Wang et al. (2015); Goutam et al. (2014); Bosilca et al. (2014); Pardesi et al. (2014); Yadav
and Kushwaha (2014); Abderrahim and Choukair (2015);
Security Security 8
Zardari et al. (2014); Karthik and Shah (2014); Bazm et al. (2015); Wen et al. (2016) Hani
and Dichter (2016) Xu et al (2016); Boomija (2016); Shi et al. (2016).
Jeyarani et al. (2010); Li et al. (2011); Rawat et al. (2012); Chen et al. (2013); Domanal
and Reddy (2013); Kliazovich (2013); Deye et al. (2013); Nuaimi et al. (2013); Goutam et
al. (2014); Domanal and Reddy (2014); Mesbahi et al. (2014); Roopa et al. (2014); Lou et
al. (2014); Bagwaiya et al. (2014); Ashwin et al. (2014); Razali et al. (2014); Dhurandher et
al. (2014); Haidri et al. (2014); Soni and Kalra (2014); Aazam and Huh (2014); Tang et al.
(2014); Aslanzadeh and Chaczko (2015); Luo et al. (2015); Domanal and Reddy (2015);
Rajeshwari and Dakshayini (2015); Garala and Dobariya (2015); Santra and Mali (2015);
Dam et al. (2015); Ghumman and Kaur (2015); Kulkarni and Annappa (2015); Panwar and
Mallick (2015); Garg et al. (2015); Sowmya et al. (2015); Yakhchi et al. (2015); Qiu and
Hwang (2016); Kimpan and Kruekaew (2016); Ye et al. (2016); Atiewi et al. (2016);
Mesbahi et al. (2016); Kumar and Kalra (2016); Ettikyala and Latha (2016); Nishad et al.
Other Interoperability 13
Sotiriadis et al (2013a); Sotiriadis et al. (2013b); Azzam and Huh (2014a); Hamze et al.
(2014); Achar and Thilagam (2014); Mahalle et al. (2015); Pacini et al. (2016); Sqalli et al.
(2012); Azzam and Huh (2014b); Sotiriadis et al. (2015); Xavier et al. (2015); Giupta et al.
(2016); Benali et al. (2016)
Other Storage 11
Bose et al. (2011); Nuaimi et al. (2013); Kaveri and Chavan (2013); Roopa et al. (2014);
Zhang et al. (2014); Quwaider and Jararweh (2014); Seguin et al. (2015); Guthmuller et al.
(2015); Xue et al. (2016); Zhou et al. (2016); Xu et al. (2016)
*The vast majority of papers address public cloud but do not necessarily specify it
center (Atiewi et al. 2016). As such it is dealt with
independently of resource management and resource
scheduling although more efficient load balancing is
often an objective of papers in both the resource
management and scheduling literature that we
reviewed. Accordingly, there may be some
misclassification or duplication in classification in
this context. It should be noted that while clustering
and load balancing are often used interchangeably
by practitioners, we have excluded papers on
clustering in our count as load balancing can occur
without clustering. There were relatively few papers
(13) addressing the issue of interoperability
specifically and these tended to focus on inter-cloud,
federation and brokerage scenarios. Even then,
interoperability may be considered a secondary goal
or rather a necessity given the context of those
studies. Similarly, there are relatively few papers
addressing storage (11). These are wider than
scalable storage and include studies on addressing
the impact of data replication (Bose et al. (2011);
Nuaimi et al. (2013); Zhang et al. (2014); Xue et al.
(2016)), distributed file systems (Seguin et al. 2015),
security (Xu et al. 2016) and wider approaches and
techniques for performance optimization (Kaveri
and Chavan (2013); Roopa et al. (2014); Quwaider
and Jararweh (2014); Guthmuller et al. (2015); and
Zhou et al. (2016)).
This paper completed a preliminary systematic
literature review of articles on and using open source
simulation platforms featured in the IEEE Xplore
digital library. We employed two complementary
analyses – a descriptive analysis and a synthetic
analysis. The synthetic analysis employed a highly
cited taxonomy of cloud computing to organise the
literature (Rimal et al. 2009). The objectives of this
paper were multifold. Firstly, we sought to organise
research on and using open source cloud simulation
platforms. Secondly, we sought to assess the
efficacy of using Rimal et al.’s taxonomy of cloud
computing to classify research. Thirdly, we sought
to identify trends and potential gaps in research in
this field, and to contribute to better quality research.
There are numerous surveys of cloud simulation
platform literature. These papers typically focus on
the features of the platforms rather than how these
platforms have been applied. This paper makes an
original contribution by examining the application of
A Preliminary Systematic Review of Computer Science Literature on Cloud Computing Research using Open Source Simulation Platforms
the simulation platforms in a cloud computing
context. Notwithstanding this contribution, the paper
is limited to the IEEE Xplore Library and open
source simulators. Further surveys are needed
including studies using commercial and proprietary
simulation platforms and with a wider set of
publication outlets along the lines of Paulsson et al.
The descriptive analysis identifies clear trends
and areas for further research. Cloud simulation
platform research has become an established domain
now and is consistently featured in IEEE
conferences. The momentum developed since 2009
should result in a higher number of journal
publications in the coming years. Notwithstanding
this, there is a clear need for more comprehensive
publications in journals. This may be a factor of
journal editorial inflection, the quality of
publications or the volume of papers submitted.
Clearly, CloudSim is the dominant cloud simulation
platform for research and this paper provides strong
supporting evidence for the selection of CloudSim
for future research initiatives. Such dominance can
be perceived as both a positive and negative factor.
For example, there is a dearth of research on
continuous and (near) real-time simulations,
possibly due to limitations by existing platforms
including CloudSim.
The employment of a taxonomy of cloud
computing to classify papers was of benefit. Again,
it highlights areas for increased focus and clarity.
From a communications perspective, researchers
presenting cloud research should possibly provide
greater clarity on the applicability of their research
for target architectures and services. Cloud
simulation platforms provide a valuable service to
resource management researchers. The relatively
high volume of research reflects both the complexity
of the area and the interest of researchers. However,
from a market-focussed perspective, one might
argue that security, QoS and reliability may be of
more interest. This is where Rimal et al.’s taxonomy,
while useful as a high-level frame of analysis, is
lacking. It does not provide the sufficient granularity
and detail needed to provide a more robust
classification of literature in this area. Even by
augmenting the analysis with Singh and Chana
(2015), evidently a new more complete taxonomy is
need for cloud computing. Future research should
not only develop a more comprehensive taxonomy
for classification but accommodate emerging
themes. Motivations such as energy efficiency,
profitability cost effectiveness feature in the
literature as well as new and emerging use cases e.g.
the impact of heterogeneous resources, autonomic
and self-adaptive management techniques, mobile
clouds, IOT and FOG computing, MapReduce and
Hadoop, and HPC in the cloud. Content mining and
autonomic classification may help identify new
insights and relationships in a way that the
systematic approach employed in this paper does not
clearly implies an imbalance in focus with a heavy
emphasis on resource provisioning, scheduling and
load balancing. One could argue that the literature
reviewed is more academically-focussed than
market-focussed. This might explain the relatively
few papers on security including the highly topical
areas of data protection and security, interoperability
and fault tolerance. Similarly, the lack of papers on
PaaS and SaaS, while understandable, presents an
opportunity for future research on and using open
source simulation platforms. Similarly, while the
papers feature studies on new and emerging issues
and applications such as those mentioned in the
previous paragraph, these are relatively few and are
areas worthy of greater focus. Finally, the majority
of studies focus on discrete event simulations and
not continuous or (near) real-time cloud simulations.
While these are both conceptually and technically
challenging, they should not be disregarded.
Open source cloud simulation platforms will
continue to evolve over time. Updated surveys are
needed to keep researchers informed on both the
evolving features and performance of these
platforms. However, such surveys are only one part
of the story. There is also a need to present surveys
and literature on the use of these platforms in
research. This paper provides an initial contribution.
This work is partially funded by the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation
Programme through the CloudLightning project
(http://www.cloudlightning.eu) under Grant
Agreement Number 643946 and the RECAP project
(http://www.recap-project.eu) under Grant
Agreement Number 732667.
Due to the large number of papers reviewed in this study
and conference page limitations, the full reference list
can be found at http://cloudlightning.eu/dissemination/
publications/simulation-platforms/ (Lynn et al. 2017).
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Systematic Review of Computer Science Literature on
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Singh, S., & Chana, I. (2016). Cloud resource
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49(3), 1005-1069.
Tian, W., Zhao, Y., Xu, M., Zhong, Y., & Sun, X. (2015).
A toolkit for modeling and simulation of real-time
virtual machine allocation in a cloud data center. IEEE
Transactions on Automation Science and
Engineering, 12(1), 153-161.
Zhan, Z. H., Liu, X. F., Gong, Y. J., Zhang, J., Chung, H.
S. H., & Li, Y. (2015). Cloud computing resource
scheduling and a survey of its evolutionary
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47(4), 6.
A Preliminary Systematic Review of Computer Science Literature on Cloud Computing Research using Open Source Simulation Platforms