Process Guidance for the Successful Deployment of a Big Data Project:
Lessons Learned from Industrial Cases
Christophe Ponsard
, Annick Majchrowski
, Stephane Mouton
and Mounir Touzani
CETIC Research Centre, Charleroi, Belgium
emie de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Big Data, Process Model, Agile, Adoption, Case Studies.
Nowadays, in order to successfully run their business, companies are facing the challenge of processing ever
increasing amounts of data coming from digital repositories, enterprise applications, sensors networks and
mobile devices. Although a wide range of technical solutions are available to deal with those Big Data, many
companies fail to deploy them because of management challenges and a lack of process maturity. This paper
focuses on those aspects and reports about lessons learned when deploying a series of Big Data pilots in
different domains. We provide feedback and some practical guidelines on how to organise and manage a
project based on available methodologies, covering topics like requirements gathering, data understanding,
iterative project execution, maturity stages, etc.
Our world is currently experiencing an information
explosion. Many figures are available to quantify the
exponential rate of the Big Data phenomenon. For
example, it is reported that 90% of the worlds data has
been produced in just the last two years, and that the
amount of data created by businesses doubles every
1,2 years (Rot, 2015).
Organizations typically view Big Data technolo-
gies as holding a lot of potential to improve their per-
formance and create competitive advantage. The ease
to collect and store data, combined with the availa-
bility of analysing technologies (such as NoSQL Da-
tabases, MapReduce, Hadoop) has encouraged many
of them to launch Big Data projects. However most
organisations are actually still failing to get business
value out of their data. A 2013 report surveying
300 companies about Big Data revealed that 55% of
Big Data projects dont get completed, and many ot-
hers fall short of their objectives (Kelly and Kaskade,
2013). An on-line survey conducted in July 2016 by
Gartner reported that many companies remain stuck
at the pilot stage and that only 15% actually deployed
their big data project to production” (Gartner, 2016).
Looking at the cause of such failures, it appears
that the main factor is actually not the technical di-
mension but rather the process and people dimensions
which are thus equally important (Gao et al., 2015).
However, looking at the literature, the technical di-
mension is often emphasised - especially the use of
algorithms that will produce a sharp analysis - while
much less is devoted to methods and tools that can
help teams to achieve big data projects more effecti-
vely and efficiently (Saltz and Shamshurin, 2016).
There is however some recent work in that area, iden-
tifying key factors for a projects success (Saltz, 2015),
stressing management issues (Corea, 2016), insisting
on the need for team process methodologies and ma-
king a critical analysis of analytical methods (Saltz
and Shamshurin, 2016).
Our paper is aligned with those works and aims at
helping companies engaging in a Big Data adoption
process to be driven by questions such as:
How can we be sure Big Data will help us?
Which people with what skills should be invol-
What steps should be done first?
Is my project on the right track?
Our contribution is of practical nature and compo-
sed of guidelines and lessons learned from a set of
pilot projects covering various domains (life scien-
ces, health, space, IT infrastructures). Those pilots
are spread overs two years and are conducted in the
scope of a common global project carried out in Bel-
gium. They are following a similar process which is
incrementally enhanced.
Ponsard, C., Majchrowski, A., Mouton, S. and Touzani, M.
Process Guidance for the Successful Deployment of a Big Data Project: Lessons Learned from Industrial Cases.
DOI: 10.5220/0006357403500355
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Secur ity (IoTBDS 2017), pages 350-355
ISBN: 978-989-758-245-5
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This paper is structured as follows. In Section 2,
we review the main available methodologies for dea-
ling with Big Data deployment. In Section 3, we pre-
sent the process followed to come up with a method
and validate it on our pilots. It stresses key require-
ments for successful deployment. Section 4 presents
more detailed feedback and highlight specific guide-
lines. Finally section 5 draws some conclusions and
possible extensions of our work.
This section reviews existing methods and proces-
ses. It highlights some known strengths and limita-
tions. First, methods inherited from the related data-
mining field are presented before considering approa-
ches more specific to Big Data with a special attention
to Agile methods.
2.1 Methods Related to Data-mining
Data-mining developed in the 1990’s with the aims
to extract data patterns in structured information (da-
tabases) to discover business factors on a relatively
small scale. In contrast, Big Data is also considering
unstructured data and operates on a larger scale. Ho-
wever a common point from a process point of view is
that both require the close cooperation of data scien-
tists and management in order to be successful. Many
methodologies and process models have been develo-
ped for data mining and knowledge discovery (Maris-
cal et al., 2010).
The seminal approach is KDD (Knowledge Dis-
covery in Database). It was refined into many other
approaches (like SEMMA, Two Crows, etc) before
being standardised under CRISP-DM (Cross Industry
Standard Process for Data Mining) (Shearer, 2000).
This method is depicted in Figure 1. It is composed of
six main phases each decomposed in sub-steps. The
process is not linear but rather organised as a global
cycle with usually a lot of back and forth within and
between phases. CRISP-DM has been widely used
for the past 20 years, not only for data-mining but also
for predictive analytics and big data projects.
CRISP-DM and the like however suffer from the
following issues:
they fail to provide a good management view on
communication, knowledge and project aspects.
they lack some form of maturity model enabling
to highlight more important steps and milestones
that can be progressively raised.
Figure 1: CRISP-DM Method.
despite the standardisation, they are hardly known
to the wider business community, hence difficult
to adopt for managing the data value aspect.
2.2 Going the Agile Way
Agile methods, initially developed for software deve-
lopment, can be applied to data analysis in order to
provide a better process guidance and value orienta-
tion. An agile evolution of KDD and CRISP-DM is
AgileKDD (do Nascimento and de Oliveira, 2012). It
is based on the OpenUP lifecycle which supports the
statement in the Agile Manifesto (Balduino, 2007).
Projects are divided in planned ”sprints” with fixed
deadlines, usually a few weeks. In each sprint, the te-
ams need to deliver incremental value to stakeholders
in a predictable and demonstrable manner.
Figure 2: Agile KDD Method.
Although it looks quite adequate, deploying an
Agile approach for Big Data may still face resistance,
Process Guidance for the Successful Deployment of a Big Data Project: Lessons Learned from Industrial Cases
just as it is the case for software development, typi-
cally in more rigid kind of organisation. A survey was
conducted to validate this acceptance (Frankov et al.,
2016). It revealed that quite similarly as for software,
companies tend to accept Agile methods for projects
with smaller scope, less complexity, with few security
issues and inside organisation with more freedom. Ot-
herwise, the plan-managed approach is preferred.
2.3 Methods Specific to Big Data
Architecture-centric Agile Big data Analytics
(AABA) addresses technical and organizational chal-
lenges of Big Data(Chen et al., 2016). Figure 3 shows
it supports an agile delivery. It also integrates the Big
Data system Design (BDD) method and Architecture-
centric Agile Analytics with architecture-supported
DevOps (AAA) model for effective value discovery
and continuous delivery of value.
Figure 3: AABA Method.
The method was validated on 11 case studies
across various domains (marketing, telecom, healt-
hcare) with the following recommendations:
1. Data Analysts/Scientists should be involved early.
2. Continuous architecture support is required.
3. Agile bursts of effort help to cope with rapid
technology changes and new requirements.
4. A reference architecture enables more flexibility.
5. Feedback loops need to be open, e.g. about
non-functional requirements such as performance,
availability and security, but also for business
feedback about emerging requirements.
In parallel, Stampede is a method proposed by
IBM to their customers where expert resources are
provided at cost to help companies to get started with
Big Data in the scope of a well-defined pilot project
(IBM, 2013). It main goal is to educate companies
and help them get started more quickly, in order to
drive value from Big Data. A key tool of the met-
hod is a half day workshop to share definition, iden-
tify scope/big data/infrastructure, establish a plan and
most importantly establish the business value. The
pilot execution is typically spread over 12 weeks and
carried out in an Agile way with a major milestone at
about 9 weeks.
Some attempts have also been made to develop
a Capability Maturity Model (CMM) for scientific
data management practices, with the goal of suppor-
ting assessment and improvement of these practices
(Crowston, 2010)(Nott, 2014). Such a model descri-
bes key process areas and practices necessary for ef-
fective management. A CMM further characterizes
organizations by a maturity level, i.e. the capability
to reliably perform the processes, typically on a 5 le-
vel scale (from the lowest just ”defined” or ”ad hoc”
levels to the highest ”optimised” or ”Breakaway” le-
2.4 Complementary Approaches
Sensemaking is also an iterative approach but rela-
ting to the cognitive process performed by humans in
order to build up a representation of an information
space for achieving his/her goal. It focuses on chal-
lenges for modelling and analysis by bringing cogni-
tive models into requirements engineering, in order
to analyse the features of data and the details of user
activities (Lau et al., 2014).
Figure 4: SenseMaking Method.
In complement to processes, many key success
factors, best practices and risk check lists have been
published, mostly in blogs for CIOs, e.g. (Bedos,
2015). A systematic classification of Critical Success
Factors has been proposed by (Gao et al., 2015) using
three key dimensions: people, process and techno-
logy. It has been further extended by (Saltz and
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Shamshurin, 2016) with tool and governance dimen-
sions. A few key factors are the following:
Data: quality, security, level of structure in data
Governance: management support, well-defined
organisation, data-driven culture
Objectives: business value identified (KPI), busi-
ness case-driven, realistic project size
Process: agility, change management, maturity,
coping with data growth
Team: data science skills, multidisciplinarity
Tools: IT infrastructure, storage, data vizualisa-
tion capabilities, performance monitoring
The global aim of our project is to come up with a
systematic method to help companies facing big data
challenges to validate the potential benefits of a big
data solution. The global process is depicted in Fi-
gure 5, and is driven by eight successive pilots which
are used to tune the method and make more techni-
cal bricks available through the proposed common in-
frastructure. The final expected result is to provide a
commercial service to companies having such needs.
Figure 5: Iterative development of the platform and method.
The selected method is strongly inspired by what
we learned from the available methods and processes
described in Section 2:
the starting point was Stampede because of some
initial training and the underlying IBM platform.
Key aspects kept from the methods are the initial
workshop with all stakeholders, the realistic focus
and a constant business value driver.
however to cope with the lack of reference mate-
rial, we defined a process model based on CRISP-
DM which is extensively documented.
the pilots are executed in an Agile way, given
the expert availabilities (university researchers),
the pilots are planned over longer periods than in
Stampede: 3-6 months instead of 12-16 weeks.
The popular SCRUM approach was used as it
emphasizes collaboration, functioning software,
team self management and flexibility to adapt to
business realities (Scrum Alliance, 2016).
The global methodology is composed of three
successive phases detailed hereafter:
1. Big Data Context and Awareness. In this intro-
ductory phase, one or more meetings are organi-
sed with the target organisation. A general intro-
duction is given on Big Data concepts, the availa-
ble platform, a few representative applications in
different domains (possibly with already a focus
on the organisation domain), the main challenges
and main steps. The maturity of the client and a
few risk factors can be checked (e.g. management
support, internal expertise, business motivation).
2. Business and Use Case Understanding. This is
also the first phase of CRISP-DM. Its goals are to
collect the business needs/problems that must be
addressed using Big Data and also to identify one
or some business use cases generating the most
value out of the collected data.
This phase is organised based on one or a few
workshops, involving the Business Manager, Data
Analyst, IT architect and optionally selected spe-
cialists, such as the IT security manager if there
are specific security/privacy issues that need to be
checked at this early stage. Both the as-is and to-
be are considered. Specific tools to support the
efficient organisation of those workshops are des-
cribed in Section 4. At the end of this step, an
project planning is also defined.
3. Pilot Implementation of Service or Product . In
this phase, the following implementation activi-
ties are carried out in an Agile way:
Data Understanding: analyse data sets to detect
interesting subset(s) for reaching the business
objective(s) and make sure about data quality.
Data Preparation: select the right data and
clean/extend/format them as required.
Modelling: select specific modelling techni-
ques (e.g. decision-tree or neural networks).
The model is then built and tested for its accu-
racy and generality. Possible modelling as-
sumptions are also checked. Based on the re-
sults, the model parameters can be reviewed or
other/complementary techniques can be used.
Evaluation: assess the degree to which the mo-
del meets business objectives, using realistic or
even real data.
Deployment: transfer the validated solution to
Process Guidance for the Successful Deployment of a Big Data Project: Lessons Learned from Industrial Cases
Table 1: Main characteristics of first pilot wave.
# Domain Volume Velocity Variety Main challenge
1 Life science 20 Go/analysis
2 To/week
High (needs paral-
lel processing)
Business data and
traceability (food,
pharmaceutical and
cosmetic industry)
Product quality
2 Space Galileo ground seg-
ment maintenance
(12 EU sites, 16 re-
mote sites)
Medium Hight: messages,
Predictive maintenance of
costly equipment. High
level of dependability
3 Health 900 beds on 3 sites Real-time Several sources and
Reduce morbidity and mor-
tality, guarantee confidenti-
4 IT
About 3000 servers High (databases,
events, logs,...)
Real-time Predictive maintenance,
cost optimisation
production environment, make sure user can
use it (e.g. right visualization, dashboard) and
start monitoring (performance, accuracy).
Our pilots are kept confidential. However Table 1
presents the main features of the first four pilots based
on the three first ”V” of Big Data (Mauro et al., 2016).
In this section, we present some lessons learned and
related guidelines that are useful to support the whole
process and increase the chances of success.
Defining measurable and progressive objectives.
Through the deployment of a Big Data solution, a
company expects to gain value out of its data. The
way to measure this value should be defined right
from the business understanding phase, typically by
relying on KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Those
company should already have defined those KPIs and
be able to measure them. If this is not the case, they
should start improving on this: in other words, Busi-
ness Intelligence should already be present!
Based on this, different improvement strategies
can be identified, discussed and result in the selection
of a good business case. In the selection process,
the gap with the current situation should also be
considered, it is safer to keep a first project with quite
modest objectives than risking to fail by trying a too
complex project that could bring more value. Once
a pilot is successful, further improvement can be
planned bringing in more value.
From Reactive to Preventive and then Predictive.
A common scenario we met in the analysis of data is
the need to better anticipate problems or even detect
and address early events that could develop into pro-
blems. We shortly report about two case studies.
In IT maintenance, a KPI is the total cost of
maintenance. Different strategies can be used: sim-
ply reacting to problems after occurrence, preventing
against their occurrence based on simple observation
like a disk almost full, try to predict problems ba-
sed on observation of behavioural patterns. The pre-
dictive solution is better but it should only be envisi-
oned if the preventive solution is present. When con-
sidering patterns, most common problems should be
addressed first, e.g. disks filling up when backups are
performed at the end of a week or a month.
In the health domain, in order to reduce im-
prove the care quality and reduce costs, standardisa-
tion is introduced through clinical pathways that des-
cribes concrete treatment workflows for patients ha-
ving identical diagnoses or therapy. This also ena-
bles the systematic collection and analysis of patient
data. Specific indicators have been defined to pre-
cisely track the quality of care and help predicting
possible degradation due patient related events (e.g.
bad blood parameter) or organisation related events
(e.g. service capacity problem). The RDI (Relative
Dose Intensity) is such an indicator used in breast
chemotherapies. Its value reflect the adherence to the
protocol and deviations below the 85% threshold are
strongly correlated to the likelihood of relapse.
Using questionnaires for workshops. Conducting
a workshop requires to pay attention to many issues
while also focusing the discussion on the most rele-
vant ones. A questionnaire can provide an efficient
support both as possible preparation before the works-
hop and as check-list during the workshop. Table 2
shows a few questions about the data to process.
Using Modelling Notations (not to be confused with
the data modelling step) is useful to support business
and data understanding. During workshops, a white-
board can be used to sketch models together with the
audience. In our experience, data-flow and workflow
models help to understand which process is genera-
ting, altering, storing or retrieving data. UML class
diagrams also help to capture the domain structure
On the other hand, use cases should be avoided be-
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 2: Some workshop questions about data.
Q.UD.1 What are the data sources and data types
used in your current business processes?
Q.UD.2 What tools/applications are used to deal
with your current business processes?
Q.UD.3 Are your present business processes per-
forming complex processing on data?
Q.UD.4 How available is your data? What happens
if data is not available?
Q.UD.5 Do different users have different access rig-
hts on your data?
Q.UD.6 Does your data contain sensitive informa-
tion (e.g. personal or company confidential data)?
cause they only focus on a specific function and can-
not provide a good global picture of the problem.
In this paper, we described how we addressed the
challenges and risks of deploying a Big Data solu-
tion within companies willing to adopt them to sup-
port their business development. Based on different
methods and experience reports for the literature, we
came up with a method fitting our needs and con-
tinuing to evolve as we explore more uses cases, while
highlighting a number of lessons learned.
When considering the adoption of Big Data ana-
lytics in organisations, what is crucial is the process
followed to come up with a method that will maxi-
mize the chance of success and will fits the needs of
each specific organisation.
Moving forward, we plan to consolidate our work
based on what we will learn in the next series of pro-
ject case studies. So far, we have also focused more
on the discovery and data understanding phases. We
plan to provide more guidance on the project execu-
tion phase when enough pilot projects have reached
completion or key milestones.
This research was partly funded by the Walloon Re-
gion through the ”PIT Big Data” project (nr 7481).
We thank our industrial partners for sharing their ca-
ses and contributions to the method assessments.
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Process Guidance for the Successful Deployment of a Big Data Project: Lessons Learned from Industrial Cases