A Method for Web Content Extraction and Analysis in the Tourism
Ermelinda Oro
and Massimo Ruffolo
National Research Council (CNR), Via P. Bucci 41/C, 87036, Rende (CS), Italy
Altilia srl, Vermicelli Square, Technest University of Calabria, 87036, Rende (CS), Italy
Big Data, Data Integration, Web Extraction, Text Analysis, Text Processing, Social Network, Sentiment
Analysis, Knowledge Extraction, Smart Tourism, Big Sport Event, Tennis Italian Open.
Big data generated across the web is assuming growing importance in producing insights useful to understand
real-world phenomena and to make smarter decisions. The tourism is one of the leading growth sectors, there-
fore, methods and technologies that simplify and empower web contents gathering, processing, and analysis
are becoming more and more important in this application area. In this paper, we present a web content analyt-
ics method that automates and simplifies content extraction and acquisition from many different web sources,
like newspapers and social networks, accelerate content cleaning, analysis, and annotation, makes faster in-
sights generation by visual exploration of analysis results. We, also, describe an application to a real-world
use case regarding the analysis of the touristic impact of the Italian Open tennis tournament. Obtained results
show that our method makes the analysis of news and social media posts more easy, agile, and effective.
Big data generated across the web has created nu-
merous opportunities to bring more insights useful to
make smart decisions. Therefore, technologies and
approaches aimed at gathering and analyzing huge
amount of contents from the Web are important in
many application fields.
The tourism is one of the leading growth sectors.
Many factors influence tourism growth, and one of
the more considerable contribution comes from the
big events, like sport tournaments. Smart tourism
applications require the capability to analyze the im-
pact of such events to understand which are weakness
and strengths of the touristic offer. News published
in on-line media and comments of social networks
can be valuable sources that provide useful data for
analyzing tourism events. The insight deduced from
such an analysis is of paramount importance for smart
tourism, not only for the event itself or to develop
marketing strategies, but also to improve the social
and economic context and, in particular to improve
the knowledge for the hosting city needed to develop
a smart city. For this reason, hosting a big event or
more specifically big sport-event, is much appealing,
but without a deep analysis a lot of opportunities can
be lost. To the best of our knowledge, in literature
methods for combining and analyzing heterogeneous
big amounts of web contents in the tourism sector
have not been defined.
This paper aims to design, propose and test a
framework to facilitates the massive gathering, clean-
ing, and analysis of tourism related contents from dif-
ferent sources, such as social networks and newspa-
pers. We describe a content analytics method based
on the following main steps: (i) content extraction
from web sources, (ii) content analysis and annota-
tion, (iii) visual insight generation. The presented
method is generic and applicable to other big data
contexts in order to analyze unstructured data and en-
hance decision making capabilities. The main contri-
bution of the paper is that we propose a method that
makes content analytics: (i) easy, fluid, and applica-
ble to many different data sources; (ii) accurate and
meaningful because we adopt a sentiment analysis al-
gorithm capable to extract sentiments and opinion tar-
gets, and make annotation and classification on the
based of taxonomies and ontologies. This way, it is
straightforward to get insights about specific aspects
of city life and services impacting on tourism.
To show the effectiveness of the proposed method,
we have applied it to the analysis of the Italian Open
event, which is part of the nine major tennis tourna-
ments in the world after those of the Grand Slam.
Oro, E. and Ruffolo, M.
A Method forWeb Content Extraction and Analysis in the Tourism Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0006371103650370
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2017) - Volume 1, pages 365-370
ISBN: 978-989-758-247-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This event has grown over the years. Most important
worldwide tennis players take part to this tournament
that attracts a lot of attention generating value for the
city of Rome, which get many social and economic
benefits from the event. We present preliminary re-
sults obtained by applying the proposed method to the
evaluation of the impact of the Italian Open. In partic-
ular, we carry out an initial quantitative and qualita-
tive analysis of texts related to the event coming from
social networks and on-line media.
This article is organized as follows. Section 2
briefly describes the related work. Section 3 intro-
duces the methodology and used tools. Section 4
presents our initial results on the Italian Open use
case. Section 5 discusses and concludes the work.
As described in (Xiang and Fesenmaier, 2017), smart
tourism is related to the capability of collecting enor-
mous amounts of data, intelligently storing, process-
ing, combining, and analyzing them and using big
data to design tourism operations, services and busi-
ness innovation. More in detail, there is a lot of work
that highlights the power of analyzing sport event to
support smart tourism (Marine-Roig and Clav
e, 2015;
Wang et al., 2013).
Different studies have been conducted to explore
the impact of hosting large-scale sport tourism events
focusing on mainly tangible out-comes (i.e., eco-
nomic benefits) rather reputational impacts (Gibson,
1998). For example, authors in (Fourie and Santana-
Gallego, 2011) have the objective to study the ef-
fect of mega-sport events on tourist arrivals by us-
ing standard datasets. Other works analyzes senti-
ments in social network during sport events. (Kim
and Walker, 2012) examined residents’ perceptions
for FIFA World Cup, whereas (Thomaz et al., 2016)
analyzes of Twitter content related to tourist services
during the FIFA World Cup 2014. We observed that
existing works lack of the capability to process and
combine different types of sources by using a unique
framework, and they are focused mainly on social net-
works. In addition, our application considers the Ital-
ian Open event, and to the best of our knowledge,
there aren’t existing papers analyzing the impact of
tennis tournaments on tourism.
Big Data management arises with many chal-
lenges, such as difficulties in data capture (in par-
ticular, from unstructured sources), data analysis and
data visualization. In (Chen and Zhang, 2014) a
state-of-the-art of techniques and technologies re-
cently adopted to deal with the Big Data problems
is presented. A technology for independent refer-
ence architecture for big data systems is presented
in (P
onen and Pakkala, 2015). We have imple-
mented the method described in this paper by using
MANTRA Smart Data Platform described in (Oro
and Ruffolo, 2015). It makes use of contextual work-
flows and apps to extract and manipulate data from
documents. The main advantages of this platform,
with respect other technologies, are the possibility to:
(i) simply encapsulate our algorithms in apps of the
platform and run them in a cloud based big data con-
text, and (ii) create, in a visual way, complex applica-
tions by combining apps that embed our algorithms in
contextual workflows.
To extract valuable insights from unstructured big
data the capability to process natural language for
recognizing interesting entities and extracting senti-
ments is needed. Sentiment analysis on social net-
works messages is attracting a lot of interest (Bifet
and Frank, 2010). Walaa et al. (Medhat et al., 2014)
provides a recent comprehensive overview of the sen-
timent analysis in text mining field. There are many
tools for performing natural language processing in
big data context, whether proprietary or open source
(e.g., NLTK (Bird, 2006)). In this paper we use the
MANTRA Language (Oro and Ruffolo, 2015). It pro-
vides a rule based approach that enables to combine
knowedge representation by import and/or implement
ad-hoc ontologies/taxonomies and to easily define do-
main specific rule sets for analyzing sentimens. Based
on our knowledge, there are not other languages that
have all these advantages at the same time.
This section introduces a general data processing and
analytics method suitable for collecting and analyz-
ing data related to a tourism topics, like a sport event.
The proposed method consists of three general stages
described in detail in the following: (i) Web data ex-
traction and preprocessing. (ii) Content analysis and
annotation. (iii) Visual insight generation.
Data Collection and Preprocessing. Once the in-
put web sites and social network has been chosen, we
apply automatic extractor algorithms in order to trans-
form unstructured data in structured form.
The News Extractor algorithm takes as input the
home page URL of online newspapers and recognizes
links of articles in the page. To recognize links of ar-
ticles contained in the home page of newspaper, we
use an heuristic that exploits both visual/spatial and
DOM features of titles of articles abstracts, e.g. fonts,
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
colors, header tags, anchor link attributes. They nor-
mally have similar structure and position with respect
to other elements in the whole page layout. For ex-
ample, the algorithm checks the existence of the right
context in the expected position, i.e. images, abstract
text, and other links normally are below of the title of
The Article Extractor algorithm exploits an
heuristic, similar to the one use in the New Extrac-
tor algorithm, to identify and extract (in a structured
format) the clean content, title, images, and date of
each linked article. More in detail, the Article Ex-
tractor algorithm clean HTML tags and recognize the
real content related to the news deleting noises, such
as navigation menus, advertisements, other links, etc.
It exploits the centrality of main text, the emphasis of
the title and the existence of main images.
For each analyzed website are extracted only news
that speak about the target topic. Such a selection
is performed by searching terms and their synonyms
that the article should contain. We design simple
patterns based to regular expressions to recognize
such target terms. We intent to apply deeper se-
mantic methods in the future. For instance, in the
case study related to the analysis of the Italian Open
event we selected interesting news by using and com-
bining simple terms like ”IBI”, ”Master (s)? 1000
(a)? Rome”, ”Foro Italico”, ”International (BNL)?”,
”WTA (Primier|Master)? (5)? (of)? Rome”.
In order to extract information from social net-
work we exploit their API, such as the Twitter’s
Search API. For instance, to extract posts and com-
ments in the official Facebook page of the IBI we used
the social network’s API. Different features can be ex-
tracted, e.g,: message text, shared links and images,
number of received likes, number of shares of the
post, relationship between messages and comments.
All extracted data are stored in a Big Data store.
In our implementation we used Hadoop.
Content Analysis and Annotation. The scope of
this step is to transform flat text into meaningful in-
formation and knowledge. We implemented a variety
of algorithms to analyze content, opinions, and topic
in social comments and in news.
Firstly, we represented a taxonomy of target enti-
ties and associated patterns to recognize such entities
in the text by using the MANTRA Language (Oro and
Ruffolo, 2015), which is a first order logic like lan-
guage enabling to represent domain knowledge and
extraction patterns by exploiting dictionaries, ontolo-
gies and built-in functions. The type and quality of
information that the machine recognizes, are based
on the modeled knowledge. We decided to define
a custom domain taxonomy in order to have a sim-
ple knowledge representation focused on the specific
applications. However, the MANTRA Language can
import and exploit OWL ontologies. In the IBI case
study, we represented players, sporting events, sports
organizations, hashtags and emoticons (relevant for
social networks). Fig. 1 shows a sample of the tax-
onomy applied to recognize concepts relevant for the
Italian Open.
Figure 1: A sample of application taxonomy.
In addition to patterns written in MANTRA Lan-
guage, in order to recognize topics in the flat text,
we exploited a keyword-based approach based on the
n-gram recognition and high-frequency terms (Chen
et al., 2013).
Furthermore, we implemented the sentiment ana-
lyzer writing rules written in the MANTRA Language
and by exploiting: (i) The sentiwordnet dictionary
that label words in positive, negative or neural classes
giving a certain polarity (Baccianella et al., 2010) (ii)
Natural language like patterns to associate the polar-
ity to sentences and to the whole input text. We recog-
nize not just the positive or negative polarity. We also
assign a polarity score that express the intensity of
the sentiment. Furthermore, we compute the opinion-
target (i.e the entity which the opinion is referred to).
Polarity analysis can be helpful to get an idea of peo-
ple’s reaction to various target entities, which can pro-
vide valuable insights. It is noteworthy that recogniz-
ing sentiment in social media is challenging because
texts are written ignoring spelling and grammar rules,
featuring lexical and syntactic problems such as slang,
abbreviations, emoticons. Therefore, we found useful
the possibility given by the MANTRA Language to
A Method forWeb Content Extraction and Analysis in the Tourism Domain
define patterns that are not strictly based on natural
language rules and that can exploit the emoticons to
express mood.
Visual Insight Generation. This step consists in
visual observation, evaluation, and interpretation of
relationships, trends, and values get by analytical ac-
tivities performed in previous steps. We adopted a
data visualization approach to explore data. This en-
ables a concise and powerful results exploration to
data scientist and business users. Therefore, news and
comments can be analyzed considering both quan-
titative information (e.g.,: number of news, various
types of sources, different entities, etc.), and quali-
tative information to understand the type of shared
contents by users, mentioned entities, opinions that
derive from posts, comments and articles. Some ex-
amples of the performed analysis on IBI are shown in
the following section.
To implement the proposed method, we used the
MANTRA Smart Data Platform (Oro and Ruffolo,
2015), that combines semantic, big data, and cloud
computing technologies. It enables the creation of
Big Data Analytics applications by exploiting contex-
tual worksflows and Apps. Apps are software mod-
ules that internally performs complex computational
tasks like content extraction and analytics algorithms
described above. The platform enables to combine
Apps to create contextual workflow and manages the
parallel, distributed excetution of workflows in the
cloud. We chose MANTRA because, with respect
to the tools available in literature, it consists in an
holistic approach, that with his orchestrator simplify
the connections of complex application encapsulated
in Apps. The MANTRA Platform makes available
two main GUIs that allow for implementing, in a vi-
sual way, the presented method: the MANTRA Work-
flow Modeler and the MANTRA Mashboard Mod-
eler. The MANTRA Workflow Modeler (see Fig. 2)
allows user to design workflows where each block-
/step is a MANTRA App. The MANTRA Mashboard
Modeler allows for creating dynamic dashboards in
which the generated charts can be navigated and ex-
plored along different dimensions by combining and
aggregating various types of collected data.
In order to test proposed method, in this section we
present its practical application to the extraction, ac-
quisition, and analysis of contents about the Italian
Open tennis tournament.
Figure 2: An Example of MANTRA Contextual Workflow.
It enables to: (i) acquire clean articles from online newspa-
pers, posts and comments from Facebook; (ii) extract enti-
ties; (iii) analyze sentiments; (iv) create the enriched dataset
that can be visualized and explored by Mashboards.
Domain and Data Description. In the last decade,
the Italian Open (also called IBI) recorded an extraor-
dinary growth trend, with a higher increasing of sold
tickets. But, such a measure is not the only one that
should be considered. In fact, beside the significant
growth in size (the public), IBI has grown also in
media visibility, including social networks and online
newspaper. In last years, IBI has been the main in-
dividual event for attractiveness in Rome, which an-
nually hosts the event. Therefore, it is important to
understand the reputational effects: knowledge about
the high number of conversations that are generated
online on IBI, and the quality in terms of content,
emotions, and the different results based on the dif-
ferent involved media.
We considered articles of the most famous news-
papers dedicated to the tennis topic, and posts/com-
ments of the official Facebook page of IBI (Table 1)
published during the years 2014 and 2015. To per-
form the analysis, we used the heterogeneous sources
listed in Table 1 below. The dataset, created by au-
tomatically extracting contents from these sources, is
publicly available
Table 1: List of considered online sources.
Source Website
FB Internazionali-BNL-dItalia-267627913872
Internazionali www.internazionalibnlditalia.com
Livetennis www.livetennis.it
Ubitennis www.ubitennis.com
Tennisitaliano www.tennisitaliano.it
Spaziotennis www.spaziotennis.com
Tennisbest Tennisbest.com
Tennis Tennis.it
Federtennis www.federtennis.it
We apply the presented method to IBI related con-
tents with the aim to answer the following questions:
(i) When and how much do newspapers and social
Datasets are available at:
ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
networks talk about Italian Open? (ii) What is the
most discussed topic? (iii) What is the opinion about
Italian Open? (iv) What are the most active users?
When and How Much do Newspapers and Social
Networks Talk about Italian Open? Fig. 3 shows
how the news that talk about the IBI are distributed
over the time.
Figure 3: Distribution of IBI’s news over the time.
Figure 4: Number of IBI’s news per newspaper.
The number of articles about IBI has been sub-
stantially increased in 2015 compared to 2014. Ob-
viously, there is much talk of the IBI in May and in
the months preceding and following the event. The
histogram shown in Fig. 4 shows the websites that
published the largest number of news related to the
IBI domain. Likewise, analyzing Facebook fanpage
we detected the increasing number of posts and com-
ments, and also the numbers of users increased signif-
icantly over the time.
What is the Most Discussed Topic? To analyze
the content of articles and posts/comments, we use
the taxonomy that we have defined by using the
MANTRA Language showed in Fig. 1. The news arti-
cles can be analyzed considering the title and the body
of the article. As expected, the most frequent concept
were event, the place where is played, and the players
who disputed the matches, and in particular the most
famous players in the international and national con-
text. In Fig. 5 are shown the players that have been
discussed more frequently in the analyzed years. In
addition, the analysis has shown that newspapers dis-
cuss more about male events, whereas Facebook com-
ments are often related to the female gender. Like in
Figure 5: Tag cloud about the ”tennis player” concept.
Twitter, hashtags and smiles are often used in the so-
cial network. Most commonly used hashtags in order
of frequency are: #tennis, #ibi16, #wta, #atp, #ibi14,
#ibi15, #countdown, #federer, #ajdenole, #masha
What is the Opinion about Italian Open? In this
subsection is shown the sentiment detected in the ar-
ticles and in the post/comments. Our method is able
to recognize, not just the positive or negative polarity,
but also the intensity of the polarity and the opinion-
target. Fig. 6 shows the percentage of articles that
express positive, negative or neutral opinions. Nor-
mally, the whole news articles express positive senti-
ment. But, by analyzing individual sentences of news,
negative statements are often identified.
Figure 6: Percentage of negative, positive and neutral opin-
ions expressed in the news considering (a) the whole article
and (b) each single sentence.
Same analysis have been performed on Facebook
posts and comments. We observed, that comments
express more negative opinions than posts. This is be-
cause posts are mainly informative messages. Click-
ing on negative sentiment, every sentiment and re-
lated opinion-target, also associated to the modeled
taxonomy of concepts, can be explored. For instance,
by choosing negative sentiment, and selecting the
opinion-target ”Rome”, we found that generally is-
sues are about the inability to visit Rome. We deeply
studied the difficulties in visiting Rome and we ob-
tained main problems in public transports.
What are the Most Active Users? We extracted
the most active users. We observed that the posts are
essentially written by the International Tennis orga-
nizations, and only comments are written by Tennis
fans. By graph analysis, we detected the influencers.
A Method forWeb Content Extraction and Analysis in the Tourism Domain
We used our method to collect, process, explore
and monitor the topics of interest and the reputation
of the Italian Open and its hosting city. Even in this
early stage of the case study, our method enabled us to
discover issues that touristic operators should resolve
to reinforcing the ability of the city to receive tourists
attracted from the tennis event.
In this paper we described a method for extracting
and analyzing data useful for supporting strategic
tourism management. The contribution of the pro-
posed method is its ability to make content analyt-
ics processes, requiring data extraction, cleaning, and
analysis, more easy and flexible. In particular, the
method as been implemented by the MANTRA Smart
Data Platfrom as a contextual processing workflow
combining several algorithms that can be executed
in parallel and disturbed way on massive contents.
This makes also the method general and reusable in
other areas. We described initial results deriving from
the application of the method to the acquisition and
analysis of contents related to the Italian Open sport
event. The case study explains how tourism related
content posted by users on newspaper websites and
social media can be monitored and, consequently, be
used as knowledge useful to improve competitiveness
of tourism companies and services. Main insights ob-
tained by analyzing contents about IBI have been the
identification of difficulties in visiting Rome. Such
a result, can suggest enhances that tourism organiza-
tions and destination cities can perform to promote
smart tourism.
There are different suggestion for future research.
About the technical point of view, we will focus on
implementing and applying machine learning tech-
niques to identify new concepts in (semi)automatic
way. We will extract further information, like “an-
notated facts” that characterize the event (i.e. triples
that describe subjects, objects, and related actions).
A comparison between natural-language-based and
neural-network-based methods will be performed.
About the application case study, our goals will be
an extension of considered sources and content ex-
tracted. We intent to perform a comparison with other
events in order to identify the highest economic and
reputational level that it can be reached. This compar-
ison will allow the identification of factors that pro-
duce a better reputational impact.
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ICEIS 2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems