the ability to protect the machine even if it is moved
from network to network.
Another advantage is the specificity, as host-
based firewall can be adjusted to support a unique
set of applications and to block everything else.
Host-based firewall is also well defined for each
machine type, which can be an improvement, since
every machine may have different needs, as well the
network in which the machine operates.
To select the host-based firewalls to test we used
the work of (Meredith, 2010) and (Schroder, 2012).
Based on this study we choose the following three
systems: IPcorp, pfSense and Zentyal Community.
In next sections, we describe the key features of
the firewall applications listed above. The list of
features to be compared is based on the work of
(Sulaman, 2011).
3.1.1 IPCop
IPCop ( is an open source host-
based firewall software system, developed by
IPCorp Team for operating systems based on Unix,
like Linux (IPCorp, 2016). Its last stable version is
IPCorp 2.1.9 and it is distributed under the license
IPCop is a secure software system, highly
configurable and easily maintained with several
features, such as Caching DNS proxy (to help speed
up Domain Name queries), Web caching proxy (to
speed up Web access), Intrusion Detection systems,
Traffic Shaping, Web Antivirus, Web Content
Filtering, OpenVPN, and more. IPCorp also has the
ability to partition the network into a green, safe
network protected from Internet, a blue network for
the wireless LAN and a DMZ or orange network
containing publicity accessible servers, partially
protected from the Internet.
IPCop uses a Web based interface, that once
been installed, the dialup setting are added via
browser based from a client on the LAN. Although
not officially part of IPCop, there is many add-ons,
that include extra features to IPCop, such as QOS,
virus check email, traffic control, extended
interfaces to control proxy, etc.
IPCop is available for multiple languages:
Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, Greek,
Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Romanian, etc.
IPCop also has a system of monitoring and
performance charts that quickly warns if there are
trouble spots. IPCop can be downloaded at:
3.1.2 pfSense
pfSense ( is a open source host-
based firewall/rooter software system for FreeBSD
operating systems. Distributed under the license
BSD License, pfSense is developed by Electric
Sheep Fencing, LLC and started in 2004 as a fork on
the Monowall project. From beginning it is focused
on full PC installations, as opposed to Monowall that
is on embedded hardware (pfSense, 2016). Its last
stable version is pfsense 2.3.2.
pfSense is a software tool known by is
reliability, with several features such as: Network
Address Translation, Filtering by: source/destination
ip, protocol, os/network fingerprinting; Flexible
Routing; Packet Scrubbing; Web Content Filtering;
OpenVPN; Traffic Shaping, etc. pfSense uses a Web
interface that allows the configuration of all their
components. There are several companies that
already use this software, some examples are: Check
Point, Cisco PIX, Cisco ASA, Juniper, Sonicwall,
Netgear, Watchguard, and Astaro.
As happens with IPCop, there are many add-ons
available for pfSense, including language packs,
dashboards, etc, which not only significantly
improve the use of the tool, but also increase the
range of functionality, like add-ons directly
connected with the detection of threats. pfSense can
be downloaded at:
3.1.3 Zentyal Community
Zentyal Community version (
formerly known as eBox Platform cannot be
considered a typical firewall, but as its creators
claim to, a server for SMEs. However, its features
and functionalities meets what is expected from a
firewall and because of that it is relevant to our
analysis (Zentyal, 2016). Zentyal is an open source
system available for operating systems based on
Linux, distributed by GPL and its last stable version
is Zentyal server 4.2.
Zentyal is a very robust software tool with many
features: Intrusion Preventing System, IPSec,
OpenVPN, Firewall failover capability, Traffic
Shaping, and more. Zentyal is composed of several
open source software packages: Apache Web server,
mod_perl CGI engine, OpenLDAP, OpenSSL
cryptography, BIND DNS server, Web cache, APT,
CUPS, APT and more. Zentyal Community can be
downloaded at: