the IoT workflow management system. Finally, it
presents performance results.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 covers related work, Section 3 mentions
some necessary definitions, Section 4 presents a
motivating use case and lays down the design
challenges, Section 5 describes the design,
Experiments and Results are discussed in Section 6,
and Section 7 presents conclusions and future work.
In this section, we discuss related work on SLA
violations in workflows. Unfortunately, not much
scholarly work exists on IoT workflows at the time
of this writing.
(Emeakaroha, 2012) discusses the issue of
maintaining customer specified SLAs in Cloud
infrastructures. Cloud infrastructures need to be self-
managed to minimize user intervention. This is
achieved through timely detection of possible SLA
violations. The paper describes an architecture
(Detecting SLA Violation infrastructure (DeSVi)). It
uses a framework which maps low level metrics
(such as device uptime/downtime) to user specified
SLAs. This helps to manage and prevent SLA
violations. The DeSVi framework is validated in two
applications: an image rendering application, and a
web application running the TPC-W benchmark.
SLA violation prediction is achieved through
defining “threat thresholds” which are more
restrictive SLAs than the SLAs themselves.
(Leitner, 2010) discusses the PREvent
framework which monitors SLAs, predicts possible
SLA violations using machine learning techniques,
and takes necessary action to avoid the SLA
violation. Prediction of SLA values is done at
specific “checkpoints” using regression techniques
(mostly using multilayer perceptrons). To avoid the
predicted SLA violation, the framework uses an
adaptation actions database. This database contains
few actions that when applied singly or in
combination can avoid the violation. For this, the
framework knows in advance what is the impact of a
specific action; this is done by estimating the
improvement caused by a specific action – these are
termed improvement estimates.
(Wetzstein, 2012) discusses a strategy for
preventing KPI violations. Unlike (Leitner, 2010) it
uses decision trees to model the relationship between
low level metrics and higher level KPIs. The KPIs
are predicted at specific points called checkpoints,
similar to (Leitner, 2010). During the prediction,
“instance trees” are derived which show which
metrics need to be improved to reach specific KPI
goals. Then adaptation requirements are identified
based on the instance trees. Alternative adaptation
strategies are ranked based on “preferences and
constraints model” (Constraints must be met while
preferences should be optimized). Finally, the
adaptation strategy with the highest score is chosen
for execution. In our work, the workflow is
instrumented with domain specific code.
(Ivanovic, 2011) describes a scheme for SLA
Violation prediction. It constructs a model of
constraints that model both the states of SLA
conformance and SLA violation. Based on this
model it is able to predict when SLA may be
Our work discusses the concept of workflows in
IoT. Regarding SLA violation prediction, work such
as (Leitner, 2010) differs from ours in that we
instrument the workflow actions with prediction and
alerting code. Actions taken upon alerting are work
in progress, but the general direction (as explained in
this paper) is towards a rule based diagnosis
followed by a selection of best action.
Most structured organizations have business
processes modelled as workflows hosted in a
workflow management system (WMS). Workflows
are formally modelled as a WFNet (Workflow Net).
In this section, we give some definitions regarding
workflows. The definitions 1 through 3 are based on
(Vander Aalst, 1998) while definitions 4 through 7
are added by this work.
Definition 1 (Petri Net) A Petri net is a triple
(P,T,F) where:
- P is a finite set of places,
-T is a finite set of transition,
-F ⊆ (P×T) ∪ (T×P) is a set of arcs
Places are conditions while transitions are tasks.
Arcs connect a place to a transition or a transition to
a place.
•t denotes the set of input places for a transition t.
Similarly p• is a set of all transitions from an input
place p.
Definition 2 (Strongly Connected) A Petri Net is
said to be strongly connected if for every pair of
nodes s and e there exists a path from s to e.(Nodes
are either places or transitions).
Definition 3 (WFNet) A Petri Net WF is a
WFNet iff:
There are two special places i and o such that •i