Identifying Innovative Documents: Quo vadis?
Ivonne Schröter
, Jacob Krüger
, Philipp Ludwig
, Marcus Thiel
Andreas Nürnberger
and Thomas Leich
Otto-von-Guericke-University, Universitätsplatz 2, 39106, Magdeburg, Germany
METOP GmbH, Sandtorstraße 23, 39106, Magdeburg, Germany
Harz University of Applied Sciences, Friedrichstraße 57-59, 38855, Wernigerode, Germany
Enterprise Information System, Empirical Study, Survey, User Questionnaire, Requirements Engineering.
The number of new research documents and patents published each year is steadily increasing. Despite this
development, identifying innovative documents in a timely manner has received only little attention in re-
search. Nevertheless, this use case is important for companies that strive to keep up with current innovations
in their field. However, since existing solutions do not take context and background of the particular firm or
researcher into account, they fall short in supporting the user in his search for suitable documents. In this
paper, we describe an industrial case study we conducted within sheet-metal working companies and related
research institutes in Germany. We i) report a qualitative study on innovation research, ii) provide a list of
features that industrial researchers demanded, and iii) discuss implementation challenges for systems that sup-
port interactive retrieval of innovative documents. Based on the initial results, we argue that existing systems
fall short to provide an integrated workflow. Overall, we discuss how to implement such a system and the
corresponding problems.
Monitoring patents and academic publications is an
essential task for scientists and companies alike to
not miss opportunities for innovation, research, or
workflow improvement. However, this usage scenario
differs greatly from conventional research processes:
Evaluating how innovative a document is requires ad-
ditional effort and thorough reviews. Hence, assess-
ing innovative documents provides new challenges to
search engines, user guidance, and the presentation of
results (Kuhlthau, 1991; Marchionini, 2006).
A lot of digital libraries are available (Meyyap-
pan et al., 2000; Aghaei Chadegani et al., 2013) and
several approaches to browse and explore such col-
lections have been presented in the past (Lehmann
et al., 2010; Lashkari et al., 2009). Still, only lit-
tle attention has been brought to the task of help-
ing users in identifying innovative documents (Xie,
2006). While topic-oriented search engines such
as dblp
(in the domain of computer science) are
available, these systems are hardly sufficient to con-
sider individual demands (Frias-Martinez et al., 2006;
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Jayawardana et al., 2001). For example, experts in-
terested in new development in their field are most
likely not interested in finding patents published by
the company they work for or which they published
themselves. However, these documents might be con-
sidered new by other people.
Furthermore, experts have to sight a great variety
of resources, for instance, papers, patents, or norms.
This is especially a problem in smaller firms, where
sufficient resources for technological monitoring may
not be available. To this point, these users could ben-
efit from systems that support them in retrieving doc-
uments and patents relevant to their current problems.
Hence, we argue that innovation researchers re-
quire an tool that integrates all steps of search pro-
cesses and considers their context. In order to discuss
this claim, we conducted a case study during which
we interviewed experts in the field of a particular in-
dustrial domain, sheet-metal working. We further an-
alyzed our findings, derived opportunities to support
the search process, and possible problems with two
experts. Overall, we provide a detailed discussion on
important features for innovation research. In partic-
ular, we describe the following:
A case study we conducted in the sheet-metal
Schröter, I., Krüger, J., Ludwig, P., Thiel, M., Nürnberger, A. and Leich, T.
Identifying Innovative Documents: Quo vadis?.
DOI: 10.5220/0006368706530658
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 653-658
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
working domain to identify characteristics of the
corresponding search process for innovative doc-
uments. With this, we analyze search and evalua-
tion behavior of users and direct further research.
A discussion on potential features and challenges
to implement systems to support search processes.
We argue for our position that such systems are
required for users and researchers but also result
in new problems.
In this paper, we first introduce design and results
of our empirical study in Section 2. We discuss the
results and their implications in Section 3. Finally,
we summarize our contributions in Section 4.
The goal of our study was to identify experts’ work-
flows while they investigate innovations. Therefore,
we designed a four-step study with close cooperation
to industry and experts. We illustrate our workflow
in Figure 1.
Research Institutes
Two Experts
1. Brainstorming
3. User
(19 Participants)
4. Result
Two Companies
2. Workshops
Figure 1: Steps of our conducted study.
Firstly, we conducted a brainstorming workshop
with two experts in the field of sheet-metal research.
We discussed workflows and tasks in their search and
analysis processes. As a result, we have identified
possible participants and questions for our next steps.
Secondly, we performed workshops in two sheet-
metal working companies. During this on-site study,
we asked industrial researchers to specify their work
processes. In addition, we monitored their search and
analysis behavior to identify steps and tools in their
workflow. This allowed us to obtain a first overview
about the research focus and potential points of sup-
port with tools.
Thirdly, based on the results, we developed a user
questionnaire and sent it to several sheet-metal work-
ing companies and research institutions. 19 employ-
ees in different positions rated ideas that we gathered
in the previous steps. One main result is a practice-
driven rating of important features in applications in
order to support the research for innovation.
Finally, we discussed our observations with the
experts that aided us during our initial workshop.
With them, we summarized our results and closed re-
maining gaps. Moreover, we identified and discussed
the industrial context in research for innovation and
corresponding tools. In the following sections, we
provide detailed information on applying our study in
the proposed context (i.e., Steps 2 and 3 in Figure 1).
2.1 Workshops
For our on-site case study (Step 2 in Figure 1), we per-
formed workshops in two companies. During these,
we used guided interviews to receive information
from domain experts. For this, we prepared a cata-
log of questions to ensure similar treatment. These
questions were acquired through the previous brain-
storming workshop (Step 1 in Figure 1). We used
a fixed process to slowly introduce the interviewees
from general aspects of their research behavior to our
actual goal. To do this, we performed the following
1. Explaining the procedure of our study.
2. Investigating the reasons for research.
3. Identifying the research process.
4. Detecting tasks that can be supported with tools.
5. Reviewing these points of support with the inter-
To address all steps, we developed questions with
different aims and scopes. For instance, we wanted to
identify the expertise of our workshop groups while
investigating their reasons for research. These ques-
tions were on a more general level, for example, we
asked: How often do you research?”, To what pur-
pose do you research?”, and “How much expertise do
you have in technological research? to slowly intro-
duce the participants into our study. Other questions,
for instance, Is there an operational workflow for the
search/analysis of innovative documents? or “Which
resources do you access in your research process?”,
helped us to identify workflows and opportunities for
tool support.
We combined the results at the end to summarize
views on the same questions. The agreement on per-
ceived problems and challenges was quite high, re-
sulting in a unified view. This means, that most par-
ticipants reported similar on their search behavior and
its challenges. Hence, we identified five main issues:
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Research is mainly done with classical search en-
gines for the web (e.g., Google), patents (e.g., DE-
(Jürgens and Herrero-Solana, 2015))
or other resources (e.g., research institutes).
Direct search for innovations is usually not possi-
ble, for instance, due to only partial availability of
solutions. Hence, an extensive search with seem-
ingly fitting keywords is done. Also, incremental
specification of the research is conducted in an ex-
haustive manner.
Exchanges on the research rarely or never happen,
especially not across several departments. This
proves prior results in the professional search do-
main (Knight and Spink, 2008; Nürnberger et al.,
Pre-filtering is usually done by source, institution,
or abstract. This may leave out potentially inter-
esting and relevant documents.
Patents must be carefully read and evaluated,
while pre-selection is done via fitting, but also
broad, keywords (Lupu et al., 2013).
In order to address these issues, workshop partic-
ipants proposed solutions. Additionally, we deduced
possibilities from the described search processes. To
reduce the effort and time necessary for our further
study, we limited the number of potential solutions to
the ten ideas that the majority of participants empha-
sized. We illustrate these ideas in Table 1.
Table 1: Proposed ideas for supporting research.
P-1 Marking and extracting parts of a document.
P-2 Creating a research history.
P-3 Comparing different search result lists.
P-4 Development of a topic over time (trend analysis).
P-5 Listing important institutions and authors for a topic.
P-6 Filtering documents by domain, country of origin, etc.
P-7 Comparing different versions of the same document.
P-8 Sorting of documents by their topics.
P-9 Referencing documents to other publications.
P-10 Summarizing parts of a document.
Some of these proposals are already implemented
in similar applications. For instance, marking doc-
ument parts (P-1) is possible in most digital readers
and comparing different document versions (P-7) is
part of version control systems to some extend. Also,
many features for filtering, sorting, or similar tasks
are partly supported in reference management sys-
tems (Gilmour and Cobus-Kuo, 2011). However, we
are not aware of an application which combines all
ideas in an integrated system and supports search pro-
cesses as a whole.
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To this point, we argue that the most important
ideas have to be identified and defined as require-
ments. Further assessing context information and in-
vestigating potential challenges is necessary. In order
to initiate corresponding research, we conducted user
questionnaires to evaluate the ideas.
2.2 User Questionnaire
During the third step (i.e., Figure 1), we determined
the importance of previously proposed ideas. To this
point, we conducted a user questionnaire with 19 ex-
perts from different sheet-metal working companies
or related research institutes. We asked them to rank
the ideas mentioned in Table 1 from 1 (very impor-
tant) to 10 (not that important). Each priority number
could only be selected once. In addition, the propos-
als could be rated in high, middle and low relevance
(as a complementary ranking) to track whether the
participants understood the system. Furthermore, we
recorded additional ideas, if a participant proposed an
important feature the workshops did not cover.
We did not evaluate ve questionnaires, since they
were not completely or wrongly filled out. For exam-
ple, participants described an idea as important but
to have low relevance (the complementary ranking),
which is contradictory, or used the same rank multi-
ple times. We display the results of the remaining 14
responses in Table 2. While we are aware that this
can only be considered an initial sample, we could
still identify the most important ideas from Table 1
that were consistent over almost all questionnaires to
reason our position. For example, summarizing (P-
10) and referencing documents (P-9), as well as list-
ing important authors (P-5) were regularly demanded.
In contrast, the participants considered pre-filtering of
documents (P-6) as least relevant.
Several additional ideas were named, for example
to create a report from result lists, adding information
about addresses of institutions and contact persons, or
to display the relevance of a document to certain top-
ics. During our evaluation, we mapped these ideas
with those we already had. Then, we merged all re-
sults and discussed them with the two experts that ini-
tially helped us. We identified opportunities but also
challenges to support the process of retrieving inno-
vative documents.
During our study, we found several tasks for innova-
tion research we can support with tools. However,
Identifying Innovative Documents: Quo vadis?
Table 2: Results of the user questionnaire. Smaller priority numbers indicate a more important proposal. Thus, a low average
(x) shows the ideas most interesting to the participants.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x
P-1: Mark/extract document parts 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 3 0 4 6.36
P-2: Research history 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 2 0 3 7.29
P-3: Compare result lists 0 0 1 0 4 4 1 2 1 1 6.36
P-4: Temporal evolution 0 3 2 3 1 2 0 1 2 0 4.79
P-5: List institutions and authors 3 1 4 1 0 0 2 0 3 0 4.43
P-6: Pre-filter by domain, etc. 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 3 3 3 7.71
P-7: Display version differences 1 1 0 1 2 2 2 0 3 2 6.43
P-8: Sort documents by topic 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 0 1 5.00
P-9: Reference documents to another 3 3 2 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 3.57
P-10: Summarize parts of a document 5 3 1 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 3.07
not all of them are engineering tasks but require ad-
ditional research. In further discussions with the two
experts (i.e., Step 4 in Figure 1), we identified sev-
eral challenges. In the following, we analyze the re-
search context, how to support search processes, and
the evaluation of innovation degree. For each aspect,
we discuss its importance and map it with the propos-
als we display in Table 2.
3.1 Research Context
We argue that one of the main aspects of innovation
research is its context. During our studies, we found
that most researchers demand for features that im-
prove search speed (e.g., P-1, P-6, P-10) or help them
to refine results to their background (e.g., P-6, P-8, P-
9). Overall, during our study we identified four main
types of context information that we display in Fig-
ure 2 and which influence searches for innovative doc-
User: The users’ background influences which in-
novations are important to them. For example, an
employee who works on aluminum research may
not be interested in copper, but it could be impor-
Company: A company’s research agenda or mar-
ket segment further scope which innovations are
interesting for its researchers. For instance, if a
company develops metal it might be unnecessary
to search documents in regard to plastic research.
Documents: Researchers might be interested in
specific documents, such as, its type, innova-
tion degree, or topic, which define the basis of
further research. For example, when informing
about a new alloy, research articles are interest-
ing while patents are important when develop-
ment shall start.
Trends: Trends help researchers to assess in which
direction a specific field evolves. For instance,
they can assess which production methods are out
of date or will become standards.
So, a suitable tool for innovation research should
track and utilize these context information. Thus, we
can influence the search process and evaluation re-
sults without direct intervention of the user. For in-
stance, a tool could automatically filter documents to
context specifics, such as a domain or country (P-6).
This leads to improved results and less time consum-
ing search processes. Still, users may want to search
documents outside of their context, which must also
be supported.
In the following, we propose features for a system
that integrates the context in a search process. Fur-
thermore, we discuss a main challenge in this regard:
Determining the innovation degree of documents.
3.2 Supporting Search Processes
To support the development of a corresponding tool,
we discussed approaches to support searches for in-
novative documents. In particular, the proposed fea-
tures allow users to easier retrieve documents related
to their context. The following examples provide an
initial overview:
Extracting meta data and abstracts helps to sum-
marize, filter, and sort documents (P-6, P-8, P-10),
to identify leading names in a topic (P-5), or to
reference literature (P-9).
Filtering and categorizing found documents en-
ables researchers to map their results to specific
topics (P-8) or separate the works of specific au-
thors and institutions (P-5).
Automated text generation helps developers to
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Context of innovation research.
faster summarize gained information (P-10) or ex-
tract marked text (P-1).
Analyzing and visualizing the publication date
can help researchers to overview temporal devel-
opments of a specific topic (P-4).
Storing search processes separately provides the
possibility to create a research history and reuse
old results (P-2).
Illustrating results in a list provides an overview
of found documents and allows to compare litera-
ture (P-3) or different versions (P-7).
Supporting an ontology tree allows researchers to
store and connect keywords, allowing them to fil-
ter (P-6), sort (P-8), and assess documents.
These are only some examples of features that can
help users. As we stated before, several applications
have been introduced to partly support such functions.
However, we emphasize the importance of the fea-
tures and of a tool that integrates these into a defined
process. Many of these features are part of more gen-
eral tasks in exploratory search as discussed by Mar-
chionini (Marchionini, 2006) and, thus, elements of
corresponding retrieval tools could be applied here.
3.3 Evaluating Innovation Degree
In addition to the interactive support of the users’
search workflow, we propose to use semi-automatic
evaluation of a documents’ innovation degree. For
instance, we could base this analysis on previously
assessments of users and provide them to a recom-
mender system (Felfernig et al., 2007). Also, sim-
pler mechanisms may provide assistance, for example
evaluating the development of a topic over time.
Increasing numbers of citations or publications
can be an indicator for a research field that is sig-
nificant for practice. Other interesting factors are the
topics addressed or combined, the authors and their
networks, or where the document is published. For
example, a new topic introduced by a reputable au-
thor at an innovative conference is likely to have high
innovation degree. Still, automating this analysis re-
quires further investigations. We argue that this is the
most challenging step towards automation and con-
sidering context information is essential.
Overall, there are several features that can support
innovation research. While these are partly supported
in existing tools, in our study users asked for further
improvements and integration into a workflow. To de-
scribe a scope for corresponding research, we argue
that context information are the most important as-
The number of new research documents increases
continuously. Hence, for researchers in academia and
companies it becomes more complicated to identify
and assess innovative documents. Existing search en-
gines cannot adapt to consider a users background for
a given search task. Also, there are different informa-
tion needs that require the usage of adopted search en-
gines, e.g. for patent retrieval. This results in a great
number of potentially interesting documents that must
be assessed and aggregated manually.
We argue that considering context information and
applying an integrated workflow are essential. To sup-
port this position, we reported the results of a qualita-
tive study on industrial research processes. We found
strong points on which tasks are costly but could be
Identifying Innovative Documents: Quo vadis?
(partially) automated. Furthermore, we identified sev-
eral features this user group asks for. Finally, we dis-
cussed approaches and challenges that must be ad-
dressed while implementing a corresponding system
and in further research.
Based on the results, we aim to develop a suit-
able tool for the search and assessment of innovative
documents. While we already identified some fea-
tures and challenges, this will require additional dis-
cussions. Thus, we aim to conduct further qualitative
and quantitative user studies and discussions with ex-
This research is supported by BMWi
grants KF3358702KM4, KF3358803KM4,
KF2885203KM4, DFG grant LE 3382/2-1, and
Volkswagen Financial Services AG.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems