A Security Approach using SIP Protocol in Imbedded Systems
Toniclay Andrade Nogueira, Adauto Cavalcante Menezes,
Admilson De Ribamar Lima Ribeiro and Edward David Moreno Ordonez
Computing Department, Segipe Federal University, Aracaju, Brazil
Keywords: VoIP, Asterisk, Embedded Systems, SIP, Safety.
Abstract: Voice over IP communication will dominate the world. However, given the growing demand for voice and
data communication to make any and all communication reliable and secure, several attacks occur frequently
in communication networks, so this work is based on verifying security, analyzing risks, vulnerabilities, such
as verifying the attacks and proposing a security measure for voice over IP communication on embedded
The Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology
consists in the integration of the services in the
telecommunication areas and the network services
provided by computers. In this way, it enables the
digitization and encoding of the voice signal and
transforms it into data packages for communication in
a network using UDP protocols.
In this context, the VoIP concept allows cost
reduction in installations, maintenance and
management of parallel networks. With this, a new
concept of telephony is created (Sitolino 1999).
However, it will be necessary equipment, techniques
and specific human resources (Silva, 2016).
Stapko (2007) understands as information
security the protection of personal or confidential
information, as well as the computational resources
of individuals or organizations. Without information
security, malicious individuals can destroy or use
such information for malicious purposes. The state-
of-the-art security in VoIP telephony involves audio
encryption between the two distinct points as well as
interoperability between communication server
manufacturers through indecipherable encryption and
centralized management (Stallings, 2008).
According to Barr (1999), Car and Wagner (2003)
and Marwedel (2011), embedded systems must be
reliable, since failures can compromise their
functionality and make system recovery unfeasible.
Embedded systems use hardware platforms, which
are driven by softwares. Several implementations of
processors can be used, which implies a great
reduction of costs.
Some reliability issues are found on embedded
devices, as they cannot be safely shut down for
repairs, the system must run continuously.
As its operating mode has reduced performance,
the environment tends to fail if it is turned off
(Akyildiz, 2002). Security in embedded systems was
not always considered, since most of these systems
were initially operated without Internet connectivity.
Information security and new embedded device
paradigms are increasingly present in our lives.
However, the communication between devices will
have a great impact on global communication, which
will increase the efficiency and security of VoIP
This article is organized as it follows: section 2 is
composed of theoretical grounding presentation,
section 3 presents related works, section 4 has a
description of the proposal, and section 5 show the
expected contribution of the research.
2.1 VoIP
According to Raake (2007) and Walker, (2004), VoIP
is a technology that performs voice communication
over an IP network.
The communication process consists of
transforming the analog voice into digital, through the
Nogueira, T., Menezes, A., Ribeiro, A. and Ordonez, E.
A Security Approach using SIP Protocol in Imbedded Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006354403520355
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 352-355
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
fragmentation of the package and transport over the
IP network. The process is becoming more modern, it
is possible to mention some softwares that work with
this technology, among them, Facebook, Messenger,
Skype, Viber and WhatsApp.
In image 01 we can observe the operation of a
VoIP application where the analog audio is converted
into digital and grouped into packages that are
transmitted to the IP network through the Real Time
Protocol (RTP) protocol, after arriving at the receiver
the packages are organized and then reproduced.
Figure 1: Scenario of the ideal operation of the VoIP
application, Shigueoka, 2016.
2.2 Embedded Systems
Some data researched in high technology shows that
more than 90% of microcomputers manufactured in
the world are intended for machines that are not called
computers, such as cell phones, automobiles, DVD
players, among others.
According to Reis (2004), what comes to
differentiate the set of devices from a computer is the
project based on a dedicated set and specialist,
consisting of Hardware, Software and Peripherals,
i.e., embedded system.
For Ball (2005), the system is classified as
embedded when it is dedicated to a single task and
continuously interacts with the environment around
it, by the use of actuators and sensors.
In their article, Siqueira, Menegotto, Weber,
César Netto and Wagner (2006) comment on the use
of embedded systems in critical applications, which
comprises as applications in which the risks
associated with the hazards involved are considered
unacceptable and need to be handled.
The embedded system is commonly a solution
formed from dedicated and specific microcontroller
and software to performing the operational functions
of equipment for which it was designed.
2.3 Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
SIP has been developed to facilitate the
implementation of the basic aspects of a session,
which is a non-trivial process. Today it is used
worldwide and it is also a strong “competitor” of
H.323. Barbosa (2006) defines SIP as a protocol that
signals client-server sessions, and that stands out for
its simplicity and mobility; it has a primitives the
initialization, modification and termination of
sessions in a VoIP communication.
According to Defsip, together with Real-time
Transport Protocol (RTP), Real Time Streaming
Protocol (RTSP), Session Description Protocol
(SDP), SIP establishes a complete multimedia
architecture, providing complete services to the user.
SIP also provides participant management
services in a multimedia session.
According to Cuervo (2000), due to the ability of
working in conjunction with other protocols, it allows
integration with public telephony, allowing not only
the connection between IP extensions, but also for
public network telephones.
2.4 Types of Attacks to SIP Protocol
2.4.1 Main-in-the-middle
For this attack, the attacker can use two techniques:
ARP table poisoning, or DNS cloning. With either of
these, permission is granted to be between the SIP
server and the User Agent. With this type of attack,
the intruder does not necessarily know valid
usernames and passwords; they can simply route
traffic between the server the and client and act
intercepting the packages, preventing them from
reaching their real destination, which is the SIP server
(Nakamura, Emílio, Geus and Lício, 2007).
2.4.2 Subsection Titles
According to Thermos (2007), this attack aims to
obtain credentials from valid users in a SIP telephony
communication system using a brute-force attack,
which is, sending multiple ID requests and passwords
to from a dictionary.
2.4.3 Denial of Service
In attacks known as Denial of Service, it is possible
to layers of infrastructure in VoIP environment.
According to Thermos (2007) the DoS attacks have
as main objective to cause the interruption of the
target service. In this case, the attack is directed to
both the operating system and also to the network
2.4.4 SIP Redirect
For Butcher, Li and Guo (2007), the attack employs a
server that receives requests from a telephone or
proxy and returns a redirect response, which indicates
A Security Approach using SIP Protocol in Imbedded Systems
where the request is to be repeated, thus enabling
users to have a call redirected to another location
rather than where they are located. However, the
caller normally dials only the number to reach the
The attacker redirects the victim's calls to a
specific number, so the attacker starts receiving the
calls that were forwarded to the attacked user.
The work covered in this article contains a large
amount of research. Thus, the IEEE Base has been
used with works from the year 2012 to 2016.
3.1 The Communication System
In their article, Lomotey and Deters (2014) show that
IP communication systems have been the target of
attacks, such as call theft, attacks on servers, which
allows access to users' data. Thus, the author
proposed a solution to prevent the intrusion of
attackers in the communication system built in VoIP
In his experiment, a complete platform for
Asterisk was not used because he proposed a cloud-
based middleware, which layer maintains the most
sensitive part of the information call.
3.2 VoIP Security Analyses
Rehman and Abbasi (2014) analyzed security in the
VoIP architecture with the Asterisk voice over IP
communication system. It has been noted that most of
the attacks are related to the fragility of the SIP
protocol, espionage attacks, modification and
involuntary interruption were detected.
The authors have proposed as solution of the
presented problem, an efficient and secure
mechanism of authentication for the protocol SIP,
with this, it is possible to assure greater protection to
the attacks.
It was suggested to assign a cryptographic token
that would authenticate the users allowing their
identification and providing greater security as well
as there would be the need for the user to enter a
password to use other available services.
3.3 VoIP Intrusion Detection with
Číž, Lábaj, Podhradský and Londák (2012), have
proposed in their experiment a model focused on DoS
attack in order to cause a malfunction in Asterisk
voice over IP communication software. The authors
used the SIP tool, in order to verify the functionality
of the detection system and cause anomalies in denial
of service attacks, the Snort software tool was also
used to detect open network attacks, capable of
performing analysis of the Traffic and packet logging
on IP networks.
The present proposal aims at creating a defense
method for the IP asterisk over SIP protocol, in order
to use embedded devices (Raspberry Pi3, Banana Pi
M3 and Orange Pi Plus 2) as shown in image 2. The
method will be based on the main attacks that occur
in embedded systems, contemplated by authors in
related works in diverse bases.
Figure 2: Architecture of the scenario.
With the result of the main attacks, simulations
will be made in the device in order to propose security
It will be necessary to study the SIP protocol to
verify the vulnerabilities in order to apply the best
configuration and defense methods to ensure the
security of the device.
In order to achieve the objectives of this research,
it will be necessary to elaborate a scenario that makes
possible to carry out all the experiments as close as
possible to a real production environment, so the
scenario should include three low cost embedded
devices already configured with the system, which
must be directly connected to the Internet.
This proposal presents as main contribution the
elaboration of a security method for a VoIP
communication central in an embedded device using
the Asterisk system.
With the development of this proposal we intend
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
to obtain the following contributions: to survey the
main techniques used to attack the communication
systems, to survey the tools and materials necessary
to simulate the most significant attacks on embedded
devices; to perform a literature review of the SIP
protocol, to analyze the vulnerabilities of the SIP
protocol, to propose a defense for these attacks, to
write the dissertation and present the results of the
security analysis on the devices shipped with
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A Security Approach using SIP Protocol in Imbedded Systems