In this paper, a novel method for designing efficient
tests for ADAS and autonomous vehicles has been
proposed. The main advantage of the method is the
inherent consistency of the test strategy which
progresses from the technological properties of a
system component towards its implications for the
final ADAS product from a customer perspective.
The method has been designed to meet the needs
of newly assembled teams which must achieve high-
quality test results in a limited amount of time.
Using a well-known example from recent ADAS
history, the replacement of a radar sensor with a mono
camera for ACC has been chosen as an example to
illustrate the use of the ADAS SWOT analysis.
In future work, the following issues will be
addressed to further optimize and improve the testing
Apply ADAS SWOT to new sensor technologies
(e.g. solid-state LiDAR, stereo camera).
Expand ADAS SWOT to meet the needs of
autonomous vehicle development.
Further reduce the required amount of expert
knowledge by partially automating the testing
process (e.g. by defining test criteria and
environmental parameters based on ontologies).
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