Improving Confidence in Experimental Systems through Automated
Construction of Argumentation Diagrams
ement Duffau
, C
ecile Camillieri
and Mireille Blay-Fornarino
e C
ote d’Azur, CNRS, I3S, France
AXONIC, France
Argumentation, Experiment System, Accreditation, Confidence, Software Engineering.
Experimental and critical systems are two universes that are more and more tangling together in domains
such as bio-technologies or aeronautics. Verification, Validation and Accreditation (VV&A) processes are
an everyday issue for these domains and the large scale of experiments needed to work out a system leads to
overhead issues. All internal V&V has to be documented and traced to ensure that confidence in the produced
system is good enough for accreditation organism. This paper presents and proposes a practical approach
to automate the construction of argumentation systems based on empirical studies in order to represent the
reasoning and improve confidence in such systems. We illustrate our approach with two use cases, one in the
biomedical field and the other one in machine learning workflow domain.
When development of a system is based on results
of experiments (Wohlin et al., 2012), the Verification
and Validation (V&V) process focuses on measuring
different variables, changing treatments and replaying
experiments. During these investigations, quantitative
and qualitative data is collected that is next analyze
statistically to build new information. Knowledge is
then deduced from computer-simulated cognitive pro-
cess or from the transcripts of knowledge acquired by
human actors (Chen et al., 2009).
An experimental system has been defined by Rhein-
berger (Rheinberger, 1997) as ”a basic unit of experi-
mental activity combining local, technical, instrumen-
tal, institutional, social, and epistemic aspects”. The
process of validating and argumenting on the confi-
dence in an experimental system involves many reaso-
ning elements, such as the way in which the statistical
analyses were carried out or the people who took the
decisions. All those elements, including their order,
must be taken into account to improve confidence in
the system and to produce summarized information
if needed. This is even more important for critical in-
dustries which are costly involved in Verification, Vali-
dation, and Accreditation (VV&A) procedures (Balci,
2003). The accreditation process determines whether
a system is reliable enough to be used. At each step
of development of a system, the objective is to pro-
duce documents, archives, software, to ensure that the
quality of the process is good enough for an external
organization: the accreditation organization. In order
for projects to go further, the accreditation process
should begin as early as possible to provide all the
information needed at each step to perform the accre-
ditation assessment. Thus, for experimental systems
in critical industries, traceability and documentation
activities have to be done even more carefully during
experiments than in common empirical studies.
For example, in the bio-medical domain, the in-
ternational norm ISO 13485, applicable to medical
devices, describes expected activities that must be fol-
lowed at each level of the development process: ini-
tialization, input data, feasibility study, development,
industrialization, validation, output data, marking re-
quest, commercialization. These stages have to be
followed in this order and need to be completed in
terms of the activities themselves but also accompa-
nied with documents before being able to go further in
the process. Documents may be software test results,
hardware benchmark or the clinical protocols followed
for the experiments.
Argumentation diagrams are a way to support the
accreditation process (Polacsek, 2016). In critical sys-
tems, the need is not to construct such diagrams from
the V&V results in a retrospective approach (Peldszus
and Stede, 2013) but to build them throughout the
development process, including during experiments.
Duffau, C., Camillieri, C. and Blay-Fornarino, M.
Improving Confidence in Experimental Systems through Automated Construction of Argumentation Diagrams.
DOI: 10.5220/0006358504950500
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 495-500
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The remainder of this position paper is organized
as follows. In the next section we discuss related work,
introduce two case studies and determine objectives.
Section 3 gives an overview of our approach and des-
cribes how it was applied to the case studies. Section 4
concludes the paper and briefly discusses future work.
In this section, we start by discussing related works,
then we introduce two use cases and outline the rese-
arch objectives being addressed by our approach.
2.1 Related Work
In (Basili et al., 1994), Basili describes how people in
a project organization has to conduct experiences in
an empirical way. An Experience Factory (EF) is then
an infrastructure designed to support experience ma-
nagement in software organizations. While the initial
definition refers to reuse of experiences regarding soft-
ware products or IT projects, we generalize EF to any
information system designed to support experience
management. EF supports the collection (Experimen-
tation Software), analysis (Reasoning Software) and
packaging of experiences in an Experience Base as
shown at the bottom of Figure 2 . While EF are inte-
rested in capitalizing on knowledge to find solutions
to other problems later, we focus in this article on the
certification of the approach followed in the analysis
In (Larrucea et al., 2016), the authors describe the
tooling of an EF based on the process described in
for certification purposes. The ap-
proach is based on verification of requirements. Our
work is positioned differently, the objective is not the
verification of requirements but the construction of
the associated argumentation. Thus, for example, if
we take a property ”Assets have their owner formally
identified”, we do not try to verify wether it is satisfied
or not, but rather how the property was obtained (e.g.,
code analyzer).
In regards to critical domains, the EF is not suf-
ficient for accreditation purposes. EFs support the
collection of artifacts (e.g., documents, statistics, ex-
periment data, conclusions) used and resulting from
experiments (Wohlin et al., 2012, Fig.6.5) but not the
arguments supporting the link between them, which
Standard for systems engineering, software engineering,
and lifecycle processes for very small entities.
Figure 1: Model of an argumentation step.
are necessary in critical domains. In this context, there
exists argumentation notation formalisms, however
they can be applied only in an a priori approach. For
example, a notation for structuring safety arguments
has been identified in Kelly’s work (Kelly and Wea-
ver, 2004). This notation allows to instrument the risk
analysis to work out a system, but not experimental
Argumentation is the process of convincing people
of a conclusion based on proof elements. Formali-
zing argumentation can be a way to trace reasoning
about experiments. Thus, the argumentation diagrams
of Polascek’s approach (Polacsek, 2016) are derived
from the argumentation model outlined by Toulmin
(Toulmin, 2003) to take into account critical systems.
The representation of an argumentation step in Figure
1 is based on these works. It shows that the Actor
has followed a Strategy based on two Evidences, to
determinate a Conclusion relatively to a Restriction.
Argumentation steps can be chained thanks to the reuse
of a conclusion as an evidence to another strategy. In
(Rech and Ras, 2011), authors propose a similar re-
presentation but with a different purpose which is to
formalize the knowledge in the EF. Thus we can make
an analogy between strategies and actions, conclusions
and benefits. The evidences are the same, while the
concept of context in A2E includes the actor, eviden-
ces, and restrictions. The objective of argumentation
and validation of this one explains, among other things,
this difference.
Argumentation diagrams for accreditation are cur-
rently defined manually. But, as VV&A consists of
multiple activities leading to complex argumentation
diagrams, the construction has to be automated for
empirical and critical domains so as to scale for an
organization. Creating a link between argumentation
building and system production process including ex-
periments and V&V will increase confidence in the
system and help to detect conception defects earlier,
as suggested in (Rus et al., 2002).
The research question asked by this is how to au-
tomatically report argumentation elements during the
experiments and their analysis and construct argumen-
tation diagrams from these elements.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2.2 Use Cases and Motivation
We motivate the necessity to deal with automatic buil-
ding of argumentation diagrams using two real-world
case studies. The first relates to medical experiments
while the second relates to the construction of a port-
folio of Machine Learning workflows.
AXONIC: A Bio-Medical Use Case.
The experi-
mentation software (ASF) and the reasoning software
(AVEK) are developed by the AXONIC company. This
company is focused on neurostimulation to treat pat-
hologies linked to the nervous system (e.g., epilepsy,
chronic pain, obesity). Thanks to a specific stimulation
(an electric waveform) injected by a stimulator on a
nerve, the pathology is addressed. The stimulator can
be on table, portable or implantable. To assess that
kind of medical devices, domain experts need to per-
form experiments following a protocol established by
clinicians, according to medical authorities. At each
step of the process, experts collect data, create or im-
prove knowledge. In this context, activities are mainly
focused on human expertise, even when dealing with
statistical analysis. Thus, people and the confidence in
their work is very important. The accreditation process
is based on a large quantity of documents produced
during all stages of experiments. External tools exist
to summarize the results but their exploitation is still a
complex task, while arguing on the followed process
and experiments results are critical to the final product
production. In this context, we aim to build our argu-
mentation at each step of the system construction in
an automatic way by integrating artifacts form expe-
riments as well as support like articles from the state
of the art and mathematical models used to reason.
Such an argumentation tooling for each step of this
process is more and more crucial and strategic for the
AXONIC company.
ROCKFlows: Automated Construction of Ma-
chine Learning Workflows.
In Machine Learning
(ML), data scientists know that the best algorithm is
not be the same for each problem (Wolpert, 1996).
Finding a good algorithm depends at least on the size,
quality, nature of the data and on what we want to do
with the data. According to user dataset and objecti-
ves, ROCKFlows aims to generate the most suitable
ML workflow, depending on the problem to be solved
(Camillieri et al., 2016).
To tackle this problem, the approach of ROCK-
Flows is to build a portfolio (Leyton-Brown et al.,
2003) of ML workflows, associated with a Software
Product Line (SPL). It is built from the results of ex-
periments and their analysis and helps to find the best
algorithms for a task.
For the end user, the workflow that is proposed by
the SPL to solve her problem is provided by a black
box. However it is still essential to be able to explicit
the approach, to validate it, to enable reasoning on it
and to expose it in a simple way. In this context, the use
of an argumentation solution in ROCKFlows brings
benefits to different actors: 1) non expert users who
want explanations on workflows ranking in the plat-
form to trust its choices, 2) data-mining experts who
want to analyze if the choice of a workflow properly
takes in account of the specificities of their problem, 3)
contributors who want to understand how the platform
is built before extending it by adding datasets, algo-
rithms or improving evaluation strategy, algorithms
Building ROCKFlows’ portfolio is a heavy pro-
cess that involves a high amount of experiments with
different datasets, algorithms, parameters, etc. Thus,
constructing a global argumentation diagram requires
an automated process to handle scaling, ensure the qua-
lity of the diagram and its automated update. Indeed,
new algorithms are regularly proposed by data scien-
tists for dealing with more or less specific problems
and improving performances and accuracy, leading to
an ever-increasing and evolving knowledge. Moreover,
the reasoning process itself is still subject to change.
2.3 Objectives
Thanks to these uses cases, we identify the three follo-
wing objectives, we want to achieve.
(c1) Incremental, automatic and seamless construction
of argumentation diagrams. When data collection
and analysis are conducted incrementally (e.g., adding
new steps of experiments analysis in AVEK or adding
new algorithms in ROCKFlows), confidence and con-
sequently argumentation may be developed in small
increments rather than one large piece. To perform an
experiment, several steps have to be taken. According
to the granularity of the data collection and analysis,
a great number of increments should be taken into
account. Consequently, automatic building of argu-
mentation diagrams is needed to tackle the big number
of steps. While EFs must be frequently updated and
adapted, seamless integration between an EF and argu-
mentation management is essential.
(c2) Controlling consistency of the experiment process
at each step of argumentation. It comes to construct
the argumentation on the basis of the process which
had been defined (e.g., in AVEK, we have to ensure
that the process steps have been followed and the pro-
per artifacts have been provided).
(c3) Usability of the argumentation diagram. Building
Improving Confidence in Experimental Systems through Automated Construction of Argumentation Diagrams
argumentation diagrams and ensuring their consistency
is not enough. In critical contexts this argumentation
has to be reviewed, discussed, validated and presented
to an audit. Thus, business experts should be able to
read them easily, in particular by navigating between
the arguments and the experiment artifacts.Depending
on the granularity chosen to construct the argumenta-
tion diagrams, they can be very large. The interactions
with these diagrams must therefore allow different
points of view.
Below, we present the approach we propose to
achieve these objectives.
We propose to instrument the experimentation process
by automatically building argumentation diagrams.
For this, we consider the EF representation for ex-
perimental systems: i.e., ”a separate organization that
supports product development by analyzing and synt-
hesizing all kinds of experiences, acting as a repository
for such experience” (Wohlin et al., 2012).
The purpose is to tool the EF to notify an argumen-
tation engine each time that the information received
or reasoning steps are subject to argumentation. This
includes evidences, strategies and conclusions.
3.1 Argumentation Factory on Top of
the Experience Factory
Figure 2 gives an overview of the proposed architec-
ture to relate an argumentation diagram with an EF.
At the top right part of figure 2, the argumentation
factory manages argumentation diagrams. At the top
left part, a GUI tool (ADEV, for Argumentation Di-
agrams Editor and Viewer) supports interaction with
the argumentation diagrams. Experience and argumen-
tation factories communicate through an event bus that
allows lowly coupled interactions between these two
components. The argumentation engine transforms
events from the event bus in argumentation elements.
These elements conform to an argumentation meta-
model based on Polacsek’s work (Polacsek, 2016).
Figure 3 shows an excerpt of the core of this meta-
model. Argumentation steps are added or modified
incrementally according to the evolution of the expe-
rience base. Constraints on the argumentation diagram
should verify the rules of consistency imposed by the
experiment process. This important part of the system
lies on the argumentation meta-model and argumenta-
Figure 2: Architecture between argumentation factory and
experience factory.
Figure 3: Meta-model excerpt of an argumentation step.
tion engine. ADEV, the GUI tool for the argumentation
diagram is based on the argumentation meta-model.
The bus and argumentation engine aim to support
incremental and automatic building or modification
of argumentation diagrams (c1). The argumentation
engine has the responsibility to check the consistency
of the experimentation studies (c2). The third chal-
lenge (c3) is achieved by ADEV by presenting to the
user the argumentation diagrams built automatically.
Thanks to ADEV, a quality manager can interact (vie-
wing and cosmetic editing) with these argumentation
diagrams in order to confront reality to the theoretical
good practices and to present in accreditation audit.
To deal with large argumentation diagrams, a common
sub-graphing approach has been developed in ADEV
to hide parts of argumentation diagram depending on
the purpose of the user. Obviously, navigation between
parent diagram and sub-diagram is possible.
The aim is then to notify the argumentation factory
each time the experience base is modified. Two main
steps are then needed to tool an experimental system.
Linking argumentation elements to the experi-
ments and their analysis;
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Excerpt of an argumentation diagram in the AXO-
NIC use case.
Automatically constructing argumentation dia-
grams from experimental system notifications and
checking consistency of the process.
We now describe how we handle these two aspects
in our case studies.
3.2 Linking Argumentation Value with
the Experiment Process
AVEK: An Instrumented Dedicated Tool to No-
tify Argumentation Factory.
In AXONIC software
ecosystem, the difficulty for us in this context is to deal
with the evolutivity of ASF and AVEK. Thanks to the
meta-data approach for argumentation elements, we
just had to decorate the neurostimulation model of
AXONIC to support argumentation and send notifica-
tions to the event bus.
As the analyses are achieved by humans, the argu-
mentation diagram evolves, in particular when busi-
ness experts add their analyses in the system.
ROCKFlows: From a Base of Experiments to an
Evolving Argumentation Diagram.
As the expe-
rience base already existed at the time we decided
to associate it an argumentation diagram, we began
by modeling an abstract argumentation diagram re-
presenting the relations between data set, algorithms
and experimental results subject to argumentation. We
then automated the construction of the diagram by
an analysis of our experience base. A challenge in
Figure 5: Excerpt of an argumentation diagram in ROCK-
Flows for one dataset.
ROCKFlows is to handle the evolution of this diagram,
because knowledge such as the ranking of algorithms
can be revised as new elements are added in the system.
For this purpose, we had to instrument the services and
daemons that support the evolution of the experience
base. They now notify the bus of each change consi-
dered to be part of the argumentation, allowing to be
fully transparent for the ROCKFlows ecosystem.
3.3 Argumentation Diagrams
Construction from Experimental
System Notifications
AVEK: Process Driven Argumentation Diagram
Clinical studies have to follow a se-
quential process where the validation of the previous
activity is the trigger of the next one. The validation is
not just the notion of a step being done, it also states
if the results are sufficient to go further in the process.
By outfitting the experimental legacy system with ar-
gumentation tools, it is easier to determinate when the
results are fitting the objectives and go to the next step.
This incremental approach of argumentation on the
system is not sustainable with argumentation diagrams
constructed only by humans. The automatic building
thanks to AVEK is a key for scaling in this purpose.
A very basic example is shown in Figure 4. In this
example, we deal with only one experiment on a single
patient with one stimulation to achieve a goal. This is
the minimal case for a study. Scaling issues are high-
lighted with this example. This aspect surfaces issues
on the evolutivity of argumentation diagrams. How to
deal with argumentation steps that are incrementally
Improving Confidence in Experimental Systems through Automated Construction of Argumentation Diagrams
added to a diagram? What is the impact on the anterior
ROCKFlows: Evolution Driven Argumentation
Diagram Construction.
The argumentation dia-
gram for this use case is shown in Figure 5. This
example shows an argumentation diagram for ranking
on accuracy and duration metrics for two algorithms
on one dataset. From notifications such as ”a new
experiment was added”, we build a new argumentation
step with the strategy execute algo whose inputs are
the data used by the experiment and outputs are refe-
rences to the results. As the conclusion of this steps
needs to be used in already existing steps, the argu-
mentation engine has to check the consistency of the
diagram (e.g., the classify ranking steps must take into
account all the measurements resulting from a same
evaluation strategy).
Today, in ROCKFlows, more than 100 datasets
and 60 algorithms are analyzed together and ranked
according to different metrics. Thus, the automatic
construction of the argumentation diagram helps us to
scale the massive argumentation of this use case.
In this position paper, we propose to automatically
build argumentation according to the evolution of an
Experience Factory. Through two applications we have
shown how the approach, which involves an argumen-
tation factory, can be applied. These two applications
consist of surveys of experiments in a bio-medical con-
text and in a portfolio of ML algorithms. In the short
term we are going to improve the proposed approach
along the following lines. At the level of the argumen-
tation engine we work to take into account argumen-
tation patterns and constraints between them. At the
level of the event bus, we are interested in evolving
the notion of events to better capture the information
coming from experiments using formalisms such as
the ExpML language (Vanschoren et al., 2012). At
the level of the interaction with the argumentation di-
agrams, we will go through the evaluation phase of
ADEV with end-users.
As future work, we plan to extend the approach
to support large-scale lifecycle development, staging
between each critical step (e.g. airplane simulations,
prototyping, production). In the longer term, we intend
to manage the history of the argument diagrams by the
possibility of managing different versions.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems