Improving the Assesment of Advanced Planning Systems by
Including Optimization Experts' Knowledge
Melina Vidoni, Jorge Marcelo Montagna and Aldo Vecchietti
INGAR CONICET-UTN, Avellaneda 3657, Santa Fe, Argentina
Keywords: Architecture Evaluation, Advanced Planning Systems (APS), Process Optimization, Architecture Trade-off
Analysis Method (ATAM).
Abstract: Advanced Planning Systems (APS) are core for many production companies that require the optimization of
its operations using applications and tools such as planning, scheduling, logistic, among others. Because of
this, process optimization experts are required to develop those models and, therefore, are stakeholders for
this system's domain. Since the core of the APSs are models to improve the company performance, the
knowledge of this group of stakeholders can enhance the APS architecture evaluation. However, methods
available for this task require participants with extensive Software Engineering (SE) understanding. This
article proposes a modification to ATAM (Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method) to include process
optimization experts during the evaluation. The purpose is to create an evaluation methodology centred on
what these stakeholders value the most in an APS, to capitalize their expertise on the area and obtain
valuable information and assessment regarding the APS, models and solvers interoperability.
Advanced Planning Systems (APS) incorporate
models and solutions algorithms to contribute to the
planning optimization of different areas of an
organization (Stadtler, 2005). They can be used
either to improve the performance of a supply chain
or the internal production planning of a company
(Fleischmann et al., 2015). Consequently, APS is
core for the operation of those organizations that
implement them.
For the implementation of an APS there exist
two types of developers, both of them with
dissimilar academic backgrounds, interests and
objectives (Kallestrup et al., 2014): the traditional
team of software engineers, and the team of process
optimization experts that generate the models
(Gayialis and Tatsiopoulos, 2004). Despite their
differences, the expertise and point of view of both
stakeholders groups is highly needed when
developing and/or maintaining an APS.
The development of an information system
development is based on a Software Architecture
(SwA), which should guarantee the applicability of
both Functional Requirements (FR) and Quality
Attributes (QA). The successfulness of a SwA can
be assured by performing an evaluation process
(Shanmugapriya & Suresh, 2012). An architecture
having a good evaluation provides the required
groundwork to develop high quality Information
Systems (Angelov et al., 2012).
There are several available methodologies to
assess SwA (Dobrica and Niemela, 2002; Ionita et
al., 2002), all of them are only focused on technical
Software Engineering (SE) aspects, and do not
include other types of stakeholders, like those
existent in the APS domain. Also, these methods are
only focused on traditional SwA, and do not
consider the evaluation of Reference Architectures
(RA), which are a wider and more abstract design
concept, that aims to define and characterize a
domain of systems instead of a particular
implementation (Martínez Fernández et al., 2013).
Several proposals to adjust existing evaluation
methods can be found in the academic literature.
Angelov et al., (2008) propose modifications to
ATAM (Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method) in
order to adapt it to consider particular characteristics
of RA. Sharafi (2012) created an ATAM
modification to detect potential problems threatening
the system from the stakeholder’s point of view.
Also, Heikkilä et al., (2011) used a reduced version
of several evaluation methodologies, in order to
approach a CMM control system assessment.
Finally, Diniz et al., (2015) used an ATAM utility
tree to model health care education systems.
Vidoni, M., Montagna, J. and Vecchietti, A.
Improving the Assesment of Advanced Planning Systems by Including Optimization Experts’ Knowledge.
DOI: 10.5220/0006362005100517
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 510-517
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Most research regarding APS is done through
process optimization, and therefore, there is a lack of
SE approaches (Henning, 2009; Framinan and Ruiz,
2010). A proposal on this area created a RA for APS
focused on the optimization of intra-organization
planning problems (Vidoni and Vecchietti, 2016).
However this architecture has not been yet
evaluated, due to the absence of a suitable method.
This article proposes a novel modification for
ATAM: applying the methodology to a RA, and
alter the steps to include process optimization
experts. This is used to evaluate the interoperability
and relation between the models, solvers and the
APS, while keeping a focus on their expertise area.
Diversifying the type of participants during the
evaluation allows considering a wider range of
points of views, different goals, and understanding
why stakeholders value the APS differently.
APS are information software systems conceived to
solve production planning problems by means of an
advanced solving approach; they must interoperate
with the Enterprise System (ES), and work with a set
of models and solvers (Vidoni and Vecchietti, 2015).
Although there are many definitions in the literature
(Fleischmann and Meyr, 2003), the chosen one
consolidates concepts proposed by several authors,
with the focus on APS as systems and not only in the
problems to be solved; they also consider the use of
several solution methods for those problems, by
introducing the concept of solving approaches.
2.1 Stakeholders and Requirements
The APS domain is defined through Functional
Requirements (FR) and Quality Attributes (QA) that
are more generic and have a higher abstraction level
than regular FR and QA, since they frame a domain
instead of an implementation.
Since an APS development requires the
implementation of both software and models,
regardless of their solving approach, the FR and QA
are related to both issues. This situation reflects the
significance of both types of developers (Gayialis &
Tatsiopoulos, 2004). The challenge is to address
those different requirements, goals and constraints,
and the stakeholders that have different
responsibilities and roles, but also very dissimilar
academic backgrounds (Kazman et al., 2005).
2.2 Reference Architecture (RA)
RA aim to clarify the boundaries and features of
domains of systems (Northrop, 2003). They are
based in generic functionalities and data flow
(Cloutier et al., 2010), and simplify the design and
development in multiple projects, by working in an
extensive, more abstract and less defined context,
with stakeholders only defined as target groups
(Angelov et al., 2012).
This is the case of APS-RA (Vidoni and
Vecchietti, 2016), an RA built for APSs. It is
defined using the “4+1” View Model, and its
documentation includes variation points, which give
the architecture the ability to be adapted to different
situations in pre-planned ways and with minimal
effort (Bachmann et al., 2003; Bosch et al., 2002).
APS-RA goal is to unify the development of an
APS, including the generic needs of the models and
solvers, while keeping in mind how they should
integrate with the software, in order to provide a
robust and maintainable base design.
As APS-RA defines a domain, it plays a major role
in determining each implemented APS quality:
decisions made at architectural level can help or
interfere with achieving business goals and meeting
FR and QA in future projects (Shaw and Clements,
2006). However, an evaluation process can reduce
these risks (Shanmugapriya and Suresh, 2012).
Evaluating APS-RA has difficulties. There are
those defined by the features of RA, such as high
abstraction level, lack of individual stakeholders,
etc., and those intrinsic to the domain, i.e. dissimilar
types of developers, the FR/QA dual definition, and
so on. Consequently, there are no readily available
evaluation methods that would cover these issues.
This article proposes ATAM-M, a modification
of ATAM (Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method)
(Kazman et al., 2000) to adapt it to fit the previously
mentioned issues.
ATAM is selected as base, because it evaluates
more QA than other methodologies (Ionita et al.,
2002) and is based on the “4+1View Model, and
can be applied to lead participants to focus on what
each of them considers core for the architecture
under study (Bass et al., 2013).
From the two core stakeholder groups be
involved during the evaluation, process optimization
experts, referred as SAS, does not usually have an
extensive SE background. Therefore, ATAM-M
process is performed in two Stages:
Improving the Assesment of Advanced Planning Systems by Including Optimization Experts’ Knowledge
An innovative and shorter stage, with SAS and
planners. The analysis is done with the FR and
QA that affect the optimization models, and the
goal is to evaluate how they interoperate with the
APS. This includes how the models reflect the
QA, and if they consider the FR at all.
A traditional stage focused on architectural
analysis, with regular software developers,
focused on the SE aspects of the system.
Although ATAM-M implementation includes both
Stages, this article focuses on the first one, aimed to
work with SAS and planners.
In order to achieve a successful evaluation,
participants receive instructions such that they can
understand APS-RA, and are able to propose
changes, refinements, and an assessment that fulfils
the Stage goals (Weinreich and Buchgeher, 2012).
Therefore, it is key to decide what parts of the APS-
RA are significant to them, to reduce unnecessary
complexity and only use valuable data related to
what parts of the APS-RA are relevant to them.
Stage 1 is designed to allow participants to focus
on what they most value on an APS, capitalize their
knowledge by keeping the process centred on their
expertise, and obtain an assessment that other points
of view would not be able to provide. In particular,
SAS and Planners value the models development,
their accuracy, maintainability, and how they
interoperate with solvers while integrating to APS.
ATAM-M does not include all original ATAM
steps, and then the outputs are different. The process
to generate ATAM-M is done iteratively, and
resulting changes to steps are summarized in Table
1. Also, Table 2 presents the method outputs.
Initially, specific SE steps are discarded, along
with those that cannot add value to SAS. Both the
QA Questions and the Utility Tree (UT) are steps
accepted from ATAM without modifications, and
only the input data is different. Questions are
elaborated from the model-related QA, and later
used to help participants understand non-functional
qualities of the models and their interrelation with
the architecture.
Regarding the UT, the term scenario is replaced
by node, to and avoid nomenclature mistakes, since
in the APS-RA, scenarios are the results obtained by
executing a model, regardless of its solving
approach, and the “4+1” View Model includes a
‘Scenario View’. The remaining ATAM steps
require changes to be included on ATAM-M.
The introduction is short and concise to avoid
overwhelming participants with information they
cannot draw value from. Since the APS-RA is
documented with viewpoints targeted to different
stakeholders, only some views are used: Process and
Scenario View are the most detailed, with a brief
introduction of the Logical View, while both
Development and Physical views are avoided, since
they are targeted to the software team. Also, only
those variation points that directly affect the model,
solver or their relation with the APS are presented.
The selected information is in line with the
stakeholders’ point of view regarding the system.
However, it is also enough to understand the APS-
RA goal, and what should be evaluated.
Steps regarding architectural tactics are also
modified, since this is a SwA concept outside of the
Stage 1 scope. The ATAM-M innovative proposal is
Table 1: ATAM-M steps, their reasoning and changes compared to original ATAM for Stage 1.
Original ATAM
ATAM-M Stage 1
1-3: Present
ATAM, business
drivers and RA.
Overview directed to SAS and Planners, avoiding SE-specific views, not
valuable for them. The method steps are not introduced, except for the
project goals.
4: Identify
Not applicable to the goal of the stage, nor the expertise area of the
5: Generate Utility
L1: QA Questions
Questions are elaborated only with model-related QA.
Utility Tree (UT)
The term “node” replaces “scenario”, to avoid glossary issues with APS-
RA. The step goals are the same as in the original.
6: Analyze
List of tactics.
Participants search for Design Decisions (DD) that directly or indirectly
affect the model-related QA. Vague decisions become potential risks,
while measurable ones become sensibility points.
Risks, sensibilities
and trade-offs.
L2: Tactics
Questions are performed over the, and aim to find risks and sensibility
points on the UT nodes.
7: Brainstorm and
rank scenarios.
L2: Prioritized
Due to the focus of the stage, generating new scenarios would not
produce new results, and would not engage the participants.
8: Analyze
Compare nodes and
Since the level 2 scenarios are not generated, this step is not applicable.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
to use an equivalent output that allows studying the
same concept mechanisms to implement QA but
on the models, instead of the software.
Design Decisions (DD) are structural choices
made when planning and developing a model that
improve or hinder its relation with the APS, and
which QA can be applied. In some cases, DD are
also related to the software. For example, a model
that uses a heuristic solving approach, in which both
the model and the solver are the same; therefore,
their development affect the whole project. Vague
DD can become risks for the systems, and those
measurable can be identified as sensibility, while
those affect differently each QA represent trade-offs.
DDs related to the software can be identified by
the expertise of SAS, while those applicable to
models need to be proposed. This acts as variation
points: determining which QA requires a higher
priority towards the applicable DD.
Another modified step is Questions Level 2,
which are asked regarding the DD, aiming to
understand how they affect all the nodes on the UT.
Questions are proposed to discover risks, non-risks,
sensibility points and trade-offs, and are generated
by brainstorming.
Both Questions Level 1 and 2 are classified into
stimuli, events on the model or solver that may cause
changes in the architecture, responses, quantities
related to them, and decisions, aspects that impact
on achieving responses.
Finally, participants generate a list of risks,
sensibility points and trade-offs, and DDs that
enhance a given QA but undermine another are
presented as trade-offs. This output can greatly
improve the development of models, and
synchronize it with the design and architectural
goals established for the APS as a whole. Knowing
which choices can potentially jeopardize the
architecture reduces business risk and time lost
reworking and changing the models or software.
Stage 1 recruited participants are researchers and
professional experts active on planning and
scheduling problems, that have academic and
industrial experience. Steps are performed in the
original order, and starts with the Architect
introducing the APS-RA. Each step is presented as a
task, and before starting, the Architect offers a small
clarification on its goal and process to follow.
5.1 Results
QA Questions is generated first, while participants
engage in a brainstorming regarding the QA.
Questions are obtained in two different ways: they
are explicitly proposed by stakeholders or they are
derived from the generated discussion. This
proportion can be seen in Figure 1. Consequently, 56
questions are generated Examples are:
How much does the solving approach affect the
solutions quality? (Decision)
Which decisions can be taken by the user and
which are automatized? (Stimuli)
Should performance measures vary for each
solving approach or each model? (Response)
How is determined the maximum time a model
can use to execute, with a normal use of
hardware resources? (Response).
This activity helps stakeholders to understand the
concept of QA-originally from SE and foreign to
optimization-, while relating it to the model and its
non-functional qualities. The knowledge built
through this step acts a base for the next activities.
Table 2: ATAM-M outputs, required input data, goals and changes reasoning.
QA Questions
(Level 1)
related QA.
Participants only work with model-related QA.
These changes on the input data are enough to
produce a different result.
Utility Tree
related QA
and FR.
Using FR and QA that only affect the model
produces a UT focused on studying aspects related
to the model. Nodes should still represent use case
implementations, and growth and explorative
Decisions (DD)
UT nodes.
Tactics requires SE knowledge and do not
contemplate particularities of the models, therefore
it is required to identify choices that affect the
model-related QA
DD Questions
(Level 2)
list of DD.
Since the input data has a different focus, the
results of this output also change.
Sensibilities and
DDs, L2
DD can be applied on the models, while tactics are
SE-concepts pertinent to the architecture.
Improving the Assesment of Advanced Planning Systems by Including Optimization Experts’ Knowledge
Figure 1: Proportion of how questions are obtained.
After that, the UT brainstorming produces 32
nodes, with 7 of them being high rank. They are
either directly proposed, or inferred from a
subsequent discussion of ideas between participants.
In this case, there is the same number of both types.
Since presenting the UT would be too extensive,
Table 3 summarizes only an extract of the results,
highlighting some of the most relevant nodes.
The UT allows to identify situations in which
QA are reflected on the architecture, to study how
they react to the design, if they are enforced or
hindered. Generated nodes can define where the
design priorities are, and which development
precedence exists. During this application of
ATAM-M to APS-RA, stakeholders focus on
maintainability and model exception management.
On the next step, DD are generated upon the
analysis of 10 nodes. 33 DD are identified, but many
of them are applied to several nodes, resulting in 52
nodes-DD relations. Some of them are:
Associate models and solutions.
Consistency check with historical data.
Process monitor during scenarios solving.
Available resources for model solving.
Limiting solver execution parameters.
Create documentation for each model.
With this, 52 Questions Level 2 are generated,
equally proposed as inferred from the brainstorming.
Examples of these are:
Do language semantics limit changes available to
a model? (Decision, risk).
Is the model modifiability affected by the lack of
documentation? (Response, risk).
How much working time is acceptable for a
senior user to learn to manage the solutions
traceability? (Response, sensibility point).
How do error tolerance changes affect the
solutions quality? (Stimuli, trade-off).
These Questions are used to identify a list of risks,
sensibilities and trade-offs for the. From all of them,
almost 61% is associated to at least one risk, 42.5%
to at least one sensibility and 39.4% to at least one
trade-off (see Fig. 2).
As can be seen, a DD can have several aspects. This
makes them similar to tactics, including their
advantages and drawbacks, but associated to models
instead of the software. It also shows that DD are
able to provide models with predefined means to
achieve different sets of goals, simplifying the
decision making process, pointing towards aspects
requiring special consideration during early stages.
Table 3: Extract of relevant nodes for the resulting Utility Tree.
Quality Attributes
Input data
The system reads input data for an
execution, and negative values are
found. The scenario execution is stopped
and the user notified.
A model solver is changed, but it is
transparent for the user. The existent
models do not need changes.
Model updates
Due to changes on the organization the
current models become obsolete.
Changing and adapting them do not
require more than X weeks.
The organization decides to implement a
heuristic method. The solver is
developed ad-hoc in-house, as a module.
Development does not take more than X
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Effect percentage of DDs regarding QA.
5.2 APS-RA Assessment
At the end of Stage 1, the participants assess the
APS-RA, including proposed DDs. They conclude
that APS-RA works as a framework to simplify the
communication between APS and models due to the
wide range of considerations, not limiting the
solving approach to Operation Research, considering
production strategies, and more.
Participants also reflect that the APS-RA
enforces the selected QA, the variations are pre-
planned in order to maximize the interoperability.
They arrive to this conclusion after analyzing the
obtained results, answering the questions they made,
and comparing them to the proposed DD.
However, new possible features for the APS-RA
are elicited. These are considered during the ATAM-
M process, and then included in the RA.
The first discovered featured, named Manage
Restrictions is added as a new FR, impacting on all
views, except the Physical View, as new
components and processes must be included. The
second feature, related to the traceability of
solutions, is added as an extension of two existent
FR, Scenario Generation and Storage. Thus, the
modification to the RA is only seen on the Process
and Scenario View. The documentation of the APS-
RA is modified. Changes are present in the FR,
diagrams, element descriptions, variation points, and
glossary. These FR are detailed on Table 4.
Another aspect included is a variation point
regarding elimination of existent models, objectives
and parameters: they can be completely deleted, or
simply marked as unavailable. This does not impact
the APS-RA beyond reworking the description of
the corresponding FR and components definitions,
but allows the adding traceability to the models, and
reducing chances of inconsistency when keeping
registries related to previous optimization plans.
Minor changes are also suggested, such as
improvements on the FR redaction to clarify
concepts, reduce ambiguity and remove wording that
could imply a choice on a variation point.
5.3 Discussion of Stage 1 Process
In the obtained results, both QA Questions and UT
nodes are focused on the same attributes.
Conclusions are that participants are consistent on
assigning relevance, revealing their interest to study
those attributes. The more frequently addressed QA
are Correctness, Interoperability, Modifiability and
Operability, which correspond to the Stage 1 goal.
DD provide interesting results, as some of them
are related to the software and must be evaluated
during the ATAM-M Stage 2, such as those relevant
to the available hardware resources. Others can be
seen as tactics applied to models, i.e. error tolerance,
exceptions recovery, and execution time. However,
some DD present a parallelism between software
and model elements; e.g., those referred to available
documentation, versioning, and traceability.
During brainstorming, participants directed the
discussion towards one the traceability of models.
Table 4: New requirements added as a result of the evaluation.
Model Aspect
Software Aspect
Subject to the solving approach,
the model should run with some
or none of its restrictions.
For each model, the user should be able to analyze the model
restrictions by using associating those that share the same goal into
'conceptual groups'; this allows him/her to select which groups to
apply to the scenario
on Existent FR
Continuing an interrupted solve
may only be possible on some
If the generation is interrupted or if the execution timed out, the
user should have the option to restart the solving from the last
optimal solution, if exists.
on Existent FR
Traceability is done on the final solution, and/or in the latest
intermediate feasible solution. [...] Solutions should be stored for a
given configurable time before deleted. [...] Each solution should
be linked to the used model configuration, so if a model is updated
the registry will be linked to the older model version
Improving the Assesment of Advanced Planning Systems by Including Optimization Experts’ Knowledge
The main idea proposes that new file versions
should be added, so that the previous ones can still
be related to generated plans, and to provide an
overview of changes done to each model.
This can be understood as Version Control (VC):
the management of changes elements related to the
project, associated to the user that generated it. VC
contributes in many ways to a project, including
definition and tracking of artifacts, teamwork
support, among others (Wu et al., 2004), and using it
during the development of models could contribute
positively to the product evolution, by facilitating
means to analyze release history, track changes and
include the possibility of development performance
measures (Breivold et al., 2012).
Participants also state that, after being part of the
evaluation process, they realize that the steps from
analyzing and developing software are not dissimilar
to those applied on many optimization areas. There
are academic works mentioning the possibility of
generating frameworks to provide a foundation for
future developments, such as ERP implementation,
industrial management and integrated supply chains,
etc. (Stuart et al., 2002), but researches providing
specific proposals are scarce.
Advanced Planning Systems (APS) are spreading
quickly as systems or modules that can automatize
the optimization of production planning problems.
However, there is a lack of Software Engineering
(SE) research associated to them. APS-RA, a
Reference Architecture (RA), has been proposed to
characterize the APS domain, and reduce times and
costs associated to the ad-hoc development of such
systems. However, it has not been evaluated, which
is required to ensure that it facilitates the Quality
Attributes (QA) elicited during analysis.
Evaluating APS-RA has challenges: available
methods do not consider particularities of RA, such
as a higher level of abstraction and a less defined
stakeholder base, and only include participants with
Software Engineering (SE) specific knowledge. This
is an issue, as APS development requires software
developers and process optimization experts to
implement both the system and models.
Therefore, this article introduces ATAM-M, an
evaluation methodology based on the Architecture
Trade-off Analysis Method performed in two Stages,
each of them centred on different groups of
stakeholders. This ensures that participants work
within their expertise and focus on aspects of the
APS they value the most, while considering specific
interests and points of views, shaping the results.
Stage 1 participants are process optimization
experts and planners. Steps and outputs are tailored
to fit their expertise, avoiding working on specific
SE concepts, or analysing architectonic qualities that
are the focus of Stage 2. A number of academics and
professionals with previous work on the area are
invited to take part of the process.
ATAM-M outputs includes novel proposals, but
the most relevant are Design Decisions (DDs):
structural choices decided when planning and
developing a model, that can improve or hinder its
interoperability with the APS, and which QA can be
applied. DDs obtained during the evaluation present
a parallelism with the concept of tactics,
representing solutions to similar problems, but
applicable to the models within the APS. DDs can
also represent risks, sensibilities or trade-offs.
Producing these lists can reduce design times and
costs, as they provide a foundation analysis on how
choices will affect the QA related to the models.
As a result, ATAM-M Stage 1 includes
participants with background not related to SE, and
obtains a valuable evaluation using the participants’
expertise and obtaining rich conclusions.
The application of Stage 1 assessment concludes
favourably for the APS-RA, enabling Stage 2, a
more traditional architectonical evaluation. Also,
during the brainstorming, two requirements are
elicited: one is a new FR, while the other is added to
existing FR, and only produces description changes.
Finally, participants detect a number of SE
concepts and their possible applicability to the
development of optimization models, e.g., using
version control when working with models, in order
to add traceability and improve teamwork.
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