Wireless Power Transmission in Smart Cities: The wIshood
Wireless Smart Neighborhood
Genaro Longoria, Fayaz Akhtar and Lei Shi
Telecommunications Systems and Software Group, Waterford Institute of Technology, Carriganore, Co. Waterford, Ireland
Control Engineering, Scheduling, Smart City, Smart Neighborhood, Wireless Power Transmission, wIshood.
Wireless power transmission (WPT) of scale is the next step in power electronics. In this paper, we propose
the Wireless Smart Neighborhood (wIshood). The idea presented serves smart city planners and developers to
consider the future societal impacts of current and expected technological advancement. The wIshood merges
ICT, IoT, CC, SDN and WPT to propose a solution to foster the creation and growth of the building blocks of
modern societies. We outline the architecture and challenges of wireless smart neighborhoods. The wIshood
is a solution to electricity congestion and deployment costs of transmission and distribution infrastructure.
In the recent past, city planners have been busy
resolving the best trade-off among mobility, green
zones and residential and commercial expansion. To
address these conflict-of-interest problems, techno-
logical breakthroughs will be fundamental for fu-
ture smart city planning. At a careful but steady
pace, modern cities are embracing the information
and communication developments. Products and ser-
vices, from technological innovations, will become
ubiquitous in future smart cities. From rural to ur-
ban, industrial to residential and the overlap, Wireless
Power Transmission (WPT), the Internet of things
(IoT) and Information and Communication Technolo-
gies (ICT) will become a cornerstone in the design of
new and growth of human settlements.
The evolution towards smart environments is be-
ing welcomed by society. Nowadays it is com-
monplace for cities to be equipped with free WiFi
hotspots, real-time traffic information and safety
surveillance, to mention a few. In this respect, cre-
ativity driven and farsighted governments are playing
a crucial role to speedup the technological evolution
of the city. For example, Pervasive Nation, a pub-
lic funded initiative, is empowering academia and en-
trepreneurs to develop and implement an IoT testbed
of scale in Dublin city (PervasiveNation, 2016). With
the ever-increasing services and cloud connectivity,
IoT devices are set to pervade all aspects of our daily
lives. Thereby revolutionizing a broad range of appli-
cations in a variety of domains, such as healthcare,
home automation, transportation, intelligent energy
management and smart grids (Bellavista et al., 2013).
Neighborhoods form an important building block
of every city. Nevertheless, presently they have a
passive rather than active role in the progress of the
city. In a top-down manner, technology is percolating
into neighborhoods. In smart cities, legislation is re-
quiring a change of old practices towards an efficient
use of resources. Nevertheless, electricity distribution
still relies on cables for its delivery.
In this paper we propose the wireless smart neigh-
borhood: The wIshood
. The novelty of the wIs-
hood is that households use WPT for electricity sup-
ply. The energy is wirelessly supplied from a local
renewable power station (RPS). Although, still in an
early stage, wireless power transmission is gaining
momentum. Both, industry and academia know that
WPT will be the solution to a variety of problems.
With WPT, the wIshood has three major advantages
to positively contribute to the smart city. Firstly, the
increase of renewable electricity integration decreases
fossil-fuels dependence. Secondly, city growth will
have a lesser impact on the distribution and trans-
mission capacity. Lastly, the wIshood will promote
industrial investment by reducing transmission con-
gestions hence lowering marginal energy prices. The
wIshood exploits the edge cloud paradigm. The dis-
tributed architecture supports heterogeneous IoT de-
vices, scheduling, information, processing and con-
trol of energy supply and demand for households.
Pronounced as wiz-hood
Longoria, G., Akhtar, F. and Shi, L.
Wireless Power Transmission in Smart Cities: The wIshood - Wireless Smart Neighborhood.
DOI: 10.5220/0006364003170322
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2017), pages 317-322
ISBN: 978-989-758-241-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The reminder of the paper is organized as follows.
In section 2, we do a brief outline of related litera-
ture. In section 3, we present the architecture of the
wIshood. In section 4, we outline the challenges to be
addressed by the research community. Lastly, section
5 summarizes the work presented.
The Smart city is a green field for research. Although,
there are ingenious attempts of materializing some of
the conceptual designs, technological progress is con-
stantly and at a faster pace widening the possibilities.
For the reader interested in a survey of Smart City ar-
chitectures, Kyriazopoulou recently presented a thor-
ough literature review on the topic (Kyriazopoulou,
The work of Akcin et al., describes passive and
active solutions to problems associated with popu-
lation expansion and urbanization. Among the ac-
tive methods, they comment on improving traffic flow
with road-side sensors. On the passive approach, e.g.,
they presented a Swedish study on natural ventilation
of cities to reduce the power for cooling buildings
(Akcin et al., 2016).
Reducing the peak-to-average ratio (PAR), hence
balancing the load curve, is one of the main goals of
demand side management (Cakmak and Altas, 2016),
(Yoon et al., 2014), (Liu et al., 2014), (Zhu et al.,
2015). For instance, Cakmak and Altas, developed an
Cuckoo search algorithm (CSA) to address the prob-
lem of appliance scheduling in a neighborhood. The
approach is oriented to increase the efficiency of elec-
tricity supply and demand. The algorithm minimizes
the objective function of the tradeoff of shiftable loads
scheduling and consumer satisfaction by means of fi-
nancial benefits. They showed the CSA scheduling
reduced the PAR from 3.27 to 2.53 (Cakmak and Al-
tas, 2016).
Smart metering of electricity, in smart homes, was
described in the work of Pingle et al. They used an
Arduino mote to gather data from the IoT equipped
appliance. The raw data, in amperes, was processed in
the cloud to output watts and finally sent to the user’s
mobile phone. They commented on the implications
and advantages for the end user of real time informa-
tion on energy bill savings (Pingle et al., 2016).
Presently, the four most common technologies for
wireless power transmission are: 1. Electromagnetic
radiation; 2. Inductive coupling; 3. Magnetic resonant
coupling; and 4. Acoustic waves (Shinohara, 2014).
Antennas alignment is one of the major concerns in
WPT applications. A Planar Archimedean Coil was
SDN, CRN, Encrypted Tunneling, IPsec, MQTT protocol
Data Integrity, Security, Data Mining and Analytics
Coordination, Safety
Energy Analytics, Fair Distribution
Load Smoothing, GUI
Figure 1: Layered architecture of the wIshood.
proposed to overcome misalignment between trans-
mitter and receiver (Feenaghty and Dahle, 2016).
Imura et al., summarized the WPT requirements for
electric vehicles (EV) charging in Japan. They de-
scribed a road infrastructure for WPT to provide a so-
lution to the problem of long-distance traveling with
EV (Imura et al., 2016). Recently, Jian et al., pre-
sented a proof of concept of WPT with inductive cou-
pling. In their laboratory setup, they wireless trans-
fered electricity from a renewable source to a load
with a pivoting antenna (Jian et al., 2016). Although,
long distance WPT over free space is feasible (Ma
et al., 2016), WPT over long distances among obsta-
cle rich environments is currently a topic of research.
The layered architecture of the wIshood is shown in
Fig. 1. It is composed of five layers: scheduling,
information, communication, processing and control.
Each household has IoT deployments of metering
sensors, actuators, appliances and power switches.
The functions of the IoT devices is to provide the
hardware for data collection and communication. Ma-
chine learning and control theory will serve as the
foundations of the Processing layer (Tobar et al.,
2014). Finally, the control layer manages the energy
distribution infrastructure; which is composed of the
RPS transmitter antenna and the households’ receiver
3.1 Communication
The fundamental task of the Communication layer
is to ensure that the two way transfer of data from
heterogeneous IoT motes and the edge-cloud is done
in an efficient and secure way. We propose a Soft-
ware Defined Network (SDN) and Cognitive Radio
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Figure 2: Communications are between IoT to gateways,
gateways to edge-clouds and between edge-clouds.
Networks (Khan et al., 2016) to manage and trans-
fer data from gateways (e.g., switches and routers) at
each household to the edge-cloud; where the process-
ing and decision making takes place.
The control of the queueing networks is done with
a Lyapunov optimization algorithm (Samarakoon
et al., 2016). To account for bandwidth bottlenecks
and latency we adopt the Message Queue Telemetry
Transport protocol (Jo and Jin, 2015). Figure 2, rep-
resents a high level communication view of the ar-
chitecture. The data generated by the smart houses,
RPS, weather forecast module and storage is chan-
nelled through gateways to the edge-cloud. IPsec tun-
neling is the cryptographic protocol of the communi-
cations network.
3.2 Information
The acquisition of the sheer amount of high-speed
data, constantly generated from smart homes, is a sig-
nificant task upon storage and analysis (Beckel et al.,
2014). The Information layer resides in the edge-
cloud, we adopt the integrated IoT Big Data Analytics
framework (Bashir and Gill, 2016).
The principal functionality is to make the data ac-
cessible to the Scheduling, Processing and Control
layers. A major task is to assure data integrity and
security. At this layer, a first phase of data mining is
implemented to eliminate redundant and non useful
values. Thus, reducing the strain upon and bandwidth
required by the Communication layer.
The stored data is fetched by the algorithms in the
Processing phase. Figure 3, shows the flow of infor-
mation among the IoT devices, cloud, Processing and
Control layers. Dashed lines symbolize the WSN; red
lines, power transmission and black lines, wired com-
3.3 Scheduling
The scheduling layer positively exploits the flexibil-
ity of load shifting. The work of Liu et al., catego-
rized appliances as: 1. Shiftable; 2. Throttleable; and
3. Essential (Liu et al., 2014). Appliances such as
dishwashers and laundry machines can be assigned
a time slot to run. HVAC (heating, ventilation and
air condition), although have rigid operation peri-
ods, are flexible to power adjustments within pre-
defined ranges. A graphical user interface (GUI) is
implemented for individuals to submit their desired
scheduling of shiftable and operation ranges for throt-
tleable devices. The output of the Scheduling layer
is sent to the Processing layer (see §3.4). The latter
analyzes the available resources and the energy de-
mand. In case of mismatches, alternative scheduling
arrangements are feedback to the households.
3.4 Processing
The processing layer, addresses the competing ne-
cessities of each household, proposes alternative sce-
narios to conflict-of-interest problems and determines
tradeoff solutions between divergent goals. The func-
tions of this layer are to perform the energy analytics
and provide feedback when supply cannot meet de-
mand. We use a ”divide and conquer” methodology
to approach the non-linearity, uncertainty and highly
coupled interactions in the wIshood.
The input, is the data from the information layer.
Feedback is sent back to the scheduling layer. The
processing unit integrates demand side management,
energy generation and storage to optimize energy dis-
patch to the neighborhood. This layer provides a so-
lution to the task of fair distribution of a scarce re-
source in a heterogeneous demand environment. To
address this challenge, the functionalities of the pro-
cessing layer include machine learning, optimization
and forecasting algorithms.
A Kohonen self-organized network is used to re-
duces the dimensionality of the data. Then a Hidden
Markov Model serves to classify the massive amount
of sensor data; to be gathered and transfered by the
IoT infrastructure. The HMM function is to deter-
mine clusters and patterns in the data. The output of
the HMM is sent to the optimization module (OM).
The functions of the OM, are twofold: 1. Mini-
mize the cost function of the wIshood energy distri-
bution; and 2. Operate the RPS and storage infras-
tructure. The cost function takes into account individ-
uals satisfaction, energy availability, weather forecast
and storage levels. The feedback to the scheduling
layer is the output of the optimization module. The
algorithm is composed of two phases: 1. Optimiza-
tion with given and foreseen conditions; and 2. Search
of alternative scheduling scenarios whenever the de-
mand surpasses the local supply. The feedback is sent
back to the household individuals to accept the pro-
Wireless Power Transmission in Smart Cities: The wIshood - Wireless Smart Neighborhood
posed changes or proceed with the original scenario;
albeit requiring to buy electricity from elsewhere, e.g.
the national grid. The latter functionality of the OM is
to operate the RPS excess energy generation. This is
done mainly through management of the centralized
and distributed storage devices.
The weather forecast module objective is to pro-
vide support to the OM tasks. It is composed of two
parallel processes. Firstly, an artificial neural net-
work (ANN) algorithm performs fast, real-time and
on-demand estimations of short-term (i.e., hours to
a couple of days) weather conditions. Secondly, the
forecast layer is connected to a national weather fore-
cast system. This second process provides the nec-
essary information for decision-making of long-range
(i.e, weekly) estimates.
3.5 Control
The control layer principal tasks are: 1. Coordinate
the commands sent from the processing layer; and
2. Guarantee the safety operation of the RPS, electric-
ity distribution and storage infrastructure. The control
layer receives input from the processing and commu-
nication layers. The output is the dispatch of energy
from the RPS and central storage to the households
appliances, storage facilities, centralized storage and
into the national grid.
The backbone of the control layer are Adaptive
Robust Control Theory and Kalman filtering. The de-
sign of the controller takes into account the uncertain
events occurring in the wIshood, e.g., trucks block-
ing wireless communication or infrastructure failure.
The metering devices constantly update the controller
of the electricity distributed over the wIshood. The
Kalman filter is a final preprocessing phase of the me-
tering data before the control adapts to the changes of
the environment.
The wIshood ecosystem (see Fig. 3) poses a myriad
of challenges to be addressed by the research com-
munity. In the following we mention a few of the vast
possibilities and from different domains of expertise.
4.1 Wireless Power Transmission
Electricity transmission of domestic scale is by far the
most complex aspect to be addressed. Although suc-
cessful attempts of long distance WPT have been ac-
complished, they have been based on a free space en-
vironment (Ma et al., 2016). WPT attenuation is due
mainly to obstacles between source and destination
and atmospheric losses. Frequency spectrum can be
selected to minimize the latter although it should also
take into account interference with existing commu-
nication bands (Imura et al., 2016).
The design of transmitter and receiver coupling
systems is highly dependent of the material of the
core. Presently, the core is made of composite fer-
rite materials such as Mn-Zn and Ni-Zn. The former
is mostly employed because of its electric properties.
Nevertheless, a mayor concern of core manufacture
is scalability. Firstly, ferrite material are brittle and
prone to breakdown as size increases. Secondly, the
high permittivity of Mn-Zn leads to intense electric
fields in discontinuities. Thus, arching or discharge
occurs even in the presence of high dielectric mate-
rials. Lastly, frequency selection has a direct impact
upon the permittivity of the ferrite material and hence
the ability to guide the electric flux (McLean and Sut-
ton, 2016).
4.2 Heterogeneous IoT
It is common to employ IoT motes from a variety of
vendors. Hence, the data gathered, from these de-
vices, cannot be used directly and must be converted
into a standard form. Moreover, employing IoT in
large sets can also result in spectrum scarcity. IoTs
often employ unlicensed spectrum. To account for
band saturation smart IoT should have cognitive ca-
pabilities i.e., dynamically switch between different
Efficient bandwidth allocation techniques are of
paramount importance (Khan et al., 2016). Dense de-
ployment of IoT motes in a specific area can result
in severe bandwidth constraints. This is due to the
fact that IoT motes are, at a high-speed, continuously
transmitting data to a shared infrastructure and using
same unlicensed spectral bands. Bandwidth alloca-
tion, to the massive number of devices, poses strin-
gent constraints to current communication protocols.
4.3 Security
The lessons learned from recent IoT hacks makes
security of utmost importance. Coordinating secu-
rity mechanisms (e.g., software updates, malware de-
tection and identity management) present real con-
straints in highly federated environments. Security or-
chestration in the wIshood must incorporates threats
aware mechanisms from IoT but also from cloud com-
puting and SDN perspective.
SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
IoT Appliances
Smart Grid
Smart Home
Edge Cloud
Cloud Computing
Cloud Storage
Figure 3: Topology of the wIshood’s architecture. It is formed by the scheduling, information, communication, processing
and control layers. The RPS supplies energy to the households using WPT technology.
4.4 Energy-Harvesting-Aware Robust
To efficiently exploit energy sources, robust com-
munication protocols are also vital. Although such
protocols have been thoroughly explored for conven-
tional energy-harvesting sensor networks, they can-
not be adopted for smart homes because of its unique
challenges. Exclusive communication protocols and
standards must be designed (Hou et al., 2016) for
commercialization of reliable and customizable im-
4.5 Efficient Power Management
Scavenged energy requires effective power manage-
ment among household appliances. We considered
two cases 1. Energy generated by RPS is less than
real-time demand; and 2. Power production is greater
than demand. Thus, to address these scenarios, effi-
cient utilization and fair distribution of energy algo-
rithms need to be designed.
In the former, the energy should be fairly dis-
tributed among the households. A key aspect of
power orchestration is the time allocation for running
different appliances. For any excess power require-
ments the energy could be obtained from the smart
grid (see Fig. 3). In the second scenario, if the en-
ergy produced is more than required, the excess en-
ergy could be stored for later use or re-routed toward
other areas, e.g., sold to the smart grid. Thus, research
effort should go into coupling wake-up scheduling
schemes with harvesting schemes to ensure quality of
service requirements.
Apart from dispatch specific issues, energy trad-
ing with third parties must be taken into considera-
tion. This implies a Credits scheme for energy trading
between neighborhoods in different periods of time.
The dispatch algorithm should also take into account
the best time for selling electricity to the smart grid.
4.6 Appliances Management
A principal challenge of the processing layer is to
provide an optimized schedule of energy consump-
tion. The cost function of the optimization algorithm
will also take into consideration the users defined pa-
rameters for the shiftable, throttleable or essential ap-
pliances. The unsupervised learning algorithm pro-
poses better scheduling based on previous data and
recent consumption trends. The complexities of the
non-linearities among IoT devices, household pref-
erences and uncertainties call for adaptable models,
faster learning and optimization algorithms.
This work presented a new framework of future smart
neighborhoods, the wIshood. The wIshood advances
the state-of-the-art of smart cities with an infrastruc-
Wireless Power Transmission in Smart Cities: The wIshood - Wireless Smart Neighborhood
ture for wireless transmission of electricity for res-
idential needs. Within the wIshood, the energy is
generated, stored and dispatched to the households.
We envision, an intensive deployment of IoT devices,
cloud computing and a wireless power transmission
of scale. This paper outlined the architectural founda-
tion and algorithms to address the challenges of such
an ecosystem.
Future work intends to simulate components of
the wIshood architecture. We plan to develop two al-
gorithms. Firstly, a reduction of household data to
stream to the Information layer. Secondly, a Recur-
rent Neural Network for energy demand forecasting.
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SMARTGREENS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems