before to unwind the arrays to look for the right non-
spatial members.
In the Spatial Big Data field, many academic and
industrial communities propose new Spatial DBMSs,
(such as MongoDB, Cassandra, etc.) to handle with
the volume and the variety of these very huge
georeferenced datasets. In particular, document
Spatial DBMSs appear well-adapted to store complex
and voluminous spatial data. Despite of important
spatial analysis possibilities offered by document
Spatial DBMSs, no work investigates their use in the
context of Spatial OLAP and Spatial Data
Therefore, in this work, we focus on the logical
modelling and query processing of document spatial
data warehouse. We propose a new logical schema for
Spatial DW using UML profile. We generate datasets
of different size according to different scale factor
values. We have tested our models under MongoDB.
Our experimental work shows that Falling Star model
is better than existing models for document data
warehouses, since it explicitly takes into account
spatial data.
On-going work involves comparing Falling Star
with different logical implementations (relational or
NoSQL) and testing our models in a distributed
architecture. We will also analyze the impact of query
selectivity on the performance of Falling Star model.
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