Responsible Development of Self-learning Assisted Living Technology
for Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia
Evi Zouganeli
, Flávia Dias Casagrande
, Torhild Holthe
, Anne Lund
, Liv Halvorsrud
Dag Karterud
, Adele Flakke-Johannessen
, Hilde Lovett
, Sindre Kjeang Mørk
Jørgen Strøm-Gundersen
, Erik Thorstensen
, Reidun Norvoll
, Ruud ter Meulen
Mari-Rose Kennedy
Richard J. Owen
, Miltos Ladikas
and Ellen-Marie Forsberg
Oslo & Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Dept. Electronics and IT, Pilestredet 35, 0166 Oslo, Norway
Oslo & Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Dept. Occupational Therapy, Pilestredet 48, 0167 Oslo, Norway
Oslo & Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Dept. Nursing, Pilestredet 32, 0166 Oslo, Norway
The Norwegian Board of Technology, Kongens gate 14, 0153 Oslo, Norway
Sensio AS, Brugata 19, 0186 Oslo, Norway
Oslo & Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Work Research Institute, Stensberggata 25, 0170 Oslo, Norway
University of Bristol, Whatley Road 39, Bristol, U.K.
Exeter Business School, Rennes Drive, Exeter, U.K.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 3640, Karlsruhe, Germany
Keywords: Self-learning Systems, Assisted Living Technology, Welfare Technology, Smart Home, Older Adults, User
Involvement, Independent Living, Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).
Abstract: In this paper we present work in progress in the Assisted Living Project – responsible innovations for dignified
lives at home for people with mild cognitive impairment or dementia. The project has a distinctly
interdisciplinary approach and engages experts in nursing and occupational therapy, in ethics and responsible
research and innovation, and in technology, in particular automation and machine learning. Our approach is
to involve the end-users, their family and their care providers and develop technology responsibly together
with them. The technological approach employs self-learning systems to develop solutions that provide
individualised support in accordance with the user’s values, choices, and preferences. The paper presents our
approach, current findings and future plans.
We report work in progress from the Assisted Living
project, an interdisciplinary project that aims to
develop technological solutions to support older
adults with mild cognitive impairment or dementia
(MCI/D) live a safe and fulfilling life at home, with
dignity and independence. The project engages
experts in nursing and occupational therapy, in ethics
and responsible research and innovation (RRI), and in
technology, in particular automation and machine
learning (ML). Solutions will be developed together
with the users and tried out in field trials with around
10-15 end-users.
The main incentive for assistive living technology
(ALT) solutions was originally to enable those in
need of medical care remain at home and hence
reduce costly stays in staffed care units. This can be
the case for both outpatients recuperating after for
example an operation or an accident, people with
chronical diseases, as well as the elderly and people
with special needs (Aspnes et al., 2012). Today there
is a plethora of home automation and wearable
technology to support everyday activity needs related
to security, safety, communication, work, social
contact, exercising, entertainment, and other. The
strong synergies between the care-related and the
mainstream home and lifestyle automation, with an
enormous growth potential, have led to a
Zouganeli, E., Casagrande, F., Holthe, T., Lund, A., Halvorsrud, L., Karterud, D., Flakke-Johannessen, A., Lovett, H., Mørk, S., Strøm-Gundersen, J., Thorstensen, E., Norvoll, R., Meulen,
R., Kennedy, M-R., Owen, R., Ladikas, M. and Forsberg, E-M.
Responsible Development of Self-learning Assisted Living Technology for Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia.
DOI: 10.5220/0006367702040209
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2017), pages 204-209
ISBN: 978-989-758-251-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
consolidation of solution providers across these two
segments and a revisited interest in ALT in recent
Commercial devices have attained a certain
degree of maturity. There is also a formidable and
steadily increasing list of “stand alone” applications.
The number of integrated systems that provide
seamless and holistic solutions both in the home and
ubiquitously is, however, relatively small and the
degree of integration is still quite limited.
Standardisation and regulation are now promoting an
open model where applications and devices from an
ecosystem of providers shall be possible to plug in on
demand. An open model will facilitate a flexible
environment where some of the devices and services
are provided by the national health system or a health
insurance, and others are purchased by the individual.
This is, however, far from the case at the moment as
solutions are more of a non-interoperable proprietary
This position paper presents our approach to
developing solutions for people with MCI/D as well
as some of our current findings. Our approach builds
upon two main hypotheses/ positions:
i. When developing ALT solutions it is vital to
involve all user groups and all stakeholders –
throughout the process and right from the start. In our
opinion this is especially important in the case of
people with MCI/D and other groups with cognitive
impairments and similarly other vulnerable groups
whose ability to contribute is underestimated and
hence their voice tends to be overheard.
ii. The use of self-learning systems can provide
people with cognitive impairments with the
appropriate degree of cognitive enhancement and
enable them continue to live independently, in
accordance with their values, personal choices, and
individual needs. Indeed, each person is an individual
and “one-size-fits-all” types of solutions are by
definition quite unlikely to serve the individual well
and in all circumstances.
In the following we present some more details
regarding our approach as well as current evidence
that supports these positions.
1.1 Background
Politicians and health care providers share today great
optimism regarding the potential of emerging
technology to support older people at home.
Technology is expected to reduce the pressure on
needs for public health services, and to contribute to
independence and dignity for older people with mild
cognitive impairment and early phase of dementia
(Lindqvist et al., 2013; Nygård and Starkhammar,
2007; Øderud et al., 2015). However, matching
technology to a person’s needs successfully, depends
upon several things: the ability to reveal needs for
support in the “subject of care”; the degree of
individualization to the user’s needs and context; the
maturity and user-friendliness of the technology; and
the robustness and predictability of the technology as
sustainable solutions (Arntzen et al., 2016; Jentoftet
al., 2014; Winblad et al., 2004). Further, an important
factor concerns creating a supportive network for the
user (Rosenberg et al., 2012). Therefore,
investigating the potential of current technologies to
support older adults, and in particular how to
individualize such devices/solutions to address
individual needs and preferences, is a vital
component for developing useful new services.
Our approach is to involve the residents in a
seniors’ care dwelling, by discussing their habits,
needs and preferences, as well as their experience
with current technology, in order to identify possible
pitfalls and success criteria.
1.1.1 Mild Cognitive Impairment
Participants in our study may have Mild Cognitive
Impairment (MCI) or be in an early phase of
dementia. Cognition encompasses attention,
concentration, memory, comprehension, reasoning,
and problem solving. Mild cognitive impairment was
described by Winblad et al. (2004) to be a useful term
as both a clinical and research entity. MCI is more
than a pre-clinical stage of Alzheimer’s disease. MCI
may 1) progress over time 2) be stable, or 3) the
person may recover. Risks of mortality seems high for
all types. Hedman et al. (2013) studied patterns of
functioning in older adults with MCI and found that
they exhibited different patterns; stable, fluctuating,
descending or ascending patterns. The patterns may
change over time, and thus individual support is
needed (Hedman et al., 2013).
1.2 User and Stakeholder Involvement
User involvement can be conducted for epistemic,
normative and/ or instrumental reasons. (Fiorino,
1990). Our project epistemically aims at “co-
production of knowledge”. This is defined as being
engaged in the process of mutual learning, and taking
part in identifying solutions (Askheim, 2016). This is
in line with the normative idea of empowerment. The
participants are given the authority to decide what is
right for them. This indicates that power relations are
changed, the person is actively involved, and
Responsible Development of Self-learning Assisted Living Technology for Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia
perceived as an expert on own health and life (Tveiten
and Knutsen, 2011).
The user-centered approach is also embedded in
the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)
methodology (Forsberg et al., 2015; von Schomberg,
2013). The most central values are according to Owen
et al. (2013) reflection on the intersections between
science and society; clear distribution of
responsibility for future events, built-in precautionary
measures; and discussions over the intent of research
and innovation. The RRI framework applied in this
project has four integrated dimensions: Anticipation,
Reflexivity, Inclusion and Responsiveness (Stilgoe et
al., 2013). Central to RRI is an idea of mutual
transdisciplinary learning and taking part in
identifying solutions (Wickson and Carew, 2014).
Porcari et al. (2015) distinguish between designing
for users and designing with users, where
participatory development with users is a
“responsible approach” finally leading to more
acceptable products.
We employ a combination of techniques and methods
in order to understand the users’ preferences and
needs related to challenges in everyday living, the use
of and attitudes towards technology, and their
perceptions of own health. We combine the use of
standardized questionnaires (such as Rand-36,
Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale, Lawton and
Brody ADL), dialogue cafés and semi-structured
individual interviews. Also focus groups with staff
are performed.
We use a stepwise process in order to invite,
recruit and retain participants in the study. The
process aims to engage the residents in the seniors
care dwelling and involve them as much as possible
during the intervention.
Introductory discussions with the leaders and
housekeepers in the seniors’ home were used to
anchor the project. All residents were then invited to
a presentation of the project during one of the regular
“house meetings”. Approximately 20 residents
consented and participated in semi-structured
interviews with questionnaires about technology,
perception of health, memory and quality of life. The
researchers showed up at the seniors’ care dwelling
approximately 2-3 times a week in the beginning, to
get acquainted with the seniors, and inform about the
All residents were invited to a first dialogue café
(DC1) to discuss challenges they experienced in their
daily life. The dialogue café method was developed
with inspiration from several methods for user
involvement; scenario workshops (Barland, 2013),
dialogue conferences (Pålshaugen, 1998) and world
café. In addition to obtaining information on needs,
the dialogue café method stimulates for peer learning.
DC1 was organized as group discussions, using user
stories to help the residents relate. We wanted the
DC1 to be as open as possible without a technology
aspect. At a second dialogue café (DC2) we discussed
examples of technological solutions. We designed
user stories with cartoons to facilitate the group
discussions with the residents. The choice of user
stories and the group discussions at DC2 reflected
both technical alternatives and ethical considerations.
For example, are the residents willing to allow a
camera in their home; who can have access to the
images; are the residents willing to be localized in
order to facilitate social contact, and under what
Dialogue cafés have so far proved to be an
efficient and creative way for engaging the seniors,
presenting ideas and thoughts, stimulate peer
learning, and for understanding and discussing both
challenges and solutions. In particular, it has been
very useful for the project team to receive immediate
feedback on whether the suggested user stories were
of any interest for the residents at all. This directed
the work onwards.
We will further invite the residents to new
dialogue cafés for presenting and discussing concrete
solutions, and to proceed in a similar manner to
ensure that the residents are involved throughout the
development process.
Further discussions and individual interviews
with the residents are planned to reveal the individual
needs and wishes beyond what is expressed in a
public and social setting. In addition, further
discussions regarding the detailed features of
different technical alternatives are required in order to
identify solutions for the first trial. These are required
to meet needs, abide to wishes and choices, as well as
be within the project’s resource and technical
3.1 User Needs
The most prominent user needs that resulted from
DC1 related to eight areas:
ICT4AWE 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
1. Falls – the fear of falling, injury and not getting
help. Some of the residents have a security/pendent
alarm button that is provided by the national health
system. Although help shows up within short time, a
number of limitations – only operating indoors,
requiring consciousness, not knowing whether the
alarm actually has been received and when help is
coming – are major shortcomings.
2. Being outdoors and access to fresh air. Being safe
when out of the house was crucial. Also physical
mobility and secure and predictable transportation are
3. Ability to orient oneself at night. Dark
environment and possibly impaired vision may
influence navigation/orientation at night, e.g. for a
toilet visit, and can increase the risk of falling.
4. “Button-phobia”. Technology can be difficult to
use, due to small buttons and unfamiliar interfaces, as
well as passwords and codes.
5. Social contact with others, both inside and outside
the seniors’ care dwelling can be challenging.
6. Safety at home. This is multifold and associates to
not always getting help when required and within
short time, access to their apartment by helpers even
if the door is locked.
7. Sleeping sufficiently and well. Challenges include
the difficulty to fall sleep, waking up frequently
during the night, and/ or waking up too early in the
8. Self-sufficiency and autonomy. Even if the
residents do feel relatively autonomous and self-
sufficient, their daily routines need to conform to the
schedule of others. The schedule of family, nurses
and staff can compromise the individual’s preferred
activities and daily routines, introduce long waiting
and create unpredictability and diminished control
over own life.
3.2 Priorities
A summary of the main findings will be presented at
the conference whereas the details of these will be
described in a separate publication. Some of the key
reflected characteristics were:
i. The high importance/ priority of being independent,
self-sufficient, and in control over own life. Most of
the residents were also wary of troubling their family
and friends.
ii. The wish to remain active and a fear that relying
on help from others or from a system may cause a
deterioration of their cognitive ability.
iii. A willingness to trade-off privacy for better safety.
3.3 Current Experience with User
Our overall experience with user involvement so far
supports our original hopes and expectations. Indeed,
both the care providers and the residents themselves
have provided us with invaluable feedback. Note that
next-of-kin have not yet been interviewed. In several
occasions the research team was reminded of how
difficult it is to understand the needs and preferences
of other people and speak for others. This is the case
despite the best intentions, a lot of expertise, and even
personal experience through the researchers’ own
elderly family members. Indeed, many of our
predictions regarding which solutions would appeal
to the residents were quite wrong.
Typically, commercial smart-home solutions provide
assistive devices such as reminders, calendar, night
lights, electric cooker timers, medicine dispenser,
picture phone, etc. (Topo et al., 2004; Jones, 2004).
More complete solutions integrating several
functionalities have also been developed. The
portable device in the COGKNOW project provided
memory-aids, social contact (e.g. picture dialing),
help on daily activities (e.g. lamp control), and safety
functions (Mulvenna et al., 2010). This was
integrated with two additional systems for the Rosetta
project (Hattink et al., 2014). This system recorded
behaviour patterns to analyse sleep-awake rhythms,
mobility, meal preparation and personal hygiene. It
also detected emergency situations such as falls and
alarmed carers. In general, these systems were well
received, especially when introducing functionality
that enhanced the feeling of safety.
Especially in the past five-ten years there has been
an emergence of solutions that employ machine
learning (ML). ML is used for example for better fall
detection (Choi et al., 2011), automatic activity
recognition (Chen et al., 2010), or to monitor/ study
behaviour patterns (Cook et al., 2015). ML has been
also used to generate prompts to assist daily activities
in the CASAS smart home (Das et al., 2012). A
number of projects address the difficulty of executing
daily activities. For example, the COACH system
(Hoey et al., 2007) assists people with dementia in the
hand-washing activity via a camera and provides
automatic cues to assist activity completion. Feki et
al. (2009) deploy several sensors to monitor activity
Responsible Development of Self-learning Assisted Living Technology for Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia
execution (i.e. meal preparation and eating) and issue
automatic prompts in case of error. Karakostas et al.
(2015) in the Dem@Care project developed a
semantically integrated multi-sensor system that
provides holistic support and tested it on one
dementia patient.
Yet the potential of ML is largely untapped. The
self-learning and self-adapting potential of ML-
techniques are important characteristics that enable
individualised solutions without the need to manually
tailor individually – a process that is prohibitively
costly in traditional systems. With ML the system can
in principle observe, learn and adapt accordingly on
its own. As presented in section 1.1, MCI/D is an
example of a condition that is more of an individual
spectrum of characteristics and impairments rather
than one simple to define condition. Here every
person is indeed an individual case and pre-fitting the
system to the user is not only costly but in reality quite
limited, if at all possible. Moreover, the condition
progresses in an individual manner and at an
individual speed. This demands a technology that can
sense and adapt to evolving needs. In addition, a self-
learning system is potentially capable to evolve and
meet a set of preferences and requirements that are
latent and to an extent unknown to both the user, and
the care provider/ health expert.
Beyond the personalisation of services and care,
there is an untapped potential for higher level
semantic system intelligence and cognitive
enhancement on the person’s own terms. The idea is
that a system shall comprehend the overall situation –
the objective facts, potential hazards, as well as the
person’s subjective experience and personal choice –
and support the human achieve their current goal.
The idea of the smart-home has been gradually
evolving from that of a simple automation towards
the vision of an unobtrusive interconnected
environment, that is sensitive and adaptive to the
inhabitants’ needs and behaviour (Aarts and Wichert,
2009). This extends both within and outside the home
following new possibilities in the advent of the
Internet of Things (Zouganeli and Svinnset, 2009).
Current smart-home paradigms rely on creating good
user-interfaces and voice-interfaces are positive steps
to that end.
A new paradigm can envisage systems that
understand the intention of the human, anticipate
hurdles, device solutions, predict outcomes, and are
an extension of the human on the human’s terms. This
creates of course new challenges as autonomy, safety,
privacy and ethical considerations need to be
thoroughly safeguarded throughout. The rapid
advance of artificial intelligence and adjacent fields
may enable such solutions in the not too far future.
We have presented work in progress and our
approach to developing technological solutions for
people with MCI/D. We argue that the users need to
be involved all the way in order to develop good
systems, and this holds not least for people with
MCI/D. Our preliminary experience supports this
view. We have also made the case for self-learning
systems as well as presented our vision regarding the
future evolution of these.
The authors wish to thank the residents and the
housekeepers in the seniors’ care dwelling at Skøyen
Omsorg+ and in Oslo Municipality. The project is
financed by the Norwegian Research Council under
the SAMANSVAR programme (247620/O70).
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Responsible Development of Self-learning Assisted Living Technology for Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia