veyors present in the port of the study case. A set of
preliminar y on-field tests to evaluate individual equip-
ment d emonstrated that the feasibility of the mobile
data cap turing unity has promising results regarding
inspection time and assertiveness. Although, to em-
bed sensors in the UAV, to develop algorithms to pro-
cess and present data to inspectors are still challenges
to overco me. Therefore, futu re work will concentrate
on the following:
(i) Embed different sensors in the UAV and perform
on-field testing to validate data acquisition
(ii) Create and e mbed algorithms in the UAV to ef-
ficiently d etect defects on rollers, integrating the
outputs with the user interface to improve in-
(iii) Evaluate power consumption of UAV and sen-
sors, developing solutions to improve battery au-
(iv) Develop API’s on the ESB to integrate the mo-
bile data capturing unity with enterprise systems
(v) Develop semi-autonomous and fully autonomous
navigation algorithms in the UAV
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