A Personal Analytics Platform for the Internet of Things
Implementing Kappa Architecture with Microservice-based Stream Processing
Theo Zschörnig
, Robert Wehlitz
and Bogdan Franczyk
Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI), Leipzig University, Hainstr. 11, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
Information Systems Institute, Leipzig University, Grimmaische Str. 12, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
Business Informatics Institute, Wrocław University of Economics, ul. Komandorska 118-120, 53-345 Wrocław, Poland
Keywords: Personal Analytics, Internet of Things, Kappa Architecture, Microservices, Stream Processing.
Abstract: The foundation of the Internet of Things (IoT) consists of different devices, equipped with sensors, actuators
and tags. With the emergence of IoT devices and home automation, advantages from data analysis are not
limited to businesses and industry anymore. Personal analytics focus on the use of data created by individuals
and used by them. Current IoT analytics architectures are not designed to respond to the needs of personal
analytics. In this paper, we propose a lightweight flexible analytics architecture based on the concept of the
Kappa Architecture and microservices. It aims to provide an analytics platform for huge numbers of different
scenarios with limited data volume and different rates in data velocity. Furthermore, the motivation for and
challenges of personal analytics in the IoT are laid out and explained as well as the technological approaches
we use to overcome the shortcomings of current IoT analytics architectures.
It is estimated that the number of Internet of Things
(IoT) devices will grow in huge quantities, to around
24 billion in the year 2020 (Greenough, 2016). This
ever-increasing number of IoT devices creates vast
opportunities for businesses and industry but also for
common individuals (Ruckenstein, 2014). In order to
gain meaningful insights, it is necessary to provide
analytics platforms which are able to process,
integrate and enrich the data from IoT devices.
Current research in the field of IoT analytics focuses
on different domains, such as health care, energy and
utilities and manufacturing (Stolpe et al., 2016). Yet,
in order to further enhance the usefulness of IoT
devices to consumers, it seems plausible to provide
powerful personal analytics.
During our research, we found that these kinds of
analytics have different challenges and technological
requirements compared to common IoT analytics
architectures and therefore need new approaches to be
handled. Against this background, we present an
architectural approach for an IoT analytics platform
in the context of personal analytics.
In this paper, we describe the motivation to conduct
this research and the challenges when designing
architectures for IoT personal analytics platforms but
also the opportunities they provide (Section 2). We
give an overview of the state of the art in IoT analytics
regarding technologies and architectures and show
that these are not fully suitable for personal analytics
(Section 3).
Further, this paper presents technological
approaches to resolve these issues and challenges
(Section 4). The main contribution of this paper, an
approach to build an analytics platform architecture
which is able to be used for personal analytics, is
described in Section 5. In conclusion, we provide
ideas to further the research in this field (Section 6).
The usage, adoption and impact of the IoT can be
categorized into levels of society, industry,
organization and individuals (Riggins and Wamba,
2015). With the growing number of IoT devices used
in everyday life, it is necessary to gather richer
insights in how to use the data not only on a high,
aggregated level. A smaller, more intimate scale and
use, by individuals, commonly referred to as personal
analytics (Choe et al., 2014) should also be looked
upon. Lacking a unanimous definition, we describe
Zschörnig, T., Wehlitz, R. and Franczyk, B.
A Personal Analytics Platform for the Internet of Things - Implementing Kappa Architecture with Microservice-based Stream Processing.
DOI: 10.5220/0006355407330738
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 733-738
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
personal analytics as analytics of data produced by an
individual. It can also be seen as analytics of data
from or linked to a specific individual. Therefore,
personal analytics call for user-friendly applications
which empower self-service capabilities. The types of
analytics used in this regard are descriptive,
predictive and prescriptive (Swan, 2012).
Since IoT topics like Smart Home and home
automation have become more popular in recent
years, but still struggle to gain broader acceptance
(Accenture, 2016), it seems plausible to extend the
field of personal analytics to these. This enables
consumers, for instance, to gain insights into their
own energy consumption and device usage in the
closed environment of their homes. Further, the
complex interaction of IoT devices as well as their
smart usage can be supported by the use of machine
learning, data mining, clustering and analytics
insights, enhancing the usage value of them to the
Providing an analytics platform or tools to
consumers is usually part of IoT platforms (Mineraud
et al., 2015). They can be vendor-agnostic, third-
party-based or open source and omit the need for
consumers to build their own management and
control systems to use their IoT devices.
In the context of providing an IoT platform for
large numbers of consumers, IoT analytics platforms
face several architectural challenges. Semantics of the
data to be collected and analysed change frequently
over time and are sometimes unknown (Xu et al.,
2016). Also, the ability to save large volumes of
different kinds of structured and unstructured data
(Hasan et al., 2015), in a scalable, easy updatable
manner is important. Furthermore, they need to
process real-time data (Rozik et al., 2016) and
integrate it with historical data, extend data
processing capabilities without ease and provide the
gained insights to different endpoints (Cheng et al.,
2015). Lastly, they need to be able to combine events
of different IoT devices for meaningful information
and predict events based on the data (Rozik et al.,
In context of personal analytics, we found the
requirements for IoT analytics platforms to be
different. Major differences are data volume and
velocity to be analysed. Whereas common Big Data
technologies aggregate data from huge numbers of
data sources thus creating large volumes of data, the
number and therefore volume in personal analytics is
much smaller. Corresponding architectures still need
to be able to handle huge volumes and high velocity
of data, but only at the infrastructure level. Instead of
processing and computing a modest number of Big
Data problems, the analytics architecture has to
compute large numbers of smaller problems. Since
every consumer is able to define their own analytics
use cases, the resulting applications do not need the
same computational power as common Big Data
scenarios and, as a consequence, should be designed
in a flexible and lightweight way.
This shift leads to huge numbers of different
analytics scenarios in terms of data sources, data
processing and transformation needs as well as
insights gained. As a result, the architectures of the
platform must be able to provide large quantities of
processing and analysis algorithms which can be
easily replaced in user-created analytics pipelines.
Still, the already established architectural
requirements for IoT analytics platforms apply.
Looking at current solutions, these requirements
seem to have only been insufficiently met. Therefore,
we propose a new more flexible architecture which is
able to satisfy the needs of personal analytics,
especially in IoT platform environments.
As mentioned before, current IoT analytics platforms
research and solutions mainly employ Big Data
technologies in order to tackle the architectural
requirements of IoT analytics scenarios. Commonly
used are Big Data processing frameworks for batch
and stream processing, such as Apache Spark, Storm,
Samza, and Flink, to be composed in a Lambda
Architecture (Cheng et al.; Hasan et al., 2015; Rozik
et al., 2016). This architectural concept includes a
batch, stream and serving layer. The batch layer is
used to store all ingested data as well as compute
views on the data continuously. Since batch
processing huge data volumes creates high latency,
the speed layer is used to compensate this and create
incremental real-time views of the data. The real-time
views complement the batch views. This creates the
need to develop two data processing logics. In
addition, the development of processing algorithms
using processing frameworks is rather cumbersome
and has a steep learning curve for developers.
There have also been works which use Business
Intelligence applications (Chang et al.; Mishra et al.,
2015) to implement IoT analytics or related problem
fields for companies. In addition, Complex Event
Processing (CEP) is used to analyse events of IoT
devices and link them to external data sources
(Naqishbandi et al., 2015), but also add another level
of complexity to data processing and analysis.
IoT analytics in general are object of investigation in
a multitude of domains. This research, especially in
energy and utilities, mainly focuses on aggregated
insights of broad applications, such as smart cities
(Ramakrishnan and Gaur, 2016) or smart grid (Hasan
et al., 2015).
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
However, none of the related works consider the
challenges for IoT analytics platforms which arise in
the context of personal analytics. This paper aims to
provide an architectural approach to fill this gap.
In this section, we describe the core technologies and
technological approaches we use to implement our
IoT personal analytics architecture.
4.1 Kappa Architecture
The foundation of our approach to IoT stream
processing is the Kappa Architecture. It is derived
from the more commonly used Lambda Architecture
but tries to overcome its shortcomings. Comparing
both architectures, Stolpe (2016) points out that the
development of algorithms for both processing layers
of the Lambda Architecture, the batch and the stream
layer, is disadvantageous. Therefore, the main
concept of the Kappa Architecture evolves around the
idea to drop the batch layer and only use a stream
processing system (Wingerath et al., 2016). In case
the underlying logic changes, all historic datasets are
reprocessed (Kreps, 2014; Wingerath et al., 2016) and
the “old” output data tables of the serving layer are
dropped (Kreps, 2014). For this to work, usually the
data source is a (distributed) log data store, such as
Apache Kafka. Therefore, the Kappa Architecture, in
contrast to Lambda Architecture, allows for more
flexible adaption of changing processing and
analytics requirements since the overhead of a second
processing layer is mitigated.
Providing increased flexibility and reduced
overhead, the Kappa Architecture is not without
trade-offs. Especially, increasing data volumes
require more computational power or better data
compression, thus making the Kappa Architecture
only a viable approach in systems with either high
computational power, finite data retention rates or
sufficient data compression (Wingerath et al., 2016).
Looking at IoT data being dominantly time-series
data with rapidly changing, oftentimes unknown,
context and analytics concepts, the flexible and
lightweight nature of the Kappa Architecture enables
it to cope with the challenges these kinds of data
4.2 Microservices
In recent years, the use of microservices for building
flexible software architectures has become rather
popular. In environments with fast changing
requirements, microservice architectures offer a
variety of advantages over traditional approaches.
They are characterized as a set of small services,
developed along business requirements and are
completely independent from one another (Lewis and
Fowler, 2014). They are loosely coupled and focus on
a single task, and are therefore easily changeable or
even replaceable (Fetzer, 2016).
The microservice paradigm is closely linked to
the DevOps approach which advocates tight
collaboration between software development,
execution and maintenance as well as automated
software delivery. Microservices are often
implemented using operating-system virtualization or
container engines, such as Docker (Jaramillo et al.;
Ueda et al., 2016). This adds to their fast and flexible
deployment and also makes them easily transferable.
4.3 Stream Processing and Libraries
Stream processing is a major concept in an IoT
analytics architecture. Data is constantly emitted by
IoT devices thus creating the need to constantly
update and increment existing data views.
Stream processing libraries are software libraries
which are used to implement data extraction with task
and pipeline parallelism. To achieve this, they
leverage the functional capabilities of either a
programming language (RaftLib, Auto-Pipe,
WaveScript) or an application system, which usually
is some kind of data source (Kafka Streams) and
provide these for usage in stream processing
applications. The latter type of libraries is fairly new
and since they do not require the setup of complex
application architectures for processing jobs, they are
more lightweight than the usually used Big Data
processing frameworks.
After conducting a literature review, we found
that there is no substantial research on how they
actually compare to Big Data frameworks in terms of
computational speed and parallelism, especially
considering Big Data problems. Still, they are an easy
to learn alternative, showing lots of potential for use
in Kappa Architectures.
4.4 Data Lake
The concept of the Data Lake is often used, when it is
necessary to store large amounts of data without
knowing their context or later use. Therefore, it is
characterized as a data store, which does not employ
a specific storage technology implementation but
rather a set of typically NoSQL and In-Memory
databases complemented by relational databases
(Pasupuleti and Purra, 2015). It stores vast amounts
of structured as well as unstructured data in low cost
technologies (Fang, 2015) and supports flexible data
A Personal Analytics Platform for the Internet of Things - Implementing Kappa Architecture with Microservice-based Stream Processing
models and caters to data scientists and data
exploration instead of rigid business applications
(Pasupuleti and Purra, 2015). One of the major
benefits using the Data Lake concept is that it is not
necessary to transform or process data before its
actual use (Fang, 2015). The data in the Data Lake is
supposed to be open to further investigation to all
members of an organization (Fang, 2015). In order to
purposefully use the data in the Lake it is necessary
to build and maintain a metadata repository which
enables meaningful semantic connotation of all data
(Alrehamy and Walker, 2015).
Because of the limitations of existing Big Data
analytics architectures in general and IoT analytics
platform architectures more specifically, we designed
a new architectural approach for handling personal
analytics in IoT environments.
The platform architecture is based on the
previously introduced concept of the Kappa
Architecture and is shown in Figure 1. In the context
of the IoT, data sources can be categorized into
sensors, actuators and tags. They form the main data
sources which are relevant to the IoT analytics
platform. Still, it is possible to integrate other external
data sources to provide context, such as
meteorological data.
The data IoT devices emit is pushed into a log data
store. Whereas it is possible to use other alternatives,
we used Apache Kafka due to its rich feature set, easy
integration with other used technologies and its
architectural distribution capabilities. These are all
features which complement the overall requirements
of handling a huge number of heterogeneous data
streams. The actual data ingestion and push to the log
data store is achieved using IoT middleware, such as
While it is possible to have all data from one IoT
device put into one topic in the log data store together,
a lot of devices offer a variety of IoT services which
in turn encapsulate different sensors or actuators. This
makes it more feasible to have topics based on IoT
services rather than devices. The topic is set by the
control service and the identification is saved as
metadata in an external device repository and is
associated to an actual IoT device. This metadata
repository is the basis for later reprocessing tasks as
it enables the platform to identify topics which
require reprocessing due to changed requirements.
The data in the log data store is processed using a
lightweight stream processing system. It needs to be
easily adaptable to changing data models and
analytics requirements. Also, the technological
overhead for implementation needs to be low, so
programmers can easily be introduced to enhance,
maintain and test existing or develop new processing
applications. A microservice architecture is suitable
to fulfil these requirements. Rather than using a full-
fledged stream processing framework, each
processing task is done by a single microservice. The
microservices access the data directly from the log
data store and transform it as needed using stream
processing libraries. The control service accesses the
metadata of different stream processing
microservices from a processor repository. This
information is used to start processing instances as
To utilize the full functionality of the distributed
log data store, we used Kafka Streams. The
microservice stream processing system can be scaled
horizontally in regard of single topics but also as a
whole system. Computation intensive
transformations can be scaled out by starting
additional microservices using the same processing
algorithm, and the system itself can be scaled out to
adequately compute huge amounts of topics. The
feasibility of this stream processing architecture relies
heavily on the nature of IoT personal analytics which
is to handle problems at a much smaller scale than in
common Big Data scenarios.
Processed data is pushed back into the log data
store as a new topic. At this point all data takes two
different paths of further usage. Since meaningful IoT
analytics applications rely heavily on near real-time
data, it is only natural, that all processed data is
pushed into an analytics data store which is the
serving layer of the Kappa Architecture. The data
store should be column-oriented or optimized for time
series data. Examples of time-series databases are
Graphite or InfluxDB. Using the serving layer, it is
possible to access and query all processed data in a
near real-time fashion. In addition, multiple
application programming interface (API) services are
used to serve analytics information to different
endpoints, thus creating the functional layer of an API
gateway which extends orchestration, routing and
authorization services.
The orchestration of new processing services as
well as API services, is handled by the control
service. This service can be accessed via an API and
has information regarding available services, as well
as already deployed services. It starts and stops
services and offers information about health and
performance. It is possible to subdivide this control
service into smaller less sophisticated services, hence
following the microservice paradigm with more
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Solution proposal and data flows.
Although, IoT analytics are most powerful when
used in a near real-time environment, it is still
important to enable users to access historic data.
The log data store as embedded in our approach
should only allow data retention of a couple of weeks.
Otherwise, reprocessing data in case of changed
requirements or needed insights becomes too
cumbersome. More specific, it is advised to set
retention rates of topics depending on the data
ingestion velocity. To overcome data loss, when
longer data retention rates are necessary, we use a
Data Lake. In order to have the data pushed into it, a
batch job implemented as a high-level log data store
consumer is triggered at a regular time interval.
As a first step to evaluate the feasibility of our
approach, we implemented important parts of the
proposed platform architecture. The log data store is
provided using Apache Kafka in congestion with
Kafka Streams as stream processing library
embedded in microservices written in Java. The
serving layer consists of the column-oriented data
store Druid. Analytics API services are written in
Python also designed as microservices. Data
visualization is achieved using Metabase.
In this paper, we presented a solution architecture for
IoT analytics in the context of personal analytics. This
architecture is based on the concept of the Kappa
Architecture and uses microservices to enable
flexible lightweight stream processing as well as
analytics capabilities. Important parts of this
architecture have already been implemented but lack
automatic orchestration and creation of analytics
pipelines. We showed that current IoT analytics
architectures are not as well suited for huge numbers
of inherently different analytics jobs which change
frequently in requirements and semantics. The
proposed architecture was designed to overcome
these shortcomings. With the future implementation
of a Data Lake and the corresponding tools and
technologies, we are confident to also provide
analytics capabilities which enhance the current ones
to be able to handle Big Data problems in terms of
volume and velocity as well as variety. Also, the
Kappa Architecture itself, by being able to scale
processing jobs horizontally, should be beneficial for
Big Data real-time processing but needs to be
evaluated in this regard.
Further research in this field and more specific on
this new type of analytics architecture needs to focus
on how to automate data processing further in terms
of deployment of processing jobs and the alignment
of their inputs with IoT data structures. The use of
semantic technologies seems promising to do so and
some research has already been conducted (Qanbari
et al., 2015). Also, the efficient incorporation of
historic data analytics is a key aspect of future
research. Therefore, in our next research steps, we
will further design and develop the control service as
well as the Data Lake to achieve automatic
orchestration of data analytics pipeline components
on the one side and historic data persistence and
insights on the other. Moreover, innovative user
interfaces need to be developed to empower
consumers to map their own analytics scenarios to the
analytics architecture.
A Personal Analytics Platform for the Internet of Things - Implementing Kappa Architecture with Microservice-based Stream Processing
The work presented in this paper is partly funded by
the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
and the Free State of Saxony (Sächsische Aufbaubank
- SAB).
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