Pro-Natalism Policy, Demography and Democracy - Nonlinear Dynamics
Tal Mor and Yair Rezek
Computer Science Department, Technion, Haifa 3200003, Israel
Political Demographics, Natality, Data-driven Models, Cultural Models, Complex System, Nonlinear
Pro-natal policies, namely promoting human reproduction, are common in many societies, often due to reli-
gious, nationalistic, or ethnic reasons. If successful, such policies can have detrimental enviromental impact,
increase demand for natural and economical resources, and may lead to demographic changes with poliical
consequences. Hence, high fertility rates deserve careful analysis. Here we study, using linear dynamics and
non-linear dynamics tools, how high fertility rates may impact demography in Israel. We further comment on
potential implications of such scenarios for democracy in Israel.
There have been many cases in recent history where
social and ethnic groups encouraged their members
to increase their fertility (pro-natality) for religious,
nationalistic, or political reasons.
In Quebec, Canada, for example, the “revenge of
the cradle” (“La Revanche du berceau” in French)
policy was encouraged by Quebec patriots in order
to increase their influence and power and attain their
nationalistic and political aims (Morland, 2016); we
note that after these aims were largely achieved, in the
1960s, this policy subsided. Similarly, in Iran follow-
ing the Islamic revolution and especially in the wake
of the Iran-Iraq war, pro-natal policies were enacted
explicitly to grow the nation and foster its strength
(Baktiari, 1995); we note that after realizing their eco-
nomic cost, Iran switched to promoting family plan-
ning (Abrahamian, 2008), until recently rescinding
support for such policies for cultural as well as prac-
tical reasons.
“Demographic warfare” of this sort is also preva-
lent in Israel, in various ways. In the context of the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, both sides have explicitly
and often officially encouraged natal policies to in-
crease their relative population size (Morland, 2016).
The Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat famously said
that “the womb of the Arab woman is my strongest
weapon”, for example, while Israel’s founder Ben Gu-
rion explicitly set out a natality committee to bol-
ster Jewish reproduction (Schiff, 1981). Such de-
mographic warfare may be especially effective in ex-
plaining the high Palestinian fertility rates (Fargues,
However, not all demographic shifts of this sort
are due to an officially-declared or intentional de-
mographic “warfare”. In Lebanon, population sizes
change rapidly, with a high Shiite fertility rate being
a key factor, but there is no indication that this is by
design (Faour, 2007). Similarly, it has been argued
that in the USA the high fertility of the religious-right
compared to the liberal left will in the future shift the
politics of the nation to the right (Kaufmann, 2010;
Morland, 2016).
In this paper, we would like to focus on another
pro-natal case in Israel. The fertility rates of the Jew-
ish population in Israel are sharply divided along re-
ligious lines (Levi, 2016). Among the ultra-Orthodox
Jews, in particular, religious, social, and political
factors combine to form a strong pro-natal effect,
producing a high fertility rate of approximately 6.9
(Friedlander, 2009). The rest of Israeli Jewish soci-
ety has a much lower fertility rate (2.84 on average).
This disparity could potentially lead to a major demo-
graphic change. In the past, this did not occur as the
large difference in fertility rates was balanced (over
the last half century) by immigration, and in partic-
ular by a massive post-Soviet immigration (consist-
ing mainly of secular Jews and non-Jews with Jewish
roots) in the decade around 1990-1995. Given the cur-
rent worldwide Jewish demographics, such a massive
immigration is unlikely to repeat itself (DellaPergola,
Mor, T. and Rezek, Y.
Pro-Natalism Policy, Demography and Democracy - Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0006367301240129
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2017), pages 124-129
ISBN: 978-989-758-244-8
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Our goal in this paper is to explore the expected
future demographic changes implied by these high
fertility rate differences using the tools of dynamical
In Israeli society, fertility rates vary greatly between
religious subgroups. The largest population group
(secular Jews) has a total fertility rate of 2.1 (as of
2014; see (Levi, 2016)), while the ultra-Orthodox
Jews, or ”Haredi”, population has a fertility rate of
6.9. Notwithstanding causal models of fertility rate
dynamics (Berman, 2000; Berman et al., 2012; Man-
ski and Mayshar, 2003), all Jewish religiosity sub-
groups had a fluctuating but fairly stable fertility rate
for the past four decades or so (Levi, 2016), so it is not
likely that these fertility rates will vary greatly in the
near future. It is this unique stability and contrast of
the fertility rates that motivates our study. The tools
of complex-systems and nonlinear-dynamics can be
used to provide a more careful analysis of the dy-
namics than a simple projection based on the fertility
We note that a fuller analysis of Israel’s future
demographics will need to consider also the sizable
Arab minority within Israel (comprising about 20%
of the population). As their fertility rates have not
been stable, however, such an analysis is beyond the
scope of this position paper, and we focus only on the
more stable Jewish populations.
Further information on the Israeli population can
be obtained from the Israeli Central Statistics Bureau.
It divides the Jewish populace to five levels of re-
ligiosity: Nonreligious or secular (“Hiloni”), tradi-
tional but nonreligious (Masorti Lo-Dati), traditional
religious (Masorti Dati), religious (Dati), and ultra-
orthodox or Haredi. As can be seen in Table 1,
most Israeli Jews consider themselves to be Secular
or Traditional-nonreligious.
These statistics relate to the respondent’s current
level of belief. However, a person’s current level of
religious observance may not be the same as the one
he was raised in. The Israeli Central Bureau of Statis-
tics has also provided, for limited years (2002-2012),
information about the level of religiosity of the house-
hold the person was raised in at age 15. The data for
the 2012 census is shown in Table 2. Note that the
CBS data does not include the last two entries in the
Table 1: Religiosity levels of Israeli Jews.
Current Religiosity Tot Pop
Total 3896707
Haredi 366851
Religious 389707
Trad. Rel. 533096
Trad. Nonrel. 885071
Secular 1721982
Haredi Home column, but does imply 5707 people
in these categories (without noting how they are dis-
tributed between the two, since the numbers are very
small and hence the relative uncertainty in them is too
high). Our analysis below is unaffected by the spe-
cific distribution.
The CBS survey indicates a high retention rate for
the extreme levels of religiosity (secular and ultra-
orthodox), and a marked tendency for the society as
a whole to secularize. If all religiosity groups grew at
similar rates, then, Israeli society would be projected
to becomes more secular but more polarized in time,
with a large secular and Haredi population and few in
As already discussed in the introduction, the fer-
tility rates of the religiosity subgroups vary signifi-
cantly. According to (Levi, 2016), the latest (2014)
total fertility rates of the different groups are 6.9
Haredi, 4.2 Religious, 4 Traditional Religious, 3 Tra-
ditional Nonreligious, and 2.1 Secular. While the fer-
tility rates fluctuate in time, they remained fairly sta-
ble for the past decades, and we shall assume them
to be constant for our initial (linear) analysis. If we
assume the total fertility rate to be (twice the) growth
rate per single generation, this implies that on average
two secular people will become 2.1 people in the next
generation, while two Haredi people will become 6.9
people. The Haredi relative population size can hence
increase very substantially even within a single gen-
For simplicity, we shall divide the population into
two groups: the Haredi, and everyone else (denoted
as populations H and E below). (We note other di-
visions are possible, e.g. (Pew, 2016) used a di-
vision of Haredi, Religious, Traditional, and Secu-
lar; we leave such analysis to the journal version of
this paper). Normalizing for group size, according to
the above table, gives a total fertility rate of 6.9 for
Haredi and 2.84 for everyone else. These rates corre-
spond to a change per generation, or growth rate, of
= 6.9/2 1 = 2.450 for Haredi, and r
= 0.422
for everyone else.
The above table can also be used to derive the
retention and transition rates between the religious
Pro-Natalism Policy, Demography and Democracy - Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis
Table 2: Religiosity of Israeli Jews, by the religiosity of the household they were raised in at age 15. The first column denotes
the current level of religiosity, the next the total population at the level of religiosity, then the number of people raised at a
Haredi household (at age 15), the ones raised in a Religious household, those raised in a Traditional-Religious household, a
Traditional Nonreligious household, and finally a secular or non-religious household. Data is from the 2012 Social Survey by
the Central Bureau of Statistics of Israel; note that two entries are missing from the table, see discussion in the main text.
Current Religiosity Tot Pop Haredi Home Rel. H. Trad.-Rel. H. Trad. Nonrel. H. Secular H.
Total 3896707 287057 590818 713571 725369 1576014
Haredi 366851 257989 32554 31375 14927 30006
Rel. 389707 12485 274574 57449 20080 24517
Trad. Rel. 533096 10876 106243 320440 55549 39330
Trad. Nonrel. 885071 - 124182 206257 391211 161028
Secular 1721982 - 53264 98049 243602 1321133
groups. The Haredi retention rate per generation is
= 0.899, while their transition rate is c
0.101. For everyone else, the retention rate is c
0.970 and the transition rate is c
= 0.030.
We consider populations changing in time according
to dynamical (ordinary differential) equations, such as
(for the case of linear equations)
H = (r
)H + c
E (1)
E = c
H + (r
)E (2)
Here the dot indicates the derivative with respect to
time. These equations describe the dynamics of the
populations of the Haredi (H) and everyone else (E)
in units of generation time. With the above choice of
parameters, our basic equations are:
H = 2.349H + 0.030E (3)
E = 0.101H + 0.392E (4)
These linear equations can be solved exactly ana-
lytically. Starting from the initial populations H =
366,851 and E = 3, 529, 856 in 2012 (according to
Table 2), the projected populations fit very well to
the limited historical record (stretching from 2002 to
Under this model, the Haredi population quickly
explodes so that it surpasses everyone else within
about 1.1 generation (see Fig. 1; for the mathematical
derivation leading up to it, see Sections 4 and 5). This
is due to its high fertility rate. As can be seen from
the figure, conversion between the religiosity currents
has little effect on this growth. The difference in fer-
tility rates is thus expected to completely overwhelm
the secularization process in Israel.
-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
10 000
Generations since 2012
Population [1k]
Figure 1: The Jewish religious populations of Israel from
-0.5 to +2.0 generations from 2012. The solid thick (black
online) line marks the Haredi population, while a solid thin
(blue online) line marks the E population. The H popula-
tion becomes dominant approximately 1.1 generations after
2012. Dashed (brown and cyan online) lines mark the popu-
lation dynamics in a model without conversion between the
two populations. For both populations, the effect of reli-
gious conversion is initially so small as to be unnoticeable,
so that the dashed lines lie on top of the solid lines.
For any dynamic system, one generally wants to ob-
tain a global understanding of its dynamics. This can
be done by considering the system’s fixed or station-
ary points (the points at which the system stays con-
stant, unchanging), and seeing how the system be-
haves near them so as to obtain a global view of how
it flows between fixed points. One therefore always
wishes to explore the dynamics near the stationary
points (
H = 0,
E = 0, ...), and from that deduce the
overall picture of the dynamics (see, e.g. (Glendin-
ning, 1994)). For a one-dimensional system ˙x = f (x),
the system will have a stable stationary point if the
derivative d f /dx is negative at the stationary point,
i.e. when d f /dx|
< 0 with x
being a stationary
point so that ˙x|
= f (x
) = 0.
Similarly, for a multi-dimensional problem we
now have multiple f functions, ˙x = f
, ˙y = f
,.... We
need to look at the Jacobian of the problem, namely
COMPLEXIS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
the matrix J
= f
. Intuitively, directions where
these partial derivatives are less than zero at the sta-
tionary points will be the stable directions; but we
need not be limited to just these axes, so it is better
to consider the problem more abstractly and look for
the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix. If all are neg-
ative at the stationary point, then it is stable.
For our basic, linear, equations, we have only two di-
mensions, and the equations are linear so each is a
line. The Jacobian is simply the matrix of coefficients
J =
2.349 0.030
0.101 0.392
Analysis of dynamical equations can be done by con-
sidering the ”null-clines”, i.e. the lines where the
derivatives are zero. Where these intersect, all the
derivatives are zero so the point is stationary. In our
case, the nullclines are not within the physical range,
which is that of positive populations. Nevertheless,
considering them will allow us to better understand
the dynamics as a whole. Nullclines will also be more
useful in the following, non-linear, analysis.
To understand the dynamics, we can consider the
vector field of the population change; we have drawn
it explicitly for this case in Fig. 2. The line of
H = 0
(the H ”nullcline”) intersects the line of
E = 0 (the E-
nullcline) at a single point, which is the origin (0,0).
This is the sole stationary point. At this point both f
increase with E and with H, having positive deriva-
tives, so clearly the point is unstable.
The realistic case, with positive populations, is
above both nullclines, so that both E and H are in-
creasing indefinitely. If we include negative popula-
tions in our analysis, however, we can understand the
dynamics better. In the area below the H-nullcline,
H is decreasing, and in the area below the E-nullcine
E is decreasing. Overall, the dynamics is a ”running
away” from the origin (zero populations)
How can immigration be incorporated into such a
dynamic analysis? In the 90’s, Israel saw a large in-
flux of primarily-secular-Jews from the former USSR.
Such a scenario can be simplified to a sudden jump of
approximately 1 million in E (everybody who is not
Haredi), or by explicit time-dependent models. Anal-
ysis of the impact of the such immigration will be pro-
vided in the full (journal) paper.
-5000 0 5000
Figure 2: The population change field (
E) as a function
of H and E (H on the x-axis, E on the y-axis), for the sim-
ple (linear) model. The H-nullcline is the (blue) line near
the horizontal axis, and divides the area where H increases
from where it decreases; the E-nullcline is the dashed (red)
line, and delimits where E decreases or increases. The null-
clines meet at a single point (at the origin), which is the
only stationary point. It is unstable, with populations ”run-
ning away” from it. The circle indicates the current popula-
tions (as of 2012), and the square indicates the point where
the Haredi population will start to surpass everyone else ac-
cording to the linear model.
Constant high birth rates are ultimately not sustain-
able. There is good reason to think they are unsustain-
able even in the relatively near future (Biello, 2009).
But even if they will decline, how will they do so?
We speculate that the relative fraction of the popula-
tion may be a major factor, and introduce a simple
change to the basic dynamic equations which reflects
this. According to this (non-linear) model, the Haredi
birth rate will drop as their fraction in the population
H = (r
H + E
)H + c
E (6)
E = c
H + (r
)E (7)
Our speculated (nonlinear) model assumes, for sim-
plicity, that the drop in fertility is linear with H/(H +
E). For this model, we need to choose the parame-
ters r
and δ so as to maintain two constraints - to
preserve an effective Haredi growth rate (including
the δ term) of 2.45 at 2012, and to receive some de-
sired effective Haredi growth rate at the large H limit
(H E). We will choose the latter, large H limit,
growth rate to be equal to the non-Ultra-orthodox
growth rate r
. With this choice, the dynamical equa-
tions become:
Pro-Natalism Policy, Demography and Democracy - Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis
-0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10
Figure 3: A distorted view of the populations change field
E) as a function of H and E, for the non-linear model,
zooming in on the origin. The size differences of the arrows
has been reduced to allow one to see arrows of vastly dif-
ferent sizes. Note that the finite size of the arrows makes
the dynamics near the singularities (which are close to the
horizontal axis) unclear; separate plots for each component
will be provided in the journal version to clarify this region.
H = 2.560H + 0.030E 2.239
H + E
E = 0.101H + 0.392E (9)
In these equations, we have set r
δ(H/(H + E)) =
for the initial populations, and r
δ = r
The H-nullcline (
H = 0) in this case is no longer
a line; as can be seen in Fig. 3, it consists of two
lines. The equations are not defined at the origin,
but the origin effectively serves as an unstable sad-
dle point. The full paper will provide a more detailed
analysis of the behavior of this system in the negative-
populations domain (such an analysis which is vital to
ensure it doesn’t behave unexpectedly in the positive-
populations domain, and potentially interesting on its
own from a complex-systems point of view). Fo-
cusing on the real (positive populations) part (Fig. 4),
one can see that the dynamics is still quite similar to
the linear case.
The main point of difference is that the growth of
the Haredi population is slower at long times, so that
the point at which the Haredi overpass everyone else
is delayed to approximately 1.4 generations (instead
of 1.1 generation in the linear model), as can be seen
in Fig. 5.
Due to their past consistency (Levi, 2016) and the sta-
bility of the political factors (Friedlander, 2009), we
have suggested the Haredi population will maintain
their high fertility rates in the foreseeable future. Our
analysis indicates that this implies that under a linear
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Figure 4: The populations change field (
E) as a function
of H and E, for the non-linear model, for positive popula-
tions. The dynamics are overall similar to the linear model,
with the same initial position in 2012 (circle). The point
where the two populations meet (square) is more distant in
comparison to the linear model.
-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
10 000
Generations since 2012
Population [1k]
Figure 5: The populations of H and E in time, in units of
generations from 2012. The nonlinear model is the dashed
line, the linear model the solid line; H population is the thick
(black) line, E is the narrower (blue) line. The H population
overtakes the E population later in the non-linear model.
model the ultra-Orthodox will become the majority
group within 1.1 generations from 2012; assuming a
generation time is about 30 years, this is circa 2040.
We have shown that the dynamics are not signif-
icantly affected by whether or not religious conver-
sion is included in the model, as religious conversion
is too slow to affect them appreciably. The high reli-
gious fertility completely overwhelms the seculariza-
tion process in Israel.
Due to the past stability of the fertility rates it is
likely that any model will not drastically change the
projection for the near (0.5-1 generations) future. It is
difficult to make predictions beyond this point, espe-
cially as the examples of Iran or Quebec show that af-
ter the goal of a pro-natalism policy is reached, fertil-
ity rates may drop and change drastically. Therefore,
due to the examples of Iran and Quebec, we have cho-
sen a speculative and simple non-linear model with a
fertility rate that drops with time. This model pushed
the point of transition into an ultra-Orthodox domi-
nance from 1.1 to 1.4 generations (i.e. from 2040 to
2055 or so).
COMPLEXIS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
We note that in all the above calculations, error
bars and error analysis were excluded due to uncon-
trolled uncertainty in the model (the assumption of
constant fertility rate, for example, would certainly be
strictly false). In particular, we choose a non-linear
model which is linear in H/(H + E) as a demonstra-
tive example, but there is no guarantee that this choice
would be a good parametrization. We believe data
from other places (such as Iran and Quebec) is insuf-
ficient in order to justify a specific model. The esti-
mated numbers in Table 2 are also highly uncertain,
with some uncertainties in the range of 30% or more.
Despite all this, we expect our results to be relatively
stable to actual plausible errors (past history suggests,
for example, that the fertility rates will only fluctuate
slightly, and a different non-linear model will behave
similarly in the near future).
The extension of the dynamics into the domain
of negative populations allows us to utilize the tools
of dynamical analysis to understand the system. We
have seen that in the simple, linear, model zero popu-
lations is the sole unstable stationary point, which the
populations ”run away” from. The addition of nonlin-
earity considerably complicates the dynamics in the
non-positive domain, and may complicate the null-
clines and dynamics there. For our non-linear model
the origin effectively serves as an unstable saddle sta-
tionary point, attracting the populations in part of the
negative-populations domain. The origin remains un-
stable in the positive-populations domain, for both the
linear and the non-linear domain.
The political views of the ultra-Orthodox are strik-
ingly different from those of the currently-dominant
secular Jewish group in many respects, especially
those related to democratic and religious values. For
example, 69% of the ultra-Orthodox believe Israel is
too democratic, whereas 59% of the secular Jews be-
lieve it is too religious (Hermann et al., 2016). As the
Haredi population will become dominant, more and
more of its values may be made into laws and pol-
icy. These include favoring religious law over secu-
lar law, favoring government actions to promote (or-
thodox) Jewish religion, and imposing religious law
(halacha) as the state law (Pew, 2016), as well as ex-
cluding women from public life (never has a women
been nominated to parliament by an ultra-Orthodox
party, for example), privileging Jewish citizens (Her-
mann et al., 2016), and more. According to our demo-
graphic model, then, Israel is set to undergo substan-
tial legal and political change in the coming decades,
and will become a less democratic and more religious
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Pro-Natalism Policy, Demography and Democracy - Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis