Review legal Analysis: if personal data is given,
a full legal analysis must be done, additionally a PIA
is necessary in case of a high risk for the data sub-
jects’ rights and freedoms.
Figure 3: Approach of a data lifecycle risk assessment.
For Big Data scenarios conflicting with fundamental
data protection principles anonymization is one
solution, but the re-identification risks have to be
taken into account. Nevertheless also partial anony-
mization can be considered as safeguard compensat-
ing data protection risks and therefore might legiti-
mate big data scenarios in multi-discipline services.
By a lifecycle risk assessment controllers are able to
estimate whether their data is anonymous or which
risk minimizing efforts are necessary. Future work
should be focused on technical implementation. A
tool, which could automatize the testing scheme and
thus permit the controller to check whether anony-
mization is still given and show him corresponding
duties and respective safeguards would be therefore
highly valuable for future research.
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