Evaluation of Firewall Open Source Software
Diogo Sampaio
and Jorge Bernardino
Polytechnic of Coimbra, ISEC, Coimbra Institute of Engineering, Rua Pedro Nunes, 3030-199, Coimbra, Portugal
CISUC, Centre for Informatics and Systems of University Coimbra, Pinhal de Marrocos 3030-290, Coimbra, Portugal
Keywords: Computers Systems Security, Open Source Software, Free Software, Firewall, Web Applications Firewall.
Abstract: Computers systems are virtually in every area of our life, but their use has several risks. This is particularly
relevant for small business that are beginning to resort in informatics systems for all their activities, and
where a breach of security can have catastrophic consequences. Most risks or security vulnerabilities,
besides inadverted errors, originates from criminal activity, which anonymously thrives on the Web and can
outbreak any organization, mainly for profit but sometimes just for the challenge of doing it. Consequently,
creating and managing a security system is often the main form of precaution and it is the solution that
guarantees better success rates. In this paper, we are interested in software with a lower financial cost,
therefore our focus is in Free and Open Source Software. To this end, the following types of security tools
are analyzed: Firewall and Web Applications Firewall (WAF).
Securing computers and cyberspace is one of today’s
grand challenges for science and engineering.
However, the use of the Web entails a high number
of risks and security threats, and to ensure their
feasibility, companies must be able to protect
themselves and avoid criminal attacks from hackers
with the primary purpose of undermining their
business (Osmanbegovic and Zahirovic, 2013).
Computers are under continuous threat from
attackers who want to steal credit card numbers,
intellectual property, and other sensitive
Computer security refers to the protection of all
components of a computer system that includes
hardware, software, firmware and all stored
information and data, in order to provide
Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (Razzaq et
al., 2013).
It is a great concern that a large proportion of
SMEs – Small and Medium Enterprises do not
associate computer security as one of their main
worries, particularly in the current time of global
economic crises. One of the main reasons for the
insufficiency or nonexistence of security policy by
SMEs is the tight budget that they have, that is often
spent on other expenses, mistakenly thought by
managers as more important (Tawileh et al., 2007).
This reality takes truly an alarming dimension
when a significant percentage of companies, around
45.6%, have already experienced some form of data
corruption by cybercrime, with capital losses
associated with it (Computer Crime and Security
Survey, 2012). Our paper aims not only to draw
attention to this problem, but also to offer viable
solutions to solve it.
In our work we assume that a first line of
defense can be achieved through two types of
software: Firewall and Web Applications Firewall.
Opting only for free and open source software is, as
we will demonstrate, an option with many
advantages (Bernardino, 2011), such as the lack of
financial costs or the access to the source code, that
for example, allows a better integration with
complementary software and minor changes that
will bring the application to the business needs.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows. In section 2 we present some computer
security background, discussing the importance of a
security policy. In section 3, we describe the firewall
software systems (Host-based and Web
applications). Next, in section 4 we evaluate the
software solutions. Finally, the concluding remarks
and future work are presented in section 5.
Sampaio, D. and Bernardino, J.
Evaluation of Firewall Open Source Software.
DOI: 10.5220/0006361203560362
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2017), pages 356-362
ISBN: 978-989-758-246-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Still a few years ago, companies enclosing their
documents in drawers, put padlocks on the doors and
installed an alarm on its premises, and that was
enough to ensure effective protection of the most
important information. But, today most of the
company's information resides in computers and
with the increasing importance of the Web and the
Cloud the security measures mentioned above are
completely obsolete and ineffective.
Cybercrimes are now one of the major threats to
business endurance. Given this new and growing
wave of crime, a new kind of security necessarily
had to arise to ensure the protection of digital
information and computer systems, usually
designated as computer security or IT security.
We assume the definition of computer security
as protection of computers, to ensure the ultimate
goal of preserving the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of information resources, which includes
hardware, software, firmware, information and data
(Razzaq et al., 2013).
It is important not to confuse computer security
with data security. Being data security all the
process to ensure confidentiality of information
when transmission of this same information between
two terminals in a network. Usually cryptography is
the most common method.
The volume and sophistication of cybercrimes
are increasing and include: scams, data theft, virus,
etc. Thousands of infections are being launched and
discovered every day, as new attack methods.
Hundreds of millions of records have been involved
in data breaches. Huge financial losses have been
recorded in recent years (Ponemon Institute, 2013).
A company unprotected or that does not have the
resources to create an efficient security in a few
moments may be in bankruptcy (Dowd
and McHenry, 1998). The risk of cyber crimes is
increasing, and all signs indicate that this growth
does not have a tendency to slowdown (Kessel and
Allan, 2013).
Users, as is well known, are the weakest link in
the computer security layout. Often they assume an
inadequate and relaxed attitude, ignoring safety
guidelines and taking risk approaches that increase
immensely the danger of damage. Moreover the
security system is in most cases only based on
software, which is not able to anticipate or eliminate
every threat. The inability of regular users to
understand the various IT terms and notions
specifically related to computer security, whether
they are related to prevention, as the firewall or
threats such as virus, is perhaps the major difficulty.
The lack of concern with the risks has also to do
with the lack of knowledge of the real hazard (Adele
et al., 2012). In this sense, (Liang, 2010) reached to
the following conclusions: “…to motivate computer
users to avoid IT threats, they need to be convinced
that the threats exist and are avoidable. If users fail
to see a threat, they will not act to avoid it. If they
see the threat but believe it is unavoidable, they will
not act to avoid it, either. Thus, both the threat
appraisal and the coping appraisal are necessary to
motivate security behaviors”.
A firewall is a software or hardware-based network
security system that controls the incoming and
outgoing network traffic based on an applied rule
set. A firewall establishes a barrier between a
trusted, secure internal network and another network
(e.g., the Internet) that is not secure (Oppliger,
1997). In other words, a firewall is a system
designed to prevent unauthorized access to a
computer as well as unauthorized outflow of data.
Another notion that is important to mention is that
firewalls don’t decrease the processing speed of
computers but optimize it (Garantla and
Gemikonakli, 2009), which is against common
There are two basic types of firewalls: hardware-
based and software-based. Each has its own
advantages and disadvantages. In next sections we
analyze firewalls based on software, and focusing on
the host-based and Web applications firewalls.
3.1 Host-based Firewall
Firewalls are the cornerstone of computer security
and the primarily line to security defenses. However,
most types of firewalls requires a detailed
understanding of data networking elements, such as
routers or switches, as well as a detailed
understanding of network protocols.
Host-based firewalls or personal firewalls
eliminate most of technical difficulties, since these
types of applications are simple and able to ran by
any user. These applications are designed to support
just a few protocols in order to function. Simplicity
makes verification of the rule set simpler as well.
The effectiveness of host-based firewall comes for
defining a security policy responsible for a single
host or machine, like computers or similar, having
Evaluation of Firewall Open Source Software
the ability to protect the machine even if it is moved
from network to network.
Another advantage is the specificity, as host-
based firewall can be adjusted to support a unique
set of applications and to block everything else.
Host-based firewall is also well defined for each
machine type, which can be an improvement, since
every machine may have different needs, as well the
network in which the machine operates.
To select the host-based firewalls to test we used
the work of (Meredith, 2010) and (Schroder, 2012).
Based on this study we choose the following three
systems: IPcorp, pfSense and Zentyal Community.
In next sections, we describe the key features of
the firewall applications listed above. The list of
features to be compared is based on the work of
(Sulaman, 2011).
3.1.1 IPCop
IPCop (www.ipcop.org) is an open source host-
based firewall software system, developed by
IPCorp Team for operating systems based on Unix,
like Linux (IPCorp, 2016). Its last stable version is
IPCorp 2.1.9 and it is distributed under the license
IPCop is a secure software system, highly
configurable and easily maintained with several
features, such as Caching DNS proxy (to help speed
up Domain Name queries), Web caching proxy (to
speed up Web access), Intrusion Detection systems,
Traffic Shaping, Web Antivirus, Web Content
Filtering, OpenVPN, and more. IPCorp also has the
ability to partition the network into a green, safe
network protected from Internet, a blue network for
the wireless LAN and a DMZ or orange network
containing publicity accessible servers, partially
protected from the Internet.
IPCop uses a Web based interface, that once
been installed, the dialup setting are added via
browser based from a client on the LAN. Although
not officially part of IPCop, there is many add-ons,
that include extra features to IPCop, such as QOS,
virus check email, traffic control, extended
interfaces to control proxy, etc.
IPCop is available for multiple languages:
Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, English, French, Greek,
Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Romanian, etc.
IPCop also has a system of monitoring and
performance charts that quickly warns if there are
trouble spots. IPCop can be downloaded at:
3.1.2 pfSense
pfSense (www.pfsense.org) is a open source host-
based firewall/rooter software system for FreeBSD
operating systems. Distributed under the license
BSD License, pfSense is developed by Electric
Sheep Fencing, LLC and started in 2004 as a fork on
the Monowall project. From beginning it is focused
on full PC installations, as opposed to Monowall that
is on embedded hardware (pfSense, 2016). Its last
stable version is pfsense 2.3.2.
pfSense is a software tool known by is
reliability, with several features such as: Network
Address Translation, Filtering by: source/destination
ip, protocol, os/network fingerprinting; Flexible
Routing; Packet Scrubbing; Web Content Filtering;
OpenVPN; Traffic Shaping, etc. pfSense uses a Web
interface that allows the configuration of all their
components. There are several companies that
already use this software, some examples are: Check
Point, Cisco PIX, Cisco ASA, Juniper, Sonicwall,
Netgear, Watchguard, and Astaro.
As happens with IPCop, there are many add-ons
available for pfSense, including language packs,
dashboards, etc, which not only significantly
improve the use of the tool, but also increase the
range of functionality, like add-ons directly
connected with the detection of threats. pfSense can
be downloaded at: http://www.pfsense.org/
3.1.3 Zentyal Community
Zentyal Community version (www.zentyal.com)
formerly known as eBox Platform cannot be
considered a typical firewall, but as its creators
claim to, a server for SMEs. However, its features
and functionalities meets what is expected from a
firewall and because of that it is relevant to our
analysis (Zentyal, 2016). Zentyal is an open source
system available for operating systems based on
Linux, distributed by GPL and its last stable version
is Zentyal server 4.2.
Zentyal is a very robust software tool with many
features: Intrusion Preventing System, IPSec,
OpenVPN, Firewall failover capability, Traffic
Shaping, and more. Zentyal is composed of several
open source software packages: Apache Web server,
mod_perl CGI engine, OpenLDAP, OpenSSL
cryptography, BIND DNS server, Web cache, APT,
CUPS, APT and more. Zentyal Community can be
downloaded at: http://www.zentyal.org/server/
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3.2 Web Application Firewall
The growing development of web applications and
its massive usage has increased exponentially
attacks on web application layer, which is a trend
that shows no tendency of decreasing (Beechey,
2009). This fact becomes even more critical when
the collected data indicates that 71% of all attacks
could have been mitigated or totally eliminated
using firewall solutions for Web applications
(Security Statistics Report, 2012). Therefore, there
was the necessity to use tools and solutions,
designated as Web application firewall (WAF),
which will minimize the risks for users and
One of the main advantages of Web applications
firewalls, is its greater capacity when compared with
network firewalls, to prevent attacks like Script
injections, parameter tampering, Forceful browsing
or buffer overflows (Pałka and Zachara, 2011).
The selection of systems to analyze was based
on the work of Abdul Razzaq and colleagues,
(Razzaq et al., 2013). In the next sections we study
the following tools: ModSecurity, WebCastellum
and Ironbee.
Defining a security policy responsible for a
single host or machine, like computers or similar,
having the ability to protect the machine even if it is
moved from network to network.
3.2.1 ModSecurity
ModSecurity (www.modsecurity.org) is an open
source Web applications firewall that works on
Apache system supported by Trustwave’s
SpiderLabs Team, released under the Apache license
2.0 (ModSecurity, 2016).
The main features of ModSecurity are: Simple
filtering, regular expression based filtering, URL
encoding validation, Unicode encoding validation,
Auditing, null byte attack prevention, upload
memory limits and server identity masking.
ModSecurity is also a well-documented application,
essential for users with less computer expertise.
ModSecurity uses four different security models:
Negative Security, Positive Security, Virtual
Patching, and Extrusion Detection.
ModSecurity can be downloaded at:
http://www.modsecurity.org/download, and it is
available for Microsoft Windows, Ubuntu/Desbian
and Fedora/CentOS.
3.2.2 WebCastellum
WebCastellum (www.webcastellum.org) is an open
source Web applications firewall developed in Java.
It is able to protect the system against some threats
like SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS),
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), Parameter
Manipulation, etc (WebCastellum, 2016). Its last
stable version is 1.8.3 and it is release under Eclipse
Public License.
WebCastellum is a very robust software tool
with many features: URL Encryption, CSRF
Protection, Form Protection, Stateful Attack
Detection, etc. WebCastellum, also enables a
monitoring of response and request. The handling
and processing of responses which can be switched
on as required makes possible, for example, the
automatic filtering out of confidential information so
that these are not transferred to the client.
WebCastellum uses a Rule-based defense: a
category of defensive function based on a complex
recognition of patterns related to e.g. request
parameters, form values, cookies, IP addresses or
protocols. The patterns to be used when scanning are
defined based on regular expressions. WebCastellum
can be downloaded at: https://sourceforge.net/
3.2.3 Ironbee
Ironbee (www.ironbee.com) is an open source Web
applications firewall, distributed under the BSD
License and Apache 2.0 (Ironbee, 2016)
Ironbee is a very reliable and scalable software
tool, with many features: implementing custom
security logic, User agent profiling, inbound and
outbound traffic analysis, Behavioral monitoring (IP
addresses, sessions and users), Passive vulnerabilty
scanning, Cookie encryption and signing, Policy
decisions, Tailored defense, etc.
Ironbee also allows a perfect interaction with
external security systems (e.g., firewalls) and data
exchange. Ironbee is still a relatively recent
application and seeks to become the most complete
application of the WAF in the market, with strong
community support. Ironbee can be downloaded at:
In this section, we compared the free and open
source software tools described in the previous
sections. This analysis will be done by categories,
which distinguishes the different types of software
presented. We begin by comparing the firewall tools.
Evaluation of Firewall Open Source Software
In Table 1 are compared the key features to firewall
applications. The choice of features to be compared
is based on the work of Sardar Sulaman (Sulaman,
2011), and the feature list of each application on
theirs official websites.
According to our comparison, pfSense
demonstrates to be the most complete host-based
firewall open source system. It reveals a clear
superiority in terms of available features when
compared with the other systems studied in this
work. The union of 10 of the 12 features compared,
allows to apply a security policy more efficient and
with a greater number of options.
Table 1: Host-based firewall tools comparison.
IPCop PFSense Zentyal
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Web url
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
IPSec Yes Yes Yes
OpenVPN Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes
IDS system
Yes Yes Yes
pfSense besides being the most featured full firewall
distribution has also the ability to generate simple
and intuitive reports witch is a huge advantage over
other solutions. Furthermore, pfSense is a solution
that has less power consumption, needs less space
and generates less heat. It also has a simple
installation process and a clear and easy learning
Figure 1: 1pfSense Dashboard.
Now we will focus our study on Web Applications
Firewall (WAF). Table 2 shows the comparison of
the most important features, according to the work
of Abdul Razzaq (Abdul et al., 2013).
Table 2: Web Applications Firewall (WAF comparison).
Yes Yes Yes
Auditing Yes Yes
Null byte
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
ModSecurity, as illustrated in Table 2, is the best
open source system of WAF. It has a superior
number of features in comparison with the other two
tools systems. Additionally, the requirement of
authentication is also a positive argument.
The main disadvantage of ModSecurity (see
Figure 2) is the need to be configured manually,
which can hinder the inclusion of users with lower
computer literacy. However, we do not consider this
disadvantage represents an insurmountable
difficulty, since can be circumvented using its large
community as its manual user. The setup and
installation can also be a negative point for less
experienced users, but once again, the community
and user's guide are useful.
WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: Console of ModSecurity.
In this paper, we proposed to design a security plan
based only in free and open source software that
could eliminate or at least mitigate the damage for
the most common threats, such as: Trojan, antivirus,
spyware, phishing, cookies and spam. Following
this, we consider that the first approach to computer
security will be Firewall host-based and web
application firewall systems.
We analyze firewall systems that aim to apply a
security policy to a particular point in the network,
to control the traffic denying access to any malicious
program. Firewall host-based has two great
advantages: offering maximum flexibility and high
configurability on a per-machine basis. According to
our evaluation, pfSense is the most complete open
source firewall available in the market. Web
applications firewall use the same technology as
firewall host-based but directly for the protection of
web applications, increasingly more used.
ModSecurity is clearly the best open source system
of WAF available with its superior number of
features and capacities.
These tools are intended to be the first line of
defense, and each company must have the
knowledge to understand their security needs, and
add more security-related IT tools if necessary. We
consider that is necessary to study the tools in a real
environment and test its effectiveness.
As future work, we also pretend to evaluate and
present a data security management evaluation,
respecting the limitation of reduced costs, which
means a investigation mainly focused in free and
open source software systems.
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WEBIST 2017 - 13th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies