offloading and mapping process of workflows. A
genetic algorithm based task offloading method is
proposed by carefully modifying parts of a generic
GA to suit our needs for the stated problem. We test
the proposed algorithm on several random generated
workflows. Simulation results shows the proposed
algorithm can achieve a near-optimal energy and cost
minimization task offloading strategy with the
workflow deadline and data placement constraints
Fog computing is a new computing paradigm
which brings resource close to users to improve user
experience (Bonomi, 2012). However, its distributed
and heterogeneous nature can bring in uncertainty
during workflow execution which will harm the
reliability of scientific computation. The extended
work could be to efficiently organize the resource,
handle the intermediate data placement and storage
issue to support workflow execution in fog computing.
This work was supported by the Key Program of
Research and Development of
China (2016YFC0800803), the National Natural
Science Foundation, China (No.61572162,
61572251). Jidong Ge is the corresponding author.
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