Minimizing the Risks of Data Protection Infringement
Data Lifecycle Risk Assessment
Silvia Balaban
and Manuela Wagner
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik, Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14, Karlsruhe, Germany
Center for Applied Legal Studies, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Vincenz-Prießnitz-Str. 3, Karlsruhe, Germany
Keywords: Legal Challenges of Big Data in Multi-discipline Services, Privacy Impact Assessment, Anonymization,
Abstract: In this paper, we propose an evaluation scheme which has the objective to permit the user to identify the
legal data protection obligations through a continuous data-lifecycle-assessment-method and to re-design
the data processing actively. To ensure the compliance with data protection principles under the European
law and thus preventing the risk of sanctions, it is necessary, especially in multi-discipline services, to con-
tinuously check during the complete data-usage-process whether personal data are given and which methods
of risk minimisation like the application of anonymization techniques are useful.
Innovative research concerning predictive mainte-
nance or prediction of population behaviour is ex-
pected to contribute to major efficiency-
improvements especially in the areas of transport
and energy. Big Data analytics in multi-discipline
services increase the expectation of an improved
networking and cross-linking of information deriv-
ing from different sources. Those innovations might
conflict with fundamental principles of data protec-
tion law. As the EU General Data Protection Regula-
tion (GDPR) will be applicable from May 25th
2018, controllers (persons processing personal data
for own purposes) need to adapt their data processes
in order to comply with new GDPR-concepts and
avoid tighter sanctions. This emphasizes the need for
a practical guide for controllers without legal back-
ground. As the GDPR is not applicable in case of
anonymous data, it might be useful for controllers to
continuously check whether personal data are still
required. However, controllers must be aware of the
risks that datasets become personal as capabilities
identifying natural persons develop. We therefore
propose a risk-assessment-method, which permits
controllers to cope with the obligations of the GDPR
and simultaneously provides them the evidence of
fulfilling the duties. As legal obligations are not
negotiable, data protection risk management relates
to a balancing of risks and safeguards rather than
costs (Friedewald et al, 2016). This paper shows the
opportunities of a risk management, based on exist-
ing work on Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA). To
cope with typical Big Data challenges, we propose
risk minimization, pointing out hindrances and bene-
fits of anonymization. To estimate the necessity of
safeguards we conclude with a practicable Data
Lifecycle Risk Assessment.
Firstly, we present risk-assessment-methods and
focus on the privacy challenges of Big Data.
2.1 Privacy Impact Assessment
The GDPR obliges controllers to carry out a PIA
prior to the processing, only in cases when the pro-
cessing likely results in a high risk to the rights and
freedoms of the data subjects. PIA is an instrument
to recognize and evaluate the potential impacts and
risks caused by data processing and is a possibility
to reveal unintentional data protection risks (Frie-
dewald et al, 2016). The Britain Information Com-
missioner’s Office (ICO) released a generic, tech-
nology-neutral PIA-model (ICO, 2014), while the
Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des
Balaban, S. and Wagner, M.
Minimizing the Risks of Data Protection Infringement - Data Lifecycle Risk Assessment.
DOI: 10.5220/0006358103560362
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), pages 356-362
ISBN: 978-989-758-245-5
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Libertés (CNIL) provided recommendations and
good practices (CNIL, 2015). The GDPR requires
for a PIA a processing description, an assessment of
necessity and proportionality in relation to envisaged
purposes, related risks to data subjects’ rights and
freedoms and countermeasures including safeguards
and security measures (Art. 35 para 7 GDPR). Addi-
tionally, the Standard Data Protection Model, which
extends the information security principles CIA with
data protection goals, provides evaluation schemes
but seems to assume that personal data are already
given (SDM, 2015). As this will be one of the key
questions for controllers, a simplified testing scheme
distinguishing personal and anonymous data would
be useful. Our paper focuses on how to prevent
privacy risks in the “legal grey area” between per-
sonal and anonymous data in context of Big Data.
2.2 Big Data Privacy Challenges
Although there is no fixed term for Big Data, the
legal debate is based on general assumptions like the
big scale of data collection including high variety
and detail of the collected data and the aim to com-
bine data from many different sources (Art. 29 WP,
2013). Based on this scenario several conflicts with
current and future data protection law have been
already pointed out. At this point, we describe the
typically assumed infringements with basic data
protection fundamentals.
2.2.1 Legitimation
Processing of personal data requires a legitimation,
which could be a legitimation by law or the data
subjects consent. The big scale of data collection
might conflict with the requirement of an individual
case-by-case-assessment, when balancing legitimate
interests between controller and data subject (Ulmer,
2013). A consent is considered as valid, if it is freely
given, specific, informed and unambiguous. Legal
experts claim that the capacity of discernment is
missing in regard of data processing in multi-
discipline domains and that declarations of consent
are often too indefinite (Kamp and Rost, 2013).
