An Online Assessment and Feedback Approach in Project Management
Ana Gonz
, Fernando Alba-El
and Joaqu
ın Ordieres-Mer
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad de La Rioja, c/ San Jos
e de Calasanz 31, 26004 Logro
La Rioja, Spain
PMQ Research Group, ETSII, Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid, Jos
e Guti
errrez Abascal 2, 28006 Madrid, Spain
Assessment, Feedback, Project Management, Higher Education.
This work presents an online system to facilitate the assessment and feedback in project management edu-
cation. Students are involved in real-world engineering projects in order to promote professional project
management learning. Thus, students share an experience in executing and managing projects and are able to
put into practice different skills and competences that a project member should possess in the development of
a project. The proposed system considers competence assessment through different pieces of evidence that are
pertinent to each assessed competence. Information from the three main actors in learning activities (teacher,
peer, and learner) is collected by means of specifically developed online forms. All the gathered evidences
are considered in a weighted integration to yield a numerical assessment score of each competence that is
developed for each student. Furthermore, three different types of feedback are implemented and provided se-
veral times in order to promote and improve students’ learning. Data analysis from a specific academic course
suggest that the presented system has a positive impact on students’ academic performance.
Assessment can strongly influence the learning pro-
cess. In fact, it is well-known that what influence
students most is not the teaching but the assessment
(Snyder, 1971; Miller and Parlett, 1974; Black and
Wiliam, 1998; Gibbs and Simpson, 2004; Andersson
and Palm, 2017). Each assessment has different go-
als and occurs in specific contexts, and the design
must adapt to changing circumstances, while meeting
the challenges of scientific credibility (Tridane et al.,
2015). In the academic literature, two major forms of
assessment are identified:
Summative assessment or assessment of lear-
ning, which measures a student’s learning at the
end of a period of instruction. In general, summa-
tive assessment includes scoring for the purposes
of awarding a grade or other forms of accredita-
tion (Gikandi et al., 2011). This is the traditional
and conventional form of assessment.
Formative assessment or assessment for lear-
ning, which is concerned with the promotion of
learning during a period of instruction. Research
shows that formative assessment can be related
to self-regulated learning (Nicol and Macfarlane-
Dick, 2006; Black and Wiliam, 2009; Clark, 2012;
Meusen-Beekman et al., 2016), which can be des-
cribed as ”an active, constructive process whereby
learners set goals for their learning and attempt to
monitor, regulate, and control their cognition, mo-
tivation, and behavior, guided and constrained by
their goals and contextual features in the environ-
ment” (Pintrich, 1999).
Formative assessment is, without a doubt, a po-
werful tool to positively impact on students’ learning
and achievements. According to Black and Wiliam
(2009), there are ve key strategies for implementing
formative assessment:
1. Clarifying and sharing learning intentions and cri-
teria for success;
2. Engineering effective classroom discussions and
other learning tasks that elicit evidence of student
3. Providing feedback that moves learners forward;
4. Activating students as instructional resources for
one another; and
5. Activating students as the owners of their own le-
González-Marcos, A., Alba-Elías, F. and Ordieres-Meré, J.
An Online Assessment and Feedback Approach in Project Management Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0006367500690077
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 2, pages 69-77
ISBN: 978-989-758-240-0
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
These strategies involve the three main actors
in learning activities: teacher, peer, and learner.
Furthermore, they are consistent with other studies
that examine different mechanisms for providing for-
mative assessment, such as feedback (Shute, 2008;
Strudwick and Day, 2015), self-assessment (Panadero
et al., 2014; Ross, 2006), and peer-assessment (Gielen
et al., 2010; van Zundert et al., 2010).
Aligned with the five strategies put forth by Black
and Wiliam (2009), this paper presents an online sy-
stem for assessment and feedback in Project Manage-
ment education beyond the stage reached in our pre-
vious work (Gonz
alez-Marcos et al., 2015). The que-
stion to be addressed is the following:
Does the proposed system for assessment and
feedback promote students to improve their aca-
demic performance?
The organization of the remainder paper is as fol-
lows: Section 2 is dedicated to briefly describe the
designed assessment and feedback system. Section 3
presents how the system is implemented. Section 4
provides the results observed in the academic course
analyzed. Finally, Section 5 discusses some general
conclusions and presents future work.
Our previous work on assessment of project mana-
gement competences (Gonz
alez-Marcos et al., 2015)
focused on the methodology for gathering and inte-
grating information about the individual performance
of students in order to obtain numerical assessment
values of each competence. The purpose of this paper
is to present an improved version of our assessment
and feedback system, as well as to analyze its impact
on students’ academic performance.
As mentioned in the previous section, the propo-
sed online system is based on the five key strategies
identified by Black and Wiliam (2009) because our
goal is to carry out formative assessment. How those
strategies are implemented is explained below.
1. Clarifying and sharing learning intentions and
criteria for success
The course contains the following materials:
Assessment procedures and instruments. This do-
cument presents the competences to be assessed
during the semester, the instruments (forms, au-
dits, etc.) used to collect information, and how
all this information is integrated to provide indi-
vidual scores for the assessed competences. Furt-
hermore, it explains how the feedback is provided.
Specific procedure manuals that describe the re-
sponsibilities of each role, explain how to operate,
how to do things, how to communicate mandatory
information, etc.
Quality criteria for management products. This
document defines the requirements that the mana-
gement products created during the project should
Quality criteria for management processes. This
document provides the quality criteria for what is
considered good practice standards.
Assessment checklists and rubrics used to assess
the project management competences.
The first module of the course is dedicated to ex-
plain the methodology that will be used during the
semester, as well as to clarify goals and success cri-
teria. Thus, students become familiar with the course
objectives and requirements for success from the be-
ginning of the semester, besides basic project mana-
gement concepts or the use of the web-based learning
2. Engineering effective classroom discussions
and other learning tasks that elicit evidence of
student understanding
In order to be aligned with the real environment in
project management and provide an authentic context,
students are involved in real-world engineering pro-
jects. These projects are oriented to learning about
the professional project management methodology
(Project IN Controlled Environments)
(Office Of Government Commerce, 2009). According
to this methodology, a project is split into multiple
phases or stages that do not overlap (Figure 1). Be-
tween each phase the outcome of the prior phase is
evaluated and it is considered if the plans for the up-
coming phase might need to be modified.
Students, as in professional projects, assume dif-
ferent roles with different responsibilities in the pro-
ject team. Thus, they adopt an active role during the
learning process and are able to put into practice dif-
ferent skills and competences that a project member
(project manager, team manager, etc.) should possess
in the development of a project.
In summary, students are situated in a project de-
velopment process that is interesting and useful to
them and in which their individual differences are
considered. Furthermore, self-directed learning, lear-
ning by doing and a sense of responsibility are fos-
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Up a
Directing a Project
Initiating a Project Controlling a Stage Controlling a Stage
Managing Product
Managing Product
a Stage
Closing a
Initiation Stage
Subsequent Delivery
Stage(s) (DS)
Final delivery Stage
a Stage
Figure 1: The PRINCE2 Process Model (Source: Office Of Government Commerce, 2009).
tered. A detailed description of the learning envi-
ronment adopted can be found in (Gonz
et al., 2016).
3. Providing feedback that moves learners
Within the literature there is general agreement that
high quality feedback to students on their assessments
is important and is of benefit to their future lear-
ning (Strudwick and Day, 2015). Feedback is not
only regarded as crucial to improve knowledge and
skill acquisition, i.e. achievement, but also depicted
as a significant factor in motivating learning (Shute,
It is also recognized that effective feedback is not
only based on monitoring progress toward the speci-
fic learning goals but also focuses students on speci-
fic strategies for improvement (Brookhart et al., 2010;
Gikandi et al., 2011). Consequently, effective feed-
back should deliver high quality information to stu-
dents about their learning, as well as provide oppor-
tunities to close the gap between current and desired
performance, among others (Nicol and Macfarlane-
Dick, 2006).
In our case, there are three different types of feed-
back provided to students about their performance:
Feedback on student activities within the develo-
ped web-based environment. An auditing tool was
developed to automatically check the integrity of
performed actions and procedures, such as work
planning and proper effort allocation, document
consistency, correct use of the collaborative tools,
etc. Students are able to order an online self-audit
based on these automatic checks at any time. The-
refore, they can identify their mistakes and im-
prove their performance.
Feedback on the contribution of each product
or procedure to the effort claimed by each stu-
dent. Students can gather detailed –tabular and
graphical– information about what product(s) and
competence(s) affected their current scores. This
information is provided at least three times du-
ring project execution (one per project life cycle
Lessons learned. Also conducted at the end of
each project phase, a lessons learned review is
provided to each project through the web-based
environment. This report, which is based on ac-
tual project performing, identifies good and poor
practices over the course of each project phase.
Furthermore, each lessons learned report is ana-
lyzed in specific sessions to collectively discuss
what is working and what is not working well. It
is not possible to rebuild the already delivered and
approved items, but this feedback provides advice
on how to proceed and how to improve in the fu-
4. Activating students as instructional resources
for one another
Peer-assessment can be defined as an arrangement in
which individuals consider the amount, level, value,
worth, quality, or success of the products or outco-
mes of learning of peers of similar status (Topping,
1998). Although peers are not domain experts, the
use of peer-assessment and feedback can be beneficial
for learning, not only for the receiver but also for the
peer assessor (van den Berg et al., 2006; Gielen et al.,
2010; Ten
orio et al., 2016; Topping, 1998). Further-
more, peer-assessment can be regarded as a form of
collaborative learning (Falchikov, 2001; van Gennip
et al., 2010).
An Online Assessment and Feedback Approach in Project Management Learning
In our case, each student is assessed by all the ot-
her students of the project interacting with the stu-
dent in question for a given competence. The peer-
assessment is carried out by means of different forms,
by means of at least one piece of evidence clearly ha-
ving those criteria determining the maximum degree
of performance specified therein. Thus, the propo-
sed system collects evidence-based opinions about the
products being produced and how the team is mana-
ging the project.
5. Activating students as the owners of their own
Findings from research conducted on self-assessment
(Andrade and Du, 2007; Boud, 1995; Panadero et al.,
2014; Ross, 2006) show that self-assessment contri-
butes to higher student achievement and improved be-
havior. Since self-assessment requires students to re-
flect on their own work and judge the degree to which
they have performed in relation to explicitly stated go-
als and criteria, they have the opportunity to identify
strengths and weaknesses in their work (Andrade and
Du, 2007) and, thus, what constitutes a good or poor
piece of work.
Taking into account that self-assessment can have
positive benefits for the students’ learning process, the
proposed assessment and feedback system also consi-
ders the opinions from those students who produce a
product or are responsible for its process implemen-
In summary, our proposal gathers information
from the three main actors in learning activities (te-
acher, peer, and learner) to assess each student’s per-
formance. Therefore, the proposed assessment and
feedback system uses some kind of 360-degree over-
view of different activities inside the project. All the
collected evidences are considered in a weighted inte-
gration to yield a numerical assessment score of each
competence that is developed for each student.
The online assessment and feedback system was cre-
ated by integrating information gathered from the fol-
lowing open source tools:
A project and portfolio management software
( that provides the neces-
sary project management tools, as well as some
collaborative tools such as blogs, document repo-
sitory, etc. The lessons learned reports mentio-
Figure 2: Partial view of an audit report with data automa-
tically gathered from a project.
ned in Section 2 are provided through the project’s
blog of this web-based software.
A survey collector (
that contains the designed forms to conduct the
proposed assessments. Teachers, learners and
peers use the same assessing forms.
The developed assessment and feedback tool
(P2ML) which was build by means of CakePHP
( was designed to communicate
with the aforementioned open source tools and to pro-
vide feedback as described in Section 2. The first type
of feedback is based on student activities within the
developed web-based environment. Figure 2 shows a
partial view of the audit report about the integrity of
performed actions and procedures that each student
can order at any time. Text is displayed in red when
the system identifies mistakes, inconsistencies or in-
appropriate behaviors.
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The second type of feedback is concerned with the
contribution of each product or procedure to the effort
claimed by each student. Detailed information about
students’ performance is updated at least at the end of
each project phase. Thus, besides tabular information,
different graphical views are provided to illustrate the
performance evolution of each student:
First, each student is able to identify what project
management competences were developed during
the project execution, as well as to compare his
or her performance to the average of the students
with the same role. In the case of the propo-
sed system, the reference framework used as a re-
ference for competences was the IPMA Compe-
tence Baseline (ICB) (Caupin et al., 2006). The
IPMA Competence Baseline is the common fra-
mework document that all IPMA Member Asso-
ciations and Certification Bodies abide by to ens-
ure that consistent and harmonized standards are
Figure 3 illustrates the individual scores evolution
for each assessed competence for two different
students that adopted the same role (Project Ma-
nager, PM). It is possible to observe, for exam-
ple, that the first student was involved in activities
that required the development of a wide variety
of competences, whereas the second student fo-
cused on specific activities and developed a smal-
ler number of competences. In this case, detailed
information was provided for each PRINCE2 pro-
cess (see Figure 1).
In addition to competence assessment details, the
online system also provides a unique, numerical,
global score for each student. For example, Figure
4 shows the global score obtained by a student
(red circle) against the effort claimed by he or she.
The size of the circle is related to the efficiency of
the student, i.e., it indicates how well a student
was able to finish their assignments within the
adequate time. This plot also allows students to
anonymously compare their performance to that
of the other students.
Finally, the system provides the learning curve
through project execution for each student. Fi-
gure 5 illustrates the learning curve for the same
student shown in Figure 4. In this case, detailed
information was also provided for each PRINCE2
process. This plot represents the increase (or de-
crease) of learning (global score) with experience
(claimed effort).
Table 1: Descriptive statistics of efficiency for each project
Stage Mean SD
IS00 52.88 14.41
DS01 61.43 9.83
FS02 67.43 8.06
In this section we examine whether the proposed sy-
stem for assessment and feedback promote students
to improve their performance. Since the system pro-
vides information at least three times during the exe-
cution of a project, one per project life cycle phase
(or stage), the analysis of differences in students’ aca-
demic performance is performed at the end of each
executed stage (IS00, DS01 and FS02).
The participants in this study were 42 engineer-
ing students from the University of La Rioja (UR).
These engineering students were either undergradua-
tes in their fourth year (26 students) or first-year mas-
ters degree students (16 students) who were enrolled
in project management courses scheduled for the fall
Table 1 shows the descriptive information of effi-
ciency scores for each project stage. In this work, the
efficiency is defined as the ability to accomplish high
quality tasks (project products, management activi-
ties, etc.) within the adequate time and effort. These
results indicated an improvement in students perfor-
mance with every stage, i.e., after each assessment
and feedback.
The distribution of the efficiency scores of stu-
dents through the project execution is presented in
figure 6. Data analysis was carried out by means
of boxplots because they are a way of summarizing
a distribution. A boxplot (also known as a box and
whisker plot) is interpreted as follows:
The box itself contains the middle 50% of the
data. The upper edge (hinge) of the box indicates
the 75th percentile of the data set, and the lower
hinge indicates the 25th percentile.
The line in the box indicates the median value of
the data.
The ends of the horizontal lines or whiskers indi-
cate the minimum and maximum data values.
The points outside the ends of the whiskers are
outliers or suspected outliers.
Comparing the boxplots across groups, a simple
summary is to say that the box area for one group is
An Online Assessment and Feedback Approach in Project Management Learning
Figure 3: Examples of the technical competences evolution plot for two students with the same role (Project Manager, PM).
higher or lower than that for another group. To the ex-
tent that the boxes do not overlap, the groups are quite
different from one another. Figure 6 illustrates the
continuous and global improvement in students per-
formance with every stage. Since the feedback was
provided at the end of each project stage, these results
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 4: Example of the global scores screen for a student.
Figure 5: Example of the learning curve for a student.
suggest that the proposed combination of different ty-
pes of feedback has a positive impact on students’ per-
In order to determine the statistical difference
of the efficiency observed after each project stage,
i.e., after each assessment and feedback, the non-
parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test was employed
because a normal distribution cannot be assumed. The
level of significance (alpha) was determined to be
0.05. As shown in table 1 and figure 6, the results
obtained for the students at the end of the second
stage (DS01) were superior to the ones obtained by
them at the end of the first stage (IS00). In the same
way, the results obtained by the students at the end of
the third stage (FS02) were also higher than the ones
obtained at the end of the second stage (DS01). All
the differences observed where significant in the cor-
IS00 DS01 FS02
30 40 50 60 70 80
Efficiency (%)
Figure 6: Evolution of students’ performance during the
responding Wilcoxon signed-rank test (DS01-IS00, Z
= 7.37, p <0.001; FS02-DS01, Z = 8.15, p <0.001).
This fact, seems to corroborate the hypothesis that the
proposed assessment and feedback systems is useful
for the students to improve their performance in pro-
ject management.
In summary, tracking students performance by
means of the provided numerical and graphical infor-
mation enables each student to identify strengths and
weaknesses in his or her work. On the other hand, the
An Online Assessment and Feedback Approach in Project Management Learning
lessons learned reports, which identify what is consi-
dered as good and poor practices, provide advice on
how to proceed in the future. Thus, students have the
opportunity to close the gap between current and de-
sired performance on a stage per stage basis, at least.
Although caution must be taken and further rese-
arch should be conducted, it is worth mentioning that
informal conversations with students revealed that
comparison of each students’ performance with that
of their peers, which is possible by means of the pro-
vided plots, seems to play an important role in stu-
dents’ motivation.
This paper has presented an online system for as-
sessment and feedback in learning project manage-
ment. The proposed system considers competence as-
sessment through a set of performance indicators that
are pertinent to each assessed competence. Informa-
tion, which is collected by means of specifically deve-
loped online forms, is not only sought from those who
produce a product or are responsible for its imple-
mentation (the learner), but also from the other main
actors in learning activities, i.e., the teachers and the
peers. Thus, all of the numerical data that have been
gathered are considered in a weighted integration to
yield a numerical assessment score of each compe-
tence that is developed for each student. On the other
hand, three different types of feedback are implemen-
ted and provided several times in order to promote and
improve students’ learning.
Data analysis from a specific academic course
suggest the proposed system has a positive impact on
students’ performance. Another interesting result is
the effect on students’ motivation that seems to have
the proposed feedback system.
Authors planned to conduct further research with
a greater number of students. Also, we consider it
necessary to carry out a deep quantitative analysis of
the collected data to better identify factors influencing
improvements in students’ performance.
The authors wish to recognise the financial support of
the University of La Rioja through grant EGI16/11.
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An Online Assessment and Feedback Approach in Project Management Learning