Electronic Notes Via Jupyter Notebooks
Irene Urcelay-Olabarria
and Josu M. Igartua
Fisika Aplikatua I Saila, Bilboko Ingenieritza Eskola, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU),
Urkixo Zumarkalea z/g., Bilbo, Spain
Applied Physics II Department, Science and Technology Faculty, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU),
B. Sarriena s/n, Leioa (Bizkaia), Spain
Jupyter Notebook, Electronic Notes, Narrative Linear Thread.
Nowadays there are many tools to teach, both analogical and electronic. In our classes we use either tools:
slides (and their xerox copies), computer driven presentations, videos, exercise bundles, calendar of the sub-
ject, syllabus, blackboard, detailed program of the subject... In the teaching/studying process there are to
reference systems: the teacher’s and the students’. In the former, it is the teacher who knows the subject
and has designed it, whereas in the latter the students should acquire the competences relative to the module,
grade... To that end, the students should follow the teacher’s indications and use the materials we give them
directly or indirectly. Unfortunately, the students, in their reference system, and due to the way teachers do our
job, do not have any linear narrative threat facilitating the acquisition of the knowledge and competences. In
this communication we present a tool, the electronic notes via Jupyter notebooks, which provides the students
with a linear narrative threat based on a static initial schema but adaptable to each student, and modifiable and
extensible by each student, being executable as well.
As far as we know, in the current Grades offered in the
Science and Technology Faculty of the Basque Coun-
try University (UPV/EHU), the syllabus are quite
rigid; That is, it is specified very precisely what is
to be taught. Of course, the same thing happens with
competences. The first reason for classroom teaching
sessions of the subjects as it is actually done has to do
with how the syllabus, programs, have been designed.
One of the authors (JM Igartua) knows from his own
experience how those syllabus have been designed: it
has always been taken into account, at least in the de-
gree commissions in which he participated, what are
the learning outcomes to be achieved and with what
level is expected to address the students a specific sub-
ject, which will determine number of ECTS assigned
to the subject and its relative position with respect to
the rest of the subjects in the Degree. All of which
also determines what is the essential part of the sub-
ject, in what order it should be taught, both, relative
order in the subject and absolute with respect to the
rest of the contents of other subjects of the degree.
We do not know how curricula and, more specifically,
subject syllabus, are regulated in other university edu-
cation systems, in Europe, for example. But it is actu-
ally a known fact that Subjects, despite being called in
the same way, for example, and being ”surrounded”
of the same type of subjects in the same courses of
equal Physics Degrees (with the same name), are not
equal; In many cases it is almost impossible to find
even a single equal or moderately similar theme be-
tween programs, and we do not know how to solve
”the problem” generated by this dispersion of pro-
grams either. If we know how it should be resolved
in our environment in most cases.
This fact of prioritizing some aspects, some con-
cepts, against others or certain orders in which to de-
liver the subjects, causes, among many other conse-
quences, that there is not a priori a text related to that
subject that completely covers any of the programs
proposed. Unless, of course, the program has been
proposed on the basis of an existing text. This last
case also occurs in our environment, but it is not very
common. The most common case is the general sit-
uation in which for most subjects their contents are
scattered in a small series, at best, good textbooks.
This implies that the preparation of the subject by the
teaching team requires the use of those good books,
which is not bad, in itself. The bad point is that it is
all the parts used of those books that have to be rec-
ommended to the students. Unless an ad hoc text is
created for that specific subject. This has its advan-
tages and disadvantages. The essential advantage of
Urcelay-Olabarria, I. and Igartua, J.
Electronic Notes Via Jupyter Notebook s.
DOI: 10.5220/0006352204640469
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 464-469
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that approach is that the entire program of the subject
is self-contained in a single text, which will have to
be prepared with greater or less success. However, it
does not seem an easy task to prepare a patch-work
text, with elements from good reference textbooks
and get, as a result, a good reference book; In spite
of the possible great experience of who prepares the
patch-work. With which the first drawback has arisen.
Another drawback is that using a single text, ad-
hering to an existing one or creating an ad hoc one,
causes the diversity of criteria to be lost and diversity
of ways of explaining, showing results, posing and
resolving exercises etc. Books are written thinking to
whom they are addressed. In the case in hand, they
will be students of Physics, for example, or under-
graduate or master or doctoral students or junior or
senior researchers. This fact establishes the approach
of the book, the means that are used to publish it, the
level etc. In fact, we must take into account that di-
versity is not only important to find that part of that
book that best describes or explains something, ac-
cording to the criteria of teaching team: we do not
all understand in the same way, and it may require
a broad range of ”ways of explaining” (type of exer-
cises, basic examples, etc.), extension and precision
in explanations, . . . , so it is important for those who
must understand, students, to have the opportunity to
do it as close as possible to the actual way they do it;
And this will be more likely to be achieved the larger
the spectrum of explaining modes, for instance. Thus,
this (scattering) inconvenience, in fact, could have its
possible advantages: diversity is good.
All this makes the students ”have to” face a se-
ries of texts scattered, almost always, in the aspects
to which we referred above and also, in most cases,
are not correctly referenced, in the sense that they are
simply listed in the syllabus, without indicating which
part of which book is used as the basis for this or
that part of this topic or this other topic of the pro-
gram. (In our experience, from the critical observa-
tion of teaching guides, it follows that whoever does
not provide his/her students with a bibliography with
three lists full of books, basic bibliography, recom-
mended, deepening . . . is not a good teacher: every-
one tries to make those lists as complete as possi-
ble, pointing to be the good teacher, but, as a result
making them actually intractable.) Another aspect
that is usual when making the recommended bibli-
ographies, is the impossibility to have access to all
the books: because it would be impossible to physi-
cally read them (nor study them) and because it would
be difficult to buy them, even if we want to, due to
their usual high price. All these reasons, and some
others, make the students, in most cases, ignore the
bibliography (in our experience this is what happens)
and study directly only from their own notes, that in
some cases can be modifications of the notes created
by the teaching team. The same, and almost in the
same terms, could be said about supplementary ma-
terials, for which there are different sources, formats
etc: video channels, web pages etc. Or even, regard-
ing programming languages in which someone feels
confortable. (This sentence makes sense when dis-
cussing one of the characteristics of some subjects,
We would like to mention, as well, the source of
the information that the students are given: written
notes, physical copies of the slides used in the class,
copies of the electronic files of the used presenta-
tions, links to web pages where additional informa-
tion can be found, copies of specific figures, refer-
ences to chapters of books written on the blackboard,
photocopies of some pages of a book, a journal, some
research article . . . an endless means, which in many
cases are transmitted to students on the fly. A disper-
sion impossible to maintain under control by students,
so that it can be used in an efficient way.
Finally, there are the students’ hand-taken-notes,
in the event students take them at all. In recent years,
the observed trend is to see students attending a class
as if they where watching the Discovery Channel:
30% of the students in our respective classes sit twid-
dling their thumbs, there are those who drink a cof-
fee waiting to understand and to study the subject just
by pretending to attend the lesson curiously. Those
notes, in the best of cases, are taken in a notebook by
subject, but normally they are taken in single sheets
that put together make the base camp to study the
subject. A base camp that is normally an empty lot,
which students try to fill, successfully in some cases,
but in the majority of cases unsuccessfully.
We will use as a guideline of this section the subject
Termodinamika eta Fisika Estatistikoa, full academic
year, with 12 ECTS, taught in the third year of the
Degree in Physics. We have chosen it since it is a sub-
ject we know very well, on the one hand; And on the
other hand, because it is a subject that brings together,
from our point of view, all the characteristics suit-
able to associate it the electronic notes we are propos-
Electronic Notes Via Jupyter Notebooks
ing. Among others, these are the characteristics we
would like to stress: It is a ”long” course, extend-
ing to the whole academic year (2 semesters, actually
of 4 months instead of 6, 15 weeks per ”semester”)
and 4 hours a week of classroom teaching (including
all teaching modalities: lectures, classroom practices,
seminars ...); With a great amount of new contents
for the students, both in the first and in the second
semester; With a lot of technical aspects (advanced
mathematics), in which appear functions that depend
on many parameters, multivariate, that are used to
represent complex behaviors of systems. These which
can be understood much more easily by adequate
graphs (adequate in the sense that in addition to be-
ing those that should, the values of the parameters on
which they depend could be modified to see how they
are altered and understand better the behaviors they
represent), and functions that have a great applicabil-
ity and use in all parts of physics and science; To solve
any problem in this subject there are many ways and
there are many ways that same point come to the same
point, or not . . . What matters to us in this paper is
that it is the result of the fusion of two fundamental
and classic subjects in the plans of Physics: Thermo-
dynamics and Statistical Physics. Thermodynamics is
a fundamental subject, introduces concepts and pro-
vides techniques, tools, which are used in many other
subjects. It is a classic subject, present in all grades
of science, for its wide applicability, except eventu-
ally in the Mathematics Degree, even if there is a lot
of mathematical effort in it. Thus, Thermodynamics
is placed in the initial courses of the degrees (not the
current case of the Physics Degree, we will analyze
the reason for that). Statistical Physics is also a fun-
damental subject in the degrees in Physics, but it is
very specialized and very technical: It requires much
more specialized knowledge and, hence, traditionally,
has been located in the high courses of the curricula.
The current subject comes from those two undergrad-
uate subjects of the previous Physics plan (started in
2011) in which Thermodynamics was in second year
and Statistical Physics in fourth year: one has risen to
the first semester of third year and the other has fallen
to the second semester of the third year. In addition,
in the first case, credits have been lost, a weekly hour
of class, which has lightened the content. In the sec-
ond case, lowering course, but not number of credits,
has lightened the level. Finally, another important as-
pect to keep in mind is that both subjects are devoted
to the study and solve the same fundamental prob-
lem. Very succinctly: the initial equilibrium state of a
system is known, we induce a process and we want
to know in what final state of equilibrium the sys-
tem will be found. However, each of them addresses
the problem using different criteria: Thermodynam-
ics uses a macroscopic criterion, on the contrary, Sta-
tistical Physics uses a microscopic criterion. That is,
for the former the system has no structure but, for the
latter, it has. This seemingly simple fact, causes the
approach of the fundamental problem to be radically
different and the tools, the techniques and the math-
ematical machinery, as well. In short, two subjects,
basic and fundamental, that study the same in a radi-
cally different way and with a different mathematical
machinery, in essence and in complexity, merged in
one. The main consequence: absolute dispersion of
textbooks and non-adaptation to the program/syllabus
of the subject. In fact, most books are devoted to one
or to the other.
So far, in our case, two basic books are used for
the first part of the subject, each of which in turn
uses a radically opposite approach: the first (Zeman-
sky and Dittman, 1991), is inductive, so to speak, it
goes to the laboratory, performs experiments, takes
data, draws conclusions, deduces general behaviors
and, finally, raises several principles. The second
book (Callen, 1987), on the other hand, uses a de-
ductive method: it accepts some principles and it de-
duces from those the behaviors in the systems. The
first is an experimental approach; The second is an
axiomatic, more technical approach, although in both
cases the concepts are the same and the approach is
macroscopic. For the second part, in which the ap-
proximation is microscopic, three books are used: the
first (Pathria, 1996) is the one that provides the out-
line of the themes to be developed. The second (Kit-
tel and Kroemer, 1996) is used because it brings a lot
of concepts and examples that are treated differently
than they are done in the first: in a very qualitative and
much less technical, more intuitive (if possible) way.
In almost all the chapters of the latter the figures are
very good and show very appropriately the theoretical
concepts, something that does not happen in the first,
which is used as a base since its content is precisely
the one that is in the program of the curriculum. In
addition, in this second text the macroscopic and mi-
croscopic criterion are intercalated, and in this way,
it serves to remember things of the first semester. Fi-
nally, the third book (Blundell and Blundell, 2006) is
used because it brings a lot of technical aspects that
are overlooked in the other two. Of course, not all the
subject of the three books are developed.
Before stating the proposal, we would like to clarify
what we mean by electronic notes, in the hope the it is
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
not yet too late in the actual text. The reader needs a
clue: electronic handout-notes, should it be, perhaps.
In our environment, notes refers to written material
teachers provide to students, not to the actual hand-
taken notes by students. The handout-notes, thus,
points to the material provided by the teacher. We
would like to leave out the very interesting (more clas-
sical (Bretzing, 1979; Bretzing and Kulhavy, 1981;
Brown, 1988) and more modern (Hembrooke and
Gay, 2003; Bohay et al., 2011; Mueller and Oppen-
heimer, 2014)) discussions related to the pulse be-
tween the hand-taken or typed notes. We think, as
many of the performed studies have shown(Stacy and
Cain, 2015; Bui et al., 2013), that the blind verbatim
typed notes give less comprehension of concepts than
the hand-taken notes, for which a selective process for
the written sentences facilitates the medium and long
term comprehension of concepts and recalling of data.
In fact, we encourage or students to type their notes in
the hand-taken fashion, selecting, as if they were writ-
ing, to ensure the mentioned benefits, but, at the same
time, to acquire an electronic personally enriched ver-
sion, so personally suited, of the standard teacher’s
linear threat notes. This is the innovation aspect of our
proposal, in our view: With these notes, the disadvan-
tage of the sole verbatim typing is discarded and the
advantage of the selective writing is retained, so that
the positive of the two worlds meet. The linear stan-
dard threat of the subject is personally decorated by
the student in-situ, where she/he decides it is worth,
so that there is no break of the threat; in-vivo, while
attending the class, or ex-vivo, while studying, prepar-
ing the exercises etc. The NB sharing capability gives
the possibility for further enrichments, so that grupal
contributions from students in a one step or in succes-
sive refining steps, can be added.
The tool we are proposing is not a mere document
management tool Moodle, as we understand it. In
a sense, it could be thought also as that, but, then,
the concept of document should be considered in a
broader sense, because in the linear threat of the sub-
ject, both the standard provided by the teacher or the
personalized by the students, nearly any kind of object
can be included, as mentioned before: videos, links,
executable programs, text, figures, visualizations, in-
teractive visualizations etc.
We would like to mention that the proposal is
in its initial stage: we do not have yet results of
the improvements generated by the use; for the
moment, we have restricted ourselves to the pro-
posal/implementation stage. The aim of the present
paper is to share with the community the idea and
its implementation via the Jupyter Notebooks, so that
the remarks, observations and criticisms shape both
the concept and its actual implementation, so a better
tool arises. We are convinced of the benefits of the
proposal, but, of course, it needs a deep evaluation
of the achieved results, which we postpone for a next
In the classroom teaching sessions (which in-
cludes all teaching modalities), and in our reference-
system, the teaching reference-system, a lot of re-
sources are used: slides (handmade, on the computer,
with links to web pages. ..); Blackboard, for plot-
ting reasons, for instance: Schemes of devices, sys-
tems etc, graphical representations of functions (qual-
itative, of course), conceptual schemes, reminder
tables; Demonstrations, developments. . . ; Complete
exercises, exercises approaches; Distributed photo-
copies, with concepts to deepen, with exercises; Ex-
aminations, ve for each part (statement sheets and
answer sheets); Computer, to show complicated be-
havior of some functions; etc. All these resources
constitute a set of ordered elements (in the order we
have decided, as said), but which of course do not
have a common support. Our proposal is to place the
complete list of elements on the same medium, an
electronic medium: The http://jupyter.org/Jupyter
notebook version of the Notes, which we have de-
veloped and given to the students at the beginning
of the subject, let’s say. There could be a lot of ap-
proximations, since the electronic resource could be
made public, when the previous topic has finished, so
that the students have the possibility to start down-
loading it and have a look at it before starting with the
topic. All them could be published at the beginning
of the academic year; Could be published by mod-
ules, taking into account the examinations that will be
proposed during the semester, so that it is structured
in a natural way in its sub-blocks.
This electronic medium in which a block of the
subject is made public, has an essential advantage: it
is dynamic, it is editable. It is not a mere list of el-
ements, of pedagogical resources offered, but a list
of pedagogical resources that can be altered both in-
situ and in-vivo, by ourselves, the teachers, and by
the students themselves. The point that the students
can edit it, is as remarkable as that we can edit it on
the fly, while we are explaining. Mind the point: As
important as the above is that it can be saved and, in
addition, versions also can be saved.
The fact that it is an editable electronic notes
makes it dynamic. We alter it, while giving class,
in-vivo, at the point where we need to do it, in-situ:
because we really have to do at that moment or, be-
cause it has been prepared it to do it that way. But in
the same way students can do: while we explain, we
show the figures, we connect to the internet, we show
Electronic Notes Via Jupyter Notebooks
a video ... students can be taking their own notes on
the same medium, just where it is needed, notes that
we have proposed as a basis, and turning them into
students’ own notes.
The next advantage of these electronic notes is
that they constitute a study element, a work element,
that provides a linear argument thread: It is not a lin-
ear list of resources (Moodle, for example, or any
other platform of this type), in which to work you
need to jump from one element of the list to the next,
you go and return, or you go and from there you go to
another element and you go and go, and you return...it
is a linear sequence (we have proposed the order of
the elements), but that can also be traversed in any or-
der, since the real electronic support is a window that
opens in any browser.
One possible disadvantage is that anyone who
wants to use these notes in the way they have been
thought of, should always have the computer with
them (or a tablet, of course, it can also be done on the
mobile). It could happen that someone did not have
access to a laptop or that carrying it every day would
entail excessive loading; But it would also mean that
you would not have to carry daily the physical notes
(paper), nor the books. We are aware of having not
mentioned the very important case of disabilities. We
apologize for this, and we want to stress that this pro-
posal is just a first approach, a first step, that has to be
sustained by some evaluation and metrics we are also
planning. Being the results good, as we expect, some
approach to the disability case should be done.
It is very interesting that these electronic notes are
independent of the operating systems (OS). We pre-
pare them on MacOS, but they can be used on Linux
or on Windows, in any of their versions. This is a
very important advantage since we avoid the theoreti-
cally non-existent incompatibilities between OS that
effectively always appear. The electronic notes do
not know of OS, since in essence they are pure text
files, in JSON format, that are shown in the window
of an Internet browser. Of course, the browser can be
anyone, each one can work with its favorite one and
exactly as well in one as in another, nothing is go-
ing to be lost. It is also independent of the browser
version. Incidentally, once downloaded, no internet
connection is required: it works locally on each com-
puter, changes made locally in the text file are re-
flected immediately locally. But, they can be shared
(there are public servers in which to upload the files
so that they are not only publicly displayed, but they
can be downloaded), can be sent by e-mail (without
weight, regardless of what is contained in the file, be-
cause you can always make videos, for example, that
could be very heavy, were not embedded, without be-
ing loaded dynamically, need connection, or loaded
the first time and be embedded, so only the new lo-
cal version would have weight, not the one that has
been shared). Of course, to make all this fully work,
the students must have installed in their computer a
software, open source and free, that exists for all op-
erating systems and that is installed automatically.
The following lines are adapted from (Jupyter, 2017).
The Jupyter notebook is an interactive computing
environment that allows users to create NBs that
include: Live code, Interactive widgets, Cells,
Narrative text, Equations, Images and Video. These
documents provide a complete, self-contained record
of a calculation that can be converted to various for-
mats and shared with other users via email, Dropbox,
version control systems (such as git / GitHub) or
The Jupyter notebook combines three components:
The NB’s Web Application: an interactive web
application to write and execute code interactively
and create NB documents. It allows users to per-
form the following actions:
Editing the code in the browser, with auto-
matic syntax highlighting, indentation, auto-
matic completion and introspection.
Run the code from the browser, so that the re-
sults of the calculations are attached to the code
that generates them.
View the results of the calculations through a
large number of representations such as HTML,
LaTeX, PNG, SVG, PDF, etc.
Create and use interactive JavaScript widgets,
which link interactive UI controls and displays
to second-level computations of reactive cores.
Create Narrative text using Markdown lan-
guage, markup type.
Construct hierarchical documents that are orga-
nized into sections with different levels of head-
Include mathematical equations using the
Xsyntax, Markdown, which are rendered in
the browser by mathjax.
Kernels: Separate processes initiated by the web
application of the NB that runs the users’ code in
a certain language and returns the output back to
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the portable web application. Each core is able to
execute code in a single programming language
and there are kernels available in the following
languages, among others: Python, Julia, R, Ruby,
Haskell, Scala, Node.js, Go. . . The default kernel
runs the Python code. The NB provides a simple
way to choose which of these kernels is used for a
given NB.
Notebook Documents: Separate documents that
contain a representation of all the content visible
in the Web application of NBs, including input
and output calculations, narrative text, equations,
images and representations of objects in multi-
ple formats. Notebooks contain the inputs and
outputs of an interactive session, as well as the
narrative text accompanying the code. The re-
sult of code execution (some program created in
the session, or that has been imported, even in
some compiled programming language) is part of
the output, in any type of format such as HTML,
images, video and plots (figures that have been
created with code), and this output, is embedded
in the NB, which makes it a complete and self-
contained record of a calculation, for example.
Notebooks consist of a linear sequence of cells.
There are four basic types of cells: Code cells:
live code input and output cells that run in the ker-
nel, Markdown cells: Narrative text with embed-
ded LaTeX equations, Heading cells: 6 levels of
hierarchical organization and format, Raw Cells:
Plain text that is included, unmodified, when NBs
are converted to different formats using nbcon-
Our proposal is to place the complete list of ele-
ments on the same medium, an electronic medium:
The Jupyter notebook version of the Notes, which we
have developed and given to the students at the begin-
ning of the subject.
1. The electronic medium is dynamic: not a mere list
of pedagogical resources offered, but a list of ped-
agogical resources that can be altered both in-situ,
in-vivo, ex-vivo; Students can edit the electronic
notes on the fly, turning them into students’ own
notes; The electronic notes constitute a study el-
ement that provides a linear argument thread per-
sonally suited to study
2. These electronic notes are independent of the op-
erating system; The browser can be anyone, and
its version; Incidentally, once the electronic notes
are downloaded, no internet connection is re-
quired: it works locally on each computer
3. The electronic notes can be shared (in public
servers) and by e-mail (without weight); run on
open source and free software compatible with all
the operating systems
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Electronic Notes Via Jupyter Notebooks