Fuzzy Based Model to Detect Patient’s Health Decline in Ambient
Assisted Living
Milene Santos Teixeira
, Vinícius Maran
, João Carlos D. Lima
, Iara Augustin
and Alencar Machado
Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria - RS, Brazil
Coordenadoria Acadêmica, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul - RS, Brazil
Colégio Politécnico, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria - RS, Brazil
Keywords: Ambient Assisted Living, Health Decline Detection, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Model.
Abstract: Detecting a decline in the health condition of a patient may still be considered a challenge in Ambient
Assisted Living (AAL) since the concept of ‘decline’ is vague and imprecise. In this context, Fuzzy Logic
comes as an excellent alternative for AAL systems. This paper presents a model based on Fuzzy logic
reasoning in order to identify a possible decline in the patient health condition. In order to achieve this goal,
the model considers relevant situations that may somehow impact the patient. To evaluate the model, a case
study was developed, showing that the developed model can simulate the human reasoning and be used in
an AAL system.
Fuzzy logic (Bai; Wang, 2006) is present in our
daily lives. Some concepts used in everyday life,
such as tall, cold, young, among others, may be
vague and difficult to be clearly defined without
generating ambiguity. For example, a person may
say that a 28-year-old person is young, but another
may not agree with this point of view.
Fuzzy logic is an extension of the classic
Boolean logic that, by introducing the concept of
degree, makes it possible to present much more
precise results when dealing with uncertainty and
This logic aims at formalizing the human
reasoning in a much more natural way than it would
be done by just applying 0's or 1's, values known by
machines. Lately, this kind of reasoning has been
applied in complex systems (Marro et al., 2010)
such as expert systems and systems that deal with
artificial intelligence or human behaviour.
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) (Pieper;
Antona; Cortés, 2011) is a field that, most of time,
has to interpret the human behavior. AAL applies
technology in order to assist elderly people in their
daily lives aiming at providing a safer environment
and, consequently, improve their life quality.
AAL also has as its goal to provide more
independence for the patient, making it possible for
the elderly person to live longer in his/her residence,
many times, without the need of the presence of a
However, despite all technology provided, it is
common that some patients present a natural decline
in their health condition, what should be perceived
by AAL systems. Nonetheless, 'detecting a decline'
can be seen as a very vague idea since it is hard to
define and describe what exactly means a decline. A
patient’s decline can be defined differently by two
different doctors, for example.
Additionally, another important aspect to be
noticed is the fact that the data obtained through
sensors may be imprecise and, many times,
incomplete. In this context, Fuzzy Logic can be
applied aiming to present a much more reasonable
solution, since its main goal is the computational
modeling of the human reasoning, which is
imprecise and vague (Marro et al., 2010).
This paper defines a model that considers
relevant situations for a patient in an AAL
environment in order to detect whether he is
presenting a decline in his health condition.
Considering the fact that detecting a situation
(health decline, in our case) presents a considerable
level of uncertainty summed to the feature of
Teixeira, M., Maran, V., Lima, J., Augustin, I. and Machado, A.
Fuzzy Based Model to Detect Patient’s Health Decline in Ambient Assisted Living.
DOI: 10.5220/0006368806590666
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 659-666
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
human-like language of the Fuzzy logic, this work
will facilitate caregivers’ work in an AAL. Our
model aims at achieving a result closer to what
would be achieved by human reasoning and can be
implemented allied with other already published
reasoning models in AAL. In addition, since an
AAL environment presents multiple applications and
sensors, a new application making use of this model
can be easily introduced to the environment.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
presents a background of the concepts used in this
work. In Section 3, related works are presented. The
developed model is presented in Section 4 followed
by Section 5 that presents a case study
demonstrating the use of this model in a case study.
Finally, in Section 6, the conclusions and future
works are presented.
In order to make the reader more familiar with the
model developed in this paper, this section explains
the concept of Fuzzy Logic and the three steps of its
process (fuzzification, inference, deffuzification).
We also present the main concepts related to AAL
systems and its main goals.
2.1 Fuzzy Logic
The concept of Fuzzy logic was introduced in 1965
by Lotfi Zadé. According to Zadé (Zadé, 1965),
terms such 'fast' and 'hot' can be created and
implemented only by human beings. In other words,
computers are not capable of reasoning on such
terms, because they only interpret the meaning of 0
and 1 (Bai; Wang, 2006). He also highlights that
such way of expressivity exerts an important role on
the logic and human reasoning.
In this way, Fuzzy logic introduces the concept
of degree instead of getting limited to only 'true' or
'false'. In Fuzzy logic everything can present a
degree that is represented by a word or by a numeric
value (usually the interval 0...1 is used), indicating
the degree of veracity of the information.
The Fuzzy processing is a crisp-Fuzzy-crisp
process (Bai; Wang, 2006). It means that (i) input
values are crisp (classical logic), (ii) in order to be
processed, these values are converted to Fuzzy, and
(iii) the result is converted back to crisp.
The most well-known method for achieving the
Fuzzy inference process, is the Mandami method
(Marro et al., 2010). According to Mandami, the
three necessary steps to implement Fuzzy logic in an
application consist of: fuzzification, process of
Fuzzy inference and defuzzification.
2.1.1 Fuzzification
In order to make it possible for machines to process
vague information, it is necessary to convert the
input and output data, so far crisp (numeric), to
linguistic variables with Fuzzy components. To
achieve this goal in the Fuzzification process, first,
the membership functions (μ(x)) are defined to every
possible input or output variable.
Membership functions (George; Bo, 2008)
indicate the degree that an element belongs to a
given set. For example, given an input variable
'temperature', three membership functions are
defined: 'cold' (0-20), 'normal' (10-30) and 'warm'
(20-40). After this definition, the input values
(usually obtained through sensors, other systems,
etc.) are calculated identifying what is known as the
membership degree to each membership function
defined. Supposing that the input value for
temperature is 12°, the membership function will
identify a membership degree greater than 0 for
'cold' and 'normal', but 0 for 'warm'.
2.1.2 Fuzzy Inference Process
In this step, the membership degrees are combined
with inference rules (Bai; Wang, 2006) in order to
obtain a Fuzzy output value. The inference rules are
generated based on the human knowledge and
experience over the application domain. These rules
are known as if-then rules, representing what action
should be taken or what information is obtained
based on the input value. An example related to
temperature is given below:
IF temperature IS high
THEN reduceSpeed.
(Vieira, 1999) highlights that there is not a
mathematical formulation to generate these rules.
They are usually defined by an expert and must be
very intuitive (Bai; Wang, 2006) (Vieira, 1999),
presenting as aspect to be easy to understand and
comprehend when read by humans.
2.1.3 Defuzzification
This step consists in an inverse process in relation to
Fuzzification. In other words, the result obtained is
converted from linguistic back to crisp (numeric)
and, then, can be applied in an application or system.
There are different methods available that can be
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
applied in this process. However, Center of Gravity
(COG) (Dernoncourt, 2011) is the most commonly
used method.
Due to the characteristic of the use of natural
language, Fuzzy logic suits well in technologies that
deal with human reasoning and behaviour. Expert
systems and Ambient Intelligence are examples of
technologies that present meaningful research and
works implementing Fuzzy logic (Marro et al.,
2010). Ambient Assisted Living is also a field that,
many times, has to interpret vague and imprecise
concepts and, also, try to reproduce the human
reasoning. This field is better described in the next
2.2 Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is a field within
Ambient Intelligence (AmI) that focuses on the use
of ubiquitous or pervasive technology in elderly’s
residences (Aarts; Wichert, 2009). This field has
been widely explored in several researches in the
field of Computer Science (Pieper; Antona; Cortés,
AAL aims at creating a safe environment able to
improve elderly’s autonomy and to assist them in
daily activities, making it possible at the same time,
to preserve their independence (Sun et al., 2009).
One of its main goals is to extend the time that the
elder will be able to continue living in his/her
residence without the need of the care of a third part.
