sensors previously mentioned (Yao-Jen Chang,
Our research group designs and implements
virtual reality therapies based on serious games.
This paper shows the technical specification of
the rehabilitation system (TELEKIN) under
development by our research group. There are other
virtual reality systems that use Microsoft Kinect
Sensor such as KiRes (Antón D., 2013) and EPIK
(Garrote, et al., 2015), developed by our research
group, among others. Other researchers (Muñoz J.,
2013) (Pirovano M., 2012) also use Kinect based
systems in the physical rehabilitation area. The
difference between these systems previously
mentioned and TELEKIN is that, with this new
system under development, we seek to provide a tool
of support for doctors and therapists to take a more
precise and detailed control of the evolution of the
patients without having to carry out this follow-up on
a face-to-face basis while the patients perform the
rehabilitation sessions. This system is developed in a
modular way, that is to say, you can add new devices
for rehabilitation that will emerge over time.
Currently the system includes Microsoft Kinect v2
and Leap Motion sensors.
2.1 Purpose of the System
The purpose of the system is to encourage patients to
carry out the training whose doctors have
recommended and keep a suitable and personalized
routine for their pathology.
Furthermore, it is intended to offer specialists
(doctors, therapists) a tool to keep track of their
patients’ progress wherever they do the exercises,
either at home or at the medical center.
2.2 Technologies
The system is divided, as will be shown later, in two
different parts: a web platform and a game.
The web platform is programmed using PHP and
jQuery languages, using Bootstrap framework (Team
Bootstrap, s.f.). For the database that feeds the web, a
MySQL language was used.
The game makes use of two devices to catch the
user’s movement:
Microsoft Kinect v2 (Microsoft, s.f.) to catch
users’ body movements.
Leap Motion (Leap Motion, Inc, s.f.) to catch
users’ hands movements.
The game has been programmed with the Unity
( game engine, that allows
developing interactive content for multiplatform
systems (PC, Android, Mac, iOS, Linux, consoles).
The recommended hardware and the software
configurations needed are: Microsoft Kinect sensor
v2, Leap Motion, and a computer running Microsoft
Windows 8 or later with the Kinect and Leap Motion
drivers installed.
2.3 Main Features
The system has been programmed with a clearly
modular design, with the end to make possible to add
new modules in an easy way, with no hard changes
needed in the system parts.
The tool consists of the following modules:
Administrator Web Module: this module is a web
interface with a lateral menu that shows all the actions
that the administrator access level can perform. These
include the management of all users of the medical
center and the configuration of the entire system,
among others. The rest of the actions that this access
level performs are detailed in the following section
(see Account Types section).
Therapist Web Module: this module is similar to
the Administrator Web Module. It shows a web
interface that shows the actions allowed for this
access level (see Account Types section).
Relatives Web Module: this module shows a
summary of the patient´s main data and his evolution
in the different rehabilitation sessions. It can be
accessed by patient’s relatives, once they have the
proper access rights.
Game Module: The game module is a 3d
environment which contains rehabilitation activities
for the patients. It starts with a menu in which the user
must choose his account and play the activities or
games that the therapist has previously assigned. The
patient will be able to do the activities that were
scheduled. The aim of these activities is to achieve
rehabilitation through serious games and patient’s
range of motion measuring.
2.4 Account Types
Depending on the account type, the patient will have
access to different modules and configuration options
within one of them. Each access level grants the user
also to use functions of lower levels, in a hierarchical
manner. The highest level is administrator, followed
by doctor, family and patient.
Administrator´s Account: with an administrator´s
account, you can manage all the users of the system,
configure all the parameters of the system, assign
patients to doctors and create or modify the different
therapies for the patients.