IFactor-KM: A Process for Supporting Knowledge Management
Initiatives in Software Organizations Considering Influencing Factors
Jacilane Rabelo and Tayana Conte
USES Research Group, Instituto de Computação, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, Brazil
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Influencing Factor, Process, Software Organization.
Abstract: Knowledge management has become a real need in the software industry. Knowledge management factors
refer to management and organizational factors that need to be addressed effectively in order to increase the
chances of a knowledge management successful implementation. Many organizations have questions about
the approach they should take in their knowledge management initiatives. Literature studies have been
conducted to identify the factors that affect the implementation of a knowledge management, but do not
suggest knowledge management practices for organizations. A process named IFactor-km (influencing
factors on knowledge management) was created to address these needs. The goal of this process is to
support knowledge management initiatives and to suggest knowledge management practices for software
organizations considering the following influencing factors: people, leadership and culture. The IFactor-KM
supports software organizations by: a) identifying the knowledge management objectives; b) checking how
tacit knowledge is shared; c) showing the knowledge experts; d) understanding leadership and people
aspects; e) characterizing the organizational culture profile; and f) suggesting knowledge management
practices. The process is composed of: i) a procedure detailing the steps of the process; and ii) a set of
artifacts detailing how to use the process and examples of completed artifacts to facilitate the use of the
Knowledge is considered to be a valuable asset and a
key resource for the permanent competitive
advantage of an organization (Allameh et al., 2011).
Organizations have problems with keeping track of
content, its location, and how to best make use of it
(Rus and Lindvall, 2002). Knowledge Management
(KM) is important in large, medium and small
organizations (Le Dinh et al., 2014).
Knowledge in software development projects is
varied and grows in proportions (Carreteiro et al.,
2016). KM in software organizations is seen as an
opportunity to create a common language among
software developers so that they can interact,
negotiate and share knowledge and experiences (Rus
and Lindvall, 2002). Organizations are suggested to
share knowledge of how they believe that this effort
will result in: (a) productivity, (b) performance and
effectiveness, (c) improving efficiency, (d) cost
reduction, (e) reduction of available resources and
(f) quality improvement (Yang, 2009; McAdam and
Reid, 2000).
According to Moffett et al. (2002), many
organizations have questions about the approach
they take in their KM initiatives. Several papers in
the literature have investigated which facilitators
influence KM implementations. In addition, related
researches are focusing on how these factors can
contribute to the successful implementation of KM,
and which can lead to increased innovation and
organizational performance improvement (AL-
Hakim and Hassan, 2012). For example, the results
of paper by Wang and Wang (2016) show that the
technological innovation factors (perceived benefits,
complexity and compatibility), the organizational
factors (support to top management and organization
culture), and environmental factors (competitive
constraints) are significant influences on the
implementation of knowledge management systems
in organizations. Allameh et al., (2011) conducted a
study to determine the impact of KM facilitators and
the KM process. The results show that the
information technology and culture facilitators are
related to the KM process. Also, their results suggest
that the organizational structure is not related to
knowledge management processes. Furthermore, the
Rabelo, J. and Conte, T.
IFactor-KM: A Process for Supporting Knowledge Management Initiatives in Software Organizations Considering Influencing Factors.
DOI: 10.5220/0006360701660177
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 166-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
research by Mehta et al., (2014) concludes that the
main factors contributing to effective knowledge
management are human and technical. Human
behavior is the key to success or failure in KM
activities, since KM involves an emphasis on
organizational culture, teamwork, learning
promotion, and sharing of skills and experiences.
This work differs from the previously mentioned
researches, since it intends to list and suggests
practices for KM initiatives in software
organizations considering factors influencing these
initiatives. The main goal of this paper is to present
the IFactor - KM (Influencing Factors on
Knowledge Management initiatives) Process.
The goal of the IFactor KM process is to support
knowledge management initiatives and to suggest
knowledge management practices for software
organizations considering the following influencing
factors: people, leadership and culture. The proposed
process supports software organizations to: a)
identify the knowledge management objectives; b)
check how tacit knowledge is shared; c) show the
knowledge experts; d) understand leadership and
people aspects; e) characterize the profile of the
organizational culture; and f) suggest knowledge
management practices.
Besides this introductory section, the paper is
organized in four more sections. Section 2 presents
the background for this research. The IFactor-KM
process and its details are shown in Section 3.
Section 4 presents some results obtained using the
process. Finally, Section 5 shows the conclusions
and future work.
The knowledge that an organization can hold and its
ability to create and use that knowledge is the central
ability to maintain a competitive advantage and
innovation (Nonaka and Teece, 2001). The main
asset of Software Companies is knowledge (Silva-
Filho et al., 2016). The development practices of
software organizations are based on the knowledge
and experiences of software developers and
stakeholders (Vasconcelos et al., 2009). The
collection, storage and sharing of knowledge is
essential, but hard to do. By managing knowledge,
organizations can better respond to customer and
market demands, delivering faster and better-quality
results (Schneider, 2009).
According to Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995), there
are two types knowledge that need to be managed:
tacit and explicit. Tacit knowledge is based on the
person's experience, which, due to being subjective,
is difficult to express with words, numbers and
sentences (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). This kind
of knowledge cannot be found in documents, but
only in the minds of the collaborators (Dingsoyr et
al., 2009). Therefore, tacit knowledge is usually
shared directly, by face-to-face contact, and is
considered the most valuable type of knowledge
(Patel, 2012). On the other hand, explicit or codified
knowledge is considered transmissible in formal and
systematic language. Nonaka and Teece (2001) state
that, since it is objective, this type of knowledge can
be represented in several ways, such as documents,
reports, databases and others. Also, it can be
processed, transmitted and stored easily. Only
managing the types of knowledge is not enough. It is
necessary that this knowledge is learned at the
organizational level, so that it adds success to the
executed software development activities.
Several authors propose different objectives for
knowledge management (Probst et al., 2000;
Tiwana, 2000; Alavi and Leidner, 2001; Rus and
Lindvall, 2002). For instance, Alavi and Leidner
(2001) did a research of works that used the KM
objectives and carried out a feature analysis. Based
on the comparison of these works, they reached the
following goals: creation, storage/retrieval, transfer
and application. Due to the feature analysis already
performed by these authors, the defined KM
objectives used in our present work consider the
steps defined by Alavi and Leidner (2001).
Knowlede Creation is about creating new
knowledge or replacing existing knowledge. This
creation can be done by individuals, throughout the
organization or acquisition of external sources
(Rodríguez-Elias et al., 2008). Knowledge
Storage/Retrieval is the process of storing the
knowledge after it is created so that other people in
the organization can access it. This process feeds
and seeks to ensure that the organization does not
forget what it has learned or the knowledge that has
been created. Knowledge Transfer focuses on
activities aimed at the dissemination and distribution
of knowledge. This transfer can occur at various
levels, such as: between collaborators, from
employees to explicit bases, from collaborator to
group, within a group, between distinct groups and
from the group to the whole organization (Alavi and
Leidner, 2001). Knowledge Application occurs
when knowledge of a given domain is applied. Thus,
it is possible to generate new knowledge.
Research found in literature has used Social
IFactor-KM: A Process for Supporting Knowledge Management Initiatives in Software Organizations Considering Influencing Factors
Network Analysis (SNA) to verify knowledge
management (Helms et al., 2010; Müller-Prothmann
et al., 2005; Anklam, 2003). SNA focuses on the
relationships between nodes, since these
relationships influence the nodes themselves.
Basically, a social network represents a set of
relationships of a group (Wasserman and Faust,
1994). These actors can be individuals, groups,
entities or organizations. The relationships between
the actors can be any connection they have, such as:
people who consult in order to ask a question related
to their activities at their job; two people who
modify the same source code of an application;
relationships in the dependencies between
organizations; and so on.
According to Müller-Prothmann et al. (2005),
social network analysis can assist: the identification
of personal and knowledge skills, the research on the
transfer and sustainable conservation of tacit
knowledge, and in the discovery of opportunities to
improve communication and efficiency processes.
According to Anklam (2003), SNA allows managers
to visualize and understand relationships that can
facilitate or make it difficult to create and share
2.1 Influencing Factors in Knowledge
In order to identify the factors that influence
Knowledge Management initiatives and the ways of
evaluating these influencing factors, a research was
conducted in the literature.
AL-Hakim and Hassan (2012) conducted a
literature review that addressed the factors that
influence knowledge management, increase
innovation, and improve organizational
performance. According to analyses AL-Hakim and
Hassan (2012), most of the explored factors within
the identified works mention:
human resources management;
information technology;
organizational learning;
organizational strategy;
organizational structure;
organizational culture.
The most cited are: organizational culture,
structure and information technology.
We carried out a search for other research papers
in the Scopus library (www.scopus.com). The aim of
that search was to identify the influencing factors in
knowledge management initiatives in software
development companies. In addition, our search
aimed to identify the evaluation questionnaires used
by other researchers. Our search results showed that
the most cited factors are: leadership, people and
information technology.
2.1.1 Organizational Culture
Organizations should establish an appropriate
culture that encourages people to create and share
knowledge within an organization (Holsapple and
Singh, 2001). Organizational Culture (OC) works as
a repository of knowledge, as it determines how
individuals act and behave (Gonzalez and Martins,
2014). Also, Alavi and Leidner (2001) state that OC
is considered a critical factor in the construction and
effort of Knowledge Management, and can act as a
barrier or facilitator of these initiatives.
According to Ribiere and Sitar (2003),
Organizational Culture has been identified as the
main impediment for the occurrence of activities
related to knowledge management. OC affects how
members learn, acquire, and share knowledge
(Gupta and Govindarajan, 2000). Organizational
Culture support to KM in the software development
context can be encouraged, for example, by sharing
knowledge and improving the opinion of post-
mortem analyzes (Aurum et al., 2008).
Several instruments were developed to evaluate
the Organizational Culture. Among these
instruments, we can cite (Giritli et al., 2013): a)
inventory organization culture; b) organization
culture profile; c) six-dimensional model and
concurrent values model; d) organizational profile
questionnaire; and, e) values framework.
In this work, we used the evaluation
questionnaire proposed by Cameron and Quinn
(2006) - the Computing Values Framework (CVF).
CVF is one of the most used models in the research
area of organizational culture due to its reliability
and validity (Giritli et al., 2013).
Based on the identification of the four cultural
types of CVF, Cameron and Quinn (2006)
developed and validated the Organizational Culture
Assessment Instrument (OCAI). This instrument
uses a questionnaire to establish the organizational
culture profile based on the four types of culture. In
other words, the instrument evaluates the relative
importance of the elements of the types of culture
within an organization.
2.1.2 People and Leadership
People are seen as important elements in KM
initiatives (Ndlela and Toit, 2001). Holsapple and
Joshi (2001) argue that people are the key to the
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
creation of organizational knowledge. It is the
people who create and share knowledge. People's
attitudes are an important pre-requisite in KM
projects (Naghib, 2003).
People have to feel like sharing and offering their
knowledge to other people inside the organization.
Team leadership should create an environment that
encourages knowledge sharing, so that people feel
secure in contributing, and that these contributions
are recognized by all (Storey and Barnett, 2000).
The initiative of a KM program can be a major
change in an organization. Therefore, leadership
involvement is considered fundamental (Más-
Machuca, 2014; Storey e Barnett, 2000). Liu and
Fang (2006) argue that leadership is seen as the
ability to influence the behavior of others to align
their goals with those of the leader. KM leadership
should encourage people to participate in the
decision-making. In addition to identifying success
measures, the inclusion of decision makers is a
critical leadership aspect that should not be
underestimated (Schwarber, 2005).
2.2 Works on Knowledge Management
The works presented in the previous subsections
describe investigations of the factors that influence
knowledge management in organizations. However,
these works do not suggest KM practices that can be
employed in these organizations. Some papers
suggesting KM practices are shown below.
Viana et al., (2015) and Viana (2015) proposed a
framework to support organizations in the
identification of current Organizational Learning
(OL) and knowledge management practices. Also,
the authors suggest practices that these organizations
can use. This framework consists of a process
describing the steps required to identify current OL
and KM practices and activities, and the suggestion
of new practices that can be applied. The framework
also has a practice catalog that contains a list of
practices that can be used to support the diagnosis of
the current state of the organization, as well as
helping to suggest new practices for the
Menolli et al. (2015) presented a set of tools and
technologies used by software organizations. The
authors have related these tools and technologies to
theories of knowledge sharing and organizational
learning. The most commonly used tools and the
frequency of use by employees were identified. One
of the results of the authors' work shows that
although organizations have adopted the tools, they
are not often used.
The work by Santos et al. (2013) presents a set of
identified practices aimed at organizations that
execute agile development processes. The identified
practices were evaluated by an industry consultant
who employs aspects of agile methodologies and
knowledge management in their activities. In
addition, the set of practices were validated through
case studies in the industry. These practices aimed to
promote the interaction and knowledge sharing
among agile teams.
Based on the results of the literature review, two
research categories were identified:
Papers that show the factors that influence
KM initiatives (Wang and Wang, 2016; AL-
Hakim and Hassan, 2012; Allameh et al.,
2011; Holsapple and Singh, 2001);
Research that suggests KM practices (Viana et
al., 2015; Viana, 2015; Santos et al., 2013).
However, we did not identify a work that linked
the two categories.
The greatest motivation of this work is to
propose a process for software organizations that
suggests knowledge management practices
considering the characteristics of each organization
through its influencing factors. By doing so, we
expect that organizations can use practices that meet
their needs in KM initiatives, and that they can
succeed in their knowledge management activities.
The IFactor-KM (Influencing Factors on
Knowledge Management initiatives) Process
proposed in this work aims to identify the levels of
KM in the organizations, support the diagnosis of
the state of practice and support the insertion of KM
practices in software organizations considering the
factors influencing the organization (i.e. culture,
people and leadership).
The Process IFactor-KM is composed of: a) a
procedure detailing the steps of the process; b) a set
of artifacts detailing how to use the process and
examples of finished artifacts to facilitate the use of
the process. The Process has activities and artifacts
that help software organizations to: i) identify the
knowledge management objectives; ii) check how
tacit knowledge is shared; iii) show the knowledge
experts; iv) understand leadership and people
aspects; v) characterize the profile of the
organizational culture; and vi) suggest knowledge
management practices.
This process contains the definition of activities
IFactor-KM: A Process for Supporting Knowledge Management Initiatives in Software Organizations Considering Influencing Factors
required to perform the diagnosis and identify
improvements in knowledge management activities
in software organizations. The IFactor-KM process
was specified using the Business Process Model and
Notation (BPMN) (OMG, 2016). The main elements
used for its representation are shown in Table 1.
Figure 1 shows the overview of the IFactor-KM
Table 1: Elements of the BPMN notation used for defining
the IFactor-KM Process.
Start Event
End Event
Sub-process that contains other activities
Link event - to throw
Link event - to catch
Sequence flow
Data object - input
Data object - output
3.1 Collecting Data
The first step of the IFactor-KM Process is to gather
the organization's data according to the following
To identify the context of the organization and
the needs related to KM;
To identify collaborators participating in the
To apply the KM Objectives Questionnaire;
To apply the questionnaire that supports the
knowledge sharing diagnosis - through social
networks analysis;
To apply the OCAI questionnaire.
The details of these activities will be shown next.
3.1.1 Identifying the Organization's Context
and KM Needs
The activity of identifying the organization context
and the needs related to KM aims to extract the
necessary information from the organization that
will participate in the diagnostic process. Table 2
shows the details of this activity.
The questionnaire used in this activity has fields
to describe the organization’s context, how it works
and the number of employees. Additionally, the
organization is asked to state the main needs
regarding knowledge management, in addition to
which KM objectives the organization wants best:
creation, storage/retrieval, transfer or application of
Table 2: Identifying the context of the organization and
the needs related to KM.
Name 1. To identify the organization context
and related needs
Description This activity is performed to identify the
necessary information that will guide the
diagnosis of the Knowledge
Management in software organizations.
This activity is also useful for suggesting
practices for the organization.
Variability Required
Use the <<Organizational Context
Template>> document
Fill in the document as in the
Transfer these results to the
presentation <<Result Presentation
Template >> document
Participants Project Manager, Senior Management
Input Organizational Context Document
Output Finished Organization Context
Results Presentation Document
3.1.2 Identifying Collaborators
Participating in the Diagnostic Process
The purpose of this activity is to identify who will
be the people participating in the Knowledge
Management diagnosis process. The person
responsible for executing the process in the
organization will request the data of each
participant. This activity has an artifact that helps to
document the data. The fields from the artifact in
this activity ask for the basic data from the
collaborator regarding his/her role, time in the
organization, projects in which (s)he participate and
time spent in these projects.
3.1.3 Applying the KM Objectives
This activity aims to apply the knowledge
management objectives questionnaire with the
organization's collaborators. Therefore, it seeks to
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Overview of the IFactor-KM Process.
understand the level of KM in the software
organization or software teams. This is done with
respect to the KM objectives. The investigated KM
objectives are in agreement with those defined by
Alavi and Leidner (2001): creation, storage/retrieval,
transfer and application of knowledge.
The KM objectives are evaluated through a
questionnaire. The employed evaluation
questionnaire was based on the one proposed by
Lawson (2003). It is possible to identify, through the
results of the applied questionnaires in the
organization, what the purpose of the KM is being
used and what needs to be improved. By doing so,
one can verify if these characteristics are meeting
the real needs of each organization.
3.1.4 Applying the Questionnaire that
Supports the Knowledge Sharing
Diagnosis – Social Networks Analysis
The goal of applying this questionnaire is to identify
how knowledge sharing occurs among the
organization's collaborators. This questionnaire
helps to identify social networks aspects. In this
questionnaire, the collaborators inform who they
consult inside the organization to obtain knowledge
or who they ask questions to about their daily
3.1.5 Applying the Questionnaire that
Evaluates the Organizational Culture
The purpose of this activity is to apply a
questionnaire that evaluates the profile of the
IFactor-KM: A Process for Supporting Knowledge Management Initiatives in Software Organizations Considering Influencing Factors
organizational culture. This questionnaire is called
the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument
(OCAI) and was proposed by Cameron and Quinn
(2006). Through the results of this questionnaire it is
possible to identify the current and desired culture
profile of the organization. The artifact of this
activity provides an example to facilitate its use by
employees. This questionnaire is answered by all the
collaborators identified in the Identification of the
Collaborators Participating in the Process activity
(see Subsection 3.1.2).
3.2 Data Analysis
The second step of the IFactor-KM Process is to
analyze the data collected in the first step. Three
analyses are carried out at this stage: data analysis of
social networks, data analysis of KM objectives
questionnaires, and data analysis of the
organizational culture.
3.2.1 Data Analysis of Social Networks
This stage includes the identification of how sharing
of the tacit knowledge in the organization or teams
takes place through the analysis of social networks
(SNA). Social network analysis aims to find an
understanding of the relationship between entities, as
well as investigate the patterns and implications of
these relationships (Wasserman and Faust, 1994). It
is important to mention that there are several types
of relationship patterns in social network analysis, as
well as metrics that can be useful for analyzing a
social network (Wasserman and Faust, 1994; Cross
and Parker, 2004). However, this research focused
on the identification of some specific types of
collaborators, which are important for the
recognition of opportunities, challenges related to
knowledge dissemination and identification of the
expert of an organization.
The sub process of analysis of social networks is
composed of activities that help to identify: i) the
most consulted people in the organization; ii)
knowledge flow between the leader and the team;
iii) knowledge flow between novice practitioners
and the team; iv) peripheral people in the team; and
v) centrality of the information.
These activities are presented below.
Transcribing Questionnaires - Social Networks
The purpose of this activity is to transcribe the
questionnaires identifying the knowledge sharing
that was filled out by the collaborators.
Preparing Data to the Social Networks Structure
The purpose of this task is to develop a structure of
social networks. This structure of social networks is
created through the use of social network analysis
tools. Aiming to facilitate the implementation of this
activity was drafted a document explaining the steps
needed to create a social network structure. This
document is part of the artifacts proposed for the use
of the IFactor-KM Process.
Identifying the Most Consulted People in the
The purpose of this activity is to highlight the most
consulted people in the organization. These people
are the ones who most share tacit knowledge.
That data is obtained using a social network
analysis tool. Also, we describe the steps to facilitate
the presentation of the results to the organization
that has been evaluated. Among, these, we can cite:
i) to highlight the most consulted people: these are
the people who are the closest to the center of the
graph. (we suggest highlighting the four people
closest to center); ii) for each of these specialists,
provide a description of the results, while pointing
out the most consulted knowledge from this person.
Identifying Knowledge Flow between the Leader
and the Team
The purpose of this activity is to show how the
knowledge flow between the leader and the team
occurs. This information helps the organization
members to get to know each other better.
IFactor-KM Process has some guidelines that
help each member identify the flow of their
knowledge exchange. First, based on the SNA
graph, we highlight the team leader and then check
the relationship between the leader and the team.
The results of this analysis allow identifying who are
the collaborators who consulted the team leader
whenever they have a question.
Identifying the Knowledge Flow between Novice
Practitioners and the Team
This activity is proposed in the IFactor-KM Process
to identify how the knowledge flow occurs between
novice practitioners (collaborators who have been in
the team for less than six months) and team
collaborators. This information helps verifying if
novice practitioners have access to the team leader,
as well as verifying if they exchange knowledge
with other collaborators who perform the same role
that they have. It is also possible to identify
relationships between novice practitioners and
experts on certain relevant subjects for the
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Identifying Peripheral people in the Team
This activity aims to identify the peripheral people
of the team (employees who are poorly consulted by
other employees). These people are the people who
have few connections within the network. In other
words, these people are further away from the center
of the graph.
Centrality of Information - Knowledge Experts
The purpose of this activity is to identify
collaborators who have a large part of the team's
information. The centrality of information shows
how information flows through many different
paths. Therefore, it uses all the paths between the
actors (when they consult and when they are
consulted about a certain subject). For this analysis,
a social network analysis tool is used.
3.2.2 Data Analysis of KM Objectives
The sub process of the data analysis of the KM
objectives questionnaires is composed of the
following activities: a) transcribing the
questionnaires for identifying KM objectives; b)
generating totalizer graphs for each KM objective; c)
identifying the perception of the leaders and people
in the team.
These activities are detailed below.
Transcribing the KM Objective Identification
The purpose of this activity is to transcribe the
questionnaires of identification of knowledge
management objectives. Each questionnaire filled
out by collaborates must be transcribed. The artifact
created in the IFactor-KM Process for this activity
has the full details on how it can be used.
Generating totalizer graphs for each KM
The purpose of this activity is to show the graphs
with results of each of the knowledge management
objectives. These graphs are generated based on the
data recorded in the "Transcribing the KM Objective
Identification Questionnaires" activity.
The graphs show the total degree of agreement
(totally agree and agree) and disagreement (disagree
and totally disagree) with respect to the KM
objectives (creation, storage/retrieval, transfer and
Identifying the Perception of the Leaders and
People in the Team
The purpose of this task is to show the perception of
the team leader with respect to the KM objectives.
The results help the organization to know how the
leader perceives the process of knowledge
management in the team.
The process allows identifying which employee
has a different response when compared to most of
the participants. These aspects are provided to the
evaluated organization so that it can talk to
employees and understand their point of view.
The identification of the perception is done for
each of the KM objectives. First, the median of the
agreement and disagreement answers from all
participants is calculated. This result is compared to
the response of the team leader. The result shows
this difference in responses between the leader and
the team.
3.2.3 Data Analysis of the Organizational
The Organizational Culture profile is analyzed at
this stage of the IFactor-KM process. The sub
process of the data analysis of the organizational
culture has activities in order to transcribe the
applied questionnaires and to generate the graphs
that show the profile of the culture. These activities
are presented below.
Transcribing the OCAI Questionnaire - Culture
Profile Identification Worksheet
The goal of this activity is to transcribe the
questionnaires identifying the organizational culture
profile that were filled by the collaborators.
Generating the Organizational Culture Profile
The purpose of this activity is to show the charts that
show the profile of the organizational culture
(current and desired). It is obtained through the
OCAI questionnaire that was applied in the
"Applying the Questionnaire that Evaluates the
Organizational Culture Profile" activity.
The application of the OCAI questionnaire
makes it possible to analyze the organizational
culture profile, as well as the single results from
each of the six dimensions that form the instrument,
which are: (a) dominant characteristics; (b)
organizational leadership; (c) organizational
management; (d) the “glue” that keeps the
organization together; (e) strategic emphasis; (f)
success criteria. In the investigated organization, the
organizational culture profile is analyzed according
to the perception of each team.
The graphs generated in this activity show this
analysis of the organizational culture. That is, the
current and desired profile, as well as the stratified
IFactor-KM: A Process for Supporting Knowledge Management Initiatives in Software Organizations Considering Influencing Factors
3.3 Identifying and Listing Practices
In the third stage IFactor-KM Process practices
identification and listing activities are carried out.
The activities from this stage are to:
Identify practices according to the results of
the social network - strengthening current
Identify practices in accordance with the goals
of KM- strengthening current practices;
List practices for the organization according to
the collected data;
Identify practices according to the KM
objectives that the organization wants to
The detail of these activities is shown below.
3.3.1 Identifying Practices According to the
Social Network Results -
Strengthening Current Practices
This activity of the IFactor-KM process aims to
identify which practices may already be in use in the
organization. This identification is based on the
results of social network analysis. KM practices
related to social networks are selected when most of
the employees (51% or more of the total number of
employees) exchange tacit knowledge.
3.3.2 Identifying Practices According to the
KM Objectives - Strengthening
Current Practices
The purpose of this activity is to identify which
practices may already be employed in the
organization. This identification will be based on the
results of agreement with the KM objectives.
The analysis of this step is done with regards to
the total of agreement with each KM objective
pointed out in the questionnaire. When the response
count is more than 50% of the total responses for
each KM goal, practices that can meet KM
objectives are highlighted in the "KM Practice
Catalog" document. The suggestion of these
practices aims to strengthen or improve what may
already be practiced in the organization.
3.3.3 Listing Practices for the Organization
According to the Collected Data
The list of practices is in accordance with the
analysis of the previous activities: "Identifying
practices according to the results of the social
network - Strengthening current practices" and
"Identifying practices according to the KM
objectives - Strengthening current practices".
Based on the results, the organization's current
situation is presented to the organization – i.e. what
it does (even if it does not know that it does). These
results include a listing of all practices and examples
of application of these practices. In addition,
examples are given to contemplate other KM
objectives and the totalizer graph of each KM
Table 3 shows an example of a practice listed in
the 'KM Practice Catalog' document. The "Experts
participation in certain activities of the organization"
practice is related to the creation, transfer and
application of knowledge objectives.
Table 3: Part of the Practice Catalog with an Example of a
KM Practice.
Practice: Experts participation in certain activities of
the organization
Definition: This practice supports the dissemination of
the organizational knowledge. Also, it enables problem
solving during project / process execution and in
updating the organizational knowledge base.
Note: The experts on a certain subject are obtained
through the Knowledge Expert Identification activity.
Create new knowledge for the
organization, so that it can be
used in future projects, such as
components. In addition, the
expert collaborators stimulate the
creation of new knowledge in the
organization, through innovation.
Examples of how to achieve this
New solutions created by
They support the exchange of
specialized knowledge about
some important process,
technology or business rule for
the software development.
Examples of how to achieve this
Consult experts in case of
Involving experts in problem
solving assists the application of
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.3.4 Identifying and Suggesting Practices
According to the KM Objectives that
the Organization Wants to Achieve
The purpose of this activity is to identify and suggest
knowledge management practices according to the
KM objectives that the organization wants to
achieve. The results also show the graph according
to the KM objectives.
In the first activity of the IFactor-KM- Process
(i.e. "Identifying the context of the organization and
the needs related to KM"), the organization indicates
what KM goals it wants to achieve. For example, an
organization may be more focused on knowledge
creation, but wants to be focused on knowledge
storage/retrieval. According to the requirements of
the organization, the practices that meet this
objective are selected in the "KM Practice Catalog"
document. For each suggested Practice, examples
are given of how to apply them in the organization.
3.4 Presenting Results
The last step of the IFactor-KM Process is to show
the results to the organization participating in the
process. The purpose of this activity is to show to
the organization all the results through the IFactor-
KM Process. The collected and analyzed data in the
previous steps are presented to a senior management
of the organization and others authorized by them.
The discussion of the results is carried out in a
meeting and recorded.
An experience of using the complete IFactor-KM
Process was performed to verify the proposed
process and to improve the employed artifacts. This
usage experience was made with real data from a
software organization.
The software organization is responsible for
developing and maintaining information systems in
several contexts such as education, human resources,
public safety, administration, planning and health.
The organization has 392 employees, divided into
several software teams. This organization is in the
process of changing its organizational structure and
is interested in understanding how knowledge
management works for later improvements.
The data used for the IFactor-KM Process
experience was collected in one of the sector within
the organization that is responsible for projects
related to public sector management systems. This
sector is divided into two teams. A team is
responsible for a new system that is developed and
deployed in contracted companies. The other team
maintains and implements another system in
companies. The results are based on the data from
17 participants from this organization.
By using the entire IFactor-KM Process with the
actual data of the software organization, it was
possible to identify the applicability of the process.
Some of the obtained results regarding the
organization are:
The organization's two software teams focus
more on sharing tacit knowledge. The leader
is accessible to the teams (all the collaborators
look for the leaders when they have a
question). The leaders of the two teams also
consult each other when they have questions;
The identified culture profile in the teams is
more focused on teamwork, participation and
a high degree of commitment. The work
environment is considered to be “an extension
of the family”. This may be evidence of the
identification of tacit knowledge sharing in
these teams;
The collected data shows that the organization
has little knowledge storage / retrieval. This is
a real need in the organization. KM practices
related to these be suggested to the
organization through the proposed IFactor-
KM Process.
Knowledge in software engineering is diverse and its
proportions are immense and growing (Rus et al.,
2001). (Rus et al., 2001). This causes organizations
to have trouble keeping track of what this
knowledge is, where it is, and who has it. Some
organizations have difficulties regarding which
approach to adopt in their KM initiatives. In order to
diminish these doubts, surveys are being carried out
seeking to create a body of knowledge about the
influencing factors on knowledge management.
People and leadership have also been identified
as factors that influence KM activities. People have
to feel like sharing their knowledge with others in
the organization (Storey and Barnett, 2000). The
team leaders should also create an environment that
encourages knowledge sharing.
The IFactor-KM Process (Influencing Factors on
Knowledge Management) was presented in this
IFactor-KM: A Process for Supporting Knowledge Management Initiatives in Software Organizations Considering Influencing Factors
paper. This process supports software organizations
to: a) identify the knowledge management
objectives; b) check how tacit knowledge is shared;
c) show the knowledge experts; d) understand
leadership and people aspects; e) characterize the
profile of the organizational culture; and f) suggest
knowledge management practices.
An experience using the entire process from the
IFactor-KM was performed. During this use
experience, it was possible to verify the whole
defined process, to identify and to suggest KM
practices for the software development organization.
A careful analysis is being carried out with the
collected data for later publication. Some of the
already identified results are: i) the organization's
two software teams focus more on sharing tacit
knowledge; ii) culture profile in the teams is more
focused on teamwork, participation and a high
degree of commitment; and iii) the collected data
shows that the organization has little knowledge
storage / retrieval.
As future work, we intend to carry out controlled
experiments in software organizations using the
IFactor-KM Process. By doing so, it will be possible
to verify the feasibility of the process and to improve
the KM activities in these organizations. In addition,
we intend to develop tool support for the proposed
We thank the financial support granted by CAPES to
the first author of this paper (through a doctorate
scholarship); and by FAPEAM through process
062.00578/2014. Finally, we thank all the subjects
from the Software Organization who participated in
this study.
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IFactor-KM: A Process for Supporting Knowledge Management Initiatives in Software Organizations Considering Influencing Factors