Some examples of technologies (Rashidi;
Mihailidis, 2013) in AAL are: applications capable
of alerting the patient to the correct use of his
medicine; sensors that detect possible falls; and
robots able to help with simple routine tasks, such as
sweeping the floor or washing dishes.
In other words, AAL covers concepts, products
and services that connect new technologies to the
patient’s own environment, being it possible to be
used in the prevention, cure and improvement of his
health condition as well as of his wellbeing.
It is possible to find many works in the literature that
aim at contributing to detect and/or avoid unwanted
situations in AAL. Many of these works report the
inconvenience of devices that require some attention
of the user to operate.
In (Storf et al., 2009), for example, an approach
was described for detecting situations in an AAL
environment in order to act in a proactive way and
avoid emergencies. Their approach focused on the
use of non-obtrusive devices and this was achieved
by the use of information obtained from sensors in
the environment and by the analysis of daily and
historical data of the patient.
Based on the fact that many times an undesired
situation may occur as a result of some other
previous situations or actions mistaken by the
patient, (Machado et al., 2017) presented an
approach that makes use of Bayesian Networks and
aims at an early detection of these undesired
situations in order to avoid them. With this, this
work presented the importance of mechanisms that
act not only reactively, but also proactively in AAL.
When it comes to the use of Fuzzy Logic in
AAL, we can give as an example the system
proposed by (Nefti; Manzoor; Manzoor, 2010).
Their work consisted of a “multi-agent system based
application used to assess the risk level in different
situations to patient”, which goal is to monitor
patients suffering from dementia. Fuzzy logic was
applied to predict the risk assessment, as it can
simulate human-like decisions to determine the best
course of actions to be taken.
By the analysis of works like the mentioned
ones, we can see the importance of detecting
situations in order to avoid future unwanted ones.
Another aspect to be considered is, since Fuzzy
logic makes use of a very human-like language, we
realize that Fuzzy logic makes it possible to users
who are not information systems experts to
reconfigure the system. This would not be achieved
in a trivial way by the use of Bayesian Networks, for
(Walley, 1996) compares some measures that are
used when dealing with uncertainty in expert
systems. Since he describes and compare general
features on Fuzzy Logic and Bayesyan Probabilities
(among others), his comparison can also be applied
to the context of this paper.
Walley highlights the contribution of the Fuzzy
Logic to expert systems due to the design of natural
language reasoning and the introduction of
possibility measures models. According to him,
Fuzzy logic has the advantage of handling well the
aspect ‘imprecision’, since it is one of its main goals.
In addition, it also addresses well the aspect
'assessment', since it makes it possible to the users of
the system to use natural language when describing
the uncertainty on the domain.
One advantage of Bayesian probabilities is that
they guarantee consistency in their rules, what may
be different in Fuzzy Logic (Walley, 1996).
However, they do not handle well aspects such as
uncertainty in natural language and incomplete
Fuzzy Based Model to Detect Patient’s Health Decline in Ambient Assisted Living
information. Also, Bayesian probabilities are not
satisfactory when it comes to modeling vague terms
or vague probabilities as, for example, 'Mary is
probably young'. Bayesians demand precise
probability models and lack in the aspect
'imprecision' being, therefore, not suitable for our
The model presented in this paper does not
intend to replace neither put in question any other
work previously published. Instead, it creates the
possibility of joining some different existing models
in order to achieve a more specific goal in AAL (to
detect a decline). Such feature was not attended by
any of the previously mentioned researches and was
even being ignored by the execution of actions that
avoid undesired situations but do not identify a
cognitive decline.
The next section presents the model developed in
this work.
Within the set of vague concepts that cannot be
simply identified with a ‘true or false’ value without
generating ambiguity or the need for further
explanation, is the concept of ‘health decline’. In
order to make it possible to a system to achieve a
result closer to a human being reasoning in this
vague context, we developed a model based on
Fuzzy logic to detect a possible health decline of a
patient in an AAL environment.
The model considers that a decline degree can be
achieved after the defuzzification of the impact
degree obtained from different situations considered
relevant for the patient. More specifically, we
establish that a health decline is influenced by the
occurrence of situations that affect negatively the
patient, the impact that they have on his wellbeing,
and it is aggravated by the recurrence of these
situations within a certain period of time (Figure 1).
For the concept of situation, we adopted the
concept used in (Machado et al., 2017) that
describes a situation as a set of active entities and
the interactions between them in a frame of time. In
other words, a situation has a start and an end time,
is composed of entities, their attributes and the
relations between these entities. In the AAL context,
some examples of situations can be: Patient felt,
Patient had a heart attack and Patient forgot taking
a medicine.
Figure 1: Health decline model. T: time interval, S:
situation, I: impact degree, NO: number of occurrences.
It is important to point out that every patient
may present different relevant situations, identified
in the model as linguistic variables to be considered.
For example, for some patients it is important to
consider possible falls, however, for a patient in a
wheelchair this information may have no relevance.
This work does not detect these situations, our
focus is on the detection of a possible health decline.
Therefore, in order to identify the relevant situations,
some related works can be applied as, for example,
the framework presented in (Machado et al., 2016).
This framework makes use of a Multi-Entity
Bayesian Network (MEBN) and presents an
ontology network in order to predict unwanted
situations in smart environments.
Our Fuzzy based model (c) depends on a
database (a) containing data about the patient
(usually obtained from sensors or other systems) and
a rule base (b) (may be specified by an expert in the
domain or by machine learning). After the fuzzy
reasoning, the information obtained is available to
be used by any external system (d). Figure 2
illustrates the model (c) and its external connections
(a, b and d).
Figure 2: Fuzzy based model and its external connections.
The model developed is composed of 3 stages
(Figure 3). These stages are described in the
4.1 Stage 1
In the first stage, all relevant input linguistic
variables (a.1, b.1, … , n.1) should be detected
presenting the corresponding membership functions.
These variables correspond to situations faced by the
patient that present some risk to his wellbeing
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Fuzzy model.
impacting in a health decline. For each linguistic
variable, a membership degree (μ(S)=x) must be
identified, which is the input used to achieve the
impact degree in the fuzzy controller.
As mentioned before, the situations may be
different for each patient and can be obtained from
different sources. Besides the framework cited, other
examples of sources are experts and ontologies.
Nonetheless, the membership degree should be
defined by an expert or it can be the output
originated from the processing of previous linguistic
variables in a Fuzzy controller.
For example, let us suppose that one of the
variables that is being considered is the level of
forgetfulness of a patient over his medicines
(level_forget: {low, moderate, high}). Detecting this
level, may not be possible without, among other
relevant coefficients, analysing the importance of the
medicine (medicine_relevance:{notMuch, moderate,
important}) and for how long the medicine was
forgotten (medicine_forgot: {shortPeriod,
moderatePeriod, longPeriod}. These data could
have been pre-processed by a Fuzzy controller
being, therefore, level_forget value the
defuzzificated output of it.
Associated to each linguistic variable defined,
there must be a second linguistic variable (a.2) that
defines the number of occurrences
(num_occurrences) of this situation in some interval
of time defined according to the need. The
membership functions defined for num_occurrences
in this model are 5, being labeled as: never, few,
moderate, many, always. Its bounds vary according
to the interval of time defined. This leads us to
conclude that there must exist a database containing
historical data obtained from sensors or applications
available for this patient.
4.2 Stage 2
Impact degree (impact_degree) is also defined as a
linguistic variable (output), being its membership
degree (μ(I)=x) the output resulting from the
execution of the inference rules applied to the
membership functions of the linguistic variables
previously defined. This process must happen in
each input linguistic variable identified.
The possible source for retrieval of the inference
rules could be: an expert; machine learning; a base
of rules previously defined in the system; another
system or model that makes use of methods as the
one presented by (De Campos; Moral, 1993).
The membership functions for the variable
impact_degree are labeled as: low (0-4), moderate
(1-9), high (6-10).
