where the software loses much time is on loading the
files to the Neo4j, getting later in graph format. The
data presented the first dataset (with 1.2GB) showed
speed in loading files, since they did not have any
file with more than 800MB to be loaded. In the case
of the second dataset, which was lost over time,
since there was files being uploaded that took almost
one day to be completely loaded into the Neo4j. We
can therefore say that the software has a great
behavior in loading files, with up to a size of 700 to
800MB, because above this value, it is time
consuming this process, as we proved with the
Dataset 2. Another important aspect that also tested
it was performance-level searches.
Using the test queries withdrawn in SNB
benchmark, one can see that in the two datasets
where it loses more time is in the information query
in the initial execution. It happens because the graph
database leverages one of its main features that is the
storage engine, that is optimized due to the fact that
it stores adjacent registers by direct references, thus
making access to quickly plays data in the next
It is normal for the amount of information that
has to go through that in a graph database with a
huge volume of data to take longer in a given query
test that a graph database with little information
running the same query test and that this present
almost immediately the respective output. One
drawback encountered in Neo4j is their instability
when it has to deal with a large volume of data, if
the Dataset 2 (which in order to be all loaded, it
became to the size of approximately 52GB) blocking
often the system and causing the restart to load the
data.. We cannot be sure if this issue was related to
the Neo4j, or with any restrictions the hardware and
also software of the machine where the tests were
As future work, we intend to analyze the loading
of files and query times in other graph databases.
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