Limitations of Emotion Recognition from Facial Expressions in
e-Learning Context
Agnieszka Landowska, Grzegorz Brodny and Michal R. Wrobel
Department of Software Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Narutowicza Str. 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
Keywords: e-Learning, Emotion Recognition, Facial Expression Analysis, Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
Abstract: The paper concerns technology of automatic emotion recognition applied in e-learning environment. During
a study of e-learning process the authors applied facial expressions observation via multiple video cameras.
Preliminary analysis of the facial expressions using automatic emotion recognition tools revealed several
unexpected results, including unavailability of recognition due to face coverage and significant
inconsistency between the results obtained from two cameras. The paper presents the experiment on e-
learning process and summarizes the observations that constitute limitations of emotion recognition from
facial expressions applied in e-learning context. The paper might be of interest to researchers and
practitioners who consider automatic emotion recognition as an option in monitoring e-learning processes.
There are numerous emotion recognition algorithms
that differ on input information channels, output
labels or affect representation model and
classification method. From the perspective of
e-learning applications, the most important
classification is based on input channel, as not all
channels are available in the target environment.
Proposed in the field of Affective Computing
algorithms differ on information sources they use
(Landowska, 2015b). Therefore some of them have
limited availability in e-learning context. Assuming
that a learner works in a home environment, more
specialized equipment is not available, eliminating
e.g. physiological measurements as an observation
channel. However it can be expected that a home e-
learning environment will be equipped with a
mouse, a keyboard, a microphone and a low to
medium quality camera. Voice channel is an option
for synchronous classes and videoconferences. In
asynchronous e-learning observation channels
include: monitoring standard input devices usage,
facial expression analysis using cameras and
scanning of textual inputs for sentiment (for free-text
only). Authors of the paper are aware of the
synchronous and blended model of e-learning,
however this study focuses on asynchronous
learning process in home environment.
Authors of the paper designed and conducted an
experiment that aimed at monitoring e-learning
process using automatic emotion recognition. Facial
expression was among the observation channels and
we have expected to reveal information on a learner
affect from automatic analysis. However, the
analysis of the channel led to unexpected results,
including unavailability of recognition due to face
coverage and significant discrepancy between the
results obtained from two cameras. This paper aims
at reporting the limitations of emotion recognition
from facial expressions applied in e-learning
The main research question of the paper is given
as follows: What availability and reliability of
emotion recognition might be obtained from facial
expression analysis in e-learning home
environment? The criteria for analysis will include
availability and reliability of emotion recognition.
The quasi-experiment of e-learning process
monitoring was performed to spot realistic
challenges in automatic emotion recognition. As a
result, a number of concerns were identified for
affect acquisition applied in e-learning context.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
provides previous research we based our study on.
Section 3 includes operationalisation of variables
and experiment design, while Section 4 – study
execution details and results. Section 5 provides
Landowska, A., Brodny, G. and Wrobel, M.
Limitations of Emotion Recognition from Facial Expressions in e-Learning Context.
DOI: 10.5220/0006357903830389
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 2, pages 383-389
ISBN: 978-989-758-240-0
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
summary of results and some discussion, followed
by concluding remarks (Section 6).
Works that are mostly related to this research are
studies on emotion recognition from facial
expression analysis.
The most frequently used emotion recognition
methods that might be considered in monitoring e-
learning include facial expression analysis (Szwoch
and Pieniazek, 2015), audio (voice) signal analysis
in terms of modulation and textual input analysis
(Kolakowska, 2015).
Video input is most commonly used channel for
emotion recognition, as it is universal and not
disturbing method of user monitoring. Algorithms
analyze face muscle movements in order to assess
user emotional state based on Facial Action Coding
System (FACS) (Sayette et al., 2001). There are
many algorithms that differ significantly on the
number of features and methods of data extraction,
feature selection and classification process.
Classifiers are usually build on one of the known
artificial intelligence tools and algorithms, including
decision trees, neural networks, Bayesian networks,
linear discriminate analysis, linear logistic
regression, Support Vector Machine, Hidden
Markov Models (Kołakowska et al., 2013).
Depending on the classification method, input
channels and selected features, accuracy of affect
recognition differs significantly, rarely achieving
more than 90 percent. It is important to emphasis
that highest accuracies are obtained mainly for two-
class classifiers. As literature on affective computing
tools is very broad and has already been summarized
several times, for a more extensive bibliography on
affective computing methods, one may refer to Zeng
et al. (Zeng et al., 2009) or to Gunes and Schuller
The emotion recognition techniques provide
results in diverse models of emotion representation.
Facial expression analysis usually provide the results
using Ekman’s six basic emotions model extended
with neutral state – usually a vector of seven values
is provided, each value indicating an intensiveness
of: anger, joy, fear, surprise, disgust, sadness, neutral
state (Kołakowska et al., 2015).
Emotion recognition from facial expressions is
susceptible to illumination conditions and occlusions
of the face parts (Landowska, 2015b).
Facial expression analysis has a major drawback
– mimics could be to some extent controlled by
humans and therefore the recognition results might
be intentionally or unintentionally falsified
(Landowska and Miler, 2016).
Self-report on emotions, although subjective, is
frequently used as a “ground truth” and this
approach will be applied in this study. The second
approach from the literature is multi-channel
observation and consistency check (Bailenson et al.,
2008). Another approach is manual tagging by
qualified observers or physiological observations,
but this approach was not used in this study.
The abovementioned results influenced decisions
on the design of this study, especially use of more
than one observation channel and improving
illumination conditions. Detailed study design is
reported in Section 3.
In order to verify applicability of emotion
recognition in e-learning context a quasi-experiment
was conducted. It was based on a typical on-line
tutorial in using a software tool extended with
monitoring user emotion recognition channels. The
concept was to engage observation channels that are
available in typical home environment, although the
experiment was held at lab setting.
3.1 Experiment Design
The aim of the experiment was to investigate
emotional states while learning using video tutorials.
Video tutorials, such as published on Youtube, are
popular, especially among the younger generation
form of gaining knowledge on how to use specific
tools, perform construction tasks, and even play
The experiment was held at Emotion Monitor
stand at Gdansk University of Technology. The
stand is a configurable setting allowing to multi-
channel observation of a computer user (Landowska,
2015a). The experiment hardware setting consisted
of three computers, specialized lighting set and two
cameras. Software component included:
Inkscape as a tool to learn by a participant,
web browser as a main tool leading a participant
(with a dedicated website developed to set tasks
and collect questionnaire data),
Morae Recorder and Observer to record user's
video recording software that might record two
cameras consecutively.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
A participant of the study had one computer with
one monitor and standard input devices at disposal,
the other equipment were used for observation
purpose. There were two cameras fronting user face,
one located above and one below the monitor, both
at monitor center. The cameras were intentionally a
standard computer equipment, as usually is available
at home desk and medium quality Logitech
webcams were used. There was one factor
uncommon for home environment: specialized
lighting set that allowed to maintain stable and
adequate illumination conditions. The set on is a
prerequisite of Noldus FaceReader, an emotion
recognition tool, to work properly, as defined by the
software producer. Recognition rates decease with
uneven and inadequate lighting and this condition
was explored before, therefore we have designed an
experiment rather to observe camera location
condition. The experimental setting is visualized in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Experimental setting design.
During the study, data were collected from
independent channels, which allow to make
assumptions on emotional state of user: video, key
stroke dynamics, mouse movements and self-report.
The experiment procedure started with an
informed consent and followed scenario
implemented as consecutive web pages:
(1) Experiment instruction (contained information
on experiment procedure and also the Self-
Assessment Manikin (SAM) emotional scale
description, as was used in the following
(2) Preliminary survey to fill-in, which included
questions about age, gender, level of familiarity
with the graphical software including Inkscape
and assessment of current emotional state (SAM
(3) Tutorial #1.
(4) Post-task questionnaire (SAM scale and
descriptive opinions).
(5) Tutorial #2.
(6) Post-task questionnaire (SAM scale and
descriptive opinions).
(7) Tutorial #3.
(8) Post-task questionnaire (SAM scale and
descriptive opinions).
(9) Final questionnaire summarizing the completed
In this manner there were presented and evaluated
three consecutive tutorials – the intention was to
capture reactions to tasks of diverse difficulty and
duration. The first tutorial presented a relatively
simple operation in Inkscape (putting a text on a
circle path) and lasted for 3 minutes. The second one
was the most complicated (a text formatting that
imitates carving in a wood) – it was 6:42 minutes
long, however users often had to stop and rewind the
video in order to perform the task properly. The last
tutorial was moderately a complicated (drawing a
paper folded in a shape of a plane) and it lasted for
6:32 minutes. While watching a tutorial, the user
was meant to perform operations shown in the film.
It was not required to achieve the final result in the
Inkscape, the user could move to the next stage,
when the tutorial video has finished.
3.2 Operationalisation of Variables
The main research question of the paper: What
availability and reliability of emotion recognition
might be obtained from facial expression analysis in
e-learning home environment? was decomposed to
more detailed metrics that might be retrieved based
on experiment results.
Availability factor characterizes, to what extent
video observation channel is available throughout
time. There are several conditions of unavailability:
a face might be not well visible due to partial or total
occlusion, relocation of face position due to body
movements (camera position usually is set and face
might be partially visible, if a learner moves
intensively), a face angle towards camera might be
too high for an recognition algorithm to work
properly. Following metrics were proposed: (1)
Limitations of Emotion Recognition from Facial Expressions in e-Learning Context
percentage of time, when a face was not
recognizable at video recording (both overall and per
user, denoted UN1); (2) percentage of time, when
face was visible, but no emotion is recognizable at
video recording (both overall and per user, denoted
UN2); (3) percentage of time-based availability of
emotion recognition recordings from video (both
overall and per user, denoted AV). We assumed that
if overall and per-user availability is greater than
90% of time, the conditions for analysis are good,
while we expect at least 70% availability (minimum
level) per user in order to make any conclusions
based on the emotion observations.
Reliability factor indicates, how trustworthy are
recognized emotional states – to what extent we
might assume, they are the actual emotions of a
learner during the process. As there is no way to
know the ground truth regarding emotional state, in
the experiment we have employed an approach of
multi-channel observation and consistency measures
to validate the reliability. There were two cameras
and the video recordings were analyzed
independently (after synchronization). The following
metric is proposed: (1) percentage of time when
emotion recognition results from the two cameras
are consistent – the same dominant emotion is
recognized (both overall and per user, denoted
REL1); (2) direct difference between recognized
states in valence-arousal representation model (both
overall and per user, denoted REL2).
For consistency analysis, the un-recognized face
and emotion condition frames are excluded. We
expect overall and per-user consistency to be greater
than 70%, while 50% is the minimal consistency per
user in order to make any conclusions based on the
emotion observations.
3.3 Data Analysis Methods and Tools
Video recordings were analyzed using Noldus
FaceReader software, that recognizes facial
expressions based on FACS. The facial expressions
are then interpreted as emotional state intensity. The
tool provides detailed results as intensiveness vector,
containing values (0-1) for: joy, anger, fear, disgust,
surprise, sadness and neutral state, or, alternatively it
might provide the values of valence and arousal.
FaceReader might also provide discrete results –
each frame is assigned a dominant emotion as a
label. Both result types were analyzed. From the
perspective of the emotion recognition from facial
expression analysis, the following events would be
disturbing: looking around and covering part of the
face with a hand. In order to apply automatic face
analysis, face position should be frontal to the
If a face is not found on a frame, FIND_FAILED
label is returned. If a face was found, but a program
was unable to recognize an emotional state a
FIT_FAILED label is returned. The error labels are
used in this study in calculating availability rates.
Data pre-processing and analysis was performed
using Knime analytical platform. Significance tests
were performed, whenever necessary – the results
are provided in the following sections.
The experiment was held in 2016 and 17 people took
part in it. Videos were recorded with 1280x720
resolution and 30 fps frequency. Two video
recordings were broken, therefore in this paper we
report results based on 15 participants. Among
those, 13 were male and 2 female, aged 20 to 21.
From the study execution the following
observations should be declared. Participants
differed in task execution duration – the shortest
study lasted 55 and the longest 103 minutes. Some
subjects did not achieve the final result in one or
multiple tasks. The participants were not advised on
this – the decision of proceeding to another task
before previous one was accomplished was up to
4.1 Availability
In order to evaluate the quantitative distribution of
the availability over time, analysis of data exported
from FaceReader emotions recognition software has
been performed. Availability metrics UN1, UN2 and
AV (for definitions see Section 3.2) were calculated
for upper and lower camera independently and for
both. The results are provided in Table 1. All means
are statistically significant, except for UN1 for upper
camera, which was denoted with an asterix.
Significance was confirmed by single sample t-test –
95% confidence interval was assumed.
Upper camera was characterized by average
89,7% availability, which is close to threshold
defined as good analytical conditions. There were
only two participants that had availability below
70% of the recording time.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Availability metrics (all means are statistically significant except for one marked with *).
Par ticip ant UN1 UN2 AV UN1 UN2 AV UN1 UN2 AV
0,1 0,4 99,5 0,9 4,1 95,0 0,5 2,3 97,3
0,3 1,8 97,9 1,0 6,1 92,9 0,6 4,0 95,4
1,7 13,8 84,5 2,6 9,5 87,9 2,1 11,7 86,2
2,5 2,7 94,7 26,4 43,0 30,6 14,5 22,9 62,7
4,9 1,4 93,7 0,0 2,3 97,7 2,5 1,8 95,7
0,8 2,0 97,1 1,1 28,6 70,3 1,0 15,3 83,7
0,2 8,6 91,2 0,7 5,0 94,3 0,4 6,8 92,8
30,0 11,3 58,7 0,2 4,7 95,1 15,1 8,0 76,9
0,9 3,8 95,2 2,4 59,9 37,6 1,7 31,8 66,5
0,0 0,0 99,9 0,0 2,1 97,9 0,0 1,0 98,9
0,3 1,8 97,8 0,0 0,0 100,0 0,2 0,9 98,9
19,2 14,6 66,2 38,0 42,3 19,8 28,6 28,4 43,0
0,3 0,8 98,9 6,1 3,9 90,0 3,2 2,4 94,4
0,5 2,1 97,4 21,7 18,1 60,2 11,1 10,1 78,8
1,4 6,4 92,3 0,9 7,5 91,5 1,2 7,0 91,9
Upper cam. Lower cam. Both cameras
Lower camera was characterized by average
78,2% availability, which is below the defined
threshold, however might be acceptable, as exceeds
70% of time. For the camera, 4 participants had low
(under minimal) availability, meaning that in
practice they should be excluded from analysis. For
two participants availability of emotion recognition
through video channel was as low as 20-30 % of
In most of the cases, when one camera was
highly unavailable, the data from the other one were
available, which is an argument for using two.
Although there was a difference between average
availability of the lower and upper camera, the
differences for metrics UN1 and AV are not
statistically significant (only difference for UN2
metric is statistically significant), which was
confirmed with paired t-test, assuming confidence
interval of 95%.
A more detailed analysis of the cases with the
lowest availability rates was performed. In the vast
majority of cases disturbance was caused by leaning
the chin on the hand. For example participant P14
held a hand near the face for more than half of the
recording time. Such position is typical for high
level of concentration or state of deep thoughts. In
art, for example, it is used to represent characters of
thinkers and philosophers. Figure 2 shows one of the
experiment participant among two most famous
sculptures of thinkers, Rodin's Le Penseur, and
Michelangelo's Il Penseroso. However, this position
may also be associated with fatigue and boredom.
4.2 Reliability
Reliability metrics results are provided in Table 2.
Metric REL01 refers to consistency based on labels
of dominant emotions and for almost all participants
is below a threshold of 50%. For 4 participants the
emotion labels are different for more than 90% of
time. Such huge discrepancy was the first our
observation while analyzing results. More detailed
analysis indicate that upper camera tends to
overestimate anger (as eyebrows are recorded from
upper perspective, they seem more lowered than in
zero angle position). The lower camera seems to
overestimate surprise, as eyebrows are recorded
from lower perspective, they seem more up than in
zero angle position). Confusion matrixes based on
recognized labels show that also neutral state from
one camera is paired with another emotion from the
second camera. As label-based consistency was very
low, we have decided to analyze consistency of the
emotion recognition results in valence-arousal model
of emotions. Metric REL02 was calculated for both
dimensions and the results are provided in Table 2.
Figure 2: Hand by the face posture while thinking.
Limitations of Emotion Recognition from Facial Expressions in e-Learning Context
The consistency for arousal is high – in 13 out of
15 participants exceeds 90%, only 2 have the
consistency above 80%. Valence inconsistency is
significantly higher – 90% threshold is exceeded
only in one case, while another two are above 80%.
For majority of participants the consistency of
valence recognition from the two camera location is
lower than 50%, and even for one is reported as 0.
Difference of valence is statistically significant,
which was confirmed by paired t-test with 95%
confidence interval.
The presented study revealed the following results:
availability of camera recordings in e-learning
environment is acceptable;
upper camera availability is higher than for the
location below the monitor;
when one camera recording is unavailable,
recording from the second one is usually
available, making an advantage of using two;
when using two cameras the inconsistency of
emotion recognition is relatively high and for
majority of the participants below the acceptable
lower camera tends to overestimate surprise,
while upper one – anger.
All automatic emotion recognition algorithms are
susceptible to some disturbances and facial
expression analysis is not an exception – suffers
from face oval partial cover, location of the camera,
insufficient or uneven illumination. When compared
to a questionnaire (self-report), all automatic
emotion recognition methods are more independent
on human will and therefore might be perceived as a
more reliable source of information on affective
state of a user, however inconsistency rate is
The study results permit to draw a conclusion
that automatic emotion recognition from facial
expressions should be applied in e-learning
processes tests with caution, perhaps being
confirmed by another observation channel.
The authors acknowledge that this study and
analysis has some limitations. The main limitations
of the study include: limited number of participants
and arbitrarily chosen metrics and thresholds. More
case studies as well as additional experiments that
practically would validate the findings are planned
in the future research.
There are also issues that were not addressed and
evaluated within this study, i.e. consistency with
other emotion recognition channels and perhaps self-
report. Those factors require a much deeper
experimental project.
There is a lot of evidence that human emotions
influence interactions with computers and software
products. No doubt that educational processes
supported with technologies are under that influence
Table 2: Reliability metrics.
P01 43,5
0,00 (0,02) -0,02 (0,03) 0,02
0,25 (0,05) 0,23 (0,06) 0,02
P03 36,6
-0,46 (0,21) -0,18 (0,14) 0,28
0,34 (0,05) 0,30 (0,04) 0,04
P04 19,9
-0,33 (0,20) -0,78 (0,17) 0,45
0,33 (0,08) 0,32 (0,08) 0,01
P05 17,5
-0,50 (0,18) -0,19 (0,15) 0,31
0,27 (0,07) 0,34 (0,05) 0,07
P06 50,2
-0,10 (0,14) -0,13 (0,12) 0,03
0,30 (0,03) 0,23 (0,08) 0,07
P07 20,9
-0,86 (0,07) -0,29 (0,10) 0,57
0,28 (0,05) 0,30 (0,04) 0,02
P08 7,4
-0,70 (0,19) -0,11 (0,16) 0,59
0,36 (0,06) 0,35 (0,07) 0,01
P09 26,9
-0,20 (0,14) -0,53 (0,24) 0,34
0,35 (0,06) 0,36 (0,08) 0,01
P10 9,6
-0,52 (0,25) -0,20 (0,18) 0,31
0,30 (0,09) 0,32 (0,05) 0,01
P11 5,8
-0,75 (0,10) -0,01 (0,01) 0,75
0,29 (0,03) 0,30 (0,03) 0,01
P12 8,4
-0,02 (0,03) -0,08 (0,13) 0,05
0,28 (0,03) 0,24 (0,05) 0,04
P14 12,4
-0,56 (0,21) -0,27 (0,19) 0,29
0,41 (0,0) 0,33 (0,08) 0,08
P15 17,5
-0,83 (0,14) -0,17 (0,12) 0,66
0,28 (0,04) 0,33 (0,05) 0,04
P16 44,3
-0,92 (0,09) -0,50 (0,16) 0,42
0,29 (0,06) 0,34 (0,05) 0,04
P17 37,0
-0,65 (0,14) -0,41 (0,13) 0,24
0,35 (0,04) 0,36 (0,05) 0,01
Diff REL02
Diff REL02
Lower Cam.
Mean ( SD)
Participant REL01
Mean ( SD) Mean ( SD) Mean ( SD)
Upper Cam. Lower Cam. Upper Cam.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
too. Therefore investigating emotions induced by
educational resources and tools is an object of
interest of designers, producers, teachers and
learners, as well.
This study contributes to identifying practical
concerns that should be taken into account when
designing e-learning processes monitoring and when
interpreting the results of automatic emotion
This work was supported in part by Polish-
Norwegian Financial Mechanism Small Grant
Scheme under the contract no Pol-
Nor/209260/108/2015 as well as by DS Funds of
ETI Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology.
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Limitations of Emotion Recognition from Facial Expressions in e-Learning Context