lessons learned reports, which identify what is consi-
dered as good and poor practices, provide advice on
how to proceed in the future. Thus, students have the
opportunity to close the gap between current and de-
sired performance on a stage per stage basis, at least.
Although caution must be taken and further rese-
arch should be conducted, it is worth mentioning that
informal conversations with students revealed that
comparison of each students’ performance with that
of their peers, which is possible by means of the pro-
vided plots, seems to play an important role in stu-
dents’ motivation.
This paper has presented an online system for as-
sessment and feedback in learning project manage-
ment. The proposed system considers competence as-
sessment through a set of performance indicators that
are pertinent to each assessed competence. Informa-
tion, which is collected by means of specifically deve-
loped online forms, is not only sought from those who
produce a product or are responsible for its imple-
mentation (the learner), but also from the other main
actors in learning activities, i.e., the teachers and the
peers. Thus, all of the numerical data that have been
gathered are considered in a weighted integration to
yield a numerical assessment score of each compe-
tence that is developed for each student. On the other
hand, three different types of feedback are implemen-
ted and provided several times in order to promote and
improve students’ learning.
Data analysis from a specific academic course
suggest the proposed system has a positive impact on
students’ performance. Another interesting result is
the effect on students’ motivation that seems to have
the proposed feedback system.
Authors planned to conduct further research with
a greater number of students. Also, we consider it
necessary to carry out a deep quantitative analysis of
the collected data to better identify factors influencing
improvements in students’ performance.
The authors wish to recognise the financial support of
the University of La Rioja through grant EGI16/11.
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CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education