Workflow for the Internet of Things
Debnath Mukherjee, Debraj Pal and Prateep Misra
TCS Innovation Labs, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, New Town, Kolkata, India
Keywords: Workflow, Internet of Things, IoT, SLA, KPI, Prediction.
Abstract: Business Processes are an important part of a business. Businesses need to meet the SLA (Service Level
Agreements) required by the customers. KPI (Key Performance Indicators) measure the efficiency and
effectiveness of the business processes. Meeting SLA and improving the KPIs is the goal of an organization.
In this paper, we describe the benefits of workflow technology for the IoT (Internet of Things) world. We
discuss how workflows enable tracking of the state of various processes, thus giving the business owner an
insight into the state of the business. We discuss how by defining IoT workflows, prediction of imminent
violation of SLA can be achieved. We describe how IoT workflows can be triggered by the low level IoT
messages. Finally, we show the architecture of an IoT workflow management system and present
experimental results.
Workflow Management Systems implement
business processes which have both human
participants and automated tasks. Workflows capture
the state of a business process and enable state
transitions when a trigger is received. An example of
a trigger is: a workflow participant hits the “Submit”
button on a loan approval form to approve a loan.
Here the action of hitting the “Submit” button causes
the state of the loan approval workflow to e.g. move
from “Approve loan” to “Notify Loan Approval to
Applicant”. (A more formal definition of workflows
is given in Section 3).
In this paper, we discuss the relevance of
workflow technology in the context of the Internet
of Things (IoT). Workflows used in IoT are termed
in the rest of this paper as IoT workflow. In IoT
workflows, there could be both human triggered
state changes as well as triggers based on IoT
messages. For example, in the case of package
delivery by a courier, an IoT message “Package
Received” may be generated when the recipient of a
package signs on a hand-held device. This message
is sent to an IoT cloud infrastructure which changes
the state of the workflow to “Package delivered”.
Thus IoT workflows help in tracking the state of
various processes in the enterprise.
Another important issue in a business is to keep
track of Service Level Agreements (SLA) and Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs). KPIs are more about
organizational goals while an SLA is an agreement
between the service provider and a customer.
Example of a KPI could be “average cost of a
package delivery trip”. Example of SLA could be
“latest time of delivery of package”. We show in this
paper that it is possible to keep track of imminent
SLA violations (thus predicting the SLA violations)
and take appropriate action.
The various advantages of IoT workflows are as
mentioned below:
IoT workflows will enable the users to get a
view of the state of the business processes in
real time
It will enable the business to take action based
on the data made available
Compared to traditional workflows, the IoT
workflows will give a granular view because it
is based on the low level IoT messages
Data about the business process and alerts (such
as SLA violations) in the example can be stored
and mined to derive insights
Constantly monitoring the KPIs and SLAs will
enable business benefits
Predictions can be made in real time to avoid
SLA violations
The key contributions of this paper are to explain
how an IoT workflow system may be designed. It
also describes how SLA violation prediction feature
may be designed. It describes a scalability design for
Mukherjee, D., Pal, D. and Misra, P.
Workflow for the Internet of Things.
DOI: 10.5220/0006358607450751
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 745-751
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the IoT workflow management system. Finally, it
presents performance results.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 covers related work, Section 3 mentions
some necessary definitions, Section 4 presents a
motivating use case and lays down the design
challenges, Section 5 describes the design,
Experiments and Results are discussed in Section 6,
and Section 7 presents conclusions and future work.
In this section, we discuss related work on SLA
violations in workflows. Unfortunately, not much
scholarly work exists on IoT workflows at the time
of this writing.
(Emeakaroha, 2012) discusses the issue of
maintaining customer specified SLAs in Cloud
infrastructures. Cloud infrastructures need to be self-
managed to minimize user intervention. This is
achieved through timely detection of possible SLA
violations. The paper describes an architecture
(Detecting SLA Violation infrastructure (DeSVi)). It
uses a framework which maps low level metrics
(such as device uptime/downtime) to user specified
SLAs. This helps to manage and prevent SLA
violations. The DeSVi framework is validated in two
applications: an image rendering application, and a
web application running the TPC-W benchmark.
SLA violation prediction is achieved through
defining “threat thresholds” which are more
restrictive SLAs than the SLAs themselves.
(Leitner, 2010) discusses the PREvent
framework which monitors SLAs, predicts possible
SLA violations using machine learning techniques,
and takes necessary action to avoid the SLA
violation. Prediction of SLA values is done at
specific “checkpoints” using regression techniques
(mostly using multilayer perceptrons). To avoid the
predicted SLA violation, the framework uses an
adaptation actions database. This database contains
few actions that when applied singly or in
combination can avoid the violation. For this, the
framework knows in advance what is the impact of a
specific action; this is done by estimating the
improvement caused by a specific action these are
termed improvement estimates.
(Wetzstein, 2012) discusses a strategy for
preventing KPI violations. Unlike (Leitner, 2010) it
uses decision trees to model the relationship between
low level metrics and higher level KPIs. The KPIs
are predicted at specific points called checkpoints,
similar to (Leitner, 2010). During the prediction,
“instance trees” are derived which show which
metrics need to be improved to reach specific KPI
goals. Then adaptation requirements are identified
based on the instance trees. Alternative adaptation
strategies are ranked based on “preferences and
constraints model” (Constraints must be met while
preferences should be optimized). Finally, the
adaptation strategy with the highest score is chosen
for execution. In our work, the workflow is
instrumented with domain specific code.
(Ivanovic, 2011) describes a scheme for SLA
Violation prediction. It constructs a model of
constraints that model both the states of SLA
conformance and SLA violation. Based on this
model it is able to predict when SLA may be
Our work discusses the concept of workflows in
IoT. Regarding SLA violation prediction, work such
as (Leitner, 2010) differs from ours in that we
instrument the workflow actions with prediction and
alerting code. Actions taken upon alerting are work
in progress, but the general direction (as explained in
this paper) is towards a rule based diagnosis
followed by a selection of best action.
Most structured organizations have business
processes modelled as workflows hosted in a
workflow management system (WMS). Workflows
are formally modelled as a WFNet (Workflow Net).
In this section, we give some definitions regarding
workflows. The definitions 1 through 3 are based on
(Vander Aalst, 1998) while definitions 4 through 7
are added by this work.
Definition 1 (Petri Net) A Petri net is a triple
(P,T,F) where:
- P is a finite set of places,
-T is a finite set of transition,
-F (P×T) (T×P) is a set of arcs
Places are conditions while transitions are tasks.
Arcs connect a place to a transition or a transition to
a place.
•t denotes the set of input places for a transition t.
Similarly p• is a set of all transitions from an input
place p.
Definition 2 (Strongly Connected) A Petri Net is
said to be strongly connected if for every pair of
nodes s and e there exists a path from s to e.(Nodes
are either places or transitions).
Definition 3 (WFNet) A Petri Net WF is a
WFNet iff:
There are two special places i and o such that •i
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
= ϕ and o = ϕ (Note : i is the start node and o
is the end node).
If a transition τ is added between o and i (i.e.
such that o• = { τ } andi = { τ }), then the WF
is strongly connected
Definition 4 (Trigger) A trigger T is a message
sent to a Workflow Management System, W which
causes the workflow to change state from its current
state at time t, S
,to state S
at time (t+1) , where
and S
are transitions of the WFNet.
Definition 5 (IoT message) A message M is an
IoT message if it is generated by a sensor, S, and
sent to the IoT platform, P.
Definition 6 (IoT message trigger) A trigger T
is said to be an IoT message trigger if T is an IoT
message and is a trigger.
Definition 7 (IoT workflow) An IoT workflow
is a WFNet where the set of triggers which causes its
state transitions must include at least one IoT
message trigger.
Consider a courier company, Delivery Express,
which delivers packages every day. Each package
has to be delivered within a certain time we call
this the Service Level Agreement. The delivery
trucks leave the package store in the morning and
deliver multiple packages along some routes. The
state of the package deliveries is tracked by a
workflow as depicted in Figure 1.
In the package delivery example, the state
transitions can be triggered manually by the delivery
personnel using e.g. a mobile application or can be
inferred from the GPS messages. There could also
be IoT messages triggering the workflows e.g. a
signature on a handheld device can send a “Package
Delivered” IoT message to the workflow
management system.
Predictions have to be computed at each step.
For example, before step T4 starts (or even earlier),
it should be known if Package B’s SLA will be
violated, so that appropriate actions can be taken.
The key design issues to be handled are as
How to model an IoT message triggering a
workflow state transition, and
How to implement the SLA violation prediction
Figure 1: Package Delivery workflow.
In this section, we discuss the key design issues:
handling IoT message in triggering workflows, and
implementing prediction of SLA violation.
5.1 Handling IoT Messages in
One of the main features of IoT workflows is their
ability to support IoT messages. The “things” send
messages to the cloud-hosted workflow engine.
These messages trigger state transition in the
workflows. One key difference between the standard
business workflows and the IoT workflows is the
ability of the latter to bridge the cyber-physical
divide. With the “things now equipped with
sensors, their messages can be monitored thus
enabling their states to be tracked.
Our prototype IoT workflow system is WFMS.
The WFMS workflows support different types of
nodes (equivalent to transitions in WFNet). Different
types of nodes include “User Task” which handles
inputs from a human operator, and “Signal” which
waits for a signal of a particular type.
The “Signal” node can be used to support IoT
messages. To specify a Signal node, a signal “event
type” has to be specified by the “thing”. The
message payload can also be sent to the signal node
which can be used by the workflow in its
information processing in later steps. An architecture
diagram for the IoT message handling is shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Handling IoT messages in a workflow.
Workflow for the Internet of Things
The architecture shown in Figure 2 depicts the
“Thing” sending sensor messages to a gateway
which transmits to the IoT Cloud Platform. The
sensor message is routed to a “WF-Thing Interface”
which extracts the message payload and the event
type and signals the workflow to change its state.
Note that the workflow will wait until the message
of the correct event type is sent to it.
One of the key design issues to be kept in mind
is how to integrate the workflow system with the IoT
messaging system. The IoT system sends messages
which have the following fields: <asset id> <asset
property> <current state> <message>. The asset id
identifies the asset (or entity) that is sending the
message. Asset property is the property of the asset
whose value has been changed as a result of an event
in the IoT world. The current state is the state of the
workflow that is known to the IoT event producer.
For example, for a user task, the event would be a
form submission by a user. The form contains the
current state of the workflow (it is passed onto the
form by the workflow system). The combination
(asset id, asset property, current state) may be
sufficient to identify the process instance that needs
to be triggered. As an example, the asset may be the
mobile phone of the driver of the courier delivery
truck, and its property may be an information field
that is associated with the workflow client mobile or
web application. Once the process instance is
identified, it is triggered based on the message field
– this field contains the type of event and this is
compared with the event(s) that the process instance
is waiting for. After this the workflow steps are run
and then the workflow waits for another event.
5.2 Detection and Prediction of SLA
In addition to providing tracking abilities, IoT
workflows can provide insights into the state of the
process. In particular it may be used to detect
whether an SLA violation has happened or is about
to happen.
At every step, or periodically (or continuously if
feasible), forecasting needs to be done to determine
if any KPI or SLA would be impacted. A forecast of
the parameters that could affect the SLA or KPI is
done. If it is so determined that a KPI or SLA is
affected then corrective measures would be needed
to address the threat.
For example the diagnosis may be that there was
a traffic jam and the best action could be to re-route
the vehicle.
Thus the predictions module goes through the
following methodology:
Forecast the future values of the parameters that
affect KPIs / SLAs
Detect threat to KPI / SLA
Diagnose possible cause(s)
Action after evaluating all possible options
An implementation of the prediction may be
done by instrumenting the IoT workflow with code
that predicts the SLA violation. The instrumentation
can be put into separate nodes (e.g. in “Script Tasks”
of BPMN).
In the package delivery example, the expected
time to travel and deliver packages is known based
on both internal and external knowledge. For
example, the typical package delivery time (once the
delivery truck has reached a destination) can be
known from the historical records of the courier
company. The expected time to travel can be known
from some external data providers like Google
maps. Expected time to complete various steps of
the workflow may be revised in real time based on
current situation, such as current traffic conditions.
The workflow also predicts whether the SLA for
package B is going to be violated. This could be
done through a check at the end of T2: ET(T2) +
E(T3) + E(T4) > SLA(B) (it could, in more
complex implementations, call a traffic prediction
service), where ET(X) is the end time of node X and
E(X) is the expected time for node X. For predicted
SLA violations the system issues an alert and gets
further guidance (such as “change routes” etc.).
Let us say that we have to predict the expected
time to complete item X which is introduced at step
start at time t
. X is to be completed in step finish.
Then the algorithm Predict_SLA_Violation predicts
whether the SLA of X, SLA(X) will be violated. The
prediction is computed at step s’ (which occurs
before finish and starts at t
Algorithm Predict_SLA_Violation (item X, step
1) The predicted time of completion of X, p, is
computed as:
where path(x,y) is the set of places and
transitions (or nodes) that lie along the path
from node x to node y.
2) For parallel paths existing between s’ and
finish, for each parallel path, the expected
time would be the expected time of the
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
longest (slowest) path amongst the parallel
3) If p > SLA(X), then SLA will be violated,
otherwise not
One assumption in the above algorithm is that
the path selection decided in the decision nodes is
known beforehand, in case decision nodes are
present in the workflow.
5.3 The Workflow Management
System Design
A workflow management system, WFMS, has been
designed and implemented. Figure 3 shows the main
components of WFMS. It implements the BPMN
standard. IoT messages are handled through the
"intermediate catch event" nodes which wait for IoT
messages. Broadly the design includes the two
phases: parsing and execution. During parsing, the
process definition specified in BPMN XML format
is parsed and converted to Java objects. During
execution, state changes are performed based on IoT
messages received. In the case of human tasks
("User Task" in BPMN), the workflow transitions
from the sub-states :"initiated" (when the user task is
created) to "claimed" (when a BPMN "potential
owner" claims the task) to "started" (when a user
starts work on the user task) and finally
"completed", when the work is done and the
different variable values are submitted.
The workflow management system is currently
available as a web service (implementing RESTful
web services). The different services are: "create
process definition", where the BPMN XML process
definition is input along with process name and
version, the "initiate process instance" service where
the user inputs the process name and version and an
active instance of the process is created and the
process instance identifier is returned, the "list all
active instances" service where all active instances
with their process instance identifier, process
name/version and current state are returned. Finally
an "interact with process instance" service is offered
Figure 3: Architecture of WFMS.
which offers the following: a facility to send a signal
(event) to a process by providing as input the
process instance identifier, and the signal name, and
a facility to inspect the values of variables belonging
to a process instance. The WFMS also supports Java
based script tasks as automated activities.
The architecture of WFMS is shown in Figure 3.
The RESTful web services are implemented in the
Service Implementation layer. The persistence is
handled through Data Access Object layer and a
cache layer. At the present time, the database
interactions are not implemented and the WFMS is
an in-memory workflow management system.
5.4 Scalability Considerations
As there is expected to be a large number of users of
the workflow management system (henceforth
referred to as WMS), it is important for the system
to be scalable.
The system on which the WMS was targeted to
be deployed was a multi-core processor. So the
natural choice was to have the scalable system
implemented as a multi-threaded application. Each
process was assigned to a thread and all activities of
a workflow process instance were done in that
thread. To distribute the computation, there would
be a load balancer which equitably balances the state
change activities amongst the threads. We used
round-robin load balancing amongst the threads.
Whenever a request comes, it is mapped to the
thread handling the process associated with the
request. The scalable architecture is shown in Figure
Figure 4: Architecture for scalability.
Another option would be to have each thread
handle activities of multiple processes distributed
equitably amongst the threads. In addition to
distributing the processing via threads, distribution
across machines (e.g. using a cluster of machines) is
Workflow for the Internet of Things
5.5 How IoT Workflow Advantages
Are Achieved
We describe in this section how IoT workflows
achieve the advantages mentioned in the
introduction section.
To enable the business process owners to track
the processes, a dashboard containing the state of
each business process along with the relevant KPIs
and SLAs can be provided.
Based on the SLA violation alerts, the system
can take action and can diagnose the possible cause
of the alert. For example, the possible causes of an
SLA violation could be some malfunction within the
delivery vehicle (determined from the on board
diagnostics in the vehicle) or traffic congestions
along the route (determined from traffic feeds).
Rules can be designed considering the above causes,
and these rules trigger actions such as a command
sent to the vehicle operator to change routes.
IoT workflows enable the tracking of granular
activities. Since the IoT “things” are provided with
sensors, granular monitoring of activities is possible.
IoT workflows generate data about processes that
can be mined. For example, the SLA violation alert
data can be a useful source of insights. In the courier
example, it may be found that often SLAs were
violated when the vehicle was travelling on a
particular route segment. The action would be to
avoid the route segment, if feasible, or start earlier.
Constant monitoring (not missing a single alert)
helps the business stay on course to meet its KPIs.
Real time predictions can be very useful in
dynamic situations. In the courier example, if an
SLA is predicted to be violated, then a real time
action such as changing routes to avoid traffic, can
actually avoid the SLA violation.
Since the IoT platform is used by multiple users, it is
expected that a large number of workflows will be
simultaneously active in the system. A large number
of state transitions and automated tasks will be
scheduled on the workflow management system.
Hence it is important to measure the performance of
the workflow engine.
The package delivery workflow was executed for
a number of processes. In an iterative (sequential)
fashion, each task of each process was triggered (the
first task of all the processes were executed, then the
second task and so on). The results for the JBPM
workflow engine (an open source workflow system)
and WFMS are as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Performance for multiple processes.
Number of
Time taken in
Time taken in
100 10.923 3.013
200 20.469 3.168
300 35.476 3.200
400 44.369 3.278
500 61.888 3.293
The better performance of WFMS could be due to
efficient data structures such as Maps used as well as
due to the fact that JBPM uses an in-memory
database whereas WFMS uses in-memory data
In this paper, we have shown that workflows are
important in the context of IoT. Workflows help in
tracking of processes and also provide insights into
the business – such as whether there are any impacts
to the SLAs or KPIs. An implementation of IoT
workflow, which supports receiving IoT messages
and instrumentation of processes to predict SLA
violations, has been evaluated in experiments.
IoT workflows allow business users real time
visibility of the state of processes and enable
businesses to take action based on the data. IoT
workflows give a detailed view of the processes by
bridging the cyber-physical divide using sensor data.
In future we wish to implement scalability
related enhancements (see Section 5.4) and measure
the scalability of the workflow engine. We will add
a persistent data store for storing workflow state.
Also, a library of standard prediction methodologies
will be provided along with the workflow.
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Workflow for the Internet of Things