A Context Aware Approach for Promoting Tourism Events: The Case
of Artist’s Lights in Salerno
Francesco Colace
, Saverio Lemma
, Marco Lombardi
and Francesco Pascale
DIIn, University of Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, 84084, Fisciano, Salerno, Italy
SIMASLab, University of Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132, 84084, Fisciano, Salerno, Italy
Keywords: E-Citizenship, Context-aware Computing, Adaptive Systems.
Abstract: This paper introduces a Context Aware App for the tourism. This app is based on a graphical formalism for
the context representation: the Context Dimension Tree. The aim is to propose a Context Aware approach that
acts as dynamic support for the tourists, equipped of a mobile device which reacts to a change of context
adapting user interface, according to his/her current position and global profile. For example, the system can
guide the tourist in the discovery of a town proposing him/her events mainly interesting for the user. A case
study applied to a Christmas event in Salerno, an Italian town, has been analyzed considering various users
(Italian tourists, foreign tourists, etc.) and an experimental campaign has been conducted, obtaining interesting
The adoption of Future Internet (FI) technology and of
its most challenging components like the Internet of
Things (IoT) and the Internet of Services (IoS), can
constitute the basic building blocks to progress
towards a unified ICT platform for a variety of
applications within the large framework of smart cities
projects (Atzori et al., 2001; Colace et al., 2015c). In
addition, recent issues on participatory sensing, where
every day mobile devices like cellular phones form
interactive, participatory sensor networks enabling
public and professional users to gather, analyze and
share local knowledge (Hernandez-Munoz et al.,
2011; Colace et al., 2005), seem to fit the smartness
requirements of a city in which also people have to
play an active role. Eventually, the cloud computing
technologies provides a natural infrastructure to
support smart services (Colace et al., 2015a).
One of the fields that can take great advantages
from such technologies is tourism (Schaffers et al.,
2011). In this scenario, persons (citizens, tourists, etc.)
and objects (cars, buildings, rooms, sculptures, etc.)
equipped with appropriate devices (GPS, smart-
phone, video cameras, temperature/humidity sensors,
etc.) constitute a particular social network in which all
the mentioned entities can communicate (Komninos et
al., 2011).
Exchanged and produced data can be exploited by
a set of applications in order to make the system
“smart”. From a more general point of view, the social
network can be seen as composed of a set of Single
Smart Spaces (S3) (indoor museums, archaeological
sites, old town centers, etc.), each needing particular
ICT infrastructure and service that transforms the
physical spaces into useful smart environments. Here,
one of the most challenging and interesting research
problem is to model context awareness in a S3 and
design context aware applications able to provide
useful data and services depending on the current
context occurrences (Colace et al., 2015b; Colace et
al., 2014).
Context is not just a simple profile that describes
the surroundings of data. Rather, context is better
described as any piece of information that can be used
to characterize the situation of an entity such as a
person, a place, or any other relevant object/aspect in
the interaction between a user and an application. In
this paper, we try to give an answer to the problem of
the context representation using the Context
Dimension Tree formalism (Bolchini et al., 2006a;
Bolchini et al., 2009).
On the basis of what has been previously
described, this work will be organized in this way: in
the following paragraph, we will describe the concept
of context and how it can be declined in a modern way
thanks to the use of new technologies. Then, we will
introduce a context-based approach able to give, inside
Colace, F., Lemma, S., Lombardi, M. and Pascale, F.
A Context Aware Approach for Promoting Tourism Events: The Case of Artist’s Lights in Salerno.
DOI: 10.5220/0006370007520759
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 752-759
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a Christmas event in a little town, services and
contents useful for the user. Some experimental results
will be presented in the last part of the paper.
In this section, we describe a typical application in the
tourist domain in order to better understand the main
features of the proposed system. In particular, we
consider a tourist that during her/his vacation in
Campania desires to see Artist’s Lights Christmas
event in Salerno, a beautiful town located in the South
of Italy.
Some of the features of context-aware systems are
given below:
contextual sensing: ability to sense context
information and present it to the user;
contextual adaptation: ability to execute or modify
a service automatically at runtime based on the
context resource discovery: ability to discover and
use resources and services related to the current
contextual augmentation: ability to supplement
digital data with the user’s context.
In particular, to be considered smart, the
environment related to the Artist’s Lights event should
provide a set of smart services for:
suggesting the visit of the most important
Christmas lights;
having information about the Christmas lights in
accessing to proper multimedia guides describing
the Christmas lights that are in Salerno;
recommending special visit paths (Il Mito, Il
Sogno, Il Tempo, Il Natale);
monitoring the weather condition;
showing the timetable of the transport services
located in Salerno;
saving the visit in a multimedia album and sharing
it with friends.
For improving their effectiveness, these services
and contents have to be furnished to the user in the
right context and at the right timing. Therefore, it is
important the context awareness of the framework and
the opportunity to use it by mobile devices (Colace et
al., 2015d). Another important feature of the system is
the ability to suggest resources that usually are not
considered as mainstream.
In order to give the most suitable contents to the
users, in this paper we introduce a context aware
system able to tailor data and services depending on
the context and the users’ needs.
Data about resources and services are collected from a
knowledge base built by a group of experts and
collecting information from the various social
In the next paragraphs, more details about context
awareness and the application of the proposed
approach in real context will be furnished.
The term context has been defined by many
researchers. One of the most cited definitions of
context is the definition of Dey et al. (1999) that defines
context as “any information that can be used to
characterize the situation of an entity. An entity is a
person, place, or object that is considered relevant to
the interaction between a user and an application,
including the user and applications themselves.”
We accept the definition of context provided by
Dey et al. to be used in this research work, because this
definition can be used to identify context from data in
The originators of the term context awareness are
Schilit and Theimer who in 1994 introduced and
defined Context-aware computing as “the ability of a
mobile user's applications to discover and react to
changes in the environment they are situated in”
(Schilit et al., 1994).
Pascoe et al. (2000) describe context awareness as
the ability of the computing devices to detect, sense,
interpret and respond to aspects of a user’s local
environment and the computing devices them selves.
Dey and Abowd have refined these definitions into
a more general definition what a context-aware system
is. In this definition they use context in the definition
of a context-aware system. Since context has already
been defined and classified in the above it is logical to
use these elements in the definition of context
awareness: “A system is context-aware if it uses
context to provide relevant information and/or services
to the user, where relevancy depends on the user's
If we wanted to classify the context awareness
categories, we could consider that presented in
Bisgaard et al. (2004):
1. Presentation of information and services to a user,
is the systems ability to select appropriate
information and services according to the current
context and make these available to the user at the
correct time.
2. Automatic execution of a service, is when the
system automatically performs actions and updates
A Context Aware Approach for Promoting Tourism Events: The Case of Artist’s Lights in Salerno
the system according to events in the context.
3. Tagging of context to information for later
retrieval, is applying information to the context so
that the information may the retrieved later when
the user enters the same context again.
Context-aware systems are changing over the years
since its introduction, several existing context-aware
systems were reviewed.
Based on the characteristics, existing context-
aware systems are broadly classified into four
categories, namely the first generation, second
generation, third generation and fourth generation of
context-aware systems (Meena et al., 2014).
Examples of first generation context-aware systems
are tour guide, shopping assistant, phone call
forwarding and location information providing.
The main focus during this generation is acquisition
of location from the sources. This systems are named
location based service systems.
The second generation context-aware systems
initiated focusing on achieving more number of
context-aware applications starting from homogenous
devices to heterogenous devices.
Third generation of context-aware systems begins
to focus on context knowledge sharing among the
network. It concentrates on markup languages, for
example Web Ontology Language (OWL).
Fourth generation of context-aware systems are
working in ambient environment.
What are the mobile context-aware applications
In this section we will describe some systems and
ideas behind the applications.
One of the very first attempts to make a context-
aware system is the CyberGuide (Abowd et al., 1997)
which was created back in 1996. The CyberGuide was
intended to work as a citywide guide system which
could lead people to the sites which they wished to see
and also provide a local mobile guide inside the
different attractions around the city. Once inside a
museum or a similar site the CyberGuide functions as
a personal tour guide which leads the user around the
exhibit and based on knowledge of the user’s location
provides information about the pieces of art in the
SenSay (Siewiorek et al., 2003) is one example of
a context-aware system that attempts to adapt to
dynamically-changing environmental and
physiological states. The system relies on a sensor
network that utilises a person’s mobile phone as a
primary source of context information, although the
use of applications (e.g. calendars, task lists) and body-
embedded sensors was also targeted.
AnonySense (Shin et al., 2010), a privacy-aware
architecture for collaborative pervasive applications
that use mobile sensing. Mobile sensor data is
anonymized before its use by any of the applications.
SOCAM (Gu et al., 2004) is a service oriented
ontology based context-aware middleware. It supports
semantic representation and reasoning of context. It
also divides context into upper and lower level
ontologies such as interpreted context through physical
world, and memory and battery status respectively. It
allows adaptability by listening, detecting and
invocating events for application services.
GeoNotes by Espinoza et al. is a system for
abstracting location information for location-aware
applications (Espinoza et al., 2001). The system
architecture is constructed to support shared
information for mobile devices, exactly to leave notes
atspecific places for other users to be read. A user
creates notes and sticks it to certain places, where other
users can read them. Notes can be targeted at a single
user or a whole user group. Vice versa a specific user
can create and apply filters to perceive only a subset of
the notes associated to a certain place.
In the following paragraph, we will present an
approach to the management of the context and the
contextualization of its associated contents and
In order to make contextualized queries, it is necessary
to define a model for the representation and
management of the context itself, which allows
filtering the resources obtained, on the basis of
contextual parameters (user position, user profile, user
friends, etc.): this operations are made through the
Context Dimension Tree (CDT) (Tanca et al., 2006).
Therefore, the result shows itself like a well-
organized information that presents a general
introduction about the place reached by the user,
according to his/her interests and enriched with the
experiences shared by similar users, and a list of the
main suggested attractions about the near places
visited by the friends.
In particular, CDT is used to be able to represent,
in a graphic form, all possible contexts that you may
have within an application. CDT plays a fundamental
role in tailoring the information space according to the
user’s information needs, as well as an analysis of
relevant features of context models. It is thus
important to notice that this notion of context is strictly
connected to the considered application and is not
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
meant to model the general knowledge concerning one
or more areas of interest, a situation where a data
schema, or a domain-ontology may be better suited
(Bolchini et al., 2006b; Colace et al., 2015e).
CDT is a tree composed of a triad <r; N; A> where
r indicates its root, N is the set of nodes of which it is
made of and A is the set of arcs joining these nodes.
A dimension node, which is graphically
represented by the color black, is a node that describes
a possible dimension of the application domain; a
concept node, on the other hand, is depicted by the
color white and represents one of the possible values
that a dimension may assume. Each node is identified
through its type and a label.
The children of the root node r are all dimension
nodes, they are called top dimension and for each of
them there may be a sub-tree. Leaf nodes, instead,
must be concept nodes. A dimension node can have,
as children, only concept nodes and, similarly, a
concept node can have, as children, only dimension
nodes. In addition to nodes, you can use other
elements: the parameters, which may arise both from
a dimension node (graphically represented by a white
square) and from a concept node (white triangle),
submitting them to particular constraints. In fact, a
concept node can have more than one parameter, while
a dimension node can have only a parameter and only
in case it has not already children nodes. The
introduction of parameters is due to their usefulness in
shaping the characteristics that can have an infinite or
very high number of attributes. For example, a node
representing Cost dimension risks having a high
number of values that should be specified by as many
concept children nodes. In a similar case, it is therefore
preferred to use only one parameter, whose value will
be specified in each case. Leaf nodes, in addition to
concept nodes, can also be parameters. In general,
each node has a parameter corresponding to a domain,
dom(nP). For parameter nodes connected to concept
nodes, the domain can be a set of key values from a
relational database, while in case of parameter nodes
connected to dimension nodes, the domain is a set of
possible concept nodes of dimension.
Therefore, CDT is used to systematically describe
the user needs, and to capture the context the user is
acting in. It plays a fundamental role in tailoring the
target application data according to the user
information needs. Once the possible contexts have
been designed, each must be connected with the
corresponding view definition. In this ways, when the
context becomes current, the view is computed and
delivered to the user (Parent et al., 2007).
In fact, through the CDT, it is possible, after
analyzing the domain of application, to express the
size characteristics and values they can take in a
graphical way by, respectively, dimension nodes and
concept nodes or parameters.
The assignment to a dimension of one of its
possible values is a context element. The context
element can be considered the main feature of the
application, by which a context can be decomposed.
The moment you make the formulation of the context,
you must specify all the context elements that are part
of it and that enable its creation. Any context is
expressible by an “and” combination of the context
elements to which they are peculiar.
By definition, you can begin to understand how
you will create views based on data relating to each
context; in fact, they will be built starting from the
portions of the database and then from the partial
views, associated to the context element that takes part
into context information.
The CDT elaboration is composed of
methodologies and phases to obtain contextual
resources. The methodology has been realized in order
to manage the database and to carry out reductions of
their content based on the context. The purpose is to
help the designer in the definition of all contexts
relevant to the considered application and, later, in the
association to each context of the portion of the
database containing the relevant data about the
The methodology consists of three main phases,
which we will see in detail later: design phase of the
CDT, definition phase of partial views and
composition phase of global views (Annunziata et al.,
1. Design phase of the Context Tree: in this phase, the
CDT is designed to identify significant context
elements for the considered application. In fact, it
focuses on the definition of contexts and on the
elements that compose them. These contexts must
be identified and shaped, indicating particular
elements that characterize each of them. As it has
been said, it is available a special tool called CDT
to make context design. Various CDT were made
for specific environments in order to represent and
manage a multitude of different contexts and in
order to identify, represent, preserve and make
available cultural points for each type of user.
2. Definition phase of partial views: after the
definition of all the contexts and their context
elements, in this step a different portion of the
database is associated to each context element,
containing the relevant data for it. In practice, the
goal is to find the appropriate value for a given
dimension, in order to obtain, by means of the
A Context Aware Approach for Promoting Tourism Events: The Case of Artist’s Lights in Salerno
values of all the dimensions, a valid query and
specific to the context in which the user is located.
3. Composition phase of global views: this is the
phase where you have the automatic generation of
views associated with each context, which is made
starting from partial views associated with context
elements. After the creation of the global views of
the contexts, the answers to questions that will be
asked to the system will be developed from these
views and, in particular, from the view associated
with the context in which you are located when the
query is performed.
In particular, once defined the values for each
dimension, you can use all the information obtained in
order to identify the right context and offer contextual
resources for the user.
In figure 1, it is shown a general designed CDT,
called Meta CDT, which is the starting point for the
design of a specific CDT that can be exploited in
contextual applications (Colace et al., 2015d).
You may note six top dimensions, which
correspond to the questions of the 5W1H method:
Location (WHERE), Role (WHO), Time (WHEN),
Situation (HOW), Interest (WHAT) and Utilization
In particular, there are two types of users and
eleven categories of interests. In this case, as shown in
figure 2, a partial view could be related to dimension
“Role”: once logged in, the application is able to
recognize the user and to know more precisely
whether he/she is, for example in tourist areas, a
resident or a tourist. Thus, the value “tourist” of
dimension “Role” is a partial view for the current
context: using this knowledge, you can exclude certain
resources, not suitable or useful to the tourist role.
A context element is defined as an assignment
= value, where d_name
indicates a possible
size or undersize of CDT (it is the label of a dimension
node), while value may represent the label of one of
the concept nodes that are children of the considered
dimension node or the value of a parameter referring
to one of these concept nodes or the value of a
parameter referring to the considered dimension node.
For example, these assignments are possible
context elements:
Interest = “tourism”, Location = $locationID (for
example, ID = 3), Role = $userID->role (for example,
ID = 15), Utilization = “holiday”. A context is
specified as: ˄(d_name
= value): it is defined as an
“and” among different context elements.
Several context elements, combined with each
other by means of an “and”, damage, therefore, the
origin of a context (Casillo et al., 2016a).
For example, a possible framework that can be
obtained from the previously seen CDT, through the
context elements that we have listed, is:
Figure 1: Meta Context Dimension Tree.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
C = (Location = $locationID (ID=3)) ˄ (Role=
$userID->role (ID=15)) ˄ (Time = “now”)
˄ (Situation = “routine”) ˄ (Interest = “tourism”) ˄
(Utilization = “holiday”)
The context is defined as a user, interested in tourism,
who uses the contextual app on vacation, in a called
Figure 2: Example of Partial Views.
In this section, we will present Smart Artist’s Lights,
contextual app designed and implemented
to what was described previously. In
particular, we
have thought to apply the approach in
the context of
Artist’s Lights Christmas event, that every year is held
in Salerno (Regione Campania in Italy) and that
involves hundreds of thousands of tourists.
From November to January, with light installations,
some by local artists exclusively for Salerno, scattered
through the main streets and in the most beautiful and
attractive corners of the city center.
In this phase, we
have collected the services and
contents potentially
useful for the citizens and situate
them on the map
defining the activation zones (figure
Figure 3: Definition of the activation areas of services and
Moreover, we have defined the different typologies of
citizens (tourist and expert user) associating
them to
a previously established set of services and
Having the town a series of Christmas contents,
have developed services and contents in support
them too.
All information about places of worship and
has been uploaded, for any building or area of
The App has been developed with hybrid
technologies (Ionic Framework and Apache Cordova)
to allow an
easier publication both in Android and
environment (figure 4 and figure 5).
Figure 4: Screenshots with some features of contextual
Figure 5: Screenshots with other features of contextual
The experimental phase aims to evaluate the proposed
contextual model. Initially, the App has been
presented to the population in
November 2016. They
have been involved overall about 1000 tourists
between 18 and 60 years old. During this event, the
app has been installed on the mobile devices of the
After having interacted for some days with the
application, the participants have then answered on the
basis of the Likert scale to fourteen statements,
divided into four sections. To every question present
in the section, five possible answers have been
associated: I strongly agree – I agree – Undecided
(Neither agree nor disagree) – I disagree- I strongly
The questionnaire in detail is the following:
Section A: App – Context
A1. The App gives the user tailor-made contents
A Context Aware Approach for Promoting Tourism Events: The Case of Artist’s Lights in Salerno
and services in the right place.
A2. The App allows the user to know several item
of the Artist’s Lights.
A3. The App supplies services according to the
interests selected in the user profile.
Section B: App Lights – Further aspects
B1. Information about each item of Artist’s Lights
is very useful.
B2. The contents, such as descriptions and images,
are of high quality and represent one of the strong
points of Artist’s Lights.
B3. The services associated to the items allow a
higher immediacy than a classic research on the
Section C: App – Functionality
C1. The plan itinerary service allows easily
realizing an itinerary in the Artist’s Lights
according to the user’s preferences.
C2. The explore surroundings service is very
useful to know what there is nearby and eventually
reach them.
C3. The functionality of QR code in inner
environments can be well used.
Section D: App – Future developments
D1. It would be interesting to have a higher
integration with the main social networks.
D2. It would be interesting to insert the available
time in the plan itinerary service.
Table 1 presents a synthesis of the answers of the
participants to each declaration.
Table 1: Experimental results.
303 580 92 15 10
487 422 55 20 16
418 512 55 9 6
315 562 70 35 18
294 502 132 42 30
440 514 27 11 8
596 366 24 6 8
387 493 79 24 17
331 519 95 33 22
458 478 27 19 18
367 435 117 47 34
As shown in this table, of the 1000 participants who
have interacted with the application, many agree
and/or strongly agree that the system gives appropriate
contextual information about the place, further aspects
and functionality are very useful and future
developments are interesting. Instead, only in few
cases, the participants do not are particularly satisfied.
As can noticed from the figure 6, users show
appreciation for the app. In general, they
the proposed contents and services.
Figure 6: Graphic analysis of experimental results.
This paper proposes the use of a Context-Aware
Approach for the selection of the most suitable
services and contents for a user in a certain context.
The system is based on the concept of Context
Dimension Tree, a graphical formalism able to model
a context by the approach of the 5W1H method.
The propose approach has been implemented in an
App that furnishes services personalized for the needs
of the user according to the context where he/she is.
The App bases its ‘contextual’ functioning on the
adoption of the CDT that is able to shape the context
and the actions to implement.
It has been
developed for the Artist’s Lights
Christmas event and the
results have been satisfying.
The following
activities have as purpose the
application of the
proposed methodology to more
environments, for dimension and number of
places to manage.
The research reported in this paper has
supported by the Project Cultural Heritage
Information System (CHIS) PON03PE_00099_1
CUP E66J140000 70007 – D46J1400000 0007 and
the Databenc District.
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