connection path is preserved, which means that RIP
router ‘A’ still has its routing state consistency after
changing the dynamic module.
Service continuity is very important in mission
critical and safety software application such as
internet infrastructure, telecommunication, military
and medical applications, since these applications
above, it is unacceptable to shut-down and restart the
system during software upgrade. The purpose of
run-time software upgrade technique is to
dynamically upgrade the behaviour of a running
software system without the software outage and
service interruption. In this article, we present a run-
time software upgrading method based on software
architecture. We proposed the software framework
for dynamic software module architecture and run-
time module upgrading procedure. Also, we
implemented the proposed scheme and show results
of run-time upgrading via network router software.
In future work, we will focus on further enhanced
features such performance measurement and dealing
with the case that user data structure is changed in
This research was supported by the IT R&D program of
MSIP (Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning) /
IITP (Institute for Information & Communication
Technology Promotion). [R0101-16-0070, Development
of The High Availability Network Operating System for
Supporting Non-Stop Active Routing]. This research was
supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea
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