This paper presents a polygon-based image
registration together with a suggested procedure for
detecting changes between the involved images. The
approach has been tested on real datasets, which
showed its effectiveness in registering and detecting
changes among multi-temporal and multi-resolution
The illustrated procedure has been used for image
registration of multi-source imagery with varying
geometric and radiometric properties. The presented
approach used polygon features (islands) as the
registration primitives since they can be reliably
extracted from the images. To avoid the effect of
possible radiometric differences between the
registered images, due to different atmospheric
conditions, noise, and/or different spectral properties,
the change detection is based on derived edge images.
The use of polygons vectors is attractive since it
would lead to an effective detection of urbanization
activities. The images are then subtracted to produce
a change image, which could be enhanced by
applying an image processing filters to remove noise.
The change detection results are found to be
consistent with these visually identified. Future
research will concentrate on using high-resolution
images for change detection at the same time
establishing ground truth for quantitative evaluation
of the suggested approach.
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