effects. Furthermore, it has been also considered for
producing a thrombin biosensor.
We have adapted a procedure previously used for
a single protein to the aptamer alone, complexed with
the specific ligand, and also without the ligand but
with the modified structure it assumes when binds the
ligand. The aptamer structures, taken by the Protein
Data Bank, describe the oligomers in two different
solutions. We observe that the electrical responses of
the corresponding networks do not depend on the
kind of solution (with Na
or K
), for the case of the
aptamer alone. On the other hand, when the protein
binds the aptamer, the different action of the two
cations is reflected by a different resistance response.
Thus, this definitely confirms the relevant role of the
cations in the binding mechanism. In other words, the
cation steric action determines the shape of the
network, and finally, the inhibition activity of TBA.
In a more pragmatic approach this results suggest that
a measure of resistance could be a test of affinity.
Another important result obtained with the
technique of the network of networks is that by
adding a large protein like the thrombin to TBA in its
active form, the global resistance is lower than that of
the aptamer. This is an important information
concerning the mechanism of binding because it
reveals that the protein efficaciously completes the
not trivial structure of the aptamer, producing a global
improvement of its conductance. Of course, and in
agreement with experiments, the final resistance
value is lower than that of the aptamer in the native
state, but larger than that of the aptamer in the active
This enforces the conclusion that, at this level of
microscopic interactions, the bulk approximation
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