Organizational Training within Digital Transformation:
The ToOW Model
Maria João Ferreira
, Fernando Moreira
and Isabel Seruca
Universidade Portucalense, DEGI, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 541, Porto, Portugal
Portucalense Institute for Legal Research IJP, Porto, Portugal
Universidade Aveiro, IEETA, Aveiro, Portugal
Centro Algoritmi, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Keywords: Digital Transformation, Social Media Tools, Organizational Training.
Abstract: Information systems and technologies (IST) are the essence of up-to date organizations, and changes in this
field are occurring at an uncontrollable pace, interrupting traditional business models and forcing
organisations to implement new models of business. Social media tools represent a subset of these
technologies that contribute to digital transformation (DT) of organizations and which are already used within
organizational training contexts. However, the adoption of social media tools, by itself, does not guarantee
such a transformation; changes in the organization’s culture and behaviour are also needed. Taking advantage
of the DT technology enablers and realising the need for updated approaches to address organizational
workers’ training, we propose a model to guide organizational training within DT. The model, called Training
of Organizational Workers (ToOW), addresses the 2nd layer of the mobile Create, Share, Document and
Training (m_CSDT) framework formerly described. The advantages foreseen for the model usage are two-
fold. On the one hand, the model acknowledges the crucial role that an organization plays in promoting a
culture of continuous learning/training of its employees; on the other hand, the model provides guidance on
setting up the training strategies and activities, as well as on the monitoring of training results achieved, which
are measured according to the performance metrics considered within the organizational strategy.
It is widely acknowledged that organizations have
suffered a large evolution at the social, economic and
technological levels where the traditional barriers of
transferring information and knowledge have been
progressively eliminated. This evolution allowed the
elimination of silos, the breaking down of hierarchies,
the connection of internal and external stakeholders
and the empowering of employees (Berkman, 2014).
In this context, the integration of technological
innovations, such as Big Data Analytics, Cloud
Computing, Mobile Connectivity, and Social, the
four pillars of digital transformation (DT), in business
practice can enable significant competitive advantage
(Uhl and Gollenia, 2016).
According to Earley Information Science (2016)
DT is today a top priority for executives, being that
(1) 125000 enterprises expect revenue from their
digital initiatives to increase by 80% by 2020; (2) DT
initiatives will more than double by 2020, from 22%
to almost 50% and, (3) only 27% of businesses have
a coherent digital strategy for creating customer value
in place.
The main purpose of digital transformation is to
obtain benefits of digital technologies, such as
productivity improvements, cost reductions and
innovation (Hess et al., 2016). Nevertheless, as stated
in (Miller, 2016), for these results to be achieved, a
total organizational commitment is required.
To this extent, Hinchcliffe (2016) points out that
“…because digital itself is so intangible…. It’s often
even harder to understand the diverse needs,
perspectives, and skill gaps of the people that have to
change along with the technology”. Hence, it may be
assumed that continuous education/training is an
imperative in the organizational context.
Continuous education/training may be seen as the
process of identifying and implementing professional
skills, enabled by new scientific and technological
knowledge and implemented in an organisational
context, to address new professional needs.
Ferreira, M., Moreira, F. and Seruca, I.
Organizational Training within Digital Transformation: The ToOW Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0006366105260532
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 526-532
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Professionals need new life-long learning approaches
to assist them in keeping up with the rhythm of
technological change that requires a continuous
update of the learning contents, learning processes
and delivery approaches of developing training
(Kadiri et al., 2016).
The learning mechanisms require an immediate
update, putting people, particularly the organizational
workers, in the centre of the flow of knowledge and,
changing the traditional learning to experimental,
social and data-driven learning. This update will
allow new knowledge to be acquired more quickly
and to be more adapted to the Generation Y (those
born in 1980 or later) that constitutes 75% of the
world’s current labour force (Uhl and Gollenia,
Taking advantage of the DT technology enablers
and realising the need for updated approaches to
address organizational workers’ training, we propose
a model Training of Organizational Workers
(ToOW) for the 2
layer of the mobile Create,
Share, Document and Training (m_CSDT)
framework formerly described in (Ferreira et al.,
2014; Ferreira et al., 2015).
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2
describes the new technology trends for organizations
while engaging in digital transformation. Section 3
provides a summary of the use of social media tools
by organizattions in several contexts and discusses
their particular use for organizational training
ativities. Section 4 presents our model contribution to
address the gaps identified, supporting the education
and training of organizational workers. Finally,
Section 5 concludes with a summary of our
achievements and directions for future work.
2.1 Digital Transformation
The definition of digital transformation (DT) is not
consensual among the stakeholders involved in this
issue, particularly in organizations, leading to several
perspectives of what it really means. These
perspectives range from a focus on technology, to
digital customer engagement, to new digital business
models and so on. The lack of clarity often results in
piecemeal initiatives, missed opportunities and false
starts in the organization digitalization. According to
Solis (2017) DT may be defined as the realignment
of, or new investment in, technology, business models,
and processes to drive new value for customers and
employees and more effectively compete in an ever-
changing digital economy
Following this line of reasoning, from the
organizations’ point of view, DT can be seen as a
deep and accelerating transformation with regard to
processes, activities, competences and models, in
order to take advantage of the changes and
opportunities offered by the inclusion of digital
technologies into an organization.
On the other hand, Uhl and Gollenia (2016) enrich
the DT concept, arguing that the adoption of
technology-based change is focused on four
technology enablers: (1) cloud, (2) mobile, (3) social,
and (4) big data - analytics. Hence, DT draws on these
four pillars to place a business context over the
technologies, while taking advantage of them to
support innovation.
2.2 Big Data Analytics
As discussed in (Chen et al., 2014), on the one hand
Big data is considered an abstract concept and, on the
other hand, the academic and industrial communities
have different views on the definition (Team O. R.,
2011; Laney, 2001). However, some definitions have
appeared over time, namely by Apache Hadoop,
IBM, McKinsey & Company and IDC. The first
definition was though introduced by Doug Laney
(2001), where he presents the 3Vs model (Volume
great volume, Velocity rapid generation, and
Variety various modalities). In 2012 the 3Vs model
evolves to a 4Vs model with the inclusion of Value
(huge value but very low density).
Despite the added value that Big Data presents in
responding to new requests, some of the existing
challenges need to be addressed. In (Agrawal et al.
2012) eight challenges are presented. Within our
contribution, we place special emphasis on the
challenge identified by these authors as "Analytical
mechanism", since it will be tackled in the solution
proposed in Section 4.
2.3 Cloud Computing
The basic definition of cloud computing can be found
in (Armbrust et al. 2010) and is given asCloud
computing refers to both the applications delivered as
services over the Internet and the hardware and
systems software in the data centers that provide
those services. The services themselves have long
been referred to as Software as a Service (SaaS).
Some vendors use terms such as IaaS (Infrastructure
Organizational Training within Digital Transformation: The ToOW Model
as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service) to
describe their products.
This new paradigm is supported by a set of
vendors such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft.
Microsoft offers SaaS, PaaS and IaaS cloud packages
to end users (Amato et al., 2013). Some of the
significant benefits of cloud computing include
device and location independence, 24x7 support,
lower total cost of ownership (TCO), reliability,
scalability, sustainability, agile deployment, lower
capital expenditure and a single infrastructure to fulfil
all computing, networking and storage needs for
various applications.
2.4 Mobile Connectivity
Mobile devices and connections grew in 2013 to 7
billion, and will grow to 50 billion by 2020 (Reddi
and Zhu, 2017). Not only the devices are targeted by
this growth, but also the volume of mobile Web
traffic, which often exceeds the "traditional" Web
This massive use of mobility devices through the
vast amount of applications and services is based on
Mobile computing. Mobile computing is defined in
(Bucki, 2016) as a generic term used to refer to a
variety of devices that allow people to access data
and information from where ever they are. Sometimes
referred to as "human-computer interaction," mobile
computing transports data, voice and video over a
network via a mobile device.”
The growth of the mobile computing market
allows access to a wide range of technologies, and the
integration of a variety of environments, such as
cloud computing, social networks, big data
computing and big data analytics.
2.5 Social Business and Social Media
According to (Bharadwaj et al., 2013), digital
technologies are transforming the relations of the
digital structure, regarding the spaces of action of
customers and companies, due to social media and
social networks. The social business concept
encompasses two directions, the resolution of social
problems and, in a broader perspective, allowing a
transformation of organizations so as to turn them
more agile and more resilient.
Hence, Social Business may be regarded as a
popular tendency that is revolutionizing
organizational work and generating value for all of its
elements, i.e. employees, customers, partners and
suppliers. It means that all departments in an
organization integrate their social capabilities into
traditional business processes (Dorn el al., 2007) to
change the way of working in order to create value.
This view is reinforced by (Bharadwaj et al., 2013) as
they state that "digital business strategy is simply that
of organizational strategy formulated and executed
by leveraging digital resources to create differential
value.” These authors also defined three indicators to
assess this added value: “(1) going beyond the
traditional view; (2) going beyond systems and
technologies; and (3) explicitly linking digital
business strategy to creating differential business
3.1 The Use of Social Media Tools in
There is a growing number of reports of use of social
media tools in organizations. In this section, we
provide only an example, but we can find out several
more (Hummer (Hansen and Sia, 2015), LEGO
(Sawy et al., 2016)) that are focused on the
companies’ digital transformation efforts.
Starbucks is a multinational company with more
than 20,000 stores worldwide, headquartered in
Seattle, USA. In 2009, Starbucks, after a poor
performance and share price value, which was cut in
half, focused its digital strategy to re-establish the
connection with its customers (Fitzgerald et al.,
2013). One of the first measures introduced was to
offer free Wi-Fi in all Starbucks stores, in addition to
free access to The Economist's magazine contents.
Furthermore, an important step in the undergone
digital transformation was to restructure teams to
collaborate from the start of projects. By that time, the
company was able to reduce 10 seconds in the
processing of each card transaction, reducing the total
service time by 900,000 hours, considering 3 million
mobile payments per week.
The use of social media tools, in addition to other
technologies, changed customer relationships,
operations, and the business model, leading to
increased customer relationships; as a result, the
Starbucks company shares value increased from $8 in
2009, to nearly $73 in July 2013.
Internal communication also benefited from this
strategy of use of social media tools; to that extent,
the company’s CIO remarked that social business
tools and processes had transformed the company's
innovation culture, helping it develop products and
understand risks as rapidly as new markets
emerged.” (Fitzgerald et al., 2013).
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.2 The Use of Social Media Tools in
This section reviews some scenario attempts found in
the literature to use social media tools within a
training context.
Mamaqi (2015) argues that informal learning or
training can today be considered as one of the most
viable ways for companies to have better-qualified
employees. This author shows that organizations are
increasingly using social media tools for
collaborative learning through informal learning or
workplace training.
To better understand this reality a study was
conducted where the efficiency that the different
modes of training (classroom, social media tools and
traditional training in the workplace) may have in the
performance of the organization was analyzed. The
results of the study showed that there are differences
in training according to job categories; however,
evidence was found that the use of the three training
modes is associated with increased performance.
The international Intensive Programme
Empowering Learning environments in nursing
education (EleneIP) was created by Finland together
with partners from Cyprus, Lithuania and Spain
(Salminen et al., 2016). The goal of EleneIP was to
provide a platform for the use of social media tools in
nursing education, to provide a collaborative learning
environment and to increase technological literacy
among teachers in order to adjust their pedagogical
approaches to new types of apprentices.
Manca and Ranieri (2016) conducted a study
aimed to find empirical evidence on how higher
education teachers are using social media tools for
personal, educational and professional purposes. The
results have shown that the use of these tools is still
rather limited and restricted, and issues like age and
antiquity seem to influence the adoption of these
DT in organizations is already a reality that needs to
be implemented and in some cases. Acknowledging
this context, the m_CSDT framework was formerly
proposed in Ferreira et al., (2015); the framework will
serve as a basis for the model proposal presented in
this paper. In the following sub-sections, the ToOW
model will be described as well as a model usage
scenario, addressing the 2
layer of the m_CSDT
4.1 The Rationale for the Model
As discussed in the previous sections, the need for
digital transformation of organizations, and
consequently, in light of this paradigm, the need to
introduce changes in the conduction of business and
training of employees, are now recognized within the
scientific community and by organizations. However,
new approaches to address this paradigm are needed,
so that guidance may be provided for their
implementation within an organization.
Figure 1: 2
layer ToOW of the m_CSDT framework.
Organizational Training within Digital Transformation: The ToOW Model
Hence, a new contribution is hereby presented,
originating from the work reported in (Ferreira et al.,
2015). The former approach was focused only on the
changes introduced by social business, supported by
social media tools. However, DT, as discussed earlier,
is based on its four pillars discussed in section 2.
Thus, to address this objective taking into
account these four pillars and not just one the former
approach was extended; it consists of a three-tier
framework (m_CSDT), covering: (i) the creation,
sharing and documentation of information and
knowledge in and out of an organization; (ii) training
of organizational workers, and (iii) promotion of ad-
hoc discussion.
As shown in Figure 1, it is possible to consider a
generic approach for the implementation of DT,
based on the four technology enablers mentioned as
well as in the Agility and Collective Intelligence
dimensions. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on the
production of value for the organizational ecosystem.
The ToOW addresses the 2
layer of the
framework, and is presented in Figure 2 as a cyclic
sequence of stages, aiming to use the four pillars of
DT in the definition of training strategies for the
organizational workers, aligned with the
organizational strategy.
Figure 2: The ToOW model.
As depicted in Figure 2, the ToOW model is
designed to train organizational workers supported by
social media tools (3) (see section 3). The training
strategies of the organization (2) are aligned with the
organizational strategy (1) and analytical tools are
used to evaluate the employees training, on the basis
of their performance, according to the defined
organizational strategy (4).
In order to enable a more flexible training scheme,
the model also considers training actions proposed by
employees; however, training attendance will always
be compulsory according to the defined training
strategies (2). The definition / adjustment of the
training strategies (2) should be made in a periodical
basis, so as to pace with the evolution / needs of the
Regarding the use of social media tools, the model
considers a complete set of tools to be used within the
training activities, which can be used inside and
outside the organization, that is, in different learning
contexts. The model is designed in such a way as to
enable training in the classroom, at distance or in
workplace context, in a formal or informal way. In the
case of informal training there will always be, as
shown in Figure 1, an Observer / Facilitator, who will
have a role of moderator on the ongoing training.
As cloud is one of the pillars of DT and social is
one of the others, the use of social media tools located
in the cloud, will allow to consider the ToOW
approach as collaborative learning, as it enables
internal training (Figure 1 Employees) as well as
external training (Figure 1 Nomadic employees),
enabling the interaction and collaboration among the
participants and, thus, the sharing of information
and/or knowledge.
All the training sessions carried out have to be
evaluated so that it can be understood if the
investment made in training employees meet the
needs of the organization and the impact it may have
on organizational processes’ improvement. Hence,
analytics tools one of the pillars of DT will be
used to monitor and compare training results with the
defined metrics goals to improve organizational
The absence of a training culture embedded in the
organization's ecosystem may lead to the failure of
training strategies set for the employees and for the
organization in general. In order to avoid this failure
scenario, the model hereby proposed aims to promote
the development of a culture of lifelong training,
adding value to organizational development and
being central to achieve the objectives defined in the
alignment of the organizational strategy with the
organization training needs.
4.2 A Scenario for the Model Usage
In this section, we outline an application scenario for
a training plan that uses the ToOW model proposed
in this paper. The scenario targets a real estate agency
which seeks to be more agile in its interactions with
customers and sellers, in order to better promote its
properties, while enhancing its selling staff training
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
procedures and staff performance assessment system
(Stage 1, Figure 2).
The corporate website is the main institutional
platform of communication of the agency with its
customers, by advertising the properties offered and
providing further sellers contact information; it is also
from the website that it is possible to access social
media platforms, newsletters and blogs. For internal
communication and training purposes, the agency sets
up an intranet based on cloud computing technology
(e.g. DropBox; Google Drive) for training of its
selling staff (Stage 2, Figure 2). In the intranet, there
is a folder for each property with the property full
description and promotion images, and a video for
guiding the seller with the highlights that should be
focused on the property visits’ with the potential
customers. Virtual reality and/or augmented reality
applications may also be considered for that purpose.
The entire promotion plan for the property
(advertisement in the corporate newsletter, web site
promotion, social media campaigns, special events,
etc.) is also available so that the seller is aware of the
agency sales and marketing strategy regarding that
property; hence, the seller can record what was the
trigger of contact of a customer with the agency
regarding a given property. This folder is shared by
all the sellers in charge of the property’s promotion.
After each property visit or customer interaction, the
seller uses his/her mobile device to fill a spreadsheet
record with the main features of the visit/interaction
and results achieved, which may also involve
updating the property status. After each visit, the
customer is invited to fill an online questionnaire so
as to assess his/her satisfaction on the service level
provided by the seller and agency. The results of all
the questionnaires filled regarding a property are
saved into a spreadsheet available in the property
There is also an institutional blog for the real
estate agency (accessed from the corporate website)
where customers may establish a chat conversation
with the sellers and post comments and questions
about the property as a result of the contacts or visit
they did or even discuss further meetings (Stage 3,
Figure 2).
As the history of all the interactions and
engagements of the seller with customers about a
property is stored, loading a datawarehouse of sellers-
customers interactions, analytic tools may easily be
used to monitor the KPI’s set by the real estate agency
regarding the performance of the seller (Stage 4,
Figure 2). Hence, KPI’s like the number of property
visits promoted, the visits conversion rate, sales
growth, blog engagement, top sellers in sales revenue,
website traffic lead ratio, newsletter signup
conversion rate, customer satisfaction, customer
retention may be measured and contribute to the
seller’s assessment. Depending on the organizational
strategy, some of the KPI’s related with the sellers
performance may be shared among the sellers team,
so as to improve the collective intelligence, generate
useful sales and marketing insights and stimulate
organizational goals achievement. If the assessment
results of sellers are not satisfactory, the reasons may
be analysed and the alignment of organizational
strategy with the training needs may be resettled,
generating a new cycle of application of the ToOW
DT is currently one of the major challenges faced by
organizations and involves a set of highly complex
activities. Within these activities, organization
workers’ learning/training plays a fundamental role
and requires particular attention.
Learning/training of organizational workers
involve restrictions and requirements which were not
considered in formal higher education study
programmes, as training is now targeted to “students”
who have already entered their working life. These
requirements include time expenditures and facilities
costs for the learning/training process. Additionally,
the starting point and expected outcomes of the
learning/training process can differ significantly.
While these new training processes do not fit
within formal education, they can benefit from the
opportunities offered by informal processes of
learning. Acknowledging this new context of
learning/training, the m_CSDT framework referred in
this paper aims to contribute for the implementation
of DT in an organization.
Taking advantage of the DT technology enablers
and realising the need for updated approaches to
address organizational workers’ training, we
extended the m_CSDT framework and proposed the
ToOW model to address the 2
layer of the
The advantages foreseen for the model usage are
two-fold. On the one hand, the model acknowledges
the crucial role that an organization plays in
promoting a culture of continuous learning/training of
its employees; on the other hand, the model provides
guidance on setting up the training strategies and
activities, as well as on the monitoring of training
Organizational Training within Digital Transformation: The ToOW Model
results achieved, which are measured according to the
performance metrics considered within the
organizational strategy.
Future work will include the testing of this model
within a business environment, based on the
experiences obtained with pilot tests performed under
an academic context.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems