can be a test prioritization, when test sequences or
test cases are distributed between several classes. In
functional testing, these classes are usually
represented by the number of faults or the number of
mutants that can be killed by a given test case. In the
case of active trust assessment, test cases can be
assigned with the scores as the trust levels obtained
from a SUT. Studying the dependencies between
functional and non-functional score assignment is
one of the directions of our future work.
In this paper, we have proposed an active testing
based trust assessment approach. The approach can
be applied to any entity of a telecommunication
system; however, we preferred to draw our attention
to the emerging concept of Systems as Services.
In order to decide which input sequences can be
included into a test suite under derivation, we
proposed to use a machine learning approach. In this
case, the machine that represents the prediction
engine is built based on the training set provided by
the experts. Later on, the machine allows to choose
the test sequences that can potentially cause the
system under test to produce untrustworthy outputs.
To the best of our knowledge, it is the first proposal
for using active testing techniques for SaS trust
assessment, and the proposed approach brings a lot
of challenges for the future work. In particular, we
would like to perform experiments with the various
SaS for estimating its validity and effectiveness.
Later on, we would like to consider the test
prioritization problem when the test sequences are
being classified according to their abilities of setting
the system to untrustworthy states. Finally, the
active assessment of trustworthiness of an entity
might be the first step in a trust certification process.
Investigation of the applicability of the approach for
the SaS trust certification is another challenge.
The issues listed above form the nearest
directions of the future work.
The work was partially supported by the Russian
Science Foundation (RSF), project № 16-49-03012.
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