emotions. None of these aspects is very precise
being it, many times, hard to define a yes or no,
black or white. Considering that detecting a decline
in the health situation of a patient in an AAL may be
vague and difficult, this paper presented a model that
makes use of Fuzzy Logic to achieve this goal.
To detect a health decline, our model considers
as input values daily situations that are faced by the
patient and may offer some risk to his wellbeing.
The impact of each situation is processed in a Fuzzy
controller and, finally, a value for the decline is
obtained. In order to better explain our model, we
presented a case study with a fictitious scenario.
We are aware that the model presented in this
paper is not the only possible way to detect a decline
in the health situation of a patient. Many other
methods can be applied, however, one of our goals
in this work is, through the use of Fuzzy logic (since
it deals with vagueness, uncertainty and aims to
reproduce human decisions), to achieve a result
much more close to the reality being it similar to a
result that could have been obtained if the situation
of the patient was being analysed by a human being
(expert, physician, among others) and not by a
computer limited to 0 and 1s.
As future work, we aim to elaborate an approach
that identifies automatically the situations that may
offer some risk to the patient generating, also
automatically, the membership degree to be used as
input in this model. We also aim to apply the model
in a system with real data in order to develop further
studies to determine the accuracy of the model
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