4.2 Charles Babbage Analyses
Vigenere cipher is a combination of a series of
Ceaser cipher, if the key used were “Bat” it means
that the cipher text is divided into 3 subtexts and
each subtexts is cipher using separate Ceaser shift,
which were in this case it use modB, moda, and
modt. According to Charles Babbage, Vigenere
cipher can be cracked by:
Identify the repeated sequence
Determine the spacing, thus knowing the length
of its key
Either implement frequency analysis or start
guessing systematically
Diagram 6 shows the result of cipher text of
original Vigenere cipher implementation, the
highlighted region shows the repeated sequence and
strikethrough shows the spacing.
Diagram 6
Diagram 7
Meanwhile diagram 7 shows the result of cipher
text of proposed method, the highlighted region
shows the repeated sequence and strikethrough
shows the spacing. Places where repeating sequence
happened in original Vegenere were not happened in
Shalala method, thus proving that the proposed
method to be frequency-analysis-proof.
4.3 Dictionary Attack
It is a method to systematically guessing the
keyword to beat the decryption algorithm to decrypt
the cypher text, such keywords can be every words
in dictionary. Based on the Diagram 6, it shows that
the length of its keyword were 3 characters because
of 3 set of repeating sequence, and according to
here[5] there were only 1015 of English words that
can be found in dictionary.
The process to implement dictionary attack
is to guess a single word from the expected
plaintext, let say it is “Batman”. Then a small code
can be written that feed those dictionary word and
cipher text into the decryption algorithm, upon
completed, a quick search on “Batman” is conducted
at the resultant plaintext. If the word “Batman” is
found the process end, if not it is repeated until all
the dictionary word were used. Again if it still fail,
change “Batman” to another word, and repeat the
Because of Charles Babbage analysis on
the Shalala method doesn’t show any sequence, and
it is concluded to be frequency-analysis-proof, thus
it also concluded that the proposed method have
successfully enhance the Vigenere Cipher against
Dictionary Attack.
The Shalala Cryptography has been tested using
Arduino Board. It is very lightweight and proved to
be high cryptography resilience. Table 1 shows the
resource requirement of the algorithm written using
C++, and because of this it is very suitable to be
implemented in Internet of Things application to
provide resilience during communication.
Table 5: Hardware Requirement.
Study Proposed
ROM Consumption (kB) 4,850
RAM Consumption (kB) 883
Processing Time (ms) 8
Vigenere Cipher is a lightweight cryptography
implementation that was easy to comprehend and
implement. Depending on its implementation it can
be uncrack able cipher by making the keyword as
long as plaintext and in random sequence, however
by doing so, it takes out the fun of using dictionary
word to encrypt the plaintext. In this paper, a new
implementation using Vigenere as its core
cryptography with the idea of maintaining the fun of