events by dynamic adaptations on service level, uti-
lizing the possibilities of the local operational field,
the local fog/edge and the global cloud. A new fog-
oriented approach is described, showing how an ad-
equate degree of reliability and flexibility is possible
under dynamic changes. For this purpose, an event
property model (“bubble model”), a multi-criterial
evaluation metric and two extensions to already ex-
isting algorithmic approaches are shown, which re-
alize operations of service structure adaptation. The
method is tested under realistic conditions by an ap-
plication example from the field of process engineer-
ing. Within two case studies and software simula-
tions, the concept is evaluated and quantitative results
are gained. The results show, that both of the de-
scribed algorithmic extensions are able to extend the
RFI against non-adaptive approaches. Further inves-
tigations are needed to learn more about mutual re-
actions between both algorithms and different CPPS-
specific cases.
This work is supported by the Baden-Wuerttemberg
Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK)
within the scope of Cooperative Research Training
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