On the Prospect of using Cognitive Systems to Enforce Data Access
Fernando Fradique Duarte, Diogo Domingues Regateiro, Óscar Mortágua Pereira
and Rui L. Aguiar
Instituto de Telecomunicações, DETI, Universidade de Aveiro, 3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal
Keywords: Cognitive Systems, Access Control, Information Security, Nondeterministic Models, CogDAC.
Abstract: Data access control is a field that has been a subject of a lot of research for many years, which has resulted in
many models being designed. Many of these models are deterministic in nature, following set rules to allow
or deny access to a given user. These are sufficient in fairly static environments, but they fall short in dynamic
and collaborative settings where permission needs may change or user attributes may be missing. Risk-based
and probabilistic models were designed to mitigate some of these issues. These take a user profile to determine
the risk associated with a particular transaction or fill in any missing attributes. However, they need to be
maintained as new security threats emerge. It is argued in this paper that cognitive systems, as part of a more
general Cognitive Driven Access Control approach, can close this gap by learning security threats on their
own and enhancing the security of data in these environments. The benefits and considerations to be made
when deploying cognitive systems are also discussed.
Most data access control models in widespread use
today have addressed data security using a
deterministic only approach. From these, the Role
Based Access Control (RBAC) model (Sandhu et al.,
2000) is probably the most well-known and most
widely used. In fact, most, if not all Relational
Database Management Systems (RDBMS) (e.g.
Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc.), as
well as most of the web development frameworks in
use today (e.g. ASP.NET, Spring, etc.) support some
form of its implementation.
The deterministic nature of these models,
however, presents some limitations to their
expressive power (Pereira et al., 2014)(Crampton et
al., 2015). One such limitation has to do with the fact
that the access decision can only be computed if all
the input values of authentication are presented.
Another limitation stems from the fact that these
models are based on static access rules and so
authentication parameters are not expected to be
highly variable.
Given the above limitations, deterministic models
are therefore not well suited for highly dynamic
scenarios, such as those becoming prevalent in the IT
landscape with the emergence of new computing
paradigms and technologies, of which Big Data,
NoSQL, the Internet of things (IoT) and Cloud
Computing are some examples.
On the other side of the spectrum non-
deterministic approaches have been proposed to deal
with some of these shortcomings. These models
further extend the deterministic ones by incorporating
non-deterministic techniques into the access decision
computation (Crampton et al., 2015)(Cheng et al.,
2007). These characteristics mean that these models
are more flexible and have greater expressive power
then their deterministic counterparts. A consequence
of this greater flexibility however is the increased
complexity of their implementation.
The Risk-Adaptable Access Control (RAdAC)
model (McGraw, 2009) is an example of a non-
deterministic model and is also part of a new
paradigm of access control based on risk. RAdAC
provides support to risk by incorporating operational
need and security risk into the access decision. The
contribution of each of these factors in the
computation of the access decision will in turn vary
according to the situational conditions of the access
request. Because of this, RAdAC allows a greater
flexibility in the range of policies it supports, from the
more restrictive ones to the more relaxed ones, in
Duarte, F., Regateiro, D., Pereira, Ó. and Aguiar, R.
On the Prospect of using Cognitive Systems to Enforce Data Access Control.
DOI: 10.5220/0006370504120418
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), pages 412-418
ISBN: 978-989-758-245-5
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
which operational need may override the security risk
if such risk is considered to be acceptable by the
policy. To be successful however this model needs
processes capable of computing several different
metrics associated with user trustworthiness, IT
component protection capabilities and the threat level
associated with their hosting environment as well as
past access decisions. Furthermore, adequate policies
must be formulated and properly translated to a
machine understandable format. Carrying out such
task in a manual or semi-automated manner can prove
to be unfeasible or too complex and expensive in
terms of time and resources.
Cognitive systems may offer a solution to this
problem. These systems are expected to learn and
reason in a continuous fashion through the ingestion
of huge amounts of data and by interacting with their
human operators. These systems are also devised to
understand natural language in textual and spoken
form and seem therefore ideal to automate most of the
processes discussed above. A cognitive system may
also present the advantage of aggregating all these
processes into a single unified system.
IBM Watson (High, 2012), the cognitive system
developed by IBM to participate in Jeopardy in 2011
is probably the most well-known example of such a
system. Since then, many other IT giants have
invested in this area and are already offering their
own cognitive products. Microsoft and Google are
such examples. This is a thriving arena and the range
of the field of application of cognitive systems is
increasing rapidly. IBM for example has already
proposed the application of Watson in several fields
and as diverse as life sciences research, healthcare
and cyber security.
Given such a context, it can therefore prove to be
of great interest to discuss the feasibility,
appropriateness and the possible implications and
limitations of the inclusion of cognitive systems as
active pieces on the data access control process. The
intent of this paper is therefore to serve as a
contribution to such a discussion. The conceptual
implementation of a cognitive system is however not
addressed. It should also be noted, that the use of
cognitive systems, to address access control related
challenges in this case, can be further generalized as
an example of the use of cognition. This
generalization can be thought of as a Cognitive
Driven Access Control (CogDAC) approach to access
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 introduces cognitive computing
and cognitive systems. Section 3 presents the state of
the art in data access control. The arguments and
counter arguments concerning the usage of cognitive
systems as data access control mechanisms are
discussed in Sections 4 and 5 respectively. Finally,
Section 6 presents an application scenario for
cognitive systems in access control and Section 7
presents the conclusions and concludes the paper.
Cognitive computing is a technological approach
whose main purpose is to allow for a more natural
interaction and collaboration between humans and
machines (Zikopoulos et al., 2015). This
collaboration is paramount in scenarios of ever
increasing complexity, such as those posed by Big
Data, where the sheer volume and speed at which
information is generated far surpasses the human
ability to process it (Y. Chen et al., 2016).
This new concept of system is generally referred
to as a cognitive system and greatly differs from the
traditional programmable computing systems.
Cognitive systems learn how to perform a task as
opposed to be programmed on how to perform it and
keep learning and improving themselves thru
continuous data ingestion and interaction with their
human operators (Zikopoulos et al., 2015). These
systems are often characterized by three fundamental
principles: learn, model and generate hypotheses
(Hurwitz et al., 2015).
Cognitive systems learn continuously. This
learning process leverages huge amounts of data,
commonly referred to as the corpus, which represents
the knowledge base of the system. This data generally
encompasses a specific domain of knowledge.
Ultimately the cognitive system should be capable of
disambiguating conflicting information and properly
choose the appropriate sources of data relevant to its
own knowledge base, by itself and with minimal
human intervention.
Cognitive systems also generate models. That is,
upon the ingestion of data, concerning a specific
domain of knowledge, the system generates an
internal model. This model is the machine
understandable representation of that domain and is
continuously refined to improve the system’s
performance and accuracy. The quality of the data
ingested by the system and its completeness
concerning the domain of knowledge to be captured,
greatly influence the quality of the model which in
turn impacts the overall system’s performance.
Finally, when questioned by a human operator,
the system should generate not just a single response,
but several candidate hypotheses instead. Evidence
On the Prospect of using Cognitive Systems to Enforce Data Access Control
supporting each of the generated hypotheses should
be gathered to score and rank them and ultimately
decide on the most suitable candidates to be presented
to the human operator along with all the supporting
evidence used in the process. This allows for the
human operator to be able to take a better and more
informed decision by being given proper insight on
how the different responses were computed.
Traditional access control mechanisms are based on
deterministic decisions, i.e. given a user with one or
more attributes only one decision can be made.
However, it may happen that a user does not possess
one or more attributes required for a decision to be
made as explained in (Crampton et al., 2015). This
paper argues that in those cases the access decision
may be inconclusive and more than one decision
generated by the access control system, a possibility
also introduced by the Attribute Based Access
Control (ABAC) model. This shows how complex the
access decision making procedure can be when not all
information is present, making deterministic models
not always the best solution. However, instead of
building an entire new evaluation mechanism based
on probabilities, it is argued here that a cognitive
solution could be implemented to deal with the
problem presented. Furthermore, it could attempt to
arrive at more intuitive decisions than a simple
probabilistic model could achieve.
Other nondeterministic models have been
proposed in the literature, such as the Dynamic Risk-
Based Access Control (DRAC) model (A. Chen et al.,
2016), the already mentioned RAdAC (McGraw,
2009) and other frameworks (dos Santos et al., 2016).
DRAC proposes a risk-based model for the cloud,
which uses a dynamic threshold for the risk
associated with each access. This risk is calculated
based on a sliding window of the subject’s access
history. However, it still follows set rules based on
ABAC, integrating only the risk assessment into the
decision making. Furthermore, a misconfiguration of
the policies or a badly adjusted risk assessment
system may not lead to a more secure system. In the
case of RAdAC, a cognitive system could be used to
assess the risk associated with a request by using
information from the user, the environment and the
request itself.
In (Chen Gu et al., 2009) the authors argue that
current access network technologies lack the ability
to “self-perceive, self-configure, self-learn, and self-
heal” intelligently. They further state that cognitive is
the approach to take these challenges on and that it is
the reason it has been a hotspot for research in the
recent years. This position adheres in part with ours,
in which cognitive solutions can be used in access
control scenarios where self-awareness of security
threats can be an important factor.
The usage of fuzzy logic to implement access
control mechanisms is an idea that has been
researched in recent years to tackle use cases where
authorization-related information is vague. In
(Martínez-García et al., 2011) the authors present one
such access control model based on RBAC. The
model uses fuzzy relations between subjects and roles
and between roles and permissions. Such a model can
handle some uncertainty when it comes to the degree
a subject plays a certain role and what permissions are
allowed for them. However, this model lacks in
context awareness to accept additional parameters
other than roles.
In (Zheng et al., 2016) the authors state that due
to the limited and unreliable nature of human
memory, relying on it to store and retrieve secrets,
such as passwords, is one of the main problems when
it comes to network security. To address this issue, it
is proposed that cognitive techniques could be used to
authenticate users or devices based on pattern
recognition of behaviors or the correlation of
information obtained from various devices. Then,
traditional authentication techniques can be
supported by these techniques to provide a higher
assurance that the authentication is legitimate.
However, the proposed architectures are meant for
authentication only, and therefore fail to bring the full
capabilities of cognitive systems into the access
control procedure on other levels such as decision
In addition, IBM (IBM, 2016) has also argued that
most information regarding security is written in
natural language, i.e. humans can easily understand it
but machines cannot. This also means that a human
cannot know every bit of information about threats
and other security related information that exists.
However, by using cognitive systems it is possible to
analyze this type of information and include it so that,
for example, new threats are accounted for when
investigating some issue. This helps an analyst to
have greater knowledge about the latest security
threats, freeing his or her time to focus on other
Current solutions such as IBM Watson, Microsoft
Cognitive Services, Google Prediction API and
Amazon Machine Learning show how important
cognitive systems are becoming. However, most of
these services are just APIs that allow to build
cognitive services and not a full-fledged solution
which this paper aims to support.
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
The traditional way of modeling the real-world access
control policies uses models such as Mandatory
Access Control (MAC), Discretionary Access
Control (DAC), RBAC, etc. These ease the policy
validation process, since the deterministic outcomes
give assurances that the system will work as expected
when given the expected input. However, they also
lack the context awareness to adapt to new situations
when unexpected inputs are given, something that a
cognitive system could manage and learn from by
applying reasoning and Machine Learning
When security policies take on complex scenarios
that involve huge amounts of data available to be
accessed (Big Data), it is not easy to perform
permission auditing to be certain that the protection
achieved is adequate once deployed and is visible to
malicious users. For example, unknown exploits or
inadequate access rules that allows users to deduce
information they should not be able to know are not
considered in most models, since these are statically
enforced. Hence, security breaches that originate
from inadequate access rules to a database are hard to
detect. If a cognitive system is used instead, non-
legitimate access attempts could be detected faster
and reported to a human supervisor by reasoning what
information the user has accessed and what can be
inferred from it. Furthermore, the cognitive system
can be taught existing patterns to known attacks and
other new security related information that are
disclosed on reliable sources.
Another point to be made is that the very act of
enhancing security rules to address some
vulnerability that was found. This very act is
knowledge that is usually not used by any system
when enforcing the access control policies. The type
of vulnerability and how it was found and exploited
could reveal further problems that could help protect
the data if treated and processed by a cognitive
system. This way, a cognitive system does not have
to replace the human portion out of the security
auditing process. Instead, it aids them to find issues
and make access decisions based on multiple
attributes and other information such as the access
history and attack patterns.
So far it has been stated here that cognitive
systems can be used to detect patters in, and learn
from, security breaches by pooling from the vast
amount of information available (books, papers,
internet blogs, etc.) to categorize and help with the
process. However, there are other avenues in which
cognitive systems may be used. Consider a use case
where a lot of information is being stored
continuously on some document database and there is
interest in making some portion of it available to the
public, with or without some restrictions. Without a
very specific structure, the data being stored cannot
be easily categorized. A cognitive system can be used
to process the information and categorize it so the
appropriate security labels are associated with it and
the information made available faster.
Another aspect regarding the use of cognitive
systems is that they can analyze a user’s profile, find
patterns and make decisions based on it. For example,
it could determine some user to be of high risk to
allow access or to restrict their permissions based on
some of their attributes. A cognitive system could
analyze a user’s online public information, such as the
last places they visited and recent interests, to
determine if they can be allowed to access the data
Regarding deployment in enterprise scenarios, as
cognitive systems evolve, more and more solutions
will start to emerge to offer these benefits. Such is the
case with IBM, which is working to provide a
cognitive system to detect and analyze security
breaches and other types of vulnerabilities with a
cognitive monitoring system, and Amazon, Microsoft
and Google with their Machine Learning and
cognitive APIs. As the number of APIs and vendors
increase, the potential for better and more mature
cognitive systems also increases, and it is believed
that the future of access control will be very heavily
influenced by them.
Finally, cognitive systems are not only applicable
to access control to databases, but also when it is
enforced by a human to access some physical
resource. A human operator can make mistakes in
judgement or be bribed. While a cognitive system can
also arrive at wrong access control decisions, it can
be taught from these events systematically and
process more information than any human operator
could ever be capable of processing. However, having
a computer system make decisions for a human can
be seen as ethically problematic (Matzner, 2016).
Regardless, deploying human operators to analyze the
output of a cognitive system is often thought to be
enough to address the ethical problems related with
the automation.
To conclude, cognitive systems are a useful tool
not only to process data and information that might
otherwise be lost, but it can also enhance a human
operator ability to enforce security access decisions
by factoring many other attributes about the subject
requesting access. When applied to databases, a
cognitive system can determine if a subject should be
given access to a resource by learning from a dataset
of previous access attempts. Furthermore, a cognitive
system can factor in many subject, resource and
environmental related information to detect changes
On the Prospect of using Cognitive Systems to Enforce Data Access Control
in subject behavior and other threats that could pass
unnoticed to a simple rule-based system.
Traditionally, the implementation of access control
systems is based on three concepts: access control
policies, models and mechanisms (Samarati and de
Vimercati, 2001). In this context both the security
properties of the system as well as its theoretical
limitations can be proved and properly bounded
respectively by the formal representation of the
policies, that is, the model. In the case of a cognitive
system this assessment may be more difficult to
achieve as it may prove challenging to provide a
formal model that can accurately express non-
determinism in a formal way.
The access control mechanism itself is typically
characterized by at least four properties: tamper-
proof, non-bypassable, security-kernel and small
(Samarati and de Vimercati, 2001). From these, the
first and the last two can pose some concerns when
addressing cognitive systems.
Concerning the first property, tamper-proof, it
should be stated that a cognitive system, as opposed
to traditional programmable systems, is in an ongoing
change. That is, the system should continuously learn
to improve itself. In the worst-case scenario, the
system can tamper itself due to this continuous
changing process. The corpus, that is, the knowledge
base of the cognitive system also poses concerns in
this regard, as the data ingested directly reflects its
behavior. Untrusted sources of information can
potentially alter the system in subtle ways, by
continuously feeding it malicious data over time. This
type of attack can be very hard to discern or even
The last two properties, security-kernel and small,
deserve also some remarks. Cognitive systems are far
more demanding in terms of infrastructure and are
certainly larger and more complex when compared
with traditional deterministic systems such as the
ones that implement DAC, MAC, RBAC, etc.
Cognitive systems need to ingest and process large
amounts of data in a timely fashion to allow for the
decision making. On top of this the system must
generate, score, rank and provide evidence in a
potentially high number of hypotheses to compute
every access control decision, increasing the time to
reach a decision. This decision in turn must consider
context and, for the machine to perceive context,
techniques and algorithms such as Machine Learning,
Artificial Neural Networks and Natural Language
Processing must be used. Thus, for a cognitive system
to be of any use, the underlying software and
hardware architectures must allow for parallelism and
distributed data management. This also means that
the cognitive system can potentially be composed of
many small components spread over many different
parts of the system, making it hard to discern its
boundaries. Such a system can be harder to assess and
Another factor to take into account is the so called
“before the fact audit” (Ferraiolo et al., 2016), one of
the prominent features of RBAC and also a desired
feature of access control. What this means is that it is
possible to audit the permissions of users as well as
the access rules assigned to the resources of the
system. In a cognitive system, such a review may not
be easy to perform. Concerning the review of the
permissions of the user, as these are determined in
terms of probabilistic models they are therefore
volatile. Reviewing the access rules assigned to the
system resources can also prove difficult, as policies
must be translated into a suitable form, often
mathematical, becoming more opaque to human
interpretation. In this regard the cognitive system can
be seen almost the same as a black box.
In terms of its implementation and deployment in
the enterprise, the adoption of a cognitive system can
also prove to be costly and challenging. Also, some
expertise on the subject is required to properly train,
configure and continuously assess for the proper
behavior of the cognitive system over time and as
policies change within the enterprise. This in turn
may lead to a scenario of vendor lock-in or high
vendor dependency.
Finally, there might be ethical or even legal
compliance concerns, posing some doubts about the
implementation of a cognitive system as an access
control mechanism. This can be of particular
importance in highly sensitive scenarios, where the
access to data is legislated and noncompliance may
implicate legal sanctions, such as the HIPAA legal
framework (Congress, 1996). Leaving the access
decision entirely to the cognitive system in this case
can raise traceability and accountability problems in
case of improper disclosure of data or non-
conformity. Ultimately cognitive systems as a
technology are still not mature enough as opposed to
other deterministic access control models such as
RBAC. Furthermore, the probabilistic nature and
black box approach of such systems can prove
difficult for their adoption in highly sensitive
Table 1 summarizes the information discussed
thus far between the techniques used in deterministic
and non-deterministic models, which is based on our
experience and the literature. The scale follows a low
(L), medium (M), high (H) metric. The categories for
comparison are as follows: ease of configuration
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 1: Techniques comparison table.
Deter. Non-Deterministic
Rules Fuzzy Probability Cognitive
DepC L M M|H H
PDet L L M H
ContA L|M M M|H H
EthI L M M|H H
(EoC); ease of policy validation (EoPV); ease of
permission auditing (EoPA); deployment cost
(DepC) in terms of computational power and storage;
pattern detection capability (PDet); context
awareness to take additional parameters into
consideration (ContA); time for decision (TfD), i.e.
the time required to reach a decision after a request is
made; acceptance of missing parameters (AMP)
when a request is made; impact of a new policy on
configuration (NPI) in terms of reconfiguration and
time required to enable it; and the amount of ethical
issues (EthI).
To conclude, cognitive systems bring great
promise to address the new opportunities instilled
from Big Data and the growing complexity derived
from a more interconnected world, but also new
challenges to the access control research field.
This section presents a use case for cognitive systems
taking as an example a generic scenario where the
RAdAC model is to be deployed. In this scenario,
cognitive systems can be used as a solution to the
many challenges associated with the deployment of
this model, particularly: user information, IT
component information, access control policy and
determining security risk.
Concerning the assessment of the user’s
trustworthiness, it is expected that many sources of
information may be used (e.g. personal information
or background, authored papers, etc.). Natural
language processing can ingest all this information in
whatever formats it may present itself (e.g. written,
spoken, video, etc.) and generate a model of the user.
In this regard, the cognitive system may even present
more advantages in cases were more information is
needed, by actively searching for that information.
Moreover, existing user models can evolve with each
interaction with the user. As a final advantage, by
possessing models of the users of the system, the
cognitive system can actively search for indications
of misuse patterns and act accordingly.
Similar reasoning applies to the task of
determining the security robustness and threat levels
associated with IT components and their hosting
environments. In this case the cognitive system can
actively monitor trusted online sources to obtain
updated information about security attacks and
vulnerabilities, as well as reports on certification and
auditing of several IT systems with whom it may have
had interactions in the past. The cognitive system can
then leverage all this information to generate models
of these IT systems. An added benefit is that in this
way the enterprise can more easily adhere to industry
security standards while keeping its system up to date
Finally, a cognitive system can further prove
useful concerning the creation of the access control
policy. By leveraging its capability to understand
natural language, the cognitive system could be given
examples of policies used in the past to solve similar
security needs. From these, new policies could be
derived according to the needs at hand or assist
human operators in such tasks. The cognitive system
could even help in finding and solving possible
ambiguities, conflicts and inconsistencies in the
policies. A direct consequence of this is that by
involving a cognitive system in the whole process, the
policy can be stated in both human and machine
understandable formats at the same time.
Given its capability to perceive context, such as
environmental and situational factors, its ability to
learn from past decisions and integrate that
knowledge into future decisions to improve itself, the
cognitive system can then compute the security risk
and make an access decision.
In terms of implementation, each of the processes
mentioned above could be implemented in its own
cognitive system, or alternatively integrated into a
single one. In the case of multiple cognitive systems,
the access decision could then be derived by some
sort of voting quorum system and executed in parallel
to achieve better performance.
In this paper, the usage of cognitive systems in access
control decisions has been argued, mentioning its
many benefits, shortcomings and other issues, which
are summarized on Table 1. When it comes to
cognitive systems deployment in security settings, it
is held back especially due to the lack of ease of
configuration, policy validation, permission auditing,
higher deployment costs and ethical issues.
On the Prospect of using Cognitive Systems to Enforce Data Access Control
However, cognitive systems can bring higher
flexibility in terms of detecting hidden patterns – or
lack thereof – in access attempts, as well as
processing a large amount of authentication attributes
even in complex scenarios.
Finally, an application scenario for cognitive
systems in risk-based access control (RAdAC) has
been presented, which aims to demonstrate some of
the many contributions that one can expect to obtain
from the application of such a solution.
It is undoubtful that cognitive systems are going
to be central and seeing a lot of research surrounding
them in the future, considering that the amount of data
and information available that needs to be processed
is increasing and that not all of it is structured. It is
our intention to keep following and researching this
topic closely, as it shows potential for new
technologies and features.
This work is funded by National Funds through FCT
- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the
project UID/EEA/50008/2013 and
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IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security