security and privacy for IoT, and use that model to
identify areas where distributed ledgers can assist. In
Section 4, we propose an implementation plan that
addresses these issues. In particular we aim to solve
the problem of how to provide trust in a blockchain
from a device that lacks the power to participate in the
blockchain. In Section 5 we compare this approach to
related work, and outline a plan of further work in this
Because of the widespread deployment of IoT to-
gether with the use in many areas where personal in-
formation can be collected or deduced — including
smart homes, health monitoring, smart cars, and fit-
ness tracking — there are ongoing major concerns
about privacy. These include: lack of informed con-
sent for publishing data; fingerprinting of hardware;
and de-anonymisation, amongst others.
The Web and Internet have been driven by hetero-
geneity of clients and services: any browser will work
with any website; any FTP client with any FTP server.
This choice enables several security and privacy bene-
fits. Users can migrate away from insecure or privacy-
leaking systems and services. It also encourages both
client and service providers to produce security up-
dates and improvements to the core protocols and
to the websites and services provided. While there
are problems, this has led to incremental improve-
ments and choices. For example, users concerned
about email integrity and spamming can adopt anti-
spam measures such as the Domain Key Identified
Mail standard (Crocker et al., 2011). Users concerned
with confidentiality can encrypt email. Users con-
cerned about insecure messaging systems can choose
more secure instant messaging systems such as Sig-
and Threema
. In contrast, the Internet of Things
is fundamentally controlled by the manufacturers of
devices, and does not offer choice for users to migrate
to more secure services. IoT devices are hard-coded
with firmware that typically connects to a single ser-
vice. In many cases the only true privacy control a
user has is to completely disable a device. Even when
systems use standard protocols, they may not docu-
ment the usage.
As discussed above, blockchains create a dis-
tributed ledger that creates a shared governance.
Blockchains rely on proof that the parties are behav-
ing in a consistent and correct manner, since the par-
ties are not known and are assumed to be inherently
untrustworthy. Bitcoin, the most famous blockchain-
based system, relies on a concept called Proof of Work
to ensure that parties are behaving properly. Other
blockchain systems rely on differing proofs, includ-
ing proof of stake, proof of storage, or combinations
of different proof types. The proof is used to guar-
antee the immutability of an block and each block
guarantees the previous blocks (typically using a con-
struct known as a Merkle Tree) — creating a chain
of blocks known as a blockchain. Because the proof
requires some form of value (whether it is ownership
of a cryptocurrency, expended work, storage of data,
etc), the system can provide rewards for those who
participate. This is the basis of cryptocurrencies. For
example, Bitcoin issues new coins to the participat-
ing system that first correctly produces the work that
verifies the latest block.
Therefore, the distributed ledger offers the
promise of creating an environment for IoT networks
where there can be trust, anonymity, and effective
contracts between parties without any single vendor
being in charge, and without requiring any party to
trusted above any other.
However, there remains a major concern. The
processing, memory and code requirements of
blockchains makes them inappropriate to run on IoT
devices and gateways. For example, the current Bit-
coin database is around 80Gb and it takes at least
512MB of RAM and a 1Ghz processor to partici-
. The Simple Payment Verification (SPV) model
in Bitcoin supports lighterweight clients that can con-
nect to a random sample of servers, but this is sus-
ceptible to Sybil attacks. Recent work in Frey et al.
(2016) has made it feasible to participate in the Bit-
coin network with a smartphone, but to have an effec-
tive approach for IoT the system must support com-
mon cheap IoT devices. For example, the ESP8266
device is a common device target that offers 1Mb
of program memory and 80Kb of variable memory.
Even with the improvements from Frey et al, this
is still insufficient even to validate the Bitcoin sys-
tem. As a result, we consider this a significant is-
sue that needs addressing before the vision of using
blockchains as the basis of IoT security and privacy
can be achieved. To solve this problem, we propose
an avenue of research that can provide trust between
IoT devices and blockchains without requiring the de-
vice to actively participate in the blockchain.
Enhancing IoT Security and Privacy with Distributed Ledgers - A Position Paper