PLC and our system. The resemblance between the
proposed model and the radio channel is not
physical, but rather mathematical: For the PLC
model, the transmitter is a time invariant source
unlike the channel which might be variant if we take
into account the impact of loads on the wave
Regarding our model, energy flows over a time
invariant channel (households therefore charges are
at known positions) but the SVPS is time variant due
to asynchronous of the energy production mentioned
above. Thenceforth the same applies to our
microgrid. The electrical energy flow within
the microgrid can be expressed as:
The energy flow is a function of the distance d,
where reflects the temporal asynchronous of
the energy injection onto the grid and energy line
losses heading to different point of usage (house i).
It is a summation of several random phenomena,
both temporal and spatial.
This resemblance between equation (6) and (13)
leads us to conclude that the energy flow is
Gaussian-shaped. However, this first study
represents the foundation of further work that is to
follow. It will consist in the model validation,
preferably by real data, or by simulations on
appropriate platforms.
While there are still many questions about models of
a power grid, and many possible ways to address
this issue, our aim in this paper was to propose a
new model of the electric flow: Disregarding the
need of knowing different parameters of the grid at
each bus (active power, reactive power, power
factor), we demonstrated that a microgrid can be
assimilated to a transmission channel which conveys
energy from a Single Virtual Power Source to
multiple energy consuming points.
In regards to the energy flow, equation (6) whose
shape is characterized by a Gaussian was utterly
approximated by equation (13). This is due to the
fact that the whole energy flowing through the grid
is actually a sum of a certain random amount of
energy injected by different sources. This is also
braced by the fact that energy undergoes various
phenomena such as line losses and multiple
scattering due to different paths.
The proposed mathematical model will be of
precious assistance in the smart grids: For example,
during the grid characterization, the development of
energy allocation strategies…
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