result of the process and (c) being a regulator of the
process two types (activator or inhibitor),
represented in the CM by the “Input”, “Output” and
"Regulator" classes respectively. Through our
CMHG we incorporate genomic data currently used
(e.g., dbSNP, Ensembl, etc.), achieving a conceptual
representation that meets the needs of the
bioinformatics domain. As we said earlier, this
evolution aims to improve the conceptual definition
of the human genome, and thus leave a conceptual
framework for further improvements.
PM is going to change the way we have historically
understood medicine. The new practical context
associated with it requires a sound working
environment, and the correct application of the
adequate SE practices. We face this problem in this
work focusing on the need to design a holistic CM
intended to capture structurally all the relevant
domain information, together with the conceptual
complexity associated with the continuously
changing context of Precision Medicine.
We assume that conceptual modeling techniques
are the basic strategy to design and develop the
required sound and efficient Genomic Information
Systems (GeIS). Most of this work is devoted to
reporting how complicated keeping “alive” such a
CM is, especially due to the rapidly evolving
knowledge. The conceptual representation of basic
notions has been discussed, emphasizing that the
CM applied to this type of environment facilitates
the generation of systems that support decision-
making processes in the Bioinformatics domain. The
domain knowledge must always be prepared to
incorporate any required extension in order to meet
new needs. This is why the CM is not only useful
but also necessary. The initial version (v1) focused
on modeling "Genotyping" then sought to create a
semantic and content description. However, we had
to discuss multiple decisions before moving on to
our next CMHG v2. Version 2 is characterized by
the change in its central axis based on "genes" and
takes as its axis the concept of "Chromosome (and
chromosome elements)". This change was made to
simplify the schema and provide a more flexible
approach to extend it according to the domain
evolution. This new version gives us greater
precision, and allows us to manipulate data in a
more direct way. All these decisions have a direct
implication on how data are managed and
consequently on how data quality is to be assessed.
Future research work will focus to three main goals:
(1) the evolution of the CM by adding new genomic
concepts into the CM (i.e., haplotypes). (2) The
implementation of a complete ETL process, using
our CM. The ETL should be able to identify relevant
data for a particular phenotype, and to load them
conveniently in the DB that represents the
conceptual model. (3) develop a proper, unified
framework specifically for GeIS. The aim of this
framework is to complement the conceptual model
with a DQA procedure in order to ensure the quality
of the information represented and loaded by the
ETL. The achievement of these three goals will
provide the required support to the knowledge on
which PM is based.
This work has been supported by the MESCyT of the
Dominican Rep. and also has the support of
Generalitat Valenciana through project IDEO
(PROMETEOII/2014/039), the MICINN through
project DataME (ref: TIN2016-80811-P) and the
Research and Development Aid Program (PAID-01-
16) of the UPV under the FPI grant 2137.
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