Textual Analysis for the Protection of Children and Teenagers in
Social Media
Classification of Inappropriate Messages for Children and Teenagers
Thársis Salathiel de Souza Viana
, Marcos de Oliveira
, Ticiana Linhares Coelho da Silva
Mário Sérgio Rodrigues Falcão Júnior
and Enyo José Tavares Gonçalves
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Quixadá, Brazil
Computer Science, Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil
Keywords: Messages Exchange Classification, Social Media, Children and Teenagers Protection.
Abstract: Nowadays the Internet is widely used by children and teenagers, where privacy and exposure protection are
often not prioritised. This can leave them exposed to paedophiles, who can use a simple chat to start a
conversation, which may be the first step towards sexual abuse. In the paper (Falcão Jr. et al, 2016), the
authors proposed a tool to detect possible dangerous conversations for a minor in a social network, based on
the minor's behaviour. However, the proposed tool does not thoroughly address the analyses of the
messages exchanged and attempts to detect the suspicious ones in a chat conversation using a superficial
approach. This project aims to extend (Falcão Jr. et al, 2016) by automatically classifying the messages
exchanged between a minor and an adult in a social network, hence to separate the ones that seem to come
from a paedophile from those that seem to be a normal conversation. An experiment with a real
conversation was done to test the effectiveness of the created model.
Nowadays the Internet presents an imperative role in
our society. From a simple source of entertainment
to a fundamental tool behind a service or a company.
Over time, social networks have stood out on the
internet for allowing a new form of communication
and social interaction. Some social networks
incorporate instant messaging as an embedded
feature. Thus, the social network user has not only a
profile but also a means of communication with
other users.
The messages exchanged between two users in a
social network may occur in a public environment or
a private one. Usually, conversations in a private
environment tend to be about personal matters where
the participating users do not aim at sharing those
messages with other users. Children and teenagers
are introduced earlier to this scenario and exhibited
to private conversations with persons that they may
not know. As a result, they can be more vulnerable
to attacks from paedophiles or suspicious persons.
Due to a large number of messages that are
exchanged between users, it is impractical to check
all messages manually. There is a need to classify
those messages as dangerous or not automatically
and inform if the child is the victim of a paedophile.
There exist papers that try to detect automatically
messages that may come from paedophiles. The
majority of them consider messages in English. The
paper (Falcão Jr. et al, 2016) proposes a tool which
analysis the profile behaviour of a minor and
automatically identify the exposure level of a child
based on his/her interactions. The tool analyses
through heuristic information such as the number of
dangerous friends, number of photos posted, groups,
songs, period in which the user is logged in, among
others. However, the textual analysis of the
exchanged messages between the child and other
users was addressed in a superficial manner by the
approach of (Falcão Jr. et al, 2016). In this way, this
paper aims to propose a textual analysis of the
messages exchanged by children or teenagers of a
social network, to detect if the profile examined was
the victim of a sexual predator, and sum that
analysis to the tool demonstrated in (Falcão Jr. et al,
Viana, T., Oliveira, M., Silva, T., Júnior, M. and Gonçalves, E.
Textual Analysis for the Protection of Children and Teenagers in Social Media - Classification of Inappropriate Messages for Children and Teenagers.
DOI: 10.5220/0006370606560662
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 2, pages 656-662
ISBN: 978-989-758-248-6
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The sections of this paper are organised as:
Section 2, presents the related works, Section 3
presents our approach to solve the problem, Section
4 presents the results obtained, and finally Section 5
draws the conclusion and future work.
2.1 Behavioural Analysis for Child
Protection in Social Network
through Data Mining and
Multiagent Systems
The software developed by (Falcão Jr. et al, 2016)
uses a variety of information from the user's
iteration, such as inadequate words, inappropriate
books, videos or pages, etc. Assigning quantitative
values for each information, proportional to the risk
of exposure offered to the user. At the end, all
generated values are summed up to calculate the
level of exposure of the user. One of the pieces of
information used to generate the classification model
was the messages exchange with other users.
However, this is done simply by looking for
pejorative and sexual words or words that are not
indicated for a child. The authors defined a kind of
"blacklist" of words.
The first point where this check fails is in the case
that a message may have some pejorative or sexual
words which are not in the "blacklist". This fact is
very likely to happen because some of these words
are not even found in dictionaries, since in social
network the users usually communicate by using
informal words.
The second point that fails is to assume that
conversations between the underage and the
paedophile will always have words with pejorative
or sexual content. The paedophile does not
necessarily have to use those words to be able to act.
He can pretend to be respectful until he achieves his
goal, for example, to meet the child. A possible
message received by an underage user may be:
"Let's meet tonight." It is possible to notice that this
message does not have any word with pejorative or
sexual content, but it is a dangerous message if it
comes from some adult. Thus, in many cases, the
classification offered by the software fails, and it
does not detect those messages considered
dangerous for the child.
2.2 Identifying Online Sexual
Predators by SVM Classification
with Lexical and Behavioural
The paper proposed by (Morris, 2013) presents a
similar approach to ours. The corpus used by them
was assembled by the organisers of the PAN 2012
lab (Inches and Crestani, 2012). This corpus uses as
a base for conversations considered dangerous, the
website http://www.pervertedjustice.com, which is
the same utilised by this work. The "normal"
conversations are taken from other sites in English.
Since it is a database of a conference, this database
is larger than the one collected by this paper, but it is
entirely in English. Since this article aims to classify
texts in Brazilian Portuguese, the collection of
"normal" conversations in Brazilian Portuguese was
Some other differences are in the Lexical and
Behavioural features used by (Morris, 2013) and in
the preprocessing done by this paper. They make use
of Behavioural features created from the metadata
associated with the conversations. These features are
divided into three types: Initiative (features that are
related to the tendency to start the conversation with
the partner), Attentiveness (features which are
related to the author's willingness to keep the
conversation) and Conversation dominance (features
that are related as the author dominates the
conversation). This paper, however, proposes an
alternative text analysis to the software presented in
(Falcão Jr. et al, 2016) that already performs a
behavioural analysis based on several attributes.
Another difference between the two papers is in the
preprocessing phase. The paper of (Morris, 2013)
uses lowercasing, stripping punctuation, and
stemming for preprocessing. All of these routines
are used by this paper as well. However, others are
used to improve/clean the text to build a
classification model. These routines are detailed in
Section 3.2.
Finally (Morris, 2013) uses the algorithm SVM
(support vector machine) while this paper uses the
Multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm, which obtained
a greater percentage of correctness.
Our goal is to automatically detect if a message
exchanged between a child and an adult is
suspicious. To achieve our goal, in this paper we
Textual Analysis for the Protection of Children and Teenagers in Social Media - Classification of Inappropriate Messages for Children and
propose a model that analyses the messages of a
minor's profile and classify it as dangerous or not.
Our model is built from a classification algorithm
which is used to predict one of the predefined
categories (Tan, Steinbach and Kumar, 2005).
A classification algorithm for text is much more
efficient than simply comparing if there is an
inappropriate word in the message. Our proposal can
identify patterns and classify more consistently.
Also, by using a classification algorithm, it is
possible to test it and measure the accuracy of the
classification model, which can be useful to quantify
the classification efficiency. Due to the large number
of messages that can be exchanged between users, it
is impractical to check all messages manually.
The chosen classification algorithm used in this
paper is Multinomial Naive Bayes (Metsis,
Androutsopoulos and Paliouras, 2006). The
classification algorithms have been used by several
papers to analyse text. The paper (Morris, 2013)
performs the classification of messages which are
particularly suggestive of predatory behaviour, using
the SMV algorithm (support vector machine). The
paper (Bogdanova, Rosso and Solorio, 2012) used
the Naive Bayes to detect dangerous conversations
in chats. The paper (McCallum and Kamal, 1998)
makes a comparison between two probabilistic
models for classification, multi-variate Bernoulli
model and multinomial model, both of which make
the Naive Bayes assumption. In our experiments, the
Naive Bayes multinomial model was the one that
obtained the highest percentage of correctness.
To run the algorithm, it is necessary to define
previously in which categories the algorithm will
classify the input (i.e., the messages). In this case,
two categories were chosen: "normal" and
"dangerous". In addition, it is also necessary to
provide as input the training set and the test set. The
following sections discuss these issues in more
3.1 Data Collection
The dataset with the classified messages as
"dangerous" was collected from the website:
http://www.perverted-justice.com. This website has
several exchanged messages between a paedophile
and an activist who pretends to be an underage user
in a public chat. The dataset with the messages
classified as "normal" was retrieved from the
website: http://vircio.net. This website has many
conversations records on several topics.
In the experiments, we have used 1610 messages
in total ("dangerous" and "normal" messages). Since
in our dataset, the sentences considered dangerous
generally contained more words, the number of
messages classified as "dangerous" and "normal"
was not exactly the same. To be fair, we took into
consideration the number of words and characters in
the sentences. In this way, 702 messages were
classified as "dangerous" (4852 words, 24350
characters) and 908 messages as "normal" (4598
words, 24055 characters).
Figure 1: Steps of our approach.
The messages were split into the training and test
set, where 30% of the dataset was for test and 70%
for training. We experimented with the k-fold cross-
validation method, which randomly divides the data
into k equal sets. Then, it chooses one of these "k"
sets to be the test set and the other parts compose the
training set. This processing is repeated k times. In
order to obtain the classification statistics, the
algorithm computes the average considering all the
3.2 Preprocessing
For the classification, the data used as training set
were initially in English, so the messages were
translated to Portuguese as a preprocessing step.
Moreover, we also applied the Natural Language
Processing as we discuss in the following
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The messages collected have characteristics that
differ from formal conversations. Grammar rules
and punctuations are rarely used, words are often
spelt wrong, and there is a frequent use of slang and
abbreviations. This lack of pattern makes
preprocessing more difficult since the same word
can appear in several ways. For example, the user
can repeat some specific letter to imitate a spoken
language as in "hiii" (the correct word is "hi"). Also,
the words in this kind of scenario might be typing
with an accent missed, by mistake of the user or
with the purpose to save time. Another possible
scenario is one in which the user uses an
abbreviation instead of the word itself.
There are other problems, such as punctuation.
Punctuation as a semicolon, exclamation,
interrogation, points and commas are hardly used.
Even when they are used, there is no guarantee that
they are used correctly. Another problem is that
these characters also appear in the use of emoticons,
which are graphical representations of feelings, such
as: ":-)" (happy), ": @" (angry) and ":-(" (unhappy).
All these particularities are challenges for the
classification processing. The solution adopted in
this paper was to identify the main problems and to
create a sequence of methods to standardise the
sentences. Some of these methods were proposed in
related works and others were created by the authors
of this work. Methods such as lowercasing, stripping
punctuation, and stemming were also used by
(Morris, 2013). They have proposed replacing
emoticons and proper names, although this paper
differs from the word chosen for the replacement.
The methods to remove the accents and the
stopwords were also used by (Leite, 2015).
The list of preprocessing techniques applied, as
described in Figure 1:
1. Capitalization: every character in lowercase.
2. Links removal.
3. Identify laughs and replace with a single word
that represents laughter. The first part of this step is
to identify a laugh. In Brazilian Portuguese, a laugh
has more of a way of being written like: "hahaha",
"kkkkk", "huehue". After identifying some of these
several words that represent laughter, it is replaced
by a unique word that will represent laughter. So
different forms of laughter are transformed into a
simple form. Thus the algorithm can more easily
identify a word that represents a laugh.
4. Exclusion of sequence of repeated characters. The
user can miss typing and put several characters in
sequence. Sometimes he/she does it on purpose to
express a way of speaking. In both cases, the
repeated characters are transformed into one.
5. Emoticon replacement by a word that represents
that feeling. It is easier for the classifier to work only
with words. For example: ":-)" is replaced by
6. Accents, punctuation marks and numbers
7. Surnames, abbreviations and pejorative words
replacement by an appropriate word. Some
nicknames and abbreviations are well known and
widely used in chats, so these nicknames and
abbreviations have been replaced by the word they
represent. In this way either write abbreviations or
the correct word, it will represent a unique word at
the end of this step. Some pejorative words with
several variations were also replaced by a unique
8. Stopwords removal. Stopwords are words that are
not relevant for the classification processing, like
articles and prepositions.
9. Proper names removal. Proper names are also not
relevant for this analysis.
10. Words removal with one character. For some
typing error, the user may have typed an isolated
character, this will have no relevance in the
11. Stemming. In Brazilian Portuguese some
suffixes are added at the end of a word to generate
another word, called "derived word". For example,
consider the word "Cachorro" (dog in Portuguese).
We can also have the words "Cachorrinho" (small
dog in Portuguese), "Cachorrão" (big dog in
Portuguese), "Cachorra" (female dog). All these
words have essentially the same meaning. In the
classification, we are only interested in the "root" of
the word. The words "Cachorro", "Cachorrinho",
"Cachorrão", "Cachorra", will be transformed into
"Cachorr" ("root") at the end of this step.
3.3 The Algorithm
The Naive Bayes algorithm is well known in
machine learning. The algorithm uses Bayes'
theorem to calculate the probability of an attribute
belonging to a particular class. It is called a "naive"
because it assumes that the attributes are
independent, a naive premise. In the text document
classification each attribute to be classified are the
words in the document.
The Naive Bayes classifier has two different
models. The binary model where the document is
represented by a vector of binary attributes
indicating which words occur and do not occur in
the document. The number of times the word
Textual Analysis for the Protection of Children and Teenagers in Social Media - Classification of Inappropriate Messages for Children and
appears in the document is ignored.
And the multinomial model where a document is
represented by the set of word occurrences from the
document, considering the number of occurrences of
each word in the document.
The multinomial model seems to be more
realistic for this problem. Because a word
considered "dangerous" may appear in a "normal"
conversation sometimes, but it will be more frequent
in dangerous conversations. For example, the word
"kiss". It is a word that appears a lot in paedophile
conversations, but it can appear as well in a normal
conversation between friends or parents and their
The main challenges faced in the development of
this work were found in the data collection stage. A
challenge already mentioned was the translation into
Portuguese of the messages from the site
http://www.perverted-justice.com. Unfortunately,
there is no open database in Brazilian Portuguese for
the collection of paedophile messages, so the
translation phase is necessary. The messages often
contained slang and abbreviations in English, then
the automatic translation processing is not
From the authors knowledge, there is no dataset
available with "typical" conversation between a
minor and an adult. That is another challenge that
we faced in this work. The solution found by the
authors was to gather messages on several topics,
where adults usually participate. All these messages
which were used to create the model were manually
checked to avoid adding a malicious message and
classify it as normal.
To train, test the model and generate its statistics, the
WEKA tool was used. These were the results for the
model achieved by using Naive Bayes algorithm:
Table 1: Results of the trained model.
Total Number of
Correctly Classified
1390 (86.3354%)
Incorrectly Classified
220 (13.6646%)
Kappa statistic
The first thing to note is the high percentage of
instances ranked correctly, approximately 86%. The
second point to note is the Kappa coefficient that
means it can be considered a suitable model
(between 0.60 and 0.80, according to (Carletta,
The resulting confusion matrix was:
Table 2: Confusion matrix.
normal (actual)
When we analyse the confusion matrix we can
see that the smallest number is the number of
dangerous instances classified as normal (we call the
false positives). For a classification of dangerous
messages, it is important that the number of false
positives be lower, since it means the number of
messages that are dangerous but they will be
classified as normal by the model. Thus making it
impossible for a possible paedophile to be
A slightly larger number is that of normal
messages that are classified as dangerous (we call.
the false negatives). This number does not concern
as the false positives because the classification of a
message as dangerous will only result in the
isolation and registration of this message. Hence, it
can be analysed after by a specialist who can
recognise if the message really belongs to a
5.1 A Real Case
Unfortunately, it is not easy to get access to real
paedophile conversations with children, because the
police generally do not make these conversations
available. But some cases at least parts of the
conversations are published. So we used this small
conversation dataset in order to test the effectiveness
of our proposed classification model with a real
case. We conducted an experiment with part of a
real conversation between a 35-year-old paedophile
and a 9-year-old girl. The case happened in the city
of Juiz de Fora, in the state of Minas Gerais, the
suspect was arrested. A chat screenshot reveals a
part of the exchange of messages between the
paedophile and the child.
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Conversation between paedophile and 9-year-old
child. Retrieved October 2, 2016 from
These messages were classified by the model,
which obtained the following results:
Table 3: Messages from the paedophile, the translation
and the result of the classification.
fico cheio de
vontades aqui
I'm full of
desires here
não sei se falo
I do not know if
I say
mas a vontade e
But the desire is
too much
tenho vontade
de tocar todo
seu corpo
I want to touch
your whole
passa a mão la
na quele lugar
Put my hand in
that place
nem devia ter
falado ne
I should not
have even
fica não
Do not stay
eu quero muito
fazer isso com
I really want to
do this with you
mas na hora vc
perde a
But at the time
you lose the
vc deixa eu
fazer isso
You let me do
By analysing the messages classified as normal,
without analysing the context, it is difficult even for
a person to decide whether they come from a
paedophile or not. The only message classified as
normal that seems to have come from a paedophile
is the message: "mas na hora vc perde a vergonha"
(translation: "But at the time you lose the shame"),
in this case apparently there was an error on the part
of the classifier. However, all messages classified as
dangerous actually appear to have come from a
This example shows something very important.
Usually, a paedophile sends not just a single
suspicious message, but several. The probability of a
model classify all dangerous messages in a
conversation as normal is very low. All in all, it is
enough to have a single message classified as
dangerous to be isolated and registered, and then the
user that sent it be considered suspicious.
Compared with the old system, it simply checked if
the text had words from a list of "forbidden" words.
The new way of classifying is much more robust and
closer to reality.
This paper is also significant because it presents
a tool to identify dangerous messages in Brazilian
Portuguese, as previously said other works have
similarity to this, but the vast majority propose
models addressed for conversations in English. It is
important that a country like Brazil with a large
population has tools that help protect children and
The goal is to gather this work to the work of
(Falcão Jr. et al, 2016). However, the work of
(Falcão Jr. et al, 2016) is focused on the social
network Facebook, which disabled access to inbox
messages via API. Nevertheless, this approach can
make use of other ways to collect the data and tests
will be applied in other social networks, like Twitter
and Google+. Data can also be obtained by manually
collecting messages from children's profiles on
Facebook, with the permission of their parents.
As soon as we gather more data and rebuild the
classification model, the accuracy of the model
should be improved and covers more cases or
subjects. In this case, it will be possible to keep the
dataset modernised according to the varied linguistic
strategies used by children sexual abusers.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems