An Immuno-based Autonomic Computing System for IaaS Security
in Public Clouds
Abdelwahhab Satta, Sihem Mostefai and Imane Boussebough
Department of Fundamental Computer Science and Applications, University of Constantine 2, Constantine, Algeria
Keywords: Cloud Computing, IaaS, Autonomic Computing Systems, Artificial Immune Systems.
Abstract: Cloud Computing is the new way for computing infrastructures exploitation. These infrastructures, offered as
a service by the cloud IaaS service model are being very appealing to the new industry and business. However,
surveys reveal that security issues are still the major barrier facing the migration from Infrastructure in premise
to public clouds. On the other hand, Autonomic Computing Systems have been used so far to enable the cloud,
and in this work, we will investigate these systems capabilities to enable security management for IaaS in
public clouds.
Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous,
convenient and on-demand network access to a
shared pool of configurable computing resources
(networks, servers, storage, applications, and
services, etc.) (Mell and Grance, 2011). Services
offered by the cloud computing are categorized in
service models as described by the SPI framework
where the letters stand for ‘Software’, ‘Platform’ and
‘Infrastructure’ (Hill et al., 2012).
Despite the benefits of cloud computing adoption,
there are also some significant barriers; two of the
most relevant are security and privacy (Mather et al.,
In the last few years, emergent bio-inspired
complex systems defined as Autonomic Computing
Systems (Kephart and Chess, 2003) have gained more
importance and attention in computer science
community due to their efficiency and performance.
In this work, we will investigate major security
issues in IaaS service model in public clouds and the
different sources and levels of these issues; then we
will propose a security system based on Autonomic
Computing Systems principles and Artificial Immune
Systems models to mitigate these issues.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents a state of the art on the IaaS service model
and security issues related to its adoption in public
clouds. We will also present the Autonomic
Computing Systems (ACSs), the Artificial Immune
Systems (AISs), and their contributions to computer
security. Section 3 presents related works regarding
IaaS security issues in public clouds and introduces
recent interests for Autonomic Computing cyber
defence systems. Then section 4 presents the
proposed system architecture and the underlying
components details. Finally, section 5 presents the
conclusion and the prospects of this work.
2.1 Cloud Infrastructure as a Service
According to the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), IaaS is the capability provided to
the consumer to provision processing, storage,
networks, and other fundamental computing
resources where the consumer is able to deploy and
run arbitrary software, which can include operating
systems and applications. The consumer does not
manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure
but has control over operating systems, storage, and
deployed applications; and possibly limited control of
selected networking components (e.g., host firewalls)
(Mell and Grance, 2011).
IaaS is the lowest layer in the SPI framework
stack and arguably the most established cloud service
model already offering a wide variety of products and
advanced capabilities such as automated scalability,
pay-per-use, and on-demand infrastructure
provisioning (Vaquero et al., 2011).
Satta, A., Mostefai, S. and Boussebough, I.
An Immuno-based Autonomic Computing System for IaaS Security in Public Clouds.
DOI: 10.5220/0006352405740581
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), pages 546-553
ISBN: 978-989-758-243-1
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Developers still have to design and code entire
applications and administrators still need to install,
manage, and patch third-party solutions, but there is
no physical infrastructure to manage anymore (Kavis,
IaaS could be the preference of many businesses,
according to their requirements for performance,
scalability, downtime mitigation and recovery from a
vendor outage, more than gaining control of their
infrastructure (Vaquero et al., 2011).
2.1.1 Security Issues in IaaS in Public Cloud
Business Model
When discussing security issues in IaaS, it is
mandatory to reveal the impact of the public business
Cloud computing infrastructure security is
greatly affected by whether the employed cloud is
private or public.
With private or internal clouds, there are no new
attacks, vulnerabilities or changes in risk that
information security personnel need to consider, and
security considerations of traditional IT remain
applicable. However, if consumers choose to use
public cloud services, changing security requirements
will require changes to their network topology. They
must address how their existing network topology
interacts with their cloud provider’s network
topology (Mather et al., 2009).
NIST defines a public cloud as a cloud
infrastructure that is made available to the general
public or a large industry group and that is owned by
an organization selling cloud services (Mell and
Grance, 2011). This resource sharing of not only
physical machines but also networks enables
maximum utilisation of the available assets, at the
cost of introducing delicate multi-tenancy concerns
(Vaquero et al., 2011).
Multi-tenancy concerns are mainly raised by the
virtualization that is a key enabling technology for the
cloud. The transformation from dedicated to shared
infrastructure embodies a series of threats and
vulnerabilities. Data leakage by exploiting VMs or
hypervisor vulnerabilities is the main virtualization
risk (Gonzales et al., 2015; Vaquero et al., 2011).
Moreover, cloud computing requires universal
access and connectivity to the Internet to thrive
(Krutz and Vines, 2010). This costs public clouds
other rigorous security concerns inherited from
Internet technologies and even if an enormous
amount of security is put in place in the cloud, still the
data is transmitted through the normal underlying
Internet technology. Therefore, the security concerns
threatening the Internet are also threatening the cloud
(Subashini and Kavitha, 2011).
Another dimension of IaaS security issues is
essentially related to the cloud consumers’ nature.
Start-ups and Small to Medium-size Businesses
(SMBs) are major cloud services consumers. These
enterprises usually do not have large IT departments
and do not govern security management in public
IaaS vendors provide the entire infrastructures to
the consumers to run their applications, and since
these consumers are given full access to this virtual
infrastructure, they are responsible for ensuring their
proper security and ongoing security management
(Mather et al., 2009). This could be extremely
problematic for SMBs embracing IaaS.
2.1.2 Infrastructure Security
Non-information security professionals are cautioned
not to simply equate infrastructure security to IaaS
security. Securing an organization’s core IT
infrastructure at the network, host and application
levels is a commonly used approach by information
security practitioners. Then, the infrastructure
security can be viewed, assessed and implemented
according to each one of these levels (Mather et al.,
Network Level
If public cloud services were chosen, four significant
risk factors should be addressed (Mather et al., 2009):
Ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of
organization’s data-in-transit to and from a public
cloud provider;
Ensuring proper access control to whatever
resources that are used at the public cloud
Ensuring the availability of the Internet-facing
resources in a public cloud that are being used by
an organization, or have been assigned to an
organization by public cloud providers;
Replacing the established model of network zones
and tiers with domains.
B. Host Level
Host security in IaaS should be categorised as follows
(Mather et al., 2009):
Virtualization software security;
Customer guest OS or virtual server security. IaaS
customers have full access to virtualized guest
VMs, they also take full responsibility of their
ongoing security management.
C. Application Level
Application or software security is the third level of
infrastructure security and should be a critical
An Immuno-based Autonomic Computing System for IaaS Security in Public Clouds
element of any security program. IaaS customers
have full responsibility for securing their
applications. This level of infrastructure security must
address (Mather et al., 2009):
Web applications security threats;
End user security;
Public cloud security limitations.
In summary, infrastructures security challenges
are not specifically caused but instead are exacerbated
by cloud computing. IaaS customers have full control
over their provisioned assets; hence, they take full
responsibility to ensure their security management
(Mather et al., 2009).
2.2 Autonomic Computing
IBM, in (Kephart and Chess, 2003) states that the
need to integrate several heterogeneous environments
into corporate-wide computing systems and to extend
that beyond company boundaries, goes
well beyond
the administration of individual software
environments, more than it introduces new levels of
complexity. As computing evolves, the overlapping
connections, dependencies, and interacting
applications call for administrative decision-making
and responses faster than any human can deliver.
The growing complexity of the IT infrastructure
threatens to undermine the very benefits information
technology aims to provide. Therefore, dealing with
this complexity is the single most important challenge
facing the IT industry (Horn, 2001).
The term Autonomic Computing was first used by
IBM in 2001 to describe computing systems that are
said to be self-managing. However, the concepts
behind self-management were not entirely new to
IBM’s autonomic computing initiative (Huebscher
and McCann, 2008).
Autonomic Computing Systems are systems
capable of running themselves, adjusting to varying
circumstances, and preparing their resources to
handle most efficiently the workloads we put upon
them (Horn, 2001).
The main properties of self-management as
portrayed by IBM are self-Configuration, self-
Optimization, self-Healing, and self-Protection, or
Self-CHOP properties as widely called (Huebscher
and McCann, 2008). These properties could be
defined as follows (Kephart and Chess, 2003):
Self-configuration: Automated configuration of
components and systems
following high-level
policies. The rest of the system adjusts automatically
and seamlessly.
Self-optimisation: Components and systems
continually seek
opportunities to improve their own
performance and
Self-healing: The system automatically detects,
diagnoses and repairs
localised software and
hardware problems.
Self-protection: The System automatically
defends against malicious attacks or cascading
failures. It uses early warning to anticipate and
prevent system-wide failures.
2.3 Artificial Immune Systems
The natural immune system is a complex biological
and an autonomic system with a highly distributed,
robust, adaptive and self-organizing nature for self-
protection (Dasgupta, 2007).
This system is able to
categorize all cells or molecules within the body as
self or non-self and to defend the body against foreign
pathogens. It achieves this with the help of a
distributed task force that has the intelligence to take
action from a local and also global perspective using
its network of chemical
messengers for
communication (Aickelin et al., 2014).
Artificial Immunes Systems are a novel emerging
computational intelligence technique inspired by
immunology. These systems invest in the powerful
information processing capabilities of natural
immune systems such as feature extraction, pattern
recognition, learning, memory, multi-layered
protection, diversity and distributive nature that
provide the ability to perform many complex
computations in a highly parallel and distributed
fashion (Dasgupta, 1993).
From the information processing point of view,
immunological principles are very important in
developing next generation cyber defence systems
(Dasgupta, 2007).
The following mechanisms and theories are
primarily used in AISs models (Dasgupta and
Gonzalez, 2003):
Immune Network Theory: It has been proposed in
the mid-seventies.
Where the immune system
maintains an idiotypic network of interconnected
immune cells.
Negative Selection Mechanism: The purpose of
negative selection is to provide the discrimination
between self and nonself cells. It deals with the
immune system’s ability to detect unknown antigens
while not reacting to the self-cells.
Clonal Selection: The clonal selection principle
describes the basic features of an immune response to
an antigenic stimulus. It establishes the idea that only
those cells that recognize the antigen proliferate, thus
being selected against those that do not.
Danger Theory: The central idea in the Danger
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Theory is that the immune system does not respond
to non-self but to danger (Cayzer and Aickelin, 2002).
The danger theory (DT) model appears to be more
appropriate in the cyber world as not all abnormal
represent attacks (Dasgupta, 2007).
Cloud IaaS security is becoming a very large
discussion topic in the last few years. In (Vaquero et
al., 2011) the authors survey the most relevant threats
for the cloud and focus on security issues in IaaS in
public cloud deployment. In addition, they illustrate
where the dangerous points lurk at every level in a
typical IaaS cloud architecture. Those issues have
been also surveyed in (Huang et al., 2015); where the
authors identify security problems and solutions
described in academia. Furthermore, they focus on
industry best practices and compare them with the
academia research contributions.
In general, most of the works presented by these
surveys and others could be included within the
previous infrastructure security three level model.
In the network level, most of the works rely on
Network Overlays (Vaquero et al., 2011), firewall
rules, VLAN traffic segregation and Software
Defined Networks (SNDs) (Yeluri and Castro, 2014),
(Ahmad et al., 2015). They also rely on Intrusion
Detection and Prevention Systems (IDSs, IPSs),
IDS/IPS combination, cryptographic protection and
VPNs to connect to a remote cloud or to a publicly
hosted cloud provider (Modi et al., 2013), (Xing et al.,
In the host level, for hypervisor and guest OS
security, boot integrity checking and attestation,
isolation of hypervisor management traffic from
applications traffic (Yeluri and Castro, 2014), Side-
Channel attack detection and mitigation systems
(Zhang et al.,2016), Homomorphic Encryption (Liu,
2014), VM image templating and management
systems (Vaquero et al., 2011), (Kavis, 2014),
account restriction and enhanced authentication
techniques, Lightweight directory access protocol
(LDAP) and Single Sign-On (SSO) based
mechanisms (Zissis and Lekkas, 2012), instance-
level firewalls, host-based variants of IDS and IPS
(HIDS/HIPS), antiviruses, patch and configuration
management systems, and logging are the most
relevant to mention (Mather et al., 2009), (Hill et al.,
2012), (Modi et al., 2013).
At last, in the application level, several works
propose to include security in the software
development life cycle (SDLC) (Mather et al., 2009),
application auditing, patch management, accounts
restriction, etc. (Hill et al., 2012).
In summary, employment of current IDS
approaches lacks the proactive capability to prevent
attacks at its initial stage. Moreover, it requires hiring
expensive professional security experts. On the other
hand, IPS approaches are employed in order to
automatically take action towards any suspect event.
However, there are several issues in the current IPS
systems such as latency, accuracy, and flexibility that
make their use not appropriate for some delay-
sensitive services (Xing et al., 2013).
This raises the need for automated threat response
systems capable of ensuring efficient, reliable,
flexible and seamless security management for
overwhelming issues in the cloud, such as ACSs.
Many works that are inspired by natural
Autonomic Systems such as (Harmer et al., 2002),
(Dasgupta, 2007), (Rufus et al., 2016) arose in this
field in the last few years. However, almost all of
them are for general cyber defence and not adapted to
the cloud-specific features.
In this work, we aim to design an Autonomic
Computing defence system that has the capability of
responding to security incidents in the operating
environment which is the public cloud infrastructure
provisioned by a consumer of IaaS. The system’s
architecture is independent and is not coupled with
the underlying virtual or physical cloud
infrastructure. Therefore, it makes the system capable
of being integrated within any customer infrastructure
for maintaining an automated, proactive, highly
distributed and seamless security management in
each level of the infrastructure.
This approach comes from the principle that the
concept of security for the cloud services does not so
much rely on new technology, but is more a rethink
in terms of how existing solutions are deployed (Hill
et al., 2012).
4.1 Proposed Architecture
Our architecture is based on industry best practices
and adapted to the dynamic nature of an elastic
infrastructure. Separate storing of logging
information from the physical servers where the logs
are created so that the information is not lost when the
cloud resources go away is a common approach in
cloud industry (Kavis, 2014). These logs would feed
an artificial immune system by instant and valuable
An Immuno-based Autonomic Computing System for IaaS Security in Public Clouds
Figure 1: The overall architecture of the system.
information about the behaviour and the security state
of the elastic consumer-provisioned assets. This
approach makes the response of the security system
instant and effective. Figure.1 presents the overall
architecture of the system and the underlying
The AIS is the most crucial component in this
architecture. It is responsible with the rule-based
engine and the security policy repository of
presenting an immune response behaviour against
any internal or external security threat in the
provisioned assets. The immunological principles of
the AIS (self-nonself discrimination, negative
selection, danger theory, etc.) provide for this
architecture the diversity and the highly distributed
control and processing necessary to enable the
emergent defence behaviour.
Moreover, this architecture provides the system
with learning capacities based on the feedback from
the AIS in order to ensure the system’s continued
evolution and maturation over time.
4.1.1 System Components Description
The emerged defence behaviour of this security
system is the result of the cooperation of its
underlying components.
A. AIS Component
The AIS in this architecture plays both the roles of
proactive detection and response to any internal or
external security threat. This AIS receives its entries
from the operating environment and are basically the
logged events from the customer’s current assets. At
this point, this system relies on the self-non-self
discrimination and the danger theory to determine
whether the logged event represents an abnormal
behaviour and whether this abnormal behaviour is a
security danger.
As its natural counterpart, this system is composed
of several immune cell types that are represented as
The helper-cell agents are analogous to natural
Macrophage and Helper-T cells and have two main
Firstly, these agents employ proactive
monitoring, and Data mining on the logging base to
inspect all the levels of the infrastructure such as
network traffic, VMs resources usage, servers
activity, users access, applications warnings, errors,
and other information, and compare them with a
defined normal behaviour to perceive any abnormal
behaviours at the instant they occur. The correlation
of gathered information significantly increases the
system’s accuracy and diminishes false alarms
problem in current IDSs. Moreover, this technique
enhances the system’s diversity and reliability since
implementing intrusion detection becomes simpler on
top of a central logging database (Kavis, 2014).
In addition, these helper-cell agents are also
responsible for systematic vulnerability assessment
procedures of the provisioned assets as another
resource of security information.
Secondly, In the case of perceiving danger, the
helper-cell agents are responsible for stimulation,
proliferation, and differentiation of B-cell and Killer-
T-cell (K-T-cell) agents.
The B-cell and K-T-cell agents operate on the
provisioned assets and provide the system with an
adaptive immune response. Activated B-cell agents
are responsible for destroying invaders or antigens
that could be for example malicious traffics,
malicious injected VMs, viruses, worms, or any
identified nonself in each level of the infrastructure.
Another type of immune response is also provided
with K-T-cell agents and is oriented against altered-
self components of the infrastructure; these
components could be altered configurations,
compromised VMs, malicious insiders, etc.
In the activation step, a B-cell or a K-T-cell agent
receives from a helper-cell agent an activation signal
that contains the invaders or the altered-selves
features and the corresponding countermeasures
propagated from the rule-based engine.
The M-B-cell and M-T-cell agents are
differentiated clones of an activated B-cell or K-T-cell
agent respectively. These agents live longer and
memorise information about the encountered threat
and the corresponding applied countermeasures for
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
any future similar case to allow an response, and
reduce non-necessary performance consuming
B. Learning Capabilities Component
Based on the feedback from the AIS system, this
component functioning is also autonomous and is
responsible for maintaining continuous evolution and
maturation of the overall system over time, including
the security policy and the rules of the rule-based
engine. Encountered threats, applied
countermeasures, and costs of the immune response
would be entries to learning engines within this
C. Security Policy Repository and Rule Based
Engine Components
Procedural programming is well suited for problems
in which the inputs are well specified and for which a
known set of steps can be carried out to solve the
problem (Friedman-Hill, E., 2003).
Therefore, a procedural approach is not
appropriate in this case, and we adopt a declarative
Rule-based system approach using a rule-based
engine and a policy repository to deploy the security
policy. Moreover, this approach also supports the
feasibility and simplify the implementation of the
4.1.2 System Components Interactions
A scenario of the events and interactions between the
system’s components in response to a first time
encountered security issue is depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Example of messages exchanged between the
systems’ components in a first response to a security issue
0. An unforeseen security issue occurs.
1. The security issue is logged to the logging
2. A helper-cell agent retrieves and analyses the
logged events entries at the instant they occur.
3. The helper-cell agent senses a danger and asks the
corresponding countermeasures from the rule-based
engine because the perceived danger is a first time
4. The rule-based engine carries the adequate policy
rules to apply from the security policy base.
5. The helper-cell agent receives the corresponding
countermeasures for the perceived issue from the
rule-based engine.
6. The helper-cell agent sends an activation signal
that contains the identified danger features and the
corresponding countermeasures to a B-cell or K-T-
cell agent according to the danger source origin.
7. The activated agent proliferates and proceeds to
eliminate the issue.
8. The activated agent differentiates to create
memory clones.
9. The AIS agents send the feedback information to
the learning capabilities component.
4.2 Self-CHOP Properties of the
When the system is integrated for the first time to its
operating environment, or if determined necessary
when the infrastructure scales up or down, a self-
configuration process of the system is mandatory in
order to maintain a coherent configuration of its
underlying components with the current
infrastructure state.
Triggered by the detection of any abnormal
behaviour, security recovering procedures or self-
healing processes are applied for repairing
compromised software or hardware components in
the provisioned assets.
A Self-optimisation process based on the
feedback control and the embedded learning
mechanisms besides the native ones of the AIS
provide continuous improvement and maturation for
the system’s efficiency and performance over time.
At last, self-protection property of an ACS.
Maintaining overall environment security and
integrity against malicious internal or external attacks
invasions is the major purpose of this architecture and
is achieved by the synergetic behaviour resulting
from the system’s components cooperation.
An Immuno-based Autonomic Computing System for IaaS Security in Public Clouds
In this work, we have presented an Autonomic
Computing security system based on an Artificial
Immune System model and a Rule-based System
architecture. We have discussed how this system
provides the necessary flexibility to handle the
dynamic nature of an elastic cloud infrastructure and
the necessary robustness to ensure a security healthy
state for the public IaaS infrastructures. We have also
discussed how this system’s architecture encourages
the self-CHOP properties and invests in the
characteristics of the AISs.
We are currently working on selective strategies
and methods to be used within the AIS. These
methods would conduct the infrastructure state
monitoring and control the security danger definition
and sensation, the activation and the proliferation of
the immune cells agents, and mechanisms to provide
the learning capabilities for the overall system.
In future works, we will be presenting a more
detailed architecture of this system through these
selective strategies and methods and a realisation of
the ACS self-CHOP properties. We will also be
presenting a straightforward implementation details
and experimental results of this system’s prototype
deployment on real IaaS environments such as AWS
or RackSpace infrastructures.
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An Immuno-based Autonomic Computing System for IaaS Security in Public Clouds