Big Data Analytics Framework for Natural Disaster
Management in Malaysia
Mohammad Fikry Abdullah
, Mardhiah Ibrahim
and Harlisa Zulkifli
Water Resources and Climate Change Research Centre,
National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Malaysia
Information Management Division, National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Malaysia
Keywords: Big Data Analytics, Disaster Management, Decision Making, Hydroclimate, Government, Public Sector, Big
Data Framework.
Abstract: Decision making in natural disaster management has its own challenge that needs to be tackled. In times of
disaster, government as a response organisation must conduct timely and accurate decisions to ensure rapid
assistance and effective recovery for the victim involved can be conducted. The aim of this paper is to embark
strategic decision making in government concerning to disaster management through Big Data Analytics
(BDA) approach. BDA technology is integrated as a solution to manage, utilise, maximise, and expose insight
of climate change data for dealing water related natural disaster. NAHRIM as a government agency
responsible in conducting research on water and its environment proposed a BDA framework for natural
disaster management using NAHRIM historical and simulated projected hydroclimate datasets. The objective
of developing this framework is to assist the government in making decisions concerning disaster management
by fully utilised NAHRIM datasets. The BDA framework that consists of three stages; Data Acquisition, Data
Computation, and Data Interpretation and seven layers; Data Source, Data Management, Analysis, Data
Visualisation, Disaster Management, and Decision is hoped to give impact in prevention, mitigation,
preparation, adaptation, response and recovery of water related natural disasters.
Information Technology (IT) plays a pivotal role as
integrator in the disaster management system,
particularly in tasks of managing the disaster data.
However, the data acquired during disaster events
such as floods, landslides, mud, soil erosion and so
forth often presented in a large volume from
heterogeneous sources, thus the data management
process for natural disasters is a challenge to be
tackled. Issues of heterogeneity of reliable data
sources such as from sensors, social media, and others
during the period of crises and disasters requires
advanced and systematic analysis approach to
execute disaster management plan. In times of
disasters, government and authorities who act as
decision makers are responsible to take action that
demands immediate and fast relief activities in the
devastated area. But the quality of the decision
depends on the quality of data and information
obtained (Emmanouil and Nikolaos, 2015). Hence,
the data received in times of disaster need to be
analysed thoroughly as an input to decision makers to
made precise decisions in a limited and ad-hoc time
Disaster management can be planned and
organised intelligently if the data related to disaster
are being managed efficiently and effectively before
the disaster happened. This plan can be achieved by
analysing existing historical and projected data that
can be accessed daily such as rainfall, temperature,
drought, and streamflow data to predict future
disaster events. From the projected and prediction
analysis, a holistic and comprehensive mitigation,
control, and prevention can be drafted in advance,
hence the risk of injuries, health impacts, property
damages, loss of lives and services, social and
economic disruptions and environmental damages
can be reduced, minimised and avoided.
National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia
(NAHRIM) as a government agency responsible in
conducting research on water and its environment are
called to formulate a framework for natural disaster
management using hydroclimate data acquired by
NAHRIM. Considering the available data are
numerous, the Big Data Analytics (BDA) technology
Abdullah, M., Ibrahim, M. and Zulkifli, H.
Big Data Analytics Framework for Natural Disaster Management in Malaysia.
DOI: 10.5220/0006367204060411
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), pages 406-411
ISBN: 978-989-758-245-5
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
is used to analyse existing data to gain meaningful
In this paper, we reflect the relationship between
big data and disaster management in the government
sector and proposed our big data framework in
managing natural disaster. The rest of this paper is
organised as follows. Section 2 presents the
background of this study. The following section
discusses the proposed framework of NAHRIM’s big
data framework in handling disaster management and
in Section 4, the conclusion is presented.
In Malaysia, there were 76 disasters has been
recorded in the period of 1965 to 2016. The type of
disasters including wildfire, storm, landslide,
mudflows, epidemic, tsunami, drought and more than
half of the disasters were flood related hazard (Amin,
2016). In this context, government agencies as the
response organisation which by law are obligated to
prepare for and manage such crises. Disaster
management is the management of the risks and
consequences of a disaster in order to reduce or to
avoid potential losses from hazards (Othman and
Beydoun, 2013). Disaster management is crucial in
regard to provide rapid assistance and effective
recovery for the victim involved.
In disaster management, there are many activities
that involve decision making under the time pressure.
However, decision making in government usually
takes much longer and is conducted through
consultation and mutual consent of a large number of
diverse actors, including officials, interest groups,
and ordinary citizens (Kim et al., 2014). This may be
due to standard operating procedure, top management
discussion and so forth. How those decisions are
made is important as the result of the decision-making
must compromise the citizens and country accepted
standards. Timely decision-making to direct and
coordinate the activities of other people is important
to achieve disasters management goals (Othman and
Beydoun, 2013).
Natural disaster is categorised as external risk, and
it cannot be typically reduced or avoided through
conventional approaches as it lies largely outside
human control. It requires a different analytic
approach either because their probability of
occurrence is very low or it is difficult to foresee by
normal strategy processes (Kaplan and Mikes, 2012).
In response to great pressure for the government to
provide service delivery within time and budget
constraint, Big Data Analytics (BDA) may be one of
the possible solutions to consider as government
holds a great amount of earth-related data owned by
the public agencies and departments. This is based on
the assumptions that BDA exploitation can help local
government to allocate resources where they will
have the biggest impact and restructure services in
such a way that early prevention is prioritised to avoid
the need for more expensive interventions (Malomo
and Sena, 2016).
BDA provides solution to support the
management and analysis of multidimensionality,
volume, complexity, and variety earth-related
datasets and support scientific analysis process
through parallel solutions (Kaplan and Mikes, 2012)
as the focus of climate science is more about
understanding than predicting (Faghmous and
Kumar, 2014). In short, BDA deals with collection,
management, and transformation of a large collection
of digital data, which come in diverse forms, in order
to reduce uncertainty in decision making (Ali et al.,
However, there are challenges that must be
overcome in order to integrate BDA in the
government sector. The wide technology gap between
industrial applications and decision makers is one of
them (Tekiner and Keane, 2013). Decision makers
need to understand the data and technologies better in
order to extract information to aid strategic decision
making. Besides, the role of Subject Matter Expert
(SME) is also crucial as they understood the domain
well, to support high level decision making process,
with ICT as enabler. Data sharing among different
public agencies and departments also remains a
challenge (Kim et al., 2014). The data would have to
be obtained not only from heterogeneous channels,
but also involve data transfer across public agencies
and departments. Without proper integration, data
across public agencies and departments are
maintained in silo (Ali et al., 2016). As suggested by
Molomo and Sena (2016), the general legal
framework has to be developed to facilitates data
sharing among local authorities. Without
coordination and structuring framework, there is
likely to be much overlap amongst applications,
duplication in stored information and confusion
around the responsibilities of each business unit and
application (Tekiner and Keane, 2013).
Malaysia government has acknowledged the big
data’s potential by specifying BDA project as one of
the national agenda. The strategic collaboration
between Malaysian Administrative Modernisation
and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU),
Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) and
MIMOS Berhad has been agreed through BDA-
Digital Government Open Innovation Network
(BDA-DGOIN) in 2015. Four public agencies with
five pilot projects were selected to develop Malaysia
BDA Proof of Concept (POC), and the projects were
“Islamist Extremist Amongst Malaysians” by
Big Data Analytics Framework for Natural Disaster Management in Malaysia
Department of Islamic Development Malaysia
(JAKIM), “Flood Knowledge Base from a
Combination Sensor Data and Social Media” by
Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID), “Data
Analytics to Analyse and Build Fiscal Economic
Models” and “Sentiment Analysis on Cost of Living
gathering from Social Media” by Ministry of Finance
(MOF) and NAHRIM with the titled “Visualizing 90
Years of Projected Rainfall corresponding runoff
after-effects based on river basin Malaysian Map”.
Figure 1 are some examples of NAHRIM BDA POC
interface which have been developed.
Figure 1: Examples of NAHRIM BDA POC interface.
Figure 2: Malaysia BDA Framework formulated by MAMPU.
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 2 is the national fundamental of Big Data
Analytics framework formulated by MAMPU (2014),
designed to specifically enabled BDA in public
sector. MAMPU’s BDA framework has been the
focal reference for all BDAs pilot projects as
mentioned earlier. We also successfully proved the
concept of implementing BDA using NAHRIM
hydroclimate datasets, comprises of time-series
historical, current, and projected data, acquired
through the modelling of historical data. We were
able to visualise 3,888 grids for Peninsular Malaysia,
detected extreme rainfall and runoff projection data
for 90 years, identified flood flow for 11 river basins
and 12 states in Peninsular Malaysia, and traced
drought episodes from weekly to annual rainfall data
for 90 years.
Seeing the great potential in this analysed data, we
realised that there herein lies the opportunity for
developing new big data framework to assist the
government in making decisions concerning disaster
management. By adapting and considering few
attributes from MAMPU Malaysia BDA framework,
we proposed a new big data framework in handling
disaster management in Malaysia.
As depicted in the Figure 3, NAHRIM Big Data
Framework for Disaster Management consists of
three stages; Data Acquisition, Data Computation,
and Data Interpretation.
Data Acquisition stage consists of a layer, that is
Data Source. The aim of this stage is to aggregate
information in a digital form for further storage and
analysis because of the data may come from a diverse
set of sources (Emmanouil and Nikalaos, 2015). At
this stage, data are obtained from a historical-based
modelling process, using high performance
computing environment, consist of large volume of
historical and projected hydroclimate data. The
projected data were calculated, modelled, and
simulated from raw datasets such as rainfall, runoff,
temperature and streamflow and are mapped onto
time-series format which are; yearly, monthly,
weekly or daily projected data. The historical data on
the contrary are the observed and simulated historical
data that is also stored with respect to time series.
These data can be presented disparately in spatial,
non-spatial, structured, unstructured, and semi-
structured data format.
Once the data were acquired, the significance
computational technique has to be applied to the data
sources. Second stage, the Data Computation Stage
consists of three layers; Data Management, Analysis,
and Data Visualisation. In Data Management layer,
the projected and historical data that were collected
will undergo the data cleaning process. Data cleaning
is the process where incomplete and unreasonable
data are identified (Hashem et al., 2015). These
datasets will be filtered to the specific categorisation
using a specific extraction method so that the
semantics and correlations of data can be obtained.
Figure 3: NAHRIM Big Data Framework for Natural Disaster Management.
Big Data Analytics Framework for Natural Disaster Management in Malaysia
Then, the identified dataset is modelled and
integrated in the data processing phase. The data
modelling involves programming model that
implements abstraction application logic and
facilitates the data analysis applications (Hu et al.,
2014). Data integration on the other hand helps the
data analyst resolve heterogeneities in data structure
and semantics as this heterogeneity resolution leads
to integrated data that is uniformly interpretable
within a community (Jagadish et al., 2014).
The next and most important stage is the Analysis
layer. The aim of data analysis is to extract as much
information as possible that is pertinent to the subject
under consideration (Emmanouil and Nikolaos,
2015). According to Lifescale Analytics (2015) data
analysis are classified into four different analytical
approaches that can be used to solve a business cases
or problem, or set of problems; descriptive,
diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive analytics.
Descriptive analytics is the process of describing
quantitatively what can be measured about a related
domain. In our case, hydroclimate historical data will
be fully utilised to quantify, track and report what
might have previously been occurred and how things
are going in the disaster management domain.
Diagnostic analytics look deeper into what has
happened and seeks to understand why a problem or
event of interest occurs. Based on the processed
hydroclimate data that has been obtained, the root
cause of the problems will be uncovered as the set of
data are converged with explanations. In predictive
analytics, the analyst or SME will focus on answering
the “What will happen next?” question. They will
combine current observations into predictions of what
will happen in the related domain by using predictive
modelling and statistical techniques. The last analytic
approach, prescriptive analytics will address decision
making and efficiency as soon as a good measure of
accuracy on the predictive algorithm is achieved, and
thus justify the prescriptive interventions. This will
not only give a credible explanation for how this
disaster is more likely to return or reoccurred, but data
analyst will also understand how predictable the
disaster occurrence is.
The last phase in Data Computation Stage is the
Visualisation phase. In every Big Data framework,
visualisation phase is considered vital as it allows
business users to mash up disparate data sources to
create custom analytical views (Wang et al., 2015). In
spite of the tremendous advances made in
computational analysis, there remain many patterns
that humans can easily detect, but computer
algorithms have a difficult time finding (Jagadish et
al., 2014). This is how visualisation plays a key role
of the discovery process in big data framework. The
more effective the data visualisation is, the higher the
chances to recognise the potential patterns, trends and
correlations between the analysed hydroclimate data.
The final stage is Data Interpretation stage which
consists of Disaster Management and Decision
Layers. At this stage, the SME and decision makers
plays a critical action on understanding the data and
information to make strategic, rational and relevant
decisions based on the insights obtained from the
presented analysis. Data Interpretation required
knowledge and experience from domain experts such
as hydrologist, climatologist, scientist, etc. to help
further clarification on the analysis prior to make the
decision. Disasters can be predicted, and wherever
possible, can be avoided through mitigation, or
adaptation if it really happens, if the decision is made
based on quality and accurate data from the BDA.
Crisis can be averted by early interventions from
early warning that is gained from the insights.
Assessment and risk management controls can be
taken into action to reduce catastrophic impact of
disasters based on the results of the analysis. Because
of the fact that disaster management is characterised
by complexity, urgency, and uncertainty, it is crucial
for participating organisations to have a fast though
smooth and effective decision-making process
(Kapucu and Garayev, 2011).
There is a need to embark strategic decision making
in government related to disaster management and
this paper aims to fill the space. Effective decision-
making in the government sector is possible when
relevant participants receive timely and accurate
information that is thoroughly analysed and filtered.
Exploiting government data to their full potential by
leveraging the benefits offered by Big Data Analytics
will give impact in prevention, mitigation,
preparation, adaptation, response and recovery of
disasters. NAHRIM Big Data Framework for Natural
Disaster Management is proposed to analysed
hydroclimate data acquired by NAHRIM to support
Malaysian government to effectively coordinate
disaster and relief. A process of analysing
hydroclimate data requires tools to speed up the
process of accelerating data computation and this is
the fundamental of BDA that support disaster
management in Malaysia. The framework presented
also attempts us to pave the way for future work by
integrating method to mine, store, process and
analyse and stream data gained from multiple sources
such as social media and sensors. In a nutshell, this
framework also hoped to act as guideline to help other
government agencies and departments for creating
their own data-driven decision making.
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
This project was supported by MAMPU, Malaysia
Digitial Economy Coporation (MDEC) and MIMOS
and we are thankful to our team members from
NAHRIM as well who provided expertise that greatly
assisted the implementation of this project.
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