Stochastic Simulation of Non-stationary Meteorological Time-series
Daily Precipitation Indicators, Maximum and Minimum Air Temperature
Simulation using Latent and Transformed Gaussian Processes
Nina Kargapolova
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, Pr. Lavrentieva 6, Novosibirsk, Russia
Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: Stochastic Simulation, Non-stationary Random Process, Air Temperature, Daily Precipitation, Extreme
Weather Event.
Abstract: In this paper a stochastic parametric simulation model that provides daily values for precipitation indicators,
maximum and minimum temperature at a single site on a yearlong time-interval is presented. The model is
constructed on the assumption that these weather elements are non-stationary random processes and their
one-dimensional distributions vary from day to day. A latent Gaussian process and its threshold
transformation are used for simulation of precipitation indicators. Parameters of the model (parameters of
one-dimensional distributions, auto- and cross-correlation functions) are chosen for each location on the
basis of real data from a weather station situated in this location. Several examples of model applications are
given. It is shown that simulated data may be used for estimation of probability of extreme weather events
occurrence (e.g. sharp temperature drops, extended periods of high temperature and precipitation absence).
For solution of different applied problems in such
scientific areas as hydrology, agricultural
meteorology and population biology, it is quite often
necessary to take into account statistical properties
of different meteorological processes. For example,
it may be necessary to consider probability of
occurrence of meteorological elements combinations
contributing to forest fires spread, probability of
frost occurrence in spring and summer, average
number of dry days, etc. Since real data samples are
usually small, real data based statistical investigation
of rare and extreme weather events is in most cases
unreliable. Therefore, instead of small real data
samples it is necessary to use samples of simulated
In this regard, in recent decades a lot of scientific
groups all over the world work at development of
so-called "stochastic weather generator". At its core,
"generators" are software packages that allow
numerically simulate long sequences of random
numbers having statistical properties, repeating the
basic properties of real meteorological series. Most
often series of surface air temperature, daily
minimum and maximum temperatures, precipitation
and solar radiation are simulated (Furrer, 2007;
Kargapolova, 2012; Richardson, 1981; Richardson,
1984; Semenov, 2002). Not only single-site time
series, but also spatial and spatio-temporal
meteorological random fields are simulated with the
use of "weather generators" (Kleiber, 2012;
Ogorodnikov, 2013; Kargapolova, 2016). It should
be noted that practically all “weather generators”
possess same drawback: a model that describes well
main properties of a weather process over some
region or at several locations may be totally
unsuitable over another region (with different
physiographic characteristics). At the same time,
models that reproduce well characteristics of a
weather process on a relatively short time-interval (a
week, a month) may not be applicable for longer
periods of time (season, year) and vice versa. It
means that for each specific applied problem
solution it is always a good idea to try several
“weather generators” and then to choose the one that
“works” better.
In this paper a stochastic parametric simulation
model that provides daily values for precipitation
indicators, maximum and minimum temperature at a
single site on a yearlong time-interval is presented.
The model is constructed on the assumption that