Evaluating the Quality of the Documentation of
Open Source Software
Lerina Aversano, Daniela Guardabascio and Maria Tortorella
Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, p.za Roma 21, Benevento, Italy
Keywords: Open Source Software, Software Maintenance, Software Reusability, Software Measurement, Software
Metrics, Software Documentation.
Abstract: Software documentation is a basic component of the software development process: from the definition of
the functional requirements to the maintenance phase. Software documentation refers to different types of
documents that facilitates the software developer’s tasks. Then, it includes the textual documentation
required by the Software engineering standards, API documentation, Wiki pages and source code
comments. Surveys and studies indicate that the documentation is not always available and, if available,
only partially addresses the developers' needs, as it is often wrong, incomplete, out-of-date and ambiguous.
This paper focuses on the quality assessment of the documentation of open source systems with the aim of
understanding the support it can offer for adopting them and executing maintenance activities. Specifically,
a quality model is defined and a preliminary investigation of its applicability is performed.
Software documentation has a significant relevance
in the software development process from the
definition of the functional requirements to the
maintenance phase (Chomas and Saini, 2015),
(Garousi et al., 2013), (Sommerville, 2005).
Actually, the software is not only documented by
the textual documentation required by the software
engineering standards (IEEE Std 830-1998), (IEEE
Std 1028-2008), (IEEE Std 1063-2001), (ISO/IEC
9126:2001), (ISO/IEC 25010:2005), (ISO/IEC
26514:2008), even if in different formats (e.g.,
Word, pdf, ppt), but it can include additional
documents describing the software artefacts, such as
all the documents produced during the software
development process, and formalized as API
documentation, Wiki pages, and source code
In the proposed study, the term "software
documentation" is used to refer the various types of
documents indicated above.
The documentation required by the standards
(IEEE Std 830-1998), (IEEE Std 1028-2008), (IEEE
Std 1063-2001), (ISO/IEC 9126:2001), (ISO/IEC
25010:2005), (ISO/IEC 26514:2008) generally
consists of documents aiming to explain the
functionalities the software performs, its
architecture, how it is structured and implemented,
and how it can be used. It includes the following
documents: software requirements specifications,
software design documents, code, quality and testing
documents. Each document is relevant for
understanding the software product. Differently, the
API documentation specifies how software
components can be used and interacts with each
other. Wiki pages allow for web-based visualization
and knowledge management. It offers semantic-
enhanced search facilities such as filtering, faceting,
and graph-like exploration of knowledge. Finally,
software documentation also includes the inline
comments of the source code. Actually, according to
de Souza at al. (Cozzetti de Souza et al., 2005), the
comments help developers to fully understand the
software product.
Several interviews with software engineers and
developers working in organizations have been
performed. The results are enclosed in surveys and
papers, and indicate that the documentation is not
always available and it only partially addresses the
developers' needs, as it is often wrong, incomplete,
out-of-date and ambiguous.
In the case of closed source software, the
requirements are generally clear and well-
documented, as well as the design and testing
Aversano, L., Guardabascio, D. and Tortorella, M.
Evaluating the Quality of the Documentation of Open Source Software.
DOI: 10.5220/0006369403080313
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2017), pages 308-313
ISBN: 978-989-758-250-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
documents (Satzinger et al., 2000). These does not
happen for open source systems, where these
documents may not exist, or not represent any
official documentation.
This paper focuses on the assessment of the
quality of the various types of documents that may
be useful for understanding a software artefact. In
particular, it is focused on the documentation of the
Open Source Software systems, with the aim of
understanding if it can be a valuable support to
anyone who wants to adopt such a kind of systems
and/or execute maintenance activities.
With this in mind, the paper presents a quality
model and the results of a preliminary investigation
of its applicability.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
discusses the principal research work related to the
quality of software documentation. Section 3
describes the proposed model for evaluating the
quality of the documentation of Open Source
Software system. Section 4 presents a case study,
while conclusions are given in Section 5.
The literature reports several studies focusing on the
evaluation of the usefulness of the documentation of
a software product. Specifically, these studies
discuss the use that software practitioners make of
different kinds of documentations.
Forward and Lethbridge (Forward and
Lethbridge, 2002) made a survey, involving
different developers. They presented several
documentation attributes, such as document writing
style, grammar, level of upgrade, type, format,
visibility, etc. They observed that the documentation
content is an important support for communication
and should always be useful and serve a purpose. It
can be relevant even if it is not updated or
inconsistent. The same authors (Lethbridge et al.,
2003) highlighted the general attitudes regarding the
software engineering documentation. For example,
some results indicated that various types of abstract
documentation are a valid guidance for maintenance
work and that inline comments of the source code
are often a good support to assist detailed
maintenance work. The study also discussed
negative results, such as the fact that multiple types
of documents are often out of date or that the
documentation is poorly written.
de Souza et al. (Cozzetti de Souza et al., 2005)
established in their surveys the importance of each
documentation artefacts, with reference to the full
understanding of the software product and execution
of maintenance activities. The results of this study
have also shown that the documentation is often
incomplete or out-of-date, and the developers have
to use the source code and related comments for
fully understanding the software product.
Another aspect coming from the contribution of
Kipyegen and Korir (Kipyegen and Korir, 2013)
regards the little usage of the documentation, and,
consequently, the decrease of its efficiency during
the software development task.
Several other research works focused on the
documentation quality.
Arthur and Stevens (Arthur and Stevens, 1989)
identified four Document Quality Indicators (DQI)
that are attributed to an appropriate documentation:
Accuracy, Completeness, Usability and
Expandability. As quality is an intangible
characteristic, without direct measure, the authors of
the cited paper associated each quality characteristic
to some factors, and each factor to some quantifiers,
whose combination gave rise to quality indicators
(DQI) that are quantifiable.
In (Plösch et al., 2014), (Wingkvist et al., 2010),
the following additional documentation quality
attributes are proposed: Accuracy, Clarity,
Consistency, Readability, Structuring, and
Understandability. Indeed, from a conducted survey
(Wingkvist et al., 2010), it emerges that the typical
problems related to the documentation quality deals
with unreliable, incomplete or non-existent
documentation, not documented changes in the
software system and lack of integrity and coherence.
The authors developed a tool (Lethbridge et al.,
2003) for analysing the quality of software systems,
documentation included.
Problems related to the documentation quality
have also been encountered by Uddin and Robillard
(Uddin and Robillard, 2015) with reference to the
API documentation quality, and by Diaz-Pace et al.
(Diaz-Pace et al., 2014) with reference to the Wiki
This paper considers all the aspects arising from
the previous studies and proposes a quality model
for evaluating various types of documentation
associated with an Open Source Software system.
Then, unlike other proposed approaches,
focusing on just one kind of documentation, the
proposed quality model considers multiple types of
document supporting an Open Source Software
system, such as textual standard documentation, API
documentation, Wiki support and in line comments.
Evaluating the Quality of the Documentation of Open Source Software
This section proposes an approach to assess and
evaluate the quality of software documentation. The
approach is metric-based and considers different
indicators to be evaluated on the various types of
documentation considered: technical documentation,
user documentation, API, Wiki, and source code
comments. The quality indicators have been
formalized by using a set of Questions, which entail
the evaluation of a set of Metrics. Overall, the
identified quality indicators aim to evaluate:
to what extent the documentation reflects the
current state of the software system;
to what extent the documentation is
understandable and well structured.
Tables 1 contains the list of the questions and
related metrics that have been considered. For each
metric the table reports the formula used for its
assessment, the range of values it can assume and its
acceptance threshold, if definable. In particular, the
acceptance thresholds are useful to identify where
the software system documentation needs to be
improved, on the basis of the values of the measured
metrics. The quality indicators considered for the
definition of the metric-based quality model and
reported in Table 1 are the following:
Completeness: to evaluate the completeness level
of the documentation with reference to the
source code; in particular, these quality
indicators check whether the documentation
describes all of the items (packages, classes,
methods) of the source code.
Alignment: to verify whether the documentation
is updated with reference to the project release it
refers to.
Readability: to examine if the sentences express
clear and understandable concepts. The Flesch
readability test (Flesch Reading Ease) was used,
designed to indicate how difficult is to be
understood an English reading. The index score
ranges from 0 to 100 and a value equal to 50 is
considered adequate as it is associated with the
10th to 12th grade school level; while higher
scores indicate material that is easier to read and
lower marks indicate passages that are more
difficult to read (Flesch and Rudolf, 2016).
Dimension: to analyse if the document sentences
are too long or too short, with the aim of
verifying if text is too difficult to be understood,
or too short for exhaustively expressing a
concept, respectively. Cutts asserted that over the
whole document, average sentence length should
be 15-20 word (Cutts, 2013).
Graphical Support: to verify the availability of
visual aids (figures and tables) facilitating the
understandability of the text. The citations of the
visual aids within the text and existence of clear
captions are verified. It may occur that figures or
tables not included in the document are indexed,
in this case the score is greater than 1.
Consistency to Standard: to verify if the
available documentation is compliant to the
Software Engineering Standards: Software
Requirement specification, Software Design
documents, Code system documentation, Test
plans, and so on.
Structure: regarding the textual documentation
and aiming at evaluating its actual structure in
terms of number of chapters, sections, sub-
sections nesting, document length, and density of
tables and figures. A good structure and
organization of the document helps to consult it.
Easy to use: concerning API and Wiki and
assessing the organization from a usability point
of view. Aspects that will be investigated are the
fragmentation of the concepts within web pages,
and the size of the Java Doc and Wiki.
Appropriateness comments: estimating the
density of comments in the code. A high density
of comments helps the developer in the
comprehension of source code.
Most of the metrics included in the model can be
evaluated with reference to the API, Wiki, code
comments and documentation. While Graphical
Support and Consistency to Standard are evaluated
just with reference to Documentation. Easy to use is
evaluated with reference to Wiki and JavaDoc;
finally, the Appropriateness of the comments is
evaluated with reference to the code comments.
The evaluation of these metrics requires the
application of NLP, Information Extraction and
Information Retrieval techniques in order to make an
objective analysis and not a subjective one. Table 1
shows the metrics considered for the different types
of documentation. The index I indicates in which set
of documents refers analysis, while index E refers to
what visual aid it is evaluated (figure or table).
This section described the study conducted to verify
the applicability of the proposed metrics-based
approach. In particular, the approach has been used
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 1: Metrics adopted for evaluating the quality of documentation.
Id Name Id Formulas Values
Q1 What is the
completeness level
of documentation
with reference to
the source code?
     
Q2 Is the available
updated with the
considered release?
{yes, not}
Q3 What is the level of
readability of the
Q4 What is the medium
If present, the
Figures and the
Tables are
indexed? Have they
a Legend?
# 
 
Q6 Is the
organized in
accordance to the
#   
Is the
documentation well
Is the
documentation easy
to use?
 
 # 
Q9 Is the code
  
to measure the quality of the documentation of an
open source software system, namely, OpenNMS.
OpenNMS (www.opennms.org) is an enterprise
network management application platform
developed under the Open Source model. This
Project started in July of 1999 and was registered on
SourceForge in March of 2000. It evolved over
seventeen different releases. Currently it includes
more than 700 packages.
Table 2 reports the results of the evaluation of
the documentation of OpenNMS. A subset of these
metrics have been manually computed, such as
ChapterTreeDept or DocumentationSize, other with
Evaluating the Quality of the Documentation of Open Source Software
the support of Python scripts, such as Consistency of
API and Code Comments.
Table 2: Metrics evaluation of OpenNMS.
Id N
AME Formulas
M1.D Completeness
M1.A Completeness
M1.W Completeness
M1.C Completeness
M2.D Updating
M2.A Updating
M2.W Updating
M2.C Updating
M3.D FleschReadabilityIndex
M3.A FleschReadabilityIndex
M3.W FleschReadabilityIndex
M3.C FleschReadabilityIndex
M4.D MediumSentenceLenght
12.72 words
M4.A MediumSentenceLenght
7.7 words
M4.W MediumSentenceLenght
16.73 words
M4.C MediumSentenceLenght
8.03 words
M5.1.F Number
56 figures
M5.1.T Number
286 Tables
M5.2.F Indexing
M5.2.T Indexing
M5.3.F Legend
M5.3.T Legend
M6.I ConsistencySt
M7.1 DocumentSize
405 pages
M7.2 AverageSizeCP
11.57 pp/cap
M7.3 ChapterTreeDept
3 sections
M7.4.F Density
M7.4.T Density
M8.1 InfoFragmention
M8.2 JavaDocDensity 0.19
M8.3 WikiSize 2825
5 subsections
M9.1 CommentDensity 0.14
The first indication emerging from the
assessment of Question Q1 is that not all the
packages and classes in the source code are referred
in the API (M1.A), and not all the classes and
methods in Source Code are commented (M1.C),
indeed both these values are less than one. While
Wiki and Documentation have not references to the
Source Code, then their Completeness (M1.W,
M1.D) is equal to 0.
From the assessment of Question Q2, it emerges
that the documentation is updated with reference to
the source code. This means that the analysed
documentation, API, Wiki and inline comments was
aligned with the source code.
The evaluation of Question Q3 indicates that the
Documentation (M3.D) and API (M3.A) are difficult
to read, and that even the medium sentences length
is excessively long (M4.A and M 4.D). Readability
of Comments inline of source Code (M3.C) and
Readability of Wiki (M3.W) are fairly difficult to be
read. Indeed, these metrics assume a value very
closed to the thresholds.
Instead, the evaluation of Question Q5 indicates
that the documentation includes some figures with
clear captions (M5.1.F= 56 figures, M5.3.F = 0.71),
while the documentation includes a lot of Tables, but
many of them do not have an adequate caption
(M5.1.T = 286 tables, M5.3.F = 0.33), or they are
not adequately indexed (M5.2.F = 0, M5.2.T = 0).
With reference to the assessment of Question Q6,
it is possible to observe that the available
documentation is not consistent with the standards.
In fact, the documentation includes just one kind of
document foreseen in the standards (M6 = 0.20).
With reference to the assessment of Question Q7,
it is possible to observe that the number of pages of
the documentation is equal to 405 (M7.1), but the
documentation analysed includes four documents:
administrators guide (264 pages), developers guide
(79 pages), installation guide (30 pages), users guide
(32 pages). The average length of a chapter is 11.57
pages (M7.2), and the tree depth of each chapter is 3
In addition, Figure density does not achieve a
high value as just 56 figures are included in 405
pages (M7.4.F = 0.13); the reverse can be observed
for the Table density as 286 tables are present in 405
pages (M7.4.T = 0.70).
With reference to the assessment of Question Q8,
it is possible to observe that the Info Fragmentation
does not achieve a high value, then each information
is distributed among few pages (M8.1 = 0.20).
Regarding JavaDocDensity, about 18 classes are
described in one JavaDoc MB indicating that even
the Java doc density (M8.2 = 0.18) assumes low
values. The size of the Wiki is fairly high (M8.4 =
2825), and has a navigation tree equal to 5 (M8.3 =
Finally, density of comments in the code is fairly
low (M9.1 = 0.14), indicating that the code is few
From the obtained results, it can be deduced that
the documentation of the reporting software system
must be improved. In particular, it can be observed
that; the readability needs to be improved; more
documents requested by Software Engineering
Standards must be included; the comments should be
increased within the source code; the API should be
ENASE 2017 - 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
aligned to the source code; and Figures and Tables
should be indexed.
This paper proposed a metric-based quality model
for the assessment of the quality of the
documentation of Open Source Software systems. In
particular, the proposed model includes the
specification of a set of metrics to be measured. It
refers to a wide concept of documentation that
considers the various type of documentation that
facilitates the software developer’s tasks, such as
textual documentation required by the Software
engineering standards, API documentation, Wiki
pages and source code comments.
A preliminary investigation of its applicability
of the proposed quality model has been performed
by considering an Open Source Software systems,
Future work will consider a refinement of the
quality model with the introduction of additional
needed metrics considering grammatical correctness
of documentation, ambiguity of the text, duplication
of arguments and the analysis of more case studies.
Indeed, a larger base of software systems should be
measured to increase the practical relevance of the
achieved results.
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Evaluating the Quality of the Documentation of Open Source Software