Internet. According to Cisco (2015), the fog extends
the cloud to be closer to the things that produce and
act on IoT data. These devices, called fog nodes, can
be deployed anywhere with a network connection: on
a factory floor, on top of a power pole, alongside a
railway track, in a vehicle, or on an oil rig. Any device
with computing, storage, and network connectivity
can be a fog node. Examples include industrial
controllers, switches, routers, embedded servers, and
video surveillance cameras.
Nevertheless, the challenge still remains with
respect to even higher efficiency and means for
dealing with the immense amount of data that the
billions of distributed IoT sensors can generate (Shi
et al., 2016). Thus, there is the need to extend the fog
computing paradigm and reach the extreme edge of
the network and beyond, where even data stream
sources themselves can participate in aspects of the
processing (e.g. smartphones), orchestrated in a
controlled way with the rest of cloud resources.
Moreover, the dynamic nature of Big Data
environments, which involve real-time changes in
data streams, also requires soft real-time (self-)
adaptation of cloud resources in order to cope with
the imposed scalability challenges. Real-time sources
introduce a continuous need for adaptation to the
changes in the sensed or observed data, leading to the
concept of self-adaptive processing architectures. We
note that we focus on soft real-time adaptation of
cloud-based systems where the goal is to meet a
certain subset of deadlines in order to optimize some
application-specific criteria. Thus, a major concern
about Information and Communications Technology
(ICT) systems operating in a real-time, big data-
driven environments, is the anticipation of the
reactivity and even the proactiveness to changes in
such environment. The inevitable use of cloud
resources introduces additional possible failure points
and security issues, hence complicating the system
adaptation processes that are frequently needed in
such dynamic environments and significantly raising
costs and security concerns. Moreover, this adaptivity
requires managing the usage of cloud resources on
another abstraction level, leading to the proactivity in
cloud and (more generically) network resource
management. Airplanes are a great example of the
amount of available data and the benefits of the
appropriate processing. In a new Boeing Co. 747,
almost every part of the plane is connected to the
Internet, recording and, in some cases, sending
continuous streams of data about its status. General
Electric Co. has said (Mims, 2014) that in a single
flight, one of its jet engines generates and transmits
half a terabyte of data. Predictive analytics lets such
companies know which part of a jet engine might
need maintenance, even before the plane carrying it
has landed.
Based on this, recent trends in cloud computing
go towards the development of new paradigms in the
cloud (e.g. heterogeneous, federated, distributed
multi-clouds and extending them beyond the fog
computing) alleviating the tight interactions between
the computing and networking infrastructures, with
the purpose of optimising the use of cloud resources
with respect to cost, flexibility and scalability.
However, the ever increasing requirements for
efficient and resilient data-intensive applications that
are able to cope with the variety, volume and velocity
of Big Data, lead to the big challenge of new agile
architecture paradigms that enhance the dynamic
processing even at the extreme edge of the network.
In this paper we describe such a novel processing
architecture that deals with such soft real-time
adaptation issues, structuring the content as follows:
In Section 2, we discuss the envisioned evolution of
Real-time Big Data Processing through the
PrEstoCloud Approach, providing a detailed
conceptual architecture of the solution. In Section 3,
we shortly provide the limitations of the current state-
of-the-art while in Section 4, we summarise this
position paper by discussing the next steps for
implementing and validating this work.
2 PrEstoCloud CONCEPT
2.1 Evolution of Real-time Big Data
Processing through the
PrEstoCloud Approach
PrEstoCloud envisions to advance the state-of-the-art
with respect to Cloud, Edge computing and real-time
data intensive processing in order to provide a
dynamic, distributed and proactively configurable
architecture for self-adaptive processing of real-time
streams. This PrEstoCloud vision can be wrapped
around two main drivers:
in a highly challenging Big Data-driven
environment, end users seek for personalised
innovative services and superior user-experience
that can only be achieved through novel
technologies that combine edge analytics, stream
mining, processing and exploitation for QoS;
IT solution providers (esp. SMEs) are facing the
limitation of the traditional real-time big data
processing architectures, while they need to
exploit any business opportunity inherited from
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science