als provide contextualized instructions and operate in
component UI. As our study indicates, the proposed
explanation techniques help users to be aware of and
to understand the capabilities of mashups.
Development and usage of CWA are still cumber-
some tasks for non-programmers, for example, when
it comes to awareness of IWC and to understanding
the composite nature of the functionality of unfamil-
iar CWA. Prevalent mashup platforms offer no or very
limited assistance in this regard, resulting in trial and
error strategies of non-programmers.
Our model-driven mashup platform is character-
ized by interwoven runtime and development time
and a palette of EUD tools that aim to overcome lim-
itations of current mashup platforms. In this paper,
we describe the iterative design process of our novel
explanation and awareness techniques. It is based on
scenarios and insights gained from early concepts as
well as corresponding prototypes and user studies. As
a result, we introduce our generic approach for ex-
plaining the functionality of arbitrary CWA. Utilizing
component capabilities and their view bindings, we
visualize directly within the component UI what sin-
gle components are capable of and which interactions
users have to perform. This is the foundation for ex-
plaining the capabilities of a mashup, which are deter-
mined by component interplay through IWC. Besides
an overview panel of mashup capabilities, step-wise
tutorials are generated and are interactively and ani-
matedly presented to non-programmers. In addition,
we propose to re-use the visualization and interaction
techniques to make users aware of IWC when it oc-
curs at run time, and to allow them to investigate the
effects of recommendations. As we discussed, there
are limitations to our concepts. However, our evalua-
tion indicates that the proposed approach can actually
help non-programmers in understanding CWA.
Future work includes performing the next cycle in
our user-centered design process, i. e., to incorporate
feedback and lessons learned in the current prototype
and evaluate the next iteration on a larger scale. In
addition, we strive to use the live view for composi-
tion tasks, utilizing basic visualization concepts pre-
sented in this paper. Future research directions in-
clude a question answering system supporting non-
programmers to debug a composite web application.
The work of Carsten Radeck is funded by the Euro-
pean Union and the Free State of Saxony within the
EFRE program. Thanks to Johannes Pflugmacher and
Konrad Michalik for their valuable contributions.
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Helping Non-programmers to Understand the Functionality of Composite Web Applications