How to Promote Informal Learning in the Workplace?
The Need for Incremental Design Methods
Carine Touré
, Christine Michel
and Jean-Charles Marty
INSA de Lyon, Univ. Lyon, CNRS, LIRIS, UMR 5205, F-69621 Villeurbanne, France,
Université de Savoie Mont-Blanc, CNRS, LIRIS, UMR 5205, F-69621 Villeurbanne, France,
Société du Canal de Provence, Le Tolonet, France
Keywords: Lifelong Learning, Informal Learning, Knowledge-sharing Tools, Enterprise Social Media, User-centered
Design, Adult Learner.
Abstract: Informal Learning in the Workplace (ILW) is ensured by the everyday work activities in which workers are
engaged. It accounts for over 75 per cent of learning in the workplace. Enterprise Social Media (ESM) are
increasingly used as informal learning environments. According to the results of an implementation we have
conducted in real context, we show that ESM are appropriate to promote ILW. Indeed, social features are
adapted to stimulate use behaviors and support learning, particularly meta-cognitive aspects. Three
adaptations must nevertheless be carried out: (1) Base the design on a precise and relatively exhaustive
informational corpus and contextualize the access in the form of community of practice structured according
to collaborative spaces; (2) Add indicators of judgment on the operational quality of information and the
informational capital built, and (3) Define forms of moderation and control consistent with the hierarchical
structures of the company. Our analysis also showed that an incremental and iterative approach of user-
centered design had to be implemented to define how to adapt the design and to accompany change.
Lifelong learning is an approach to education that has
been addressed since the 1970s to provide the skills
and knowledge needed to succeed in a rapidly
changing world (Sharples, 2000). It includes formal,
non-formal and informal learning (Commission of the
European Communities, 2000). Unlike informal
learning, formal and non-formal learning are
structured with tools or training sequence. The latter
occurs during daily experiences, while working or
interacting with other people. It is characterized by
the merger of learning with the everyday work
activities in which workers are engaged (Longmore,
2011) and is motivated by personal needs. Informal
learning is of central importance for enterprise since
it accounts for over 75 per cent of learning in the
workplace (Bancheva and Ivanova, 2015). It is the
most important way to acquire and develop skills
required in professional contexts.
The Knowledge Management (KM) research field
promotes the management and maintenance of
knowledge sharing in the workplace. Three
generations of technologies were privileged for
informal learning (Ackerman et al, 2013; Hahn and
Subramani, 1999). Two main strategies can be
identified to manage knowledge: valuation of
informational capital and valuation of human capital
with collaboration (Ackerman et al, 2013; Wenger,
The first generation considers that workers can
continuously learn and be able identify solutions to
problems they can meet during working activities.
They have to look for information on processes and
know-how related to their activity. To support them,
enterprises produce relatively exhaustive information
corpuses on working activity and make them
accessible. Despite their exhaustiveness, these
knowledge databases remained most of the time
unused because they were maladjusted to
collaborators needs and characteristics; particularly
regarding information access and training (Hager,
2004; Graesser, 2009). Moreover, access tools to this
information are not dedicated to learning process.
Indeed, Graesser (2009) recommended to privilege
training objectives based on auto-regulation and
meta-cognition ; and by this way help learners to
“learn how to learn’. He describes (Graesser, 2011)
Touré, C., Michel, C. and Marty, J-C.
How to Promote Informal Learning in the Workplace? - The Need for Incremental Design Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0006355502200229
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 2, pages 220-229
ISBN: 978-989-758-240-0
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
various principles based on fun, feedback or control
to support learning.
The second generation focus was on expertise
sharing and identification of experts able to provide
useful information to collaborators. Communities of
practice (CoP) were commonly adopted by
enterprises to help practitioners express, share and
exploit their knowledge (Pettenati and Ranieri, 2006;
Wenger, 2000). Direct interaction between peers was
recognized to facilitate knowledge transfer and
improve information quality (Wang, 2010). However,
the lack of information completeness, accuracy in
identification and recommendation of expert, privacy
protection and control revealed some limits
(Ackerman et al, 2013). CoPs have remained hardly
ever used.
The third generation combines principles of both
first and second generations. It is characterized by
collaborative information spaces merging
information repositories, communication and
collaboration processes. Many enterprises chose to
implement enterprise social media (ESM) to improve
organizational performance, especially in the
knowledge sharing context (Ellison, Gibbs and
Weber, 2015). They integrate management of
working activity, knowledge management strategies
and social aspects promoting interactivity between
peers (Dennerlein et al, 2015; Leonardi, Huysman
and Steinfield, 2013; Riemer and Scifleet, 2012).
ESM foster informational and social capital
valuation; they are particularly well adapted to find
and interact with collaborators, receive and seek for
help (Ackerman et al, 2013). They are also easier to
manipulate, more attractive and interactive than
traditional collaborative environments. They fulfill
users’ needs for usefulness and gratification (Ersoy
and Güneyli, 2016). Indeed, they allow the
recognition of each one in the contributions made and
permit social connections materialized by simple
actions as following a post or as commenting.
Nevertheless, the free access to information,
contribution and cooperation features has opened the
door to misuse leading to a lack of efficiency in the
exploitation of information resources or a feeling of
harassment (Turban, Bolloju and Liang, 2011).
Our objective is to study to what extent ESM are
actually adequate tools to implement informal
learning strategies. More specifically, we will study
what social features are the most effective to match
learning objectives stated by Graesser and how to
make them coherent with the objectives and practices
of the organization and collaborators. The long-term
objective is to favor a sustainable use. To answer
these questions, we present in the next section ESM
characteristics and how they can significantly support
informal learning in the workplace. This helped us
identify various design propositions. We
implemented these propositions in a real context to
evaluate their accuracy and refine them. This study is
presented in the third section of the paper.
2.1 Pros
ESM features promote construction and identification
of relevant information. Comments within social
media are an emblematic form of expression and a
communication tool for users to effectively judge the
quality of information and easily participate to
content construction. Indeed, information captured
within informal learning tools evolves and may
become rapidly outdated. Comments have the
advantage that workers can communicate and
participate online to the construction of the
knowledge corpus (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010), they
reduce the risk of forgetting or losing practice.
Appreciations left by users provide us with an
additional way to evaluate information quality and to
promote information submission. They can be
formalized as in some wikis where content posted can
be qualified with completeness and readability
indicators. These indicators allow collaborators to
form their opinion on the content and better
understand how they can participate to its refinement.
This feedback helps authors to be aware of the
usefulness of their publications (Kietzmann,
Hermkens andMcCarthy, 2011) and helps to build
their reputation. Moreover, wikis frequently use these
features to support collaborative innovation, problem
resolution and more generally help organizations
improve their business processes (Turban, Bolloju
and Liang, 2011).
ESM provide visibility and persistence of several
communicative actions like download, content
publication, identification of what others do, status
update, profile creation (possibilities to highlight
particular aspects of themselves), connecting with or
following people (Leonardi, Huysman and Steinfield,
2013; Stocker and Müller, 2013). They expand (and
precise) the range of people, networks and contexts
from which people can learn across the organization.
Making communicative activities visible also
allows self-regulation. Notifications, number of
appreciations, new submissions, etc. help identify
How to Promote Informal Learning in the Workplace? - The Need for Incremental Design Methods
what and how others do, evaluate what one’s do and
adjust one’s own behavior. It promotes meta-
cognition and meta-knowledge (learn how to learn)
(Schön, 2000). This awareness thus becomes an
intrinsic motivator to construct one’s own numerical
identity through indicators (Zhao, Salehi and
Naranjit, 2013). Being involved in a group helps
collaborators develop meta-social knowledge and
facilitates their ability to collaborate and coordinate
(Janssen, Erkens and Kirschner, 2011), particularly
within CoPs.
2.2 Cons
Janssen et al (2011) identifies two groups of risks
linked to the problems of acceptance and to the use of
ESM and quality of content published by
The acceptance and the ability to use play a basic
role on the initial and continuous use of technologies.
The process of acceptance begins with the
construction of initial beliefs towards the information
system. They are generated by external stimuli such
as system quality, service quality, knowledge quality
or information quality (DeLone and McLean, 2003;
Jennex and Olfman, 2006; Kulkarni, Ravindran and
Freeze, 2007; Venkatesh et al, 2003). These beliefs
are moderated by personal factors like age, previous
experience or service quality (Venkatesh, Thong and
Xu, 2012). They also influence the ease of use of the
system. Indeed, an efficient use may require high
levels of literacy and technical proficiency in seeking
for information, evaluating its usefulness and
truthfulness or connecting with remote people or
computers (Benson, Johnson and Kuchinke, 2002;
Turban, Bolloju and Liang, 2011). Contextual
characteristics of collaborators are most of the time
not considered during the design process (Longmore,
2011). To develop meta-social skills and improve
communication as proposed by Graesser (2011),
users need clear learning objectives and awareness on
peers feedback and information quality. They also
need recognition of what they do (improvement of
professional reputation, acknowledgement from
community, being informed that their actions are
appreciated by others) (Wang and Noe, 2010).
Moreover, policies and structure of governance (i.e.
monitoring, control or filtering of system accesses)
have to be established as well as management
campaign of training) (Turban, Bolloju and Liang,
2011). These solutions are money and time
consuming, especially for limited IT budgets and
companies that seek rapid and simple collaborative
solutions. After this initial cycle of use, the user
acquires an experience that helps him to construct
new beliefs and experience confirming or refuting the
previous ones ; this impacts his attitude towards the
system (satisfaction or dissatisfaction) and his
intention to use the system (Bhattacherjee, 2011;
Bhattacherjee, Limayem and Cheung, 2012).
The second group of risks concerns the validity
and quality of information created and published.
Despite the fact that published content is most the
time not anonymous within ESM, it can be useless for
informal learning since information is often poorly
detailed and proofread, particularly if knowledge
objects manipulated are of technical nature. Within
social media, posts are very often brief and people
give generic information without giving details. This
may be suitable for updates, but not for the
construction of the core information corpus.
Moreover, people may engage in informal behavior
when using social media. Activities like using
improper language, publishing information that is
confidential, using incomplete information or using
ratings or comments to harass colleagues may be
common. The ability to discern the quality of the
accessible information is mostly incumbent upon
users and they have little control in these
environments, which is one principle of social media
(Bhattacherjee, 2011; Turban, Bolloju and Liang,
2011). These risks may negatively affect the social
and learning environment and call into question the
expected learning processes.
2.3 Summary and Proposition
ESM appear to be suitable to support informal
learning in the workplace. They supply functionalities
that promote and facilitate collaboration, knowledge
sharing, user motivation and visibility, and
information persistence. They also propose reflexive
indicators that facilitate the analysis and coordination
of collective activities, social connection and
learning. These characteristics position workers and
their needs at the heart of the learning environment,
making ESM appropriate tools to support informal
learning in the workplace. However, their use may be
inefficient due to the profile of workers, who are adult
learners and need to be aware of the value of their
participation in the learning group: they seek concrete
personal and professional feedback, usefulness and
gratification. Moreover, the quality of information
published may be problematic regarding learning
To reduce the risks related to information quality,
we believe that it is important to base the learning
environment on a precise and exhaustive information
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
corpus. This informational architecture which is most
of the time already formalized into information
systems can then be enriched with collaborative
characteristics. Literature review showed that
indexation and structuration of information have to be
reviewed to facilitate contextual access. A search
engine and indexation tags are fundamental elements
to guaranty a transversal access to information.
Activity’s contextual aspect such as the one
proposed by CoPs can be reproduced with structured
wikis according to enterprise’s working communities.
Various elements have to be considered to guaranty
quality and trustworthiness of published content; and
also facilitate contribution: select useful information,
organize it according to specific template files, and
organize validation according to hierarchical
decision-making structures of the community.
As regards to learning support, literature review
showed three additional characteristics of ESM to
promote users’ engagement: visibility and reflexivity.
Comments and appreciations (e.g. “Likes”) can be
considered as tools for expression and
communication, allowing collaborators to provide
feedback and participate to construction of contents.
These features allow them to be involved into the co-
construction of knowledge and maintain an updated
available information which is important for the
quality of learning processes. Awareness indicators
like notifications (of new submissions, who and
when, number of comments) promote the
construction of meta-cognitive skills for self-
regulation and stimulate participation. Indicators of
information quality facilitate identification of useful
content and collaboration by a critical analysis of
items to be added to update and improve contents.
Finally, to minimize risks of misuse of the
environment, we propose to use a user-centered,
incremental and iterative design methodology. This
methodology allows to identify characteristics and
preferences of users and to design a contextually
adapted environment. The incremental and iterative
nature of the approach also makes it possible to
accompany the change associated with the
introduction of a new information system and thus to
positively influence its acceptance and its initial and
continuous use. Indeed, since informal learning is
inherent in the employee’s will and not stimulated by
accompanying strategies, this characteristic appears
fundamental. Analysis of core acceptance of
technology models in the workplace showed that the
acceptance model can be represented with a spiral
(see Figure 1) structured with conditions of use.
Every loop builds an artifact increasingly adapted to
users' needs and behavior. We posit that the
sustainability of our process can be effectively
ensured by providing users with an artifact matching
their profile and needs at each stage of this cycle.
We implemented our methodology in a real
context. The objective was to identify the most
adapted ESM features that promote informal learning,
to assess the feasibility of the methodology and to
identify a structuring order of the various items which
have to be considered at each stage. We present the
results of this experimentation in the next section.
Figure 1: Incremental and iterative design of information
systems for informal learning.
3.1 Context and Constitution of the
Working Group
The Société du Canal de Provence (SCP) is located
in the south of France and specializes in services
related to the treatment and distribution of water for
companies, farmers and communities. The
intervention territory is divided into ten geographic
areas called Operating Centres (OC). Each OC
corresponds to a community of practice in which we
find three positions: the Operator (O), the
Coordinator Technician (CT) (an operator who also
has the role of manager of the community), and the
Support and Customer Relationship Technician
(SCRT). They are the responsible people for the
maintenance of hydraulic infrastructures (canals,
pumping stations, water purification stations, etc.).
The operators need a wealth of knowledge about their
work: there is a lot of (sometimes dynamic)
information to learn and knowledge sharing is
especially important.
To assist them, SCP produced in 1996 a
knowledge book about the processes and hydraulics
infrastructures. This information was accessible
through a tool named ALEX (Aide à L’EXploitation).
It gathered information from returns on experience
How to Promote Informal Learning in the Workplace? - The Need for Incremental Design Methods
sheets developed in HTML format, and stored it
within a directory on a dedicated server in each OC.
Throughout its twenty years of existence, it was
hardly ever used despite the fact that collaborators
agreed with the learning environment principle. One
main reason was because accessibility to information
was not adapted. ALEX was a typical sample of
traditional KM strategies based on knowledge books
and produced in the 1990’s. It is an appropriate
context to work on means capable of supporting
lifelong learning.
Four OCs were selected by the responsible person
for the project to act as pilot OCs. Eleven employees
coming from those OCs were invited to freely
participate in the working group. They were chosen
according to their experience and different positions,
thus being representative of various trades within the
company, and according to their use of the previous
version of the knowledge book. The focus groups
were moderated by ourselves and by a member of the
working group (a board member, responsible for the
ALEX project). We count in total twelve sessions
conducted on a two years period. The first year
consisted in formalizing the basic users’ needs. Six
meetings, separated by about two to three weeks,
allowed us to propose a solution increasingly refined
until a last version fully usable in the work context.
The platform was made available to users for three
months. At the end of this first year, a debriefing
meeting was held on the eligibility of the proposed
solution and a new analysis and design cycle was
initiated. It took seven months and six working
3.2 The First Design Cycle
Results of the first cycle are presented more in detail
in (Touré et al, 2015). In summary, this stage showed
that the main requirement that emerged from the
meetings was to propose easier ways to search for,
submit and access knowledge (see Figure 2 zone
1,5,7) organized in collaborative CoPs according to
the different OCs. The discussions allowed us to
identify the general structure of navigation and
organization of the information of the website and the
methods of structuring knowledge, in particular
eleven different structures of data sheets. A work of
harmonization of the architecture of the various IS
was carried out to integrate Alex with the other IS and
with the intranet of the company. The objective was
to facilitate the navigation between the different tools
and thus their accessibility from every workstation
and in mobility. A simplified numerical space
reproducing a word processor office suite and various
document templates were designed. Four user roles
were proposed to control submissions and guaranty
information quality – the reader, the contributor, the
validator and the manager. The working group was in
charge of attributing the different roles. For example,
the validator roles were attributed to CTs who are
responsible for each OC while the manager roles was
attributed to ALEX project responsible person.
After a three months use, an evaluation was
conducted and showed that this new version of ALEX
match the basic users’ expectations but lacked
attractive items to guaranty a long-term usage (Touré
et al, 2015). The second design cycle allowed us to
work on these elements.
3.3 The Second Design Cycle
Discussions were about design of items for
stimulation, control and monitoring of activity. They
revealed two emerging groups of needs for
readers/contributors and for validators/managers. The
first ones were sensitive to the addition of social
features and activity indicators (comments, ratings,
notifications…) while the latter expressed
expectations about monitoring activity via an activity
dashboard. We present in the following subsection
results related to social features, since the dashboard
is still being developed currently.
3.3.1 Comments and Appreciations
Discussions on comments and appreciation were
based on mockups presenting interactions that mimic
what is commonly done in Web 2.0 knowledge
construction tools like blogs or wikis: comments and
“Likes” counting number of positive appreciations.
All the participants agreed with the idea of using
comments as they are simpler means of
communication than emails. They also make the
sheets interactive, as they can be seen as an
‘annotation tool’. However, they noted that
contributors must be informed when a new comment
is added on their experience sheet. Moreover, unlike
comments left within classic social networks, SCP
collaborators asked for moderation and archiving of
comments to improve their readability and to control
potential excess or harassment in relation to co-
workers. Validators (collaborators with enough
expertise who are in charge of electronic validation of
experience sheets) will manage and ensure that
propositions made within comments are effectively
taken into account for the improvement of sheets.
They are also in charge of archiving comments.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The ‘Like’ functionality gave rise to much
discussion. Some participants had concerns about the
real meaning of the term ‘like’, potential abuse (if a
‘Like’ is just given by affinity and does not reflect the
quality of a contribution) and the negative impact it
could have on contributors’ motivation if they do not
receive any. Some participants thus asked for
clarification by relabelling the functionality to ‘useful
sheet’. Others were very enthusiastic about it as they
are already familiar in other social networks and
consider it as ‘playful’ in a professional context.
During the next session, where the resulting feature
was shown to users, they finally argued that the ‘Like’
functionality, in the context of SCP, is not a key
motivator for contribution but rather signifies the
reactivity of other collaborators and the awareness of
their feedback, the feeling of being in a human
community that works. Ultimately, they agreed to
consider ‘Likes’ as assessments of the sheet’s content
usefulness expressed by readers and to leave the term
‘like’ as is. Some adaptations have however been
requested: replace the raised thumb by a smiling
emoticon, and initiate discussions, among
collaborators, on this social functionality to prevent
the risks of misunderstandings and abuse.
3.3.2 Activity Indicators
Several pieces of information were proposed as
representative of reflexive indicators: notifications of
new publications, authors and date of submission, last
sheets read, view of contribution status, number of
comments received on a sheet. The view of
publications and number of comments did not trigger
any discussion as they have been already discussed in
previous sessions (see Figure 2 zone 3,4).
Notifications of new contributions published or
consulted were mentioned to facilitate the
identification of recent information and the interests
of other collaborators. The identification of the actors,
such as the last contributor or the last reader, was
deemed useful for initiating direct discussions
between colleagues. However, the identification of
the successive contributors was not considered
necessary, a validated form being considered as a
collective work. The status of publications (pending,
rejected, and accepted) has emerged due to the
expressed need to know if and when the validator has
taken into account a contribution. Finally, by
considering possible use cases, the discussions
revealed two ways of presenting these indicators: in a
personal page linked to profiles (see Figure 2 zone 6
for access) and on COs front pages. The first page was
seen as a way for each collaborator to follow his / her
Figure 2: View page of a content form.
own activity and see its scope within the organization.
The second was seen as a means for identifying the
dynamics of a community, updated or useful
information and thus initiating discussions among
3.3.3 Information Quality Indicators
Three indicators were proposed to express
information quality: readability, completeness with
respect to the concept described and relevance (Lee,
et al., 2002). The objective is to inform the user of the
reading effort necessary to realize the information
presented in real situations of work or problem
solving. There was general support for the use of such
indicators. Discussions focused on evaluation scales,
how values were allocated, and the names of
indicators. To describe readability, participants
proposed a 4 level scale: operational (the information
on the sheet is immediately or quickly exploitable,
such as alarms records specifically describing each
step to perform a corrective maintenance operation);
support (can be used in case of emergency but
requires more analysis for information
appropriation); acquisition (general information to
train the reader); and sharing (information that needs
further work). An agreement was reached on the term
‘presentation level’ to name the indicator.
Completeness was found useful using the name
‘Level of coverage’. The evaluation scale of this
indicator is on three levels: weak, medium and good.
This indicator was not deemed appropriate, as content
is relevant if accepted for publication by the validator.
As with the readability indicator, the completeness
assessment of the sheet is made by the validators. The
participants did not deem it useful to depict this
indicator with an icon (stars, lights ...) and preferred
How to Promote Informal Learning in the Workplace? - The Need for Incremental Design Methods
the indications to be directly written in the header of
each content form (see Figure 2 zone 1).
4.1 Methodology
A qualitative evaluation has been done to measure the
design quality and the potential learning
effectiveness. Criteria for design quality are deriving
from uses success factors identified in the TAM,
UTAUT and ISSM models of technology acceptance
(DeLone and McLean, 2003; Venkatesh et al., 2012):
Use (Use), Usefulness (Usef), Satisfaction (Sat),
Percieved benefit (Ben), Usage intention (UI).
Indeed, successful use of the tool is related to positive
satisfaction, attitude and intention; this is why we
focus on these criteria. We measured learning
effectiveness according to users’ statements on
impact on use, work habits and performance
ALEX with social functionalities was made
available for four months. Ten collaborators have
been interviewed about their uses and positions about
new social functionalities. A first group (group 1) was
composed by five of them (named P1 to P5) that had
participated to the design working group, while a
second group (group 2) was composed by five other
people (named P6 to P10) who were not involved at
all in ALEX design. Interviews were individual and
lasted one hour per person. During the interview, an
interface of ALEX was available to help participants
to contextualise and refine their appreciations. The
interviews were anonymously recorded and manually
encoded to identify the parts of sentences, called
utterances, corresponding to the different criteria. A
positive (+), neutral (=) or negative (-) polarity was
assigned to each selected utterance. An utterance was
considered as neutral when participants said that they
did not know how to answer a question or when it was
not possible to detect a polarity in the given answer.
We analysed participants’ appreciations according to
the number of statements and polarity on each criteria
and compare the two groups to measure if the
working group proposition are shared with the other
4.2 Results
4.2.1 General Results
111 utterances (n=111) were collected. Table 1
describes their distribution according to the six
criteria and the three polarities in frequency and
percentage. We note that appreciations are globally
positive (60.2%). Only 11.3% are negative and 28.5%
are neutral. Usefulness is the most expressed
statement (40) and is globally positive (52.5%) even
if one third of the participants don’t have an accurate
point of view about it (32.5%). Satisfaction and
impact on work and performance are the most
positive criteria (with respectively 90% and 72.7%).
A third of the participants (35.7%) express positive
statements about usage intention while nearly half of
them (42.8%) have no real idea of the kind of usage
they can introduce. Statements about real uses are
diverse. Half of the participants express positive uses
(50%) but a third of them (31.3%) didn’t use Alex.
Comments of participants related to each criteria
presented in the section 4.2.3 are useful to refine and
understand these results.
Table 1: Distribution of utterances according to criteria
(frequency) and polarities (percentage).
Use Usef Sat Ben IOU&W UI Means
16 40 20 10 11 14
+ (%)
50 52.5 90 60 72.7 35.7 60.2
- (%)
31.3 15 0 0 0 21,4 11.3
= (%)
18.7 32.5 10 40 27.3 42.9 28.5
Table 2: Group 1 and 2 comparison.
Use Usef Sat Ben IOU&W UI
+ (%)
37.5 25 35 20 27.3 7.1
Group 1 - (%)
6.3 5 0 0 0 7.1
= (%)
12.5 7.5 5 30 18.2 28.6
+ (%)
12.5 27.5 55 40 45.5 28.6
Group 2 - (%)
25 10 0 0 0 14.3
= (%)
6.3 25 5 10 9.1 14.3
4.2.2 Group Answers Comparison
Table 2 shows the distribution of positive, negative
and neutral responses among people from groups 1
and 2. People in group 2 express more satisfaction
than in group 1. This corroborates the fact that we
succeeded in transcribing future users’ needs. This is
the same for usefulness, benefits and usage intention,
for which we collected more positive appreciations
from the participants who were not involved in the
design. This may be related to the surprise effect and
let’s expect a motivating effect for further use. The
negative appreciations about usefulness in group 1
were given by participant P4 concerning quality
indicators. This can be explained by the position of
the participant (engineer) and his seniority. He stated
that “engineers use ALEX only in specific
maintenance operation periods”. As he is an expert,
quality indicators do not have particular usefulness
for him.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
4.2.3 Comments of Participants Related to
Each Criteria
The participants provided us with very valuable
comments. A more complete transcription of these
interviews can be found in (Touré et al, 2017). Here,
we give the most salient comments.
Usefulness. Six out of ten participants explicitly
found comments functions useful: four from group 2
and two from group 1. Three out of ten participants
explicitly found indicators useful. One relates that:
“… in the previous version of ALEX, we couldn’t
really rely on sheets during maintenance
operations… as the information evolves rapidly,
when someone notices a mistake or something else…
it was discussed face to face with the person supposed
to operate the sheet’s modifications … which was
done… or not… for me, comments are a feature more
rewarding than oral exchanges, comments come from
everyone… a trace of their viewpoint is kept, less
chance of forgetting or losing information as was
common in previous versions”. Indeed, having up-to-
date information is an important part of information
quality, positively related to an effective use of the
platform (DeLone and McLean, 2003) by two
participants from group 2 and one from group 1.
Concerning ‘Likes’, three out of ten participants
explicitly found this functionality useful: one from
group 2 and two from group 1. One participant
qualified as “sympathetic” the idea of adding this
social functionality and highlighted “a lack of
communication and social components in the
previous version of ALEX”.
User satisfaction and benefits. Participant
generally find the platform more modern and
satisfactory overall; they did not find many negative
aspects. Participant P1 said that ALEX was “a
renovated tool, similar to those findable in the
internet market, more playful and pleasant, while
participant P4 argued that Alex was “more user-
friendly”. They express benefits to use new
‘comment’ and ‘Like’ functionalities. Participant P5
employed the phrases “peers’ acknowledgment and
feeling useful”. Participant P3 said: “…as it is now
easier to use, we have more time to submit and seek
for information… I am personally satisfied to
participate in the building of the tool… inter alia to
help the new colleagues integrating in the company…
but I would like to be aware of my exact role in the
tool and also have a kind of acknowledgements from
the company…” In these words, we identify the belief
of social influence which arises from the use of the
tool and motivates users. This is an interesting
finding, as intrinsic benefits like reputation, joy and
knowledge growth positively leverage continued use
of knowledge-sharing tools (He & Wei, 2009).
Impact on use and on performance. At the time
of the interviews, most participants did not mention
any significant increase of ALEX use compared with
how they used the previous versions. Four out of ten
participants were frequent users (from twice a week
to every day, according to the working tasks to
perform), while the remainder used it once a month
or less. When asked why, most of them answered that
they had enough experience and knowledge of the
hydraulics infrastructures. They also justified this by
the fact that they were rarely confronted with difficult
or atypical issues they didn’t already know how to
deal with, or needed more frequent connection to
ALEX. Nevertheless, three participants argued that
ALEX had been “a time saver to access unknown
intervention venues” and useful to “get information
about the components of my new OC”, or to assist him
during a drain, a common maintenance operation”
in water infrastructures. The two first ones were new
to the OC, and the last one had a complex
maintenance operation to perform.
Usage intention. About half of the participants
expressed usage intention linked with information
seeking. Few of them plan to submit and collaborate
on ALEX’s content. However, the score 42.9% of
neutral appreciation rate (see Table 1) can be
explained be the youth of the project and the
particular conditions of the context. For example,
participant P2 was about to leave SCP (termination of
his contract). He nevertheless participated in the
evaluation and specified that “ALEX usage
perspectives are positive … under the conditions of a
general advertisement campaign within the
company…”. Participant P1 also stressed the positive
effect of the user-centred design approach on
workers’ involvement and on sustainability of the
new ALEX: “… everyone participated in the
refinement of the tool, the result satisfied more people
and strengthened the project… everyone sees more
clearly its real interest, which was not necessarily the
case before, so I think it will be continuously used
4.2.4 Conclusion about Evaluation
The qualitative evaluation we conducted showed that
workers were satisfied with their new tool. We also
noticed that new beliefs arose from the use of the tool,
such as social reputation, usefulness and joy.
Participants showed positive usage intention,
especially for information seeking, which is a way of
knowledge verification and learning. However, the
How to Promote Informal Learning in the Workplace? - The Need for Incremental Design Methods
usage frequency did not change, as workers
considered themselves too experienced to change
their habits. This is not surprising, as learners most of
the time are poor at estimating their skills, but this can
change by learning and improving their
metacognitive skills (Glenberg, Wilkinson, &
Epstein, 1982; Kruger & Dunning, 1999). We believe
that this will have a positive impact on the tool usage
in the long term. Further evaluation certainly needs to
be done, but these outcomes corroborate the fact that
our methodology plays a role in sustainable use,
defended by our generic cycle of improvement of
technologies. People engagement is supported half by
involvement in the design methodology and half by
the social functionalities that give positive beliefs and
usage intention. Designers help users to express their
latent needs and transcribe them; experts have roles
as content validators and community moderators; and
the other workers participate in the community.
Results give us positive insights into the sustainability
of our proposed model for informal learning.
Our analysis showed that ESM are appropriate to
support informal learning strategies in the workplace.
Indeed, social features like comments, appreciations,
activity indicators are adapted to stimulate use
behaviors and support learning, particularly meta-
cognitive aspects. Three adaptations must
nevertheless be carried out: (1) Base the design on a
precise and relatively exhaustive informational
corpus of the procedures and know-how already
formalized in the company and contextualize the
access in the form of community of practice
structured according to collaborative spaces; (2) Add
indicators of judgment on the operational quality of
information and the informational capital built, and
(3) Define forms of moderation and control consistent
with the hierarchical structures of the company. Our
analysis also showed that an incremental and iterative
approach of user-centered design had to be
implemented to define how to adapt the design and to
accompany change.
The reinforcement of the design work on
information architectures, in terms of content,
structuring and publication, is not contrary to the
principle of social media. Evaluation shows that
information seeking is a massive use intention. It thus
could be useful to refine this work for proposing
information search recommendation based on users'
tracks. On the other hand, the need to adapt forms of
moderation and control to the hierarchical structures
of the company questions us. This principle is
coherent with learning objectives since it creates
some forms of mediation but is less so if one
considers the principles of social media which consist
in smoothing these forms of hierarchies to highlight
the speech of each moderated by the collective. We
wonder whether it is realistic to add this additional
work load. Its implication is indeed critical to
guarantee this type of functioning. In addition, we are
wondering whether these requirements are indeed
sustainable over the long term or whether they are an
acceptance step in the design cycle as a form of
temporary guaranty that should fall after the use of
this type of platform all over the company.
The evaluation conducted shows promising
results about uses and effects on the satisfaction and
the feeling of learning after three months of use. On
this basis, our next objectives will be to extend the
deployment of the platform to all OCs to observe the
acceptability of the principles to the whole
organization, the informal learning effects and answer
more general questions about the Forms of
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