values agrees with the number of crossing in the
network environment; however the variance-based
method give overlapping peaks result at particular
window intervals resulting in false human detection.
This proved that localization and detection of human
moving in moderate pace across multiple network
links is better using attenuation-based and variance-
based DFL. However variance-based DFL will give
less localization accuracy if the number of crossing
is increased.
In this paper, an RSSI-based DFL system has been
proposed for elderly care application. The effects of
human presence in both moving and static scenarios
have been presented and compared between
attenuation-based and variance-based method. The
result shows that, attenuation-based method able to
accurately detect the presence of stationary people
compared to variance-based method which unable to
detect stationary people in presence in monitored
area. Since people living in house always performed
daily activities which spend considerable amounts of
time without moving, the attenuation-based is more
suitable for elderly care application compared to
variance-based DFL. In the case of moving people
scenario, both attenuation-based and variance-based
methods able to localize moving people. The
attenuation-based method successfully detects the
number of crossing and the sequence of trajectories
with 100% accuracy while variance-based only
gives 71.74% accuracy. Work is in progress to
optimize the network links so that each node can
communicate with each other to create more
network links that can improve the localization
accuracy. Further work will involve exploring
attenuation-based DFL system in larger area which
might not only focus on localizing, but as well as
fall-detection that is very useful in elderly-care
This work was supported in part by the Fundamental
Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Grant No. 9003-
00548. Authors would like to thank all research
members, cliques and others who have involved and
make this experiment successful.
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