Applications Deployment in Multiple PaaS Environments:
Requirements, Challenges and Solutions
Rami Sellami
, Mehdi Ahmed-Nacer
and St
ephane Mouton
Software and Services Technologies Department, CETIC, Charleroi, Belgium
Computer Science Departement, Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, CNRS UMR Samovar,
University of Paris-Saclay, Evry, France
University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria
Cloud Computing, Plateform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Multiple PaaS Deployment, Cloud Services Discovery,
Cloud Services Selection, Applications Migration.
Cloud computing has recently attracted full attention of many organizations due to its economic, business
and technical benefits. Indeed, we observe that the proliferation of offers by cloud providers raises several
challenges. One of these innovative challenges is applications deployment in multiple PaaS providers. In fact,
developers need to provision components of the same application across multiple PaaS depending on their
related requirements and PaaS capabilities. They will not only have to deploy their applications, but they
will also have to consider migrating services from one PaaS to another, and to manage distributed applica-
tions spanning multiple environments. In this paper, we present and discuss the requirements of applications
deployment in multiple PaaS providers and we analyze current state of the art.
Cloud Computing, a relatively recent term, has be-
come nowadays a buzzword in the Web applications
world. It is defined by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (Mell and Grance, 2009)
as a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-
demand network access to a shared pool of config-
urable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers,
storage, applications, etc.) that can be quickly provi-
sioned in an elastic manner that allows to automati-
cally scale up or down in line with demand. In addi-
tion, these resources are released with minimal man-
agement effort or service provider interaction. Cloud
Computing is characterized by its economic model re-
ferred to as ”pay-as-you-go” model. This latter allows
users to consume computing resources as needed.
Services in the Cloud Computing are basically de-
livered under three well discussed layers namely the
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), the Platform as a
Service (PaaS) and the Software as a Service (SaaS).
We present these layers below:
IaaS: Consumers are able to access Cloud re-
sources on demand. These resources can be of
type virtual machines, storage and networks. The
provider is responsible for installing, transpar-
ently managing and maintaining these resources.
PaaS: Consumers are able to develop, deploy
and manage their applications into the Cloud us-
ing libraries, editors and services offered by the
provider. It supports provisioning, managing and
maintaining the Infrastructure resources.
SaaS: Consumers are able to use running applica-
tions on an IaaS or a PaaS through an interface.
They are not responsible for managing or main-
taining the provisioned Cloud resources.
Over the past years, a plethora of commercial so-
lutions and research projects have been sought to im-
prove security, scalability, elasticity and interoper-
ability in the IaaS level. Nevertheless, very few works
deal with the PaaS and SaaS levels even if they are as
important as the IaaS level. Hence, we propose to
focus in this document on the PaaS level. A PaaS
provider is supposed to support the whole require-
ments of an application during its life cycle while
maintaining Cloud features (e.g. scalability, elastic-
ity, high availability, etc.). However, applications re-
quirements change frequently. Thus, it seems illu-
sory to find a single PaaS provider that efficiently
supports various applications with different require-
ments in terms of applications life cycle management.
Sellami, R., Ahmed-Nacer, M. and Mouton, S.
Applications Deployment in Multiple PaaS Environments: Requirements, Challenges and Solutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0006370906640671
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), pages 636-643
ISBN: 978-989-758-243-1
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This forces an application to migrate to another PaaS
provider. Moreover, we can find an application with
very specific requirements that a single PaaS provider
does not have the necessary capabilities to support it.
To circumvent this obstacle, an application may
be deployed in multiple PaaS providers and benefits
from various PaaS providers capabilities at the same
time. For instance, an application can use the Re-
dis database service from DEIS and the middleware
Tomcat of Microsoft Azure. In this paper, we focus
on existing solutions of the state-of-the-art supporting
applications deployment in multiple PaaS providers.
More precisely, our contributions are (i) describing
different scenarios related to the way applications
are deployed in a single or multiple PaaS providers,
(ii) defining a set of requirements in terms of ap-
plications deployment in a single or multiple PaaS
provider(s), and (iii) analyzing and classifying the re-
viewed works.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents the multiple PaaS deployment require-
ments. In sections 3, 5, and 4, we analyze the state of
the art and we present the list of the considered crite-
ria and a synthesis of this analysis. Section 6 provides
a conclusion and some open issues.
The PaaS is the development, deployment and execu-
tion environment of an application in the Cloud. It
is devised to provide utmost benefits to the develop-
ers and to get rid them of the onerous task of man-
aging applications life cycle. Indeed, it enables high
scalability and on demand cloud services provision-
ing by automating its allocation/ deallocation to opti-
mally support the requirements of an application. In
addition, it ensures a high level of availability and re-
liability thanks to the load balancing and the failover
of services capabilities with respect to the application
requirements. It is also characterized by the automa-
tion in order to ensure an end-to-end support for the
applications lifecycle. Last but not least, it allows de-
velopers to use multiple operating systems, multiple
run-time and frameworks, and multiple databases to
collaborate with other developers. Against this back-
ground, we can emphasize a first multiple PaaS de-
ployment requirement which is:
: Ensuring scalability, elasticity and portability
In order to introduce the other requirements, we
present two possible use cases of the PaaS level that
a developer may encounter. In Figure 1, we showcase
the first use case which is applications deployment in
a single PaaS. In this case, the application can only
allocate the services of this PaaS. In this figure, we il-
lustrate three applications deployed in a single Cloud
environment and they are provisioning with three ser-
vices. Based on this, we stress the problem which is
to discover and to decide if the capabilities of a given
service are convenient for an application requirements
or not. In addition, applications are very dynamic and
frequently change its requirements in a Cloud envi-
ronment. Hence, they are obliged to allocate new ser-
vices. In most of the cases, an application is forced to
migrate to a new Cloud environment. In this context,
we identify the following requirements:
: Choosing a PaaS provider based on Applica-
tions requirements
: Exposing the application requirements
: Capturing PaaS providers capabilities
: Matching between application require-
ments and PaaS providers capabilities
: Migrating an application from one PaaS to
Figure 1: Scenario 1 - Application deployment in a single
PaaS provider.
Whereas the second use case matches the appli-
cations deployment in multiple PaaS providers (see
Figure 2). For instance, the application App1 uses
two services that are service 1 from the Cloud envi-
ronment where it is deployed and service 2 from an-
other Cloud environment. We do not deny that this
approach is very interesting since it enables to op-
timally support applications requirements. It allows
taking benefit from the variety of the PaaS offerings.
It also provides the developers with more alternatives
to satisfy their needs and optimize their applications
operation. In addition, it offers a PaaS-independent
mechanisms which considerably harmonize and sim-
plify the provisioning procedures of application com-
ponents across several PaaS providers. Nevertheless,
deploying an application in multiple PaaS providers
is a cumbersome and requires a painstaking work.
Based on this, we add the following requirement:
Applications Deployment in Multiple PaaS Environments: Requirements, Challenges and Solutions
: Easy deployment to single or multiple PaaS
Figure 2: Scenario 2 - Application deployment in multiple
PaaS providers.
In the rest of the paper, we will analyze the cur-
rent state of the art regarding these four requirements.
We will mainly focus on the requirements R
with its
three sub-requirements and R
. We do not specify a
section to the requirement R
since we suppose that is
implicitly ensured through the other requirements.
Several works deal with the problem of the discov-
ery and selection of services in Cloud environments.
Generally, these contributions enable developers to
describe their applications requirements using a very
specific model (e.g. a manifest, a SLA-based model,
a metric-based model, etc.). Then, they propose a set
of mechanisms enabling the selection of the most ap-
propriate PaaS provider to deploy the application.
Sellami et al. (Sellami et al., 2015) propose an
approach to automatically discover Cloud resources
in a PaaS environment. Indeed, developers express
their requirements in an abstract application mani-
fest. Then, their matching algorithm discovers the
PaaS providers capabilities that are exposed in an of-
fer manifest. It computes the distance between the
two manifests in order to elect the most appropri-
ate PaaS provider to the application requirements. In
their solution, authors mainly focus on the discovery
of data services and interest to single PaaS discovery.
Redl et al. (Redl et al., 2012) present an auto-
matic approach to check if the elements of the SLA
are valid or not. Doing so, they map each PaaS SLA
to an ontology and they define a matching algorithm
to compare the SLAs. Results of this matching are
analyzed in order to select the most appropriate ser-
vices provider. Although the idea of selecting Cloud
services based on the SLA is interesting, this ap-
proach does not enable application requirements de-
scription in terms of deployment in one or multiple
PaaS providers.
Garg et al. (Garg et al., 2011) present SMICloud
which is a framework enabling the comparison be-
tween two Cloud providers based on users require-
ments. In fact, SMICloud computes a set of metrics
referred to as Service Measurement Indexes (SMI).
The results of these SMIs are used by users in order
(1) to compare the different offers of Cloud environ-
ments, (2) to classify them using a predefined order,
(3) to evaluate their Quality of Service (QoS), and (4)
to select the most appropriate one to their require-
ments. Inspite of the completeness of SMICloud, it
is intended to work in the IaaS level.
Wittern et al. (Wittern et al., 2012) propose a
model based solution to select services in a Cloud en-
vironment in order to express users requirements and
services capabilities. For this purpose, they define an
algorithm that select services using a set of predefined
criteria. Nevertheless, this approach does not support
the multiple PaaS discovery.
In the SeaClouds project (Athanasopoulos et al.,
), authors propose an open source platform to support
applications in a multiple clouds environments. In-
deed, one of its key component is the SeaClouds Dis-
coverer which enables to discover available capabili-
ties and add-ons offered by available cloud providers.
It allows to declaratively select multiple Cloud ser-
vices based on the QoS expressed by the user. A
matching algorithm is implemented in order to select
the Cloud provider corresponding to the QoS required
by the user.
Quinton et al. (Quinton et al., 2014; Quinton et al.,
2016) propose SALOON which is a platform for au-
tomatically selecting and configuring cloud environ-
ments. Their solution is based on the functional and
non-functional application requirements in order to
select the most appropriate cloud environment to an
application. The key ingredient of their solution is the
use of the Software Product Lines and the Features
Models to represent the Cloud variability.
Li et al. (Li et al., 2010; Ang Li, 2010) define an
automatic solution to select the most appropriate PaaS
provider to an application requirements. This solu-
tion is referred to as CloudCmp. It compares the per-
formance and the cost of cloud providers in terms of
computing, storage, and networking resources using
benchmark tasks. It aims to elect the cloud provider
that has the best performance and the less cost. It
supports four cloud providers that namely are Ama-
zon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google AppEngine, and
Rackspace CloudServers.
Kang et al. (Kang and Sim, 2011; Kang and Sim,
2016) propose an agent-based solution to discover
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
cloud resources using ontologies. These ontologies
are referred to as CO-1 and CO-2, and enable to se-
mantically describe resources and the relationship be-
tween each others. The user requirements are defined
in the form of classAds. Authors introduce the dis-
covery process using four stages: the selection, the
evaluation, the filtering, and the recommendation.
Qu et al. (Qu et al., 2013) propose a model for
Cloud services selection by aggregating both (1) the
feedback issued from cloud users and (2) the objec-
tive performance benchmark testing from a trusted
third party. Their solution integrates four key compo-
nents: The Cloud Selection Service takes into charge
a request for services selection reception and pre-
processing. The Benchmark Testing Service which
designs a set of testing scenarios to evaluate the per-
formances metrics. The User Feedback Manage-
ment Service that is in charge to collect and manage
users feedback. The Assessment Aggregation Service
which aggregates the user feedback and the resulting
performance values in order to evaluate cloud services
scores and weight.
Han et al. (Han et al., 2009) propose a cloud ser-
vices selection framework based on a recommender
system with respect to their requirements. Indeed, the
recommender system define ranks to the different ser-
vices and the user should select the appropriate ones.
The rank is evaluated using the QoS and the analysis
of resources provided by cloud providers (using qual-
ity of virtualization, allocation cost, users feedback,
etc.). It is noteworthy that authors propose to select
multiple services from multiple cloud providers.
Table 1: Synthesis of the related works about multiple PaaS
providers discovery.
Studied Solutions
Multiple PaaS
Sellami et al. (Sellami et al., 2015) + + + + +
Redl et al. (Redl et al., 2012) + + + +
SMICloud (Garg et al., 2011) + + + + +
Wittern et al. (Wittern et al., 2012) + + + + +
SeaClouds + + + + +
(Athanasopoulos et al., )
SALOON (Quinton et al., 2016) + + + + + +
(Quinton et al., 2014)
Li et al. (Li et al., 2010), + + + + +
(Ang Li, 2010)
Kang et al. (Kang and Sim, 2011), + + + + +
(Kang and Sim, 2016)
Qu et al. (Qu et al., 2013) + + + + +
Han et al. (Han et al., 2009) + + + + + +
In this section, we present a synthesis about the pre-
sented works above. To do so, we fix a set of six cri-
teria on which we rely to evaluate these works. We
check whether these works propose a solution to (1)
describe application requirements, (2) expose PaaS
providers capabilities and (3) apply matching tech-
niques to elect the most suitable PaaS provider to an
application. We also verify if these works use a model
to automatically and declaratively dicover and select
PaaS providers. Finally, we point out that we target
applications in multiple PaaS providers. In Table 1,
we check for each work, whether it responds or not
to our criteria. We use + to denote that the proposed
work treats a given criteria. While, we use to show
that the related work does not propose a solution for
a given criteria. It is worth noting that we use this no-
tation throughout the upcoming sections to synthesis
the studied works.
Against this analysis, we conclude that these
works support the requirement R
, R
, and R
In addition, each solution has its own modeling in
order to ensure applications requirements and PaaS
providers capabilities description in a declarative way.
However, apart from some works, the rest does not
support multiple PaaS providers discovery and selec-
Today, we find several solutions enabling application
provisioning and deployment in Cloud environments.
However, the majority of these works focus on the
IaaS level. For instance, we can cite mOSAIC
, Per-
fCloud (Mancini et al., 2009), and PaaSage
. In-
deed, mOSAIC is a european project and proposes
a solution enabling the portability and the interop-
erability of data, services, and applications in differ-
ent IaaS providers. This project is based on a set of
negotiation mechanisms, contracts and ontologies al-
lowing to find Cloud services supporting applications
requirements. We also introduce the PaaSage euro-
pean project which proposes a model driven engineer-
ing based solution to model applications requirements
and IaaS capabilities and to deploy applications in
multiple IaaS providers. Although the completeness
and the performance of these solutions, it does not
Applications Deployment in Multiple PaaS Environments: Requirements, Challenges and Solutions
support the PaaS level. Nevertheless, we find some
approaches to deploy applications in the PaaS. In fact,
we cite Cloud4SOA (D’Andria et al., 2012; Kama-
teri et al., 2013), PaaSHopper (Paraiso et al., 2012;
Walraven et al., 2015), ANEKA (Wei et al., 2011),
COAPS (Sellami et al., 2013), SeaClouds (Athana-
sopoulos et al., ), Nucleus (Kolb and R
ock, 2016;
ock and Kolb, 2016), PaaS Manager (Cunha et al.,
2014) and Spinnaker
Cloud4SOA (D’Andria et al., 2012; Kamateri
et al., 2013) is a FP7 european project enabling to
interconnect heterogeneous PaaS providers that share
the same technologies. To do so, they use an ontology
to cover the heterogeneity between a set of software
components and models. Hence they ease the task
of developers and enhance platform providers with a
number of core capabilities. It is noteworthy that this
solution only supports SOA-based applications.
PaaSHopper (Paraiso et al., 2012; Walraven et al.,
2015) is a middleware platform enabling to develop
and deploy SaaS-based applications in multiple PaaS
providers. In fact, developers declaratively describe
their application features and requirements in terms of
PaaS. Then, PaaSHopper selects the appropriate PaaS
providers to execute the application and store its data.
ANEKA (Wei et al., 2011) is a framework for
building applications based on users requirements and
deploying them on multiple PaaS providers. It sup-
ports private and public providers. It includes four
key components. Indeed, the Aneka Master and the
Aneka Worker taking into charge the deployment pro-
cess. Whereas the Aneka Management Console and
the Aneka Client Libraries take into charge the appli-
cation development.
The Compatible One Application and Platform
Service API (COAPS API) (Sellami et al., 2013)
allows human and/or software agents to provision
and manage PaaS applications. This API provides a
unique layer to interact with any Cloud provider based
on manifests. It manages two kinds of resources: (1)
the environment which is a set of settings required
by developers to host and run their applications, and
(2) applications which are computer software or pro-
gram deployable in a Cloud environment. Recently,
COAPS API has been extended to support multiple
PaaS providers deployment.
The SeaClouds project (Athanasopoulos et al., )
enables to deploy applications in multiple and het-
erogeneous Clouds (i.e. IaaS and PaaS). Indeed, it
is based on two main components. The first one is re-
ferred to as the SeaClouds Planner which generates an
orchestration plan with respect to the application re-
quirements and topology. Whereas the second one is
the SeaClouds Deployer that executes the deployment
plan in one or multiple Clouds provider.
Nucleus (Kolb and R
ock, 2016; R
ock and Kolb,
2016) is a unified interface enabling applications de-
ployment and management in PaaS providers. It is
based on the REST architecture. This interface covers
the heterogeneity between the proprietary APIs and
models of each PaaS provider.
PaaS Manager (Cunha et al., 2014) is a frame-
work to integrate and aggregate various public PaaS
providers based on their similarities. Doing so, this
framework includes a unique API in order to reduce
the vendor lock-in between PaaS providers and ap-
plications developers. Indeed, it enables to create,
deploy, start, stop, delete and monitor an applica-
tion. It includes a REST API to automatically de-
ploy an application in a PaaS provider using Git. It is
noteworthy that this solution supports only four PaaS
providers and enables single PaaS deployment.
Spinnaker (Spinnaker, 2017) is an open source so-
lution enabling to prepare environment based on mul-
tiple clouds and to continuously deploy and manage
applications. It involves two key component. The
management component to manage resources in the
cloud and the deployment management component to
construct and manage continuous delivery workflows.
In this section, we present a synthesis of the works
that we have analyzed above (see Table 2). Indeed,
we investigate whether these solutions enable an easy
deployment in multiple PaaS providers. This will al-
low taking benefit from the variety of the PaaS offer-
ings. It also provides the developers with more alter-
natives to satisfy their needs and optimize their appli-
cations operation. In addition, we check if these so-
lutions are declarative. Indeed, this criteria is ensured
using a unified model and generic provisioning mech-
anisms. PaaS-independent mechanisms will consider-
ably harmonize and simplify the provisioning proce-
dures of applications components across several PaaS.
Finally, we are interested in the works that enable
automatic provisioning of applications across several
PaaS providers. This simplifies the deployment pro-
cess and alleviates the burden of this task imposed on
Against this analysis, we conclude that the ma-
jority of the studied works support multiple PaaS.
However, Cloud4SOA and SeaClouds partially meets
the second requirement related to the automatic
provisioning of applications across several PaaS.
Cloud4SOA supports only provisioning of applica-
tions that are designed according to SOA specifi-
CLOSER 2017 - 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 2: Synthesis of the related works about easy deploy-
ment to multiple PaaS providers
Studied Solutions
Multiple PaaS
Cloud4SOA + +/ +
(Kamateri et al., 2013; D’Andria et al., 2012)
PaaSHopper + +
(Walraven et al., 2015; Paraiso et al., 2012)
ANEKA (Wei et al., 2011) +
COAPS API (Sellami et al., 2013) + + +
SeaClouds (Athanasopoulos et al., ) + +/ +
Nucleus + +
(Kolb and R
ock, 2016; R
ock and Kolb, 2016)
PaaS Manager (Cunha et al., 2014) +
Spinnaker + + +
cations and SeaClouds for TOSCA specifications.
PaaSHopper, Nucleus and PaaS Manager are de-
signed for supporting multi-PaaS and they meet the
automatic deployment through an API and they do
not provide any declarative model and/or provisioning
operations. Hence, hey do not meet the first require-
ment. COAPS API and Spinnaker provide an API for
application deployment across several PaaS offerings.
Both works meets requirements related to the need for
declarative model and automatic deployment.
Applications migration consists in moving already
deployed applications from one PaaS provider to an-
other. It is done in two main steps: (1) moving the
application data and (2) moving and re-deploying the
application itself to the new PaaS provider. In the lit-
erature, several studies on cloud migration have been
achieved. The majority of existing cloud migration
studies are focusing on the provisioning or on the mi-
gration of legacy software to the Cloud (e.g. MODA-
Clouds (Ardagna et al., 2012), CloudMIG (Frey and
Hasselbring, 2010),etc.). None of these are actually
dealing with the migration between PaaS providers.
In the rest of this section, we present few works deal-
ing with the PaaS level.
Beslic et al. (Beslic et al., 2013) propose a Model-
Driven Architecture and Refactoring based approach
to migrate an application between PaaS providers.
Their contribution includes three steps: the vendor
discovery, the application transformation, and the de-
ployment. However, authors remain only to a high-
level concept of the migration process and do not give
any details about the implementation level of their ap-
Cloud Motion Framework (CMotion) (Binz et al.,
2011) ensures applications migration into and be-
tween clouds. It enables to reduce the vendor lock-
in for applications already hosted in a given cloud.
Based on the application’s topology, authors show
how adapt existing software to use different PaaS on
the Cloud services. Each of the components is mi-
grated while taking into account the relations and de-
pendencies of the components to the others.
ConPaaS (Pierre and Stratan, 2012) is a run-time
environment for elastic applications hosting and de-
ployment on multiple PaaS providers. The services
are offered through abstractions that hide the real
implementations and can be instantiated on multi-
ple clouds. Applications in ConPaaS are composed
of services programmed through a common generic
Python interface for the service management and
a Javascript part to extend the front-end GUI with
service-specific information and control.
Migration Assessment Tool (MAT) (Sharma et al.,
2013) enables to assess a software application for mi-
gration to different popular cloud platforms. This ap-
proach is based on (1) analyzing the dependencies of
the source code of an application taking into account
their technical services and capabilities and (2) eval-
uating the support for those services and capabilities
in the target PaaS platform(s). These capabilities and
services are gathered in a set of repositories.
Other existing works use the containerization and
virtualization technologies (e.g. Docker, Linux-
VServer, OpenVZ, LXC, and Rock) to enable dis-
tributed applications deployment across several PaaS
(Dua et al., 2014) (Kolb et al., 2015). These ap-
proaches consists on packaging the applications com-
ponents dynamically in a generated service contain-
ers. The generated service containers implement the
applications components requirements. Then, the
containers are pushed to the cloud as standalone ap-
plications. Today, various PaaS solutions are based on
the container technology and they mainly use Docker
coupled with Kubernates. For instance, we can cite
Flynn, DEIS, AppFog solutions. Applications in
these PaaS solutions are based on the same technolo-
gies and standards. Hence, the migration process will
be easier.
In this section, we elaborate a synthesis about the
discussed works above. Doing so, we fix our crite-
ria based on the classification of Andrikopoulos et al.
(Andrikopoulos et al., 2013) that identify four possi-
Applications Deployment in Multiple PaaS Environments: Requirements, Challenges and Solutions
ble types of applications migration. Indeed, we will
check what is the type of application migration sup-
ported by the considered approaches. First, we have
the type I that consists on replacing the application
components with new PaaS services. Then, we have
the type II which represents the case of partially mi-
gration. Indeed, some of the application components
are migrated to another PaaS provider. Afterward, we
have the type III that consists on migrating the whole
software stack of the application to a PaaS provider.
This is the classic example of migration to the Cloud,
where for example the application is encapsulated in
VMs and ran on the Cloud. Finally, we have the
type IV which is a complete migration of the appli-
cation. The application functionality is implemented
as a composition of services running on the Cloud.
Based on this classification, we showcase in Table 3
the migration methods mentioned above and we asso-
ciate each one to the appropriate migration type.
Table 3: Synthesis of the related works about migrating an
application from one PaaS to another.
Studied Solutions
Type I
Type II
Type III
Type IV
Beslic et al. (Beslic et al., 2013) + +
CMotion (Binz et al., 2011) + +
ConPaaS (Pierre and Stratan, 2012) + +
MAT (Sharma et al., 2013) + +
Dua et al. (Dua et al., 2014) + + +
org et al.(Kolb et al., 2015) + + +
To sum up, apart from ConPaaS, all the studied
works ensure the Types II and III of application mi-
gration in PaaS levels. However, only ConPaaS take
into account the Type I since they can replace com-
ponent by Cloud services. Indeed, it proposes six ser-
vices for hosting the applications (web and database).
Whereas the works published in (Dua et al., 2014)
and (Kolb et al., 2015) are considered of Type IV
since they ensure the migration of the whole appli-
cation functionality by using the containerization.
In this paper, we have defined and classified require-
ments of application deployment in multiple PaaS
providers through two possible scenarios. We have
identified four requirements (i.e. R
Regarding each requirement, we have analyzed the
current state of the art and stressed the strenghts and
the limitations of each solution. As a result, we sum-
marized the different solutions in three tables. In fact,
we have defined for each table a set of criteria taking
into account the existing lock-in in the PaaS market
and developers expectations (i.e. to easily and seam-
lessly deploy and manage their applications in multi-
ple PaaS providers).
We are currently working to address part of these
requirements. Indeed, we are focusing on proposing
an automatic and declarative solution (1) to discover
and to select services, and (2) to deploy applications
in multiple PaaS providers.
This work has been funded by the Belgian research
project MoDePaaS identified by the convention num-
ber 1610385.
Andrikopoulos, V., Binz, T., Leymann, F., and Strauch, S.
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Applications Deployment in Multiple PaaS Environments: Requirements, Challenges and Solutions