Without equivalent alternatives data subjects might
feel forced to give their consent in order to get a
relevant service (Brummund, 2014).
2.2.2 Purpose Limitation
Legitimate data processing must be based on speci-
fied, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further
processed in a manner that is incompatible with
those purposes. The greater the risks, the more spe-
cific purposes must be outlined beforehand (Art. 29
WP, 2013). This obligation is challenging if a com-
bination of data from different sources is envisaged
or if an exploratory analysis is conducted to develop
the research question (Bornemann, 2015). If Big
Data analysis is built on (cross-border) linking of
personal data from various contexts, the impacts and
inferences drawn from the data are hardly predicta-
ble (Raabe and Wagner, 2013). “Non-linkability”, a
principle presented in the Standard Data Protection
Model (SDM, 2015), clearly contradicts the idea of
re-using and connecting existing data through differ-
ent disciplines for new purposes (Weichert, 2013).
2.2.3 Storage Limitation, Data Minimisation
Personal data may only be processed, if necessary
and proportionate for attaining the specific legiti-
mate purpose (Bizer, 2007). This is the case, when
there is no less severe possibility, which is adequate
to reach the focused purpose. An assessment must be
made in each respective case to comply with privacy
by design and by default. It is assumed that dispro-
portionality is given, in the case of collecting and
storing as much data as possible to provide an exten-
sive basis for data mining also for potential future
purposes (Roßnagel, 2013).
2.2.4 Fairness, Transparency, Accuracy
Only with sufficient information data subjects can
understand and control decisions they are subject to
and decide autonomously about exercising their
rights (Art. 29 WP, 2013). Parties must be aware of
the processing purpose or context before the collec-
tion (Ohrtmann and Schwiering, 2014). In principle,
the right of information, correction and erasure or
restriction must be granted. Enforcing these rights
depends on determining the responsible controller(s)
and means to contact him/her. Concerning Big Data
in multi-discipline services with multilateral pro-
cessing chains the variety of controllers and proces-
sors lead to hardly bearable challenges especially
concerning the possibility to effectively enforce
rights (Raabe and Wagner, 2015). The combination
of information deriving from different sources might
also lead to unintentional findings. Personal data
must be kept up to date and incorrect data should be
erased or rectified without delay. Concerns were
raised that decisions based on data mining might be
inaccurate or discriminatory, as the algorithm draws
conclusions based on detected correlations. These
statistical inferences may perpetuate existing preju-
dices and stereotypes (Art. 29 WP, 2013).
Minimizing the Risks of Data Protection Infringement - Data Lifecycle Risk Assessment
2.2.5 Integrity and Confidentiality
Personal data must be processed by ensuring appro-
priate security. Expanding data volume might lead to
a rise of security threads (Weichert, 2013).
The presented potential conflicts between Big Data
scenarios and data protection principles does not
mean that Big Data is illegal in general. Besides the
fact, that a case-by-case legal assessment is always
necessary, there are possibilities to limit the contra-
dictions. One possibility to be excluded from the
scope of data protection law is to anonymize, alt-
hough the legal dispute how to distinguish personal
and anonymous data must be respected. Using anon-
ymization techniques is still beneficial to comply
with the GDPR by mitigating certain obligations.
3.1 Distinguishing Personal and
Non-personal Data
To ensure whether a planned data processing re-
quires a legitimation the controller should analyse if
personal data are given. The qualification when data
is considered as personal is highly controversial and
was subject to a recent decision by the European
Court of Justice (ECJ, 19. October 2016, C-582/14).
As the upcoming GDPR provides the utmost similar
wording like the current Data Protection Directive, it
is expected that the courts key considerations will
remain relevant (Kühling and Klar, 2017). The test-
ing scheme shown in figure 1 helps the controller to
identify if his data are of personal nature. If the da-
taset contains information about a natural person, it
must be verified, whether this person is directly or
indirectly identifiable. If the data is primarily related
to objects (or events), it must be analysed whether
“multi-relations” to an object and a person are given:
depending on the proximity, information related to
the object might also provide information about the
person, who is e.g. using or owning the object (Art.
29 WP, 2007). A whole dataset might be “infected”
by reference information (Weichert, 2007). The
same situation occurs, when object-related-data is
collected with the aim to link them to a person
(Forgó and Krügel, 2010). Following this it has to be
checked whether the person is directly or indirectly
identifiable which means either the controller or a
third party is in the possession of means of identifi-
cation without disproportionate effort of time, cost
or manpower. In this regard, information of third
parties has only to be considered, if accessible for
Figure 1: Testing scheme for personal data.
the controller, which is not the case, if this is illegal
or impracticable. The question of estimating the
proportionality of identification effort is still subject
to legal discussion. Considering the court decision it
is unlikely that the individual value of identification
for the specific controller can be taken as differentia-
tion criterion as the ECJ bases the qualification of
personal data on relative and objective criteria
(Kring and Marosi, 2016). The term relative com-
prises the possibilities and accessible means of the
individual controller. To achieve a certain level of
certainty, an objective determination of the efforts
proportionality is preferable. Otherwise, the qualifi-
cation of personal data and applicability of a legal
framework depends on financial resources or eco-
nomic priorities of individual controllers. It can be
assumed that most data comprise a certain value.
Disproportionality is given, if the effort exceeds any
potential value of identification and an attempt of
identification cannot be expected under rational
circumstances (Weinhold, 2016). The risk of achiev-
ing additional identifying information by third par-
ties is considered insignificant, if impracticable
because of disproportionate effort or illegal. It is
subject to discussions whether data access possibili-
ties can be assumed in case of the theoretical exist-
ence of a legitimating norm (Kring and Marosi,
2016; Jensen and Knoke, 2016; Weinhold, 2016;
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Kühling and Klar, 2017) or if the preconditions of
this legitimating exception must be fulfilled in the
specific case (Eckhardt, 2016; Kartheuser and
Gilsdorf, 2016). The better arguments plead for the
first opinion, as it must be predictable whether data
is personal or not. In the current ECJ-case, a cyberat-
tack or an infringement of copyrights would have
enabled the request to submit additional data. Then
random encounters will influence the applicability of
data protection law and already stored data might
change to personal data. (Kühling and Klar, 2017)
3.2 Technical, Organizational and
Contractual Measures
Anonymization might be a good procedure to avoid
data protection infringements. Due to technical in-
novations in the field of Big Data, anonymization is
hardly realizable as the risk of re-identification by
combining and analysing data from different sources
rises. Big Data for predictive maintenance focuses
on machine data, but still challenges occur in keep-
ing non-personal data anonymous. Terms like k-
Anonymity, l-Diversity or t-closeness focus on the
determination whether a dataset is anonymized but
without considering potential combinations with
additional information. By combining various data-
bases, it was possible to de-anonymize a k-
anonymized dataset (Narayanan and Shmatikov,
2008). When the data is still considered personal, the
processing is subject to data protection law, impos-
ing sanctions to controllers lacking the necessary
legitimation for the processing. Using further tech-
nical, organisational and contractual measures
(TOC) can impede the re-identification effort lead-
ing to disproportionality. Normally, technical and
organizational measures are undertaken to strength-
en security, but could also be focused on the exclu-
sion of identification. Examples for measures ensur-
ing anonymity are given in Table 1.
Table 1: Examples of measures to create or ensure dispro-
portionate effort of de-anonymization.
- encryption
- data usage control
- adding noise
- availability, access control
- functional separation of data
- data obfuscation
- documentation
- training
- audits
- confidentiality / non-disclosure
- notification obligations
A first step is the selection of relevant data sources,
identification of obtainable additional information
and evaluation which safeguards can prevent identi-
fication. Contractual obligations alone can never be
considered as obstacle to identification as parties can
renounce the contract (Dammann, 2014). However,
in combination with technical and organizational
measures identification risks could be minimized.
This could guarantee the non-applicability of data
protection law. If the data are still considered per-
sonal, TOCs could have a positive effect as risk
minimizing safeguards to fulfill the data protection
obligations. The anonymization can be considered as
“partial” from a legal point of view.
3.3 Risk Minimisation
In the cases where anonymization is only partial this
still has an impact of the legitimacy of Big Data
scenarios as it can work as a safeguard compensat-
ing high risk data processing.
3.3.1 Legitimation
Art. 6 para 1 (f) GDPR can legitimate data pro-
cessing through balancing conflicting interests.
Safeguards like partial anonymization can mitigate
potential negative impacts of the processing and
therefore influence the balancing significantly.
3.3.2 Purpose Limitation
The GDPR provides the possibility to change pur-
poses if a compatibility assessment has been accom-
plished, concerning different aspects like reasonable
expectations of data subjects or potential impact.
The tests outcome of the test also depends on the
„existence of appropriate safeguards, which may
include encryption or pseudonymisation“ (Art. 6
para. 4 (e) GDPR). Safeguards can also be technical
and organisational measures, partial or full anony-
mization or aggregation of data to prevent any inap-
propriate impact on the data subjects. This factor
may compensate a change of purposes, which oth-
erwise would fail the compatibility assessment, or
compensate for a lack of clear specification of pur-
poses. (Art. 29 WP, 2013)
3.3.3 Storage Limitation, Data Minimisation
If partial anonymization limits the level of infor-
mation retrievable by processing personal data, con-
trollers could comply more easily with the require-
ments of necessity and proportionality. Art. 25
GDPR provides the concept of privacy by design/
Minimizing the Risks of Data Protection Infringement - Data Lifecycle Risk Assessment
default and mentions pseudonymisation and data
minimisation as potential measures. A partial anon-
ymization is also a way of data minimisation, as less
personal data are processed.
3.3.4 Fairness, Transparency, Accuracy
Art. 11 GDPR foresees a case where a controller is
not able to identify the data subject but meanwhile
personal data is given as the GDPR is applicable.
Meeting requirements of information would create
irresolvable problems for controllers, therefore the
data subjects’ rights of access, rectification, erasure,
restriction and data portability do not apply.
3.3.5 Integrity and Confidentiality
Art. 32 para. 1 (a) GDPR states pseudonymisation
and encryption as a risk minimizing possibility.
Partial anonymization might have the same effect
like pseudonymisation.
These findings show the relevance of designing
privacy risks based on an overall risk assessment. As
every change of the envisaged processing operations
may have an impact on the outcome of the legal
evaluation, a frequently effectuated check of the
legal challenges concerning Big Data scenarios
should be foreseen. The PIA could be used as a
reference model. The first question arising is wheth-
er personal data are involved. So, we propose the
combination of the PIA with a first evaluation con-
cerning personal data and, if necessary, a legal eval-
uation of all data protection principles. One relevant
case for constant re-assessment is the case of poten-
tial personal data where the processing would com-
prise a high risk in the moment an identification of
natural persons is possible. A one-time assessment
only prior to collection would lead to the conclusion
that in absence of personal data no data protection
obligations occur. Most important to notice is the
fact, that the qualification of information as personal
data might change over time, as the obtainable
knowledge or the accessible technologies improve.
In this case, an anonymous database might be con-
sidered as containing personal data, even if no fur-
ther data is added to this database. A frequent analy-
sis of a data-lifecycle from collection to deletion is
therefore mandatory. An overall approach for Big
Data in multidiscipline sectors should combine a
continuous risk assessment concerning risks of iden-
tifying natural persons with the risk assessment
concerning the impact on these persons’ rights and
freedoms if the probability of identification is given.
Figure 2: Generic overview of data protection obligations.
As already lined out in Section 2 the obligations
from data protection law merely stem from the data
protection fundamentals. To give an overview of the
legal challenges under the GDPR the first legal
evaluation might be based on data protection key
factors shown in figure 2 to assess the effort of com-
pliance or usefulness of anonymization. A re-design
of the envisaged lifecycle could be either aiming on
the avoidance of personal data or the fulfillment of
these general protection principles. Controllers
should use a systematic assessment order to docu-
ment and trace the undergone analysis following the
steps in figure 3:
Data-Lifecycle-Scenario-Identification: specify
the relevant scenario from the data collection to the
deletion and list involved parties.
Obtainable Information enables identification of
natural persons (data subjects)? An evaluation is
necessary if datasets contain personal data focussed
on the outlined lifecycle scenario and must be re-
peated frequently, especially with every new pro-
cessing step or new obtainable information.
Legal Overview: a first evaluation based on the
data protection principles shown in figure 2 provides
an overview of generic requirements and shows the
probability of infringements.
Lifecycle-Re-Design: to anonymize/prevent the
emergence of personal data or minimise risk to
comply legal requirements
Anonymization ensured? If a data processing
should not fall under data protection law a frequent
test of the probability of re-identification is recom-
mended to avoid infringements.
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Review legal Analysis: if personal data is given,
a full legal analysis must be done, additionally a PIA
is necessary in case of a high risk for the data sub-
jects’ rights and freedoms.
Figure 3: Approach of a data lifecycle risk assessment.
For Big Data scenarios conflicting with fundamental
data protection principles anonymization is one
solution, but the re-identification risks have to be
taken into account. Nevertheless also partial anony-
mization can be considered as safeguard compensat-
ing data protection risks and therefore might legiti-
mate big data scenarios in multi-discipline services.
By a lifecycle risk assessment controllers are able to
estimate whether their data is anonymous or which
risk minimizing efforts are necessary. Future work
should be focused on technical implementation. A
tool, which could automatize the testing scheme and
thus permit the controller to check whether anony-
mization is still given and show him corresponding
duties and respective safeguards would be therefore
highly valuable for future research.
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