Again, it is important to remember that the
linguistic variable related to the number of
occurrences must be always considered in an
inference rule. For example:
IF level_forget IS high
AND num_occurrences IS many
IF level_falling IS moderate
AND num_occurrences IS moderate
4.3 Stage 3
After having the membership degree values for
impact_degree, it is finally possible to figure out
whether or not a decline in the patient's health
condition is happening. Basically, in this stage, after
aggregating the membership degrees for
impact_degree and identifying the resulting fuzzy
set for decline_level (low, moderate, high), there
will happen the process of defuzzification. Further
studies should be realized in order to identify the
most recommended defuzzification technique to be
applied in this model. Meanwhile, we recommend to
use COG, the most commonly used one.
We consider that for a result with ‘0’ value
means that there is absolutely no decline in the
patient situation, however the ‘10’ value means that
there is a 'complete' decline and some providence
should be taken as fast as possible. For any different
value in the interval 0-10, the application using this
model should decide how to proceed.
Fuzzy Based Model to Detect Patient’s Health Decline in Ambient Assisted Living
In order to demonstrate the use of the presented
model, we defined a fictitious scenario of a patient
living in an AAL environment. The Fuzzy controller
tool available in Matlab (Fuzzy Logic toolbox) was
used to process the data.
Let us consider the following scenario: “Mr.
Miller is a 77 year old retired citizen who lives in an
AAL residence and has some aging-associated
diseases such as memory disorders, hypertension
and Parkinson's disease (what can increase the risk
of falls). Because of his condition, he takes different
kinds of controlled medicines. Each medicine
presents a different impact and relevance in his
treatment in case of omission. Considering that Mr.
Miller's current health situation is defined as stable,
he does not need the constant presence of his
caregiver. However, in the AAL residence, there is a
middleware (Machado et al., 2017) that uses the
given Fuzzy based model and constantly monitors
his health situation in order to identify a decline and
possible need of a full-time caregiver.”
Considering the scenario described and the
model defined in the previous section, the following
activities must be identified in order to implement
the model:
5.1 Identification of Possible Risky
With the help of Mr. Miller's physician and a
database containing a history of his situation from
the last two months (falls, medicine's usage,
hospitalizations, among others), two situations are
identified as possibly offering some risk to his
treatment: falls (situation A) and forgetfulness of
medicine usage (situation B). In this context, the
two linguistic variables defined are:
(a) Falls_Level: Represents a history of falls of
the patient. The membership functions are labelled
as light_fall (when there was no injury and the
patient straightened up by himself; interval: 0-3.5),
moderate_fall (the patient needed help to stand up
and there may be an injury; interval: 2.5-5),
heavy_fall (the patient was injured and possibly
hospitalized; interval: 4-10);
(b) Forgetfulness_Level: represents a historical
of the patient's forgetfulness of the usage of his
medicines. The membership functions are labelled as
low (0-3.5), moderate (3-6), high (5-10).
Considering the registers contained in the
database, we suppose that both situations are first
processed in a Fuzzy controller in order to achieve a
value that will be used as the input value in our
model. In other words, the membership degrees for
both linguistic variables are the result of the output
of another Fuzzy reasoning.
In situation A, for example, all registers of falls
were analysed considering their gravity (resulted in
injury or not), whether someone had to be contacted,
etc. Then these registers were processed in a Fuzzy
controller and the value 4.2 was obtained. Similarly,
the registers for medicines usage were analysed
considering whether the medicine was taken late or
it was not taken, the relevance of the medicine, its
acceptable delay, among other factors.
Table 1 shows the input values identified, as well
as the membership degree for the variable
num_occurrences of each of these variables.
Table 1: Input values.
Situation Value Number of
A 4.2 6
B 3.8 18
The number of occurrences considers all
registers, independently of their level/degree. As the
period considered is two months, the bounds for the
membership functions in num_occurrences are
defined in days as follows: never (0-5), few (4-15),
moderate (10-25), many (18-55), always (53-60).
Finally, we have the four input variables (Figure
4) that will be used in our Fuzzy controller, which
will have as output 'impactA' for the impact level
Figure 4: Input linguist variables. (a) fallsLevel, (b)
forgetfullnessLevel, (c) numOccurrencesA, (d)
5.2 Identify the Membership Degree of
Impact for Each Defined Linguistic
To define the inference rules, it is required a high
level of knowledge about the situation in order to get
a good approximation to human reasoning. In this
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
case, we consider that the rules were derived
according to the knowledge of Mr. Miller's
physician. The inference rules are illustrated in the
matrices in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Inference rules matrices.
Based on these matrices, it is possible to describe
linguistically the inference rules as, for example:
IF falls_level IS light
AND num_occurrencesA IS always
THEN impact IS high
IF forgetfullness_level IS high
AND num_occurrencesB IS few
THEN impact IS moderate.
Notice that the impact value increases (is
aggravated) as the number of occurrences also
5.3 Identifying Possible Decline
By applying the inference rules to our input
variables, impact membership degrees are obtained
and then aggregated in order to identify the resulting
Fuzzy set (Figure 6(d)).
Then, the defuzzification method COG is applied
and we, finally, have a result that identifies a
possible decline in the health condition of Mr. Miller
(Figure 6(b)).The result obtained in this case study
was 5.04, what represents a significant decline in the
health situation of the patient. Supposing that an
application that makes use of this model considers
that for any value above 4 means that the patient
needs the attention of a caregiver, this is the moment
that the application would alert Mr. Miller's health
provider. A physician analysing the data provided
summed to his knowledge about the context, would
probably achieve the same conclusion – there is a
significant decline. In this way, we achieve the goal
for this model - the result obtained simulates the
human reasoning using vague concepts.
Another advantage of the use of a system using
this model is the possibility of, when a decline is
identified, the caregiver/doctor can verify what is
influencing it in an easy to understand language. For
example, if the system makes it available the
inference rules and a graphic view of the inference,
the person analysing it will be able to identify the
linguistic variables (falls, medicine forgetfulness,
among others) and easily comprehend it. With that,
the routine or environment of the patient can suffer
adaptations in order to be improved.
Summarizing, the application of the model in the
case study made it possible to determine the health
decline of the patient involved in the scenario by
using vague concepts. In this way, the use of this
model allied with other reasoning models for AAL
(Maran et al., 2015) could be efficiently used by
AAL systems.
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is a field that deals
with people, their actions, behaviour, and even
Figure 6: Fuzzy inference. (a) crisp input values, (b) crisp final result, (c) Fuzzy rules applied, (d) Fuzzy resulting set.
Fuzzy Based Model to Detect Patient’s Health Decline in Ambient Assisted Living
emotions. None of these aspects is very precise
being it, many times, hard to define a yes or no,
black or white. Considering that detecting a decline
in the health situation of a patient in an AAL may be
vague and difficult, this paper presented a model that
makes use of Fuzzy Logic to achieve this goal.
To detect a health decline, our model considers
as input values daily situations that are faced by the
patient and may offer some risk to his wellbeing.
The impact of each situation is processed in a Fuzzy
controller and, finally, a value for the decline is
obtained. In order to better explain our model, we
presented a case study with a fictitious scenario.
We are aware that the model presented in this
paper is not the only possible way to detect a decline
in the health situation of a patient. Many other
methods can be applied, however, one of our goals
in this work is, through the use of Fuzzy logic (since
it deals with vagueness, uncertainty and aims to
reproduce human decisions), to achieve a result
much more close to the reality being it similar to a
result that could have been obtained if the situation
of the patient was being analysed by a human being
(expert, physician, among others) and not by a
computer limited to 0 and 1s.
As future work, we aim to elaborate an approach
that identifies automatically the situations that may
offer some risk to the patient generating, also
automatically, the membership degree to be used as
input in this model. We also aim to apply the model
in a system with real data in order to develop further
studies to determine the accuracy of the model
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems