Conquering the Mobile Device Jungle:
Towards a Taxonomy for App-enabled Devices
Christoph Rieger
and Tim A. Majchrzak
ERCIS, University of M
unster, M
unster, Germany
ERCIS, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway
App, Mobile App, Taxonomy, Categorization, Smart Devices, Wearable, Smartphone, Tablet.
Applications for mobile devices (apps) have created an ecosystem that facilitated a trend towards task-oriented,
interoperable software. Following smartphones and tablets, many further kinds of devices became (and still
become) app-enabled. Examples for this trend are smart TVs and cars. Additionally, new types of devices
have appeared, such as Wearables. App-enabled devices typically share some characteristics, and many ways
exist to develop for them. So far for smartphones and tablets alone, issues such as device fragmentation are
discussed and technology for cross-platform development is scrutinized. Increasingly, app-enabled devices
appear to be a jungle: It becomes harder to keep the overview, to distinguish and categorize devices, and to
investigate similarities and differences. We, thus, set out with this position paper to close this gap. In our view,
a taxonomy for app-enabled devices is required. This paper presents the first steps towards this taxonomy and
thereby invites for discussion.
The continuous growth of the mobile device market
(Statista Inc., 2016) and the recent emergence of de-
vices such as smartwatches (Chuah et al., 2016) and
connected vehicles (Coppola and Morisio, 2016) has
attracted much attention from academia and industry.
In the past decade, particularly the app ecosystem fa-
cilitated a trend towards task-oriented, interoperable
software, arguably started with the advent of Apple’s
iPhone in 2007 (Apple Inc., 2007) and the App Store
in 2008 (Apple Inc., 2008). For traditional mobile
devices (i.e. smartphones and tablets), the competi-
tion has yielded two major platforms (Android and
iOS). Several approaches for cross-platform devel-
opment have been proposed to avoid the costly re-
development of the same app for different platforms
(cf., e.g., Heitk
otter, Hanschke, & Majchrzak, 2013;
El-Kassas, Abdullah, Yousef, & Wahba, 2015).
Technological development has continued and
many new device types have emerged. Most of them
fall under the umbrella term mobile devices and are
more-or-less app-enabled. The latter denotes that it
typically are apps that make such devices particularly
useful and that extend the possibilities they offer. How-
ever, they differ greatly in intended use, capabilities,
input possibilities, computational power, and versatil-
ity, to name just a few aspects. Smart devices such as
smart watches and smart TVs are most prominent in
the realm of consumer devices but plenty of possibili-
ties exist. Lines towards sensor-driven devices for the
Internet of Things (IoT) are often blurred and it is not
always clear how to properly categorize a device. This
makes it hard to discuss, or, actually, to even correctly
name them. Being usually app-enabled, these devices
provide new opportunities for intelligent and context-
adaptive software but at the same time pose technical
challenges regarding the development for new plat-
forms and regarding heterogeneous hardware features.
Moreover, app-enablement does not necessarily bring
compatibility and portability whereas running the same
app on a variety of devices is normally desirable.
While a plethora of case studies and contributions
for individual device types such as smartphones and
tablets can be found in the scientific literature (e.g.,
otter et al., 2013; Jones and Jia, 2014; Chauhan
et al., 2014; Busold et al., 2015; Dagef
orde et al.,
2016)), a comprehensive study of the general field of
app-enabled devices is missing. This paper sets out
to close this gap by contributing a taxonomy for app-
enabled consumer devices. While we have put much
effort into literature work (cf. the next section), the
useful literature base is small. Therefore, we propose
research-in-progress, arguing for our ideas to stimulate
Rieger, C. and Majchrzak, T.
Conquering the Mobile Device Jungle: Towards a Taxonomy for App-enabled Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0006353003320339
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 332-339
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
work on this topic. The eventual aim is the discussion
on a conference scale for extension into a state-of-the
art paper, possibly further leading to a kind of standard.
The structure of this paper is as follows: After
discussing related work in Section 2, our proposal
for a taxonomy is presented in Section 3. Section 4
discusses the taxonomy with regard to its current and
future applicability before we conclude in Section 5.
For the topic of our paper on the one hand a plethora
of related work exists, on the other hand hardly any
closely-related approaches can be cited. Particularly
since Apple’s iPhone initiated the growth of the smart-
phone device class, many papers have been published
on the modern notion of mobile computing, centring
around devices that are propelled by apps. However,
even overview papers typically focus on one category
of devices. For example, Jesdabodi and Maalej (2015)
classify apps by usage states but limit themselves to
smartphones. Moreover, the scientific literature so
far has only rudimentarily captured the latest devel-
opments in device development. Chauhan, Senevi-
ratne, Kaafar, Mahanti, and Seneviratne (2016), for
instance, provide an overview of smartwatch app mar-
kets with focus on the type of apps as well as privacy
risks through third party trackers.
To make sure that we do not miss an existing tax-
onomy (or similar work), we did an extensive liter-
ature search. We focus on work from 2012 or later,
where the first broader range of smart watches such
as the Pebble had already been presented. Together
with the increasing variety in devices, new operating
systems have appeared since then. Examples are An-
droid Wear and watchOS, which focus on wearable
devices (Google Inc., 2016; Apple Inc., 2016) as well
as webOS and Tizen, which address a wider range
of smart devices (LG Electronics, 2016; The Linux
Foundation, 2016).
We deliberately excluded the keywords application
and system. The first yielded many results that were
not applicable since the term was mostly used to mean
utilization of something. The latter had originally been
used to describe e.g. cyber-physical systems but now
proved to be too generic. Also, the medical area was
excluded as these papers focus on apps for therapeutic
purposes and do not contribute to the question of app-
enabled devices. We thus used the following search
string in the Scopus database:
(app-enabled OR app OR app-based)
(mobile OR smart OR intelligent OR portable)
(device OR vehicle OR ”cyber-physical system”
OR CPS OR gadget)
(classification OR categorization OR overview
OR comparison OR review OR survey OR frame-
work OR model OR landscape OR ”status quo”
OR taxonomy))
A search on 07-12-2016 yielded 998 results. Of
these, not a single paper provided an approach for clas-
sification, let alone a complete taxonomy. Only one
paper (Koren and Klamma, 2016) went beyond a per-
spective on “classical” mobile devices and considered
heterogeneous device types. To complicate matters,
papers mention that there are other smart devices than
smartphones but do not go into detail.
In summary, the result set reveals no closely related
work to which we can limit ourselves to. However, we
can draw from a myriad of sources that tackle some
aspects that are relevant for a taxonomy of app-enabled
devices. This finding aligns with the motivation for our
paper. Obviously, other authors struggled with putting
different device categories into context because no
proper framing exists.
Although not necessarily focused on multiple de-
vice categories, work on cross-platform app develop-
ment is conceptually related. Usually, cross-platform
development exclusively targets traditional mobile de-
vices such as smartphones and tablets, e.g. “the diver-
sity in smart-devices (i.e. smartphones and tablets) and
in their hardware features; such as screen-resolution,
processing power, etc. (Humayoun et al., 2013). How-
ever, considering the differences in platforms, versions,
and also at least partly in the hardware is similar to
considering a different type of device. In fact, the dif-
ference in screen size between some Wearables and
smartphones with small screens is less profound than
between the same smartphones and tablets. Therefore,
comparisons that target cross-platform app develop-
ment have paved the way towards this paper. This
particularly applies to such works that include an in-
depth discussion of criteria, such as by Heitk
otter et
al. (2013), Sommer and Krusche (2013), Dalmasso,
Datta, Bonnet, and Nikaein (2013), and Rieger and
Majchrzak (2016).
A part of the difficulty with related work is the
term app-enabled by itself. While it is often said that
devices are enabled by apps, or that apps facilitate
Conquering the Mobile Device Jungle: Towards a Taxonomy for App-enabled Devices
their functionality, it is usually not explained what this
exactly means. The typical usage that we also follow
is to denote an app-enabled device as one that by its
hardware and basic software (such as the operation
system or platform) alone provides far less versatility
than it is able to offer in combination with additional
applications. Such apps are not (all) pre-installed and
predominantly provided by third party developers unre-
lated to the hardware vendor or platform manufacturer;
moreover, the possibilities provided by apps typically
increase over time after a device has been introduced.
While this still is no profound definition, it provides a
demarcation for the time being. In particular, it rules
out pure Internet-of-Things devices as well as compu-
tational equipment that only is occasionally firmware-
updated or that is not built for regular interaction with
human users.
Categorizing app-enabled devices is difficult due to the
variety of possible hardware features across all types
of devices and the heterogeneity of device capabilities
within each class. Any simple solution is prone to
not sufficiently discriminate. For example, processing
power does not differ a lot between smartphones and
tablets anymore, and microphones are no distinguish-
ing feature for voice-controlled devices. In addition,
the fast-paced technological progress manifests as a
constant stream of new devices, partly rendering previ-
ous devices obsolete. Moreover, device types converge,
illustrated e.g. by the phablet phenomenon (devices
that fall in between smartphones and tablets). Mo-
bility in the strict sense even is no exclusive feature;
smart TVs for example are not really mobile. Cars
with smart entertainment systems or even self-driving
features might be app-enabled, but it can be disputed
whether the whole car is the device and thereby the
device is actually mobile by itself. As a result, a tax-
onomy of app-enabled devices mandates a more open
categorization along several dimensions, allowing for
partial overlaps and future additions. In the follow-
ing, we present steps towards such a taxonomy. First,
the three chosen dimensions are discussed as static
structure for classification. Subsequently, current and
foreseeable future device classes are positioned accord-
ing to this matrix.
3.1 Dimensions of the Taxonomy
This work positions app-enabled devices with regard
to the three dimensions media richness of inputs, me-
dia richness of outputs, and the degree of mobility.
Instead of enumerating concrete technologies that are
available today or in future, each dimension should
rather be regarded as continuously increasing intensity
and flexibility of the particular capability, with sev-
eral exemplary cornerstones depicted in the following.
This approach not only provides the highest degree
of objectivity but also should keep the taxonomy flex-
ible enough to capture future developments without
actually changing the dimensions.
Media richness of inputs describes the characteris-
tic user input interface for the respective device class.
None refers to fully automated data input through
Buttons, including switches and dials, are (physi-
cally) located at the device itself and provide lim-
ited input capabilities.
Remote controls, including also joysticks and
gamepads, refer to dedicated devices that are teth-
ered or wirelessly connected to the app-enabled
Keyboards are also dedicated devices to control
the target devices, but with more flexible input
capabilities due to a variety of keys. Input still is
Pointing devices refer to all dedicated devices to
freely navigate and manipulate the (mostly graphi-
cal) user interface, for example mouse, stylus, and
graphic tablet. While these devices technically still
provide discrete input, the perception of input is
Touch adds advanced input capabilities on the de-
vice itself, allowing for more complex interactions
such as swipe and multi-touch gestures.
Voice-based devices are not bound to tangible input
units but can be controlled without haptic contact.
Gestures allow for a hands-free visual user interac-
tion with the device, for example using gloves or
motion sensing.
Neural interfaces are the richest form of user in-
puts in the future by directly tapping into the brain
or nervous system of the human operator.
As second dimension, media richness of outputs de-
scribes the main output mechanisms for the respective
device class.
Strictly, most if not all input is done via sensors, but
none at this point denotes no manual activity by a user.
Since the possibilities of neural interfaces are yet very
limited, future developments might mandate splitting up this
category into different kinds of neural interfaces.
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
None refers to no user-oriented communication by
the device itself. This applies to cyber-physical
actuators with direct manipulation of real-world
objects (e.g. switching on light). This also in-
cludes pass-through mechanisms that in general or
in some situations do not produce a tangible output
of their own but pass it through to a connected man-
aging device (e.g., a smartphone) which retrieves
information and handles user output.
Screen output is a major form of user communi-
cation found in app-enabled devices. Although a
clear subdivision is not possible, several classes are
typical, ranging from tiny screen displays (
to small screens such as for smartphones (
medium screens for handheld devices (
large screens (
20”), and usually permanently
installed huge screens >20”.
Voice-based output refers to the first type of disem-
bodied device output that communicates with the
user without physical contact.
Projection extends the disembodiment with visual
output to a device-external location, including aug-
mented reality applications and hologram repre-
Neural interfaces connect directly to the user in or-
der to a achieve a tightly coupled human-computer
Finally, the combination of input and output character-
istics ignores different application areas of the respec-
tive device class. For example, intelligent switches and
drones for aerial photography can both be remotely
controlled and have no direct output, but can hardly be
grouped as being in the same device class. Therefore,
the degree of mobility describes the usage characteris-
tics as third dimension.
Stationary devices are permanently installed and
have no mobile characteristics during use.
Mobile devices can be carried to the place of use.
Wearable devices are designed for a more exten-
sive usage and availability through the physical
contact with the user. In contrast to “mobile”, trans-
porting the device is implicit and usually hands-
Self-moving devices provide the capability to move
themselves (controlled by the user). Ultimately,
autonomous devices represent the richest form of
mobility for app-enabled devices.
3.2 Categorizing the Device Landscape
The proposed dimensions allow for an initial cate-
gorization of the device landscape. Figures 1 to 3
(page 5) visualize the three-dimensional categoriza-
tion of different device classes using the respective
two-dimensional projections for better readability.
As depicted in Figure 1, many devices classes
can be assigned to distinct positions in the two-
dimensional space of input/ output media richness.
However, it should be noted that the ellipses represent
(current) major interaction mechanisms within the de-
vice class. For example, smartphones also have a few
physical buttons but are usually operated by touch
input. Individual devices may also deviate from the
presented position, for instance specialized or experi-
mental devices that do not (yet?) constitute a distinct
class of devices. Additionally, not all devices falling
into a device class must necessarily implement all pos-
sibilities of that class. Therefore, ellipses are a well-
suited representation as opposed to, e.g., the maximum
value for the respective devices.
The chosen level of abstraction implies that the
taxonomy dimensions are intended to be rather static.
Instead of chasing the actual technological develop-
ment to reflect the latest emergence of devices, only
seldom and slow changes are necessary to keep them
up to date. Nevertheless, the categorization of classes
is more dynamic and will need to be regularly checked
for continued relevance. Moreover, classes might need
to be split or at least be adapted regarding their place-
ment on the dimensions’ continuum when new possi-
bilities arise. For this reason, and also for the brevity
of a position paper such as this, we do not provide
detailed definitions for each class. Rather, we explain
them exemplarily and rely on the general understand-
ing of the well-known classes (such as smartphones).
Figure 1 reveals differences in the specificity (i.e.,
represented size) of the device classes. Some of them
fill specific spots in the diagram, either due to techni-
cal restrictions (smart TVs evolve traditional remote-
controlled TVs with large screens) or special purposes
(smart glasses enable hands-free interaction and visu-
alization). Less specific device classes exist for two
reasons. On the one hand, terms such as smart home
comprise every technology that relates to a specific
domain, subsuming very heterogeneous devices. On
the other hand, underspecified device classes such as
implants and smart personal agents are presented as
they are due to their novelty; there are few devices
on the market and a high level of uncertainty must be
ascertained regarding future hardware characteristics
and interaction patterns. We expect to be able to draw
a more concrete picture with a future version of the
taxonomy, both based on the discussion of this paper
and the meanwhile ongoing technological progress.
Differences in the device classes can also be ex-
plained with regard to media richness theory (MRT).
Conquering the Mobile Device Jungle: Towards a Taxonomy for App-enabled Devices
Figure 1: Matrix of Input and Output Dimensions.
Figure 2: Matrix of Output and Mobility Dimensions.
MRT describes a corridor of effective communication
with matching levels of message ambiguity and media
richness (Daft et al., 1987). When applying this idea
to the input and output characteristics of app-enabled
devices, similar observations can be made. For ex-
ample, IoT devices have only rudimentary direct user
input possibilities but also give not much feedback in
return. Notebooks allow for medium levels of input
richness through keyboard and mouse input, with large
Figure 3: Matrix of Input and Mobility Dimensions.
screens as more flexible output capabilities. Further-
more, smart glasses directly embed their output into
the real world by projection. Consequently, their voice-
based input is equally rich in order to handle complex
interactions with the user.
This correlation also partly explains why there are
areas in Figure 1 with no assigned device class. Rich
forms of user input such as gestures overcomplicate in-
teractions for devices that have just small screens. On
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
the other extreme, devices with barely a few buttons
do not provide sufficiently flexible input capabilities
to manipulate large screens. Of course, empty spaces
in the taxonomy might also be caused by a lack of
use cases so far. Thus, they might actually be filled
by future devices, or existing classes might “stretch”
into these areas. In general, with the evolution and
differentiation of input media, existing device classes
might extend towards further areas or even converge.
E.g., consider convertibles as hybrid devices between
keyboard-based netbooks and touch-optimized tablets.
Figure 2 depicts the combination of output me-
dia richness and mobility. Unsurprisingly, a general
tendency towards large screen output for stationary
devices can be observed. With increasing mobility,
screen sizes tend to diminish, from small screens on
smartphones to very limited fitness tracker screens and
screen-less drones. Beyond mobile devices, output ca-
pabilities become more flexible, potentially caused
by specific domains of application, or their novelty
with insufficient time to establish wide-spread interac-
tion patterns. Some recently emerged device classes
explore intangible output capabilities, for instance aug-
mented / virtual reality (AR/VR) headsets. Others, es-
pecially autonomously moving devices such as smart
cars and personal robots, are driven by the increased
availability of sensor technology and not restricted to
particular output capabilities.
Finally, Figure 3 visualizes the relationship be-
tween input media richness and mobility. Usually,
an increasing degree of mobility entails less physical
input mechanisms with dedicated buttons and keys.
This might be attributed to practicability reasons, for
example using voice commands is easier for wear-
able smart glasses than requiring dedicated input de-
vices. In addition, smarter devices are usually more
complex with regard to their output, and equally so-
phisticated input capabilities are necessary to match
this level as explained by media richness theory. Con-
soles, for instance, provide basic navigation function-
alities. Desktop personal computers and notebooks
can be equipped with intelligent software such that
keyboard and mouse are helpful means for interac-
tion, and smart personal agents integrate advanced
interpretation mechanisms that allow for voice-based
communication in everyday situations.
Due to the rapid proliferation of the field and the initial
character of this work, it is likely that amendments
will need to be made. Moreover, we will need to keep
updating the taxonomy once it has been acknowledged
by the scientific community. In addition, a taxonomy
should also be appealing for the use by practitioners,
particularly in a field like Mobile Computing where
scientific research and technological progress go hand-
in-hand. Therefore, this section presents ideas for
discussion that go beyond Section 3.
4.1 Alternative Categorization Schemes
Devices can be categorized according to other device
features. Not all are compatible with our taxonomy,
nevertheless we deem several of them noteworthy.
Simple schemes such as a categorization by hard-
ware feature (e.g., camera, computing power, touch
screen) or usage (e.g., business, entertainment, sports,
or communication use) fail to provide clear criteria for
a taxonomy. In particular, a fast adaptation and con-
vergence of available technologies could be observed
in the past years. For example, so-called phablets blur
the lines between smartphones and tablets, and gyro-
scope sensors have found wide-spread adoption in a
variety of devices.
Matrix-based categorizations allow for a better jux-
taposition on two dimensions, for instance regarding
the input and output characteristics of app-enabled de-
vices. However, the heterogeneity of devices within a
device class provides insufficient discriminating power.
For example, medium-sized and touch-based screens
are usual interfaces both for tablets and smart cars.
Similarly, distinguishing between apps for embedded
or stand-alone devices is not always possible due to
different types of device integrations within a device
category (cf. e.g. Coppola and Morisio (2016) for
smart cars).
Therefore, the third dimension chosen for our tax-
onomy adds the degree of mobility to distinguish be-
tween similar device hardware in different usage con-
texts. Other potential approaches for categorizing de-
vices include the degree of integration, automation,
or intelligence attainable or provided by the device.
This reaches from simple input / output devices with
limited app interaction (such as fitness trackers), to in-
teroperable software (such as smartphones), highly
cross-linked and automated devices (in the IoT or
smart home field), and finally to intelligent machines.
While we deem it reasonable to discuss such an op-
tional fourth dimension, we do not think the taxonomy
would gain more discriminatory power.
4.2 Further Development
Firstly, future discussion needs to include the demar-
cation of devices to be included. As argued earlier,
mobility is not necessarily the proper boundary. App-
Conquering the Mobile Device Jungle: Towards a Taxonomy for App-enabled Devices
enablement has proven to be feasible, yet we will need
to find (or provide) a profound definition for it.
Secondly, it needs to be determined how the tax-
onomy can be kept up to date. In many other cases,
taxonomies have proven to be either too detailed and
thus requiring constant adjustments, or too little de-
tailed and thus lacking discriminatory power. Due
to a restriction to three orthogonal dimensions and
clearly distinguishable values in each of it, we are op-
timistic that the taxonomy will be future-proof. Nev-
ertheless, proper ways of deciding when adaptations
are needed and what developments can be reflected
without changes need to be defined. As part of this, we
will need to scrutinize how to handle the differences in
precision regarding categories. For example, it is very
well understood what a smartphone is; smart homes,
and to an even higher degree neural devices are (yet)
diffuse with a lack of devices and/or applications to
characterize them.
Thirdly, we so far have limited ourselves to con-
sumer devices. This includes many devices that are
also used for professional purposes, but arguably not
all. Beyond that, some specialised devices are (so far)
solely used for professional means. Examples can be
found in industry, particularly in logistics. However,
some of these might simply be subsumed by consumer
devices. It could be said that e.g. the devices used by
parcel couriers are very similar to smartphones, despite
the difference in form and the absence of a general pur-
pose utilization. The same applies to special devices
from areas such as healthcare or crisis prevention and
response. While such devices typically have specific
capabilities (such as error-tolerance), on an abstract
level they again are very similar to general purpose
hardware. Thus, an updated taxonomy could try to
include non-consumer devices. However, due to the
complexity that arises particularly with devices that
are so specialised that information on them is scarce,
we deem the current limitation justified.
Fourthly, it should be scrutinized how the taxon-
omy can be provided in a form that is useful both for
researchers and for practitioners. Most scientists know
taxonomies for research topics enforced by publica-
tion outlets. Quite often these feel more like a “try to
fit somewhere” game, particularly if a paper tackles a
contemporary topic and the taxonomy provides little
flexibility. If we want our taxonomy to be helpful for
researchers, and – probably even hard to achieve – em-
ployed by practitioners, it needs to be easy to use yet
powerful. Achieving this will be very valuable, as can
e.g. be seen for cross-platform development, where
new approaches can be clearly categorized by their
The above discussion points have also shown the
limitations of our work. Besides the issues that need to
be worked on, an eventual verification of the taxonomy
is mandated. For now, many tasks remain but a first
– we deem noteworthy – step has been done. Further
steps are sketched in the next Section.
In this paper we have presented a taxonomy for app-
enabled devices it is the first such work. Based
on three dimensions that take into account the input
and output characteristics, we have built the taxonomy.
Categorizing the device landscape and plotting the
results into figures illustrates the discriminatory power
of our taxonomy. However, as the first comprehensive
work on the topic, we seek to amend and refine it. For
now, it is put up for discussion. Nonetheless, due to the
soundness of the dimensions and their alignment with
availably theory, we are optimistic that this position
paper provides a profound step towards a systematic
overview of app-enabled devices.
Our future work instantaneously follows this pre-
condition. We seek to discuss the taxonomy as part
of a conference presentation and, subsequently, with
interested colleagues. Moreover, we will also seek
to have practitioners scrutinize it. The next step will
be to provide an amended version of the taxonomy,
along with an extended discussion of device classes.
Eventually, empirical verification will be necessary.
The outlook is determined by an aspiration for our
work. It should not become “yet another computer
science taxonomy”. Rather, it should prove useful in
authors to more clearly express what kind of de-
vice(s) they are referring to,
researchers and practitioners to gain more discrimi-
natory power when speaking about modern mobile
computing devices, and
the general public a more straightforward way of
understanding similarities and differences between
devices, both technically and tangibly.
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Conquering the Mobile Device Jungle: Towards a Taxonomy for App-enabled